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Console Output

Skipping 2,797 KB.. Full Log
'node_modules/zod/lib/locales/en.d.ts' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/lib/locales/en.d.ts'
'node_modules/zod/lib/helpers' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/lib/helpers'
'node_modules/zod/lib/helpers/enumUtil.js' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/lib/helpers/enumUtil.js'
'node_modules/zod/lib/helpers/errorUtil.js' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/lib/helpers/errorUtil.js'
'node_modules/zod/lib/helpers/parseUtil.js' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/lib/helpers/parseUtil.js'
'node_modules/zod/lib/helpers/partialUtil.js' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/lib/helpers/partialUtil.js'
'node_modules/zod/lib/helpers/typeAliases.js' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/lib/helpers/typeAliases.js'
'node_modules/zod/lib/helpers/util.js' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/lib/helpers/util.js'
'node_modules/zod/lib/helpers/enumUtil.d.ts' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/lib/helpers/enumUtil.d.ts'
'node_modules/zod/lib/helpers/errorUtil.d.ts' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/lib/helpers/errorUtil.d.ts'
'node_modules/zod/lib/helpers/parseUtil.d.ts' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/lib/helpers/parseUtil.d.ts'
'node_modules/zod/lib/helpers/partialUtil.d.ts' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/lib/helpers/partialUtil.d.ts'
'node_modules/zod/lib/helpers/typeAliases.d.ts' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/lib/helpers/typeAliases.d.ts'
'node_modules/zod/lib/helpers/util.d.ts' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/lib/helpers/util.d.ts'
'node_modules/zod/lib/errors.js' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/lib/errors.js'
'node_modules/zod/lib/external.js' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/lib/external.js'
'node_modules/zod/lib/index.js' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/lib/index.js'
'node_modules/zod/lib/index.umd.js' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/lib/index.umd.js'
'node_modules/zod/lib/types.js' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/lib/types.js'
'node_modules/zod/lib/ZodError.js' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/lib/ZodError.js'
'node_modules/zod/lib/index.mjs' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/lib/index.mjs'
'node_modules/zod/lib/errors.d.ts' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/lib/errors.d.ts'
'node_modules/zod/lib/external.d.ts' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/lib/external.d.ts'
'node_modules/zod/lib/index.d.ts' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/lib/index.d.ts'
'node_modules/zod/lib/types.d.ts' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/lib/types.d.ts'
'node_modules/zod/lib/ZodError.d.ts' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/lib/ZodError.d.ts'
'node_modules/zod/package.json' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/package.json'
'node_modules/zod/' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/'
'node_modules/zod/index.d.ts' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/zod/index.d.ts'
~/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build ~/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build
mkdir: created directory '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinux-tool'
'app-icon.png' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinux-tool/app-icon.png'
'' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinux-tool/'
'main.qml' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinux-tool/main.qml'
'prolinux-tool.desktop' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/opt/prolinux-tool/prolinux-tool.desktop'
'prolinux-tool.desktop' -> '/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs/usr/share/applications/prolinux-tool.desktop'
+ mkdir /opt/pm2
+ chown user:user /opt/pm2
+ echo 'export PATH=/opt/nodejs/bin/:/opt/pm2/node_modules/pm2/bin/:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/var/lib/snapd/snap/bin'
+ sudo -u user bash
Setting up pm2...
npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade  to version 7 or higher.  Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic.  See for details.

added 162 packages in 4s

14 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details
npm notice 
npm notice New minor version of npm available! 10.1.0 -> 10.5.2
npm notice Changelog: <>
npm notice Run `npm install -g npm@10.5.2` to update!
npm notice 
+ set -e
+ chown -R user:user /home/user
+ mkdir -pv /opt/kde
+ chown -R user:user /opt/kde
+ ln -s /usr/bin/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu-g++ '/usr/bin/ distcc g++'
+ ln -s /usr/bin/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu-g++ '/usr/bin/ g++'
+ pacman --noconfirm -U
loading packages...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (2) python-urllib3-1.26.18-1  python-dulwich-0.21.7-1

Total Installed Size:  8.23 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
checking keyring...
checking package integrity...
loading package files...
checking for file conflicts...
checking available disk space...
:: Processing package changes...
installing python-urllib3...
Optional dependencies for python-urllib3
    python-brotli: Brotli support
    python-certifi: security support
    python-cryptography: security support
    python-idna: security support
    python-pyopenssl: security support
    python-pysocks: SOCKS support
installing python-dulwich...
Optional dependencies for python-dulwich
    python-fastimport: for fast-import support
    python-gpgme: for PGP signature support
    python-idna: for HTTPS support via urllib3
    python-paramiko: for use as the SSH implementation
    python-pyopenssl: for HTTPS support via urllib3
    python-pyinotify: to watch for changes to refs
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/1) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
+ sudo -u user bash
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (3) perl-common-sense-3.75-5  perl-types-serialiser-1.01-2  perl-json-xs-4.03-4

Total Installed Size:  0.19 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
checking keyring...
checking package integrity...
loading package files...
checking for file conflicts...
checking available disk space...
:: Processing package changes...
installing perl-common-sense...
installing perl-types-serialiser...
installing perl-json-xs...
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/2) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
(2/2) Warn about old perl modules
Cloning into 'kdesrc-build'...
kdesrc-build 22.07 (v22.07-645-g87cdf784)
=== install-distro-packages-perl ===
 - Installing system packages for prolinux...
    Installing packages for arch/unknown
    Using installer for arch
 * Running 'sudo pacman -S --noconfirm perl-json perl-json-xs perl-yaml-libyaml perl-io-socket-ssl perl-libwww perl-xml-parser'
warning: perl-json-xs-4.03-4 is up to date -- reinstalling
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (24) perl-clone-0.46-2  perl-encode-locale-1.05-11  perl-file-listing-6.16-2  perl-html-parser-3.81-2  perl-html-tagset-3.20-14  perl-http-cookiejar-0.014-1  perl-http-cookies-6.11-1  perl-http-daemon-6.16-2  perl-http-date-6.06-1  perl-http-message-6.45-1  perl-http-negotiate-6.01-12  perl-io-html-1.004-4  perl-lwp-mediatypes-6.04-4  perl-net-http-6.23-2  perl-net-ssleay-1.92-3  perl-try-tiny-0.31-3  perl-uri-5.21-1  perl-www-robotrules-6.02-12  perl-io-socket-ssl-2.085-1  perl-json-4.10-1  perl-json-xs-4.03-4  perl-libwww-6.72-1  perl-xml-parser-2.46-5  perl-yaml-libyaml-0.89-1

Total Installed Size:  3.50 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:      3.33 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
checking keyring...
checking package integrity...
loading package files...
checking for file conflicts...
checking available disk space...
:: Processing package changes...
installing perl-json...
reinstalling perl-json-xs...
installing perl-yaml-libyaml...
installing perl-net-ssleay...
installing perl-uri...
installing perl-io-socket-ssl...
installing perl-encode-locale...
installing perl-http-date...
installing perl-file-listing...
installing perl-html-tagset...
installing perl-clone...
installing perl-io-html...
installing perl-lwp-mediatypes...
installing perl-http-message...
installing perl-html-parser...
installing perl-http-cookies...
installing perl-http-daemon...
installing perl-http-cookiejar...
installing perl-http-negotiate...
installing perl-net-http...
installing perl-try-tiny...
installing perl-www-robotrules...
installing perl-libwww...
Optional dependencies for perl-libwww
    perl-lwp-protocol-https: for https:// url schemes
installing perl-xml-parser...
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/2) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
(2/2) Warn about old perl modules
 * Looks like the necessary packages were successfully installed!
=== install-distro-packages ===
Cloning sysadmin-repo-metadata
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

 - Installing system packages for prolinux...
    Installing packages for arch/unknown
    Using installer for arch
 * Running 'sudo pacman -S --noconfirm autoconf automake bison flex gcc gperf make texinfo clang cmake meson ninja corrosion boost docbook-xsl doxygen gi-docgen git intltool pkg-config libaccounts-qt libdbusmenu-qt5 packagekit phonon-qt5 poppler-qt5 poppler-qt6 qca-qt5 qca-qt6 qcoro-qt6 qt5-base qt5-script qt5-svg qt5-tools qt5-websockets qt5-x11extras qt6 qtkeychain-qt5 qtkeychain-qt6 black-hole-solver check docbook-xsl eigen eigen enchant exiv2 flatpak fluidsynth freecell-solver giflib itstool jasper kdsoap libcanberra libdisplay-info libdmtx libfakekey libgit2 libical libolm libpwquality libqalculate libraw libutempter libxcvt libxmlb libxss lmdb microsoft-gsl mlt mpv networkmanager openal openexr plymouth power-profiles-daemon python-cairo python-pip python-setuptools python-sphinx qgpgme-qt6 qrencode ruby-sass ruby-test-unit sane sccache shared-mime-info signond udisks2 upower vala vlc wayland-protocols xapian-core xapian-core xerces-c xf86-input-libinput xf86-input-wacom xmlto xorg-server-devel xsd zxing-cpp gtk3 xdotool gobject-introspection xf86-input-evdev discount djvulibre ebook-tools libspectre libzip python-psutil python-pygdbmi python-sentry_sdk'
warning: autoconf-2.72-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: automake-1.16.5-2 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: bison-3.8.2-6 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: flex-2.6.4-5 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: gcc-12.1.0-2.1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: make-4.4.1-2 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: texinfo-7.1-2 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: clang-17.0.6-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: git-2.44.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: pkgconf-2.1.1-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qcoro-qt6-0.10.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt5-base-5.15.13+kde+r145-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt5-svg-5.15.13+kde+r6-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt5-x11extras-5.15.13-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
:: There are 39 members in group qt6:
:: Repository extra
   1) qt6-3d  2) qt6-5compat  3) qt6-base  4) qt6-charts  5) qt6-connectivity  6) qt6-datavis3d  7) qt6-declarative  8) qt6-doc  9) qt6-examples  10) qt6-graphs  11) qt6-grpc  12) qt6-httpserver  13) qt6-imageformats  14) qt6-languageserver  15) qt6-location  16) qt6-lottie  17) qt6-multimedia  18) qt6-networkauth  19) qt6-positioning  20) qt6-quick3d  21) qt6-quick3dphysics  22) qt6-quickeffectmaker  23) qt6-quicktimeline  24) qt6-remoteobjects  25) qt6-scxml  26) qt6-sensors  27) qt6-serialbus  28) qt6-serialport  29) qt6-shadertools  30) qt6-speech  31) qt6-svg  32) qt6-tools  33) qt6-translations  34) qt6-virtualkeyboard  35) qt6-wayland  36) qt6-webchannel  37) qt6-webengine  38) qt6-websockets  39) qt6-webview

Enter a selection (default=all): warning: qt6-3d-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-5compat-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-base-6.7.0-2 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-charts-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-connectivity-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-datavis3d-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-declarative-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-graphs-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-grpc-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-httpserver-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-imageformats-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-languageserver-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-location-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-lottie-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-multimedia-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-networkauth-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-positioning-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-quick3d-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-quick3dphysics-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-quickeffectmaker-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-quicktimeline-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-remoteobjects-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-scxml-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-sensors-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-serialbus-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-serialport-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-shadertools-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-speech-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-svg-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-tools-6.7.0-2 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-translations-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-virtualkeyboard-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-wayland-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-webchannel-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-webengine-6.6.3-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-websockets-6.7.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qt6-webview-6.6.3-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qtkeychain-qt6-0.14.2-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: enchant-2.6.5-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: exiv2-0.28.2-3 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: flatpak-1:1.15.8-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: giflib-5.2.2-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: jasper-4.2.1-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: libcanberra-1:0.30+r2+gc0620e4-3 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: libdisplay-info-0.1.1-3 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: libdmtx-0.7.7-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: libolm-3.2.16-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: libqalculate-5.0.0-2 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: libutempter-1.2.1-4 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: libxcvt-0.1.2-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: libxmlb-0.3.19-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: libxss-1.2.4-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: lmdb-0.9.32-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: mpv-1:0.38.0-2 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: networkmanager-1.46.0-2 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: openal-1.23.1-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: openexr-3.2.4-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: python-setuptools-1:69.0.3-4 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: qrencode-4.1.1-2 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: shared-mime-info-2.4-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: udisks2-2.10.1-4 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: upower-1.90.4-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: vlc-3.0.20-8 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: xf86-input-libinput-1.4.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: xorg-server-devel-21.1.13-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: zxing-cpp-2.2.1-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: gtk3-1:3.24.41-1.1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: xdotool-3.20211022.1-1 is up to date -- reinstalling

resolving dependencies...
:: There are 2 providers available for phonon-qt5-backend:
:: Repository extra
   1) phonon-qt5-gstreamer  2) phonon-qt5-vlc

Enter a number (default=1): 
looking for conflicting packages...
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: phonon-qt5-gstreamer will be installed before its phonon-qt5 dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: rubygems will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-abbrev will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-base64 will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-benchmark will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-bigdecimal will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-bundler will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-cgi will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-csv will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-date will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-delegate will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-did_you_mean will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-digest will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-drb will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-ruby2_keywords will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-english will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-erb will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-etc will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-fcntl will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-fiddle will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-fileutils will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-find will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-forwardable will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-getoptlong will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-io-console will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-io-nonblock will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-io-wait will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-ipaddr will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-irb will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-reline will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-json will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-logger will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-mutex_m will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-net-http will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-uri will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-open-uri will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-stringio will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-time will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-psych will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-racc will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-rdoc will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-tmpdir will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-minitest will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-power_assert will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-rake will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-rexml will be installed before its ruby dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: ruby-test-unit will be installed before its ruby dependency

Packages (270) convertlit-1.8-11  cppdap-1.58.0-1  cracklib-2.9.11-1  docbook-xml-4.5-9  fmt-10.2.0-1  gd-2.3.3-7  ghostscript-10.03.0-2  glib2-docs-2.80.0-2  graphviz-10.0.1-1  gsfonts-20200910-3  gtk-doc-1.34.0-1  gts-  http-parser-2.9.4-2  ijs-0.35-6  jbig2dec-0.20-1  jsoncpp-1.9.5-2  libaccounts-glib-1.27-1  libcutl-1.11.0-3  libde265-1.0.15-1  libebur128-1.2.6-1  libexif-0.6.24-2  libgphoto2-2.5.31-1  libheif-1.17.6-5  libieee1284-0.2.11-15  libinstpatch-1.1.6-2  libpackagekit-glib-1.2.8-7  libpaper-2.2.5-1  libtommath-1.3.0-1  libuv-1.48.0-2  libxsd-frontend-2.1.0-2  net-snmp-5.9.4-2  netpbm-10.86.41-1  phonon-qt5-gstreamer-4.10.0-4  poppler-24.03.0-1  poppler-data-0.4.12-1  poppler-glib-24.03.0-1  python-attrs-23.2.0-1  python-babel-2.14.0-1  python-certifi-2024.02.02-1  python-cffi-1.16.0-1  python-charset-normalizer-3.3.2-1  python-cryptography-42.0.5-1  python-docutils-1:0.20.1-2  python-idna-3.6-1  python-imagesize-1.4.1-4  python-lxml-5.1.0-1  python-magic-1:0.4.27-3  python-mako-1.3.2-1  python-markdown-3.6-2  python-pycparser-2.22-1  python-pygments-2.17.2-1  python-pytz-2024.1-1  python-requests-2.31.0-1  python-smartypants-2.0.1-10  python-snowballstemmer-2.2.0-5  python-sphinx-alabaster-theme-0.7.16-1  python-sphinxcontrib-applehelp-1.0.8-1  python-sphinxcontrib-devhelp-1.0.6-1  python-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp-2.0.5-1  python-sphinxcontrib-jsmath-1.0.1-15  python-sphinxcontrib-qthelp-1.0.7-1  python-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml-1.1.10-1  python-tqdm-4.66.2-1  python-typogrify-2.0.7-14  python-wheel-0.43.0-1  rhash-1.4.4-1  ruby-3.0.6-1  ruby-abbrev-0.1.0-4  ruby-base64-0.1.1-4  ruby-benchmark-0.2.0-4  ruby-bigdecimal-3.1.2-4  ruby-bundledgems-3.0.6-1  ruby-bundler-2.5.4-1  ruby-cgi-0.3.6-1  ruby-csv-3.2.5-4  ruby-date-3.2.2-4  ruby-delegate-0.2.0-4  ruby-did_you_mean-1.6.1-4  ruby-digest-3.1.1-1  ruby-drb-2.1.0-5  ruby-english-0.7.1-5  ruby-erb-4.0.2-2  ruby-etc-1.3.0-6  ruby-fcntl-1.0.1-4  ruby-ffi-1.16.3-1  ruby-fiddle-1.1.0-4  ruby-fileutils-1.6.0-4  ruby-find-0.1.1-4  ruby-forwardable-1.3.2-6  ruby-getoptlong-0.1.1-3  ruby-io-console-0.5.11-3  ruby-io-nonblock-0.1.0-3  ruby-io-wait-0.2.3-4  ruby-ipaddr-1.2.4-3  ruby-irb-1.4.2-1  ruby-json-2.7.1-1  ruby-logger-1.5.1-3  ruby-maruku-0.7.3-6  ruby-minitest-5.20.0-1  ruby-mutex_m-0.1.1-3  ruby-net-http-0.2.2-2  ruby-open-uri-0.2.0-3  ruby-power_assert-2.0.3-1  ruby-psych-4.0.6-1  ruby-racc-1.6.0-3  ruby-rake-13.0.6-1  ruby-rb-fsevent-0.11.2-1  ruby-rb-inotify-0.10.1-2  ruby-rdoc-6.4.0-4  ruby-reline-0.3.1-2  ruby-rexml-3.2.6-1  ruby-ruby2_keywords-0.0.5-1  ruby-sass-listen-4.0.0-9  ruby-stdlib-3.0.6-1  ruby-stringio-3.0.2-4  ruby-time-0.2.0-4  ruby-tmpdir-0.1.2-3  ruby-uri-0.12.1-1  ruby-webrick-1.8.1-1  ruby-yard-0.9.34-1  rubygems-3.3.25-1  rust-1:1.77.2-1  autoconf-2.72-1  automake-1.16.5-2  bison-3.8.2-6  black-hole-solver-1.12.0-1  boost-1.83.0-5  check-0.15.2-2  clang-17.0.6-1  cmake-3.29.2-1  corrosion-0.4.8-1  discount-3.0.0.d-1  djvulibre-3.5.28-6  docbook-xsl-1.79.2-7  doxygen-1.10.0-3  ebook-tools-0.2.2-7  eigen-3.4.0-2  enchant-2.6.5-1  exiv2-0.28.2-3  flatpak-1:1.15.8-1  flex-2.6.4-5  fluidsynth-2.3.5-1  freecell-solver-6.8.0-1  gcc-12.1.0-2.1  gi-docgen-2023.3-1  giflib-5.2.2-1  git-2.44.0-1  gobject-introspection-1.80.1-1  gperf-3.1-5  gtk3-1:3.24.41-1.1  intltool-0.51.0-6  itstool-1:2.0.7-1  jasper-4.2.1-1  kdsoap-qt5-2.2.0-1  libaccounts-qt-1.17-1  libcanberra-1:0.30+r2+gc0620e4-3  libdbusmenu-qt5-0.9.3+16.04.20160218-7  libdisplay-info-0.1.1-3  libdmtx-0.7.7-1  libfakekey-0.3-2  libgit2-1:1.7.2-1  libical-3.0.18-1  libolm-3.2.16-1  libpwquality-1.4.5-3  libqalculate-5.0.0-2  libraw-0.21.2-1  libspectre-0.2.12-1  libutempter-1.2.1-4  libxcvt-0.1.2-1  libxmlb-0.3.19-1  libxss-1.2.4-1  libzip-1.10.1-1  lmdb-0.9.32-1  make-4.4.1-2  meson-1.4.0-2  microsoft-gsl-4.0.0-1  mlt-7.22.0-3  mpv-1:0.38.0-2  networkmanager-1.46.0-2  ninja-1.11.1-3  openal-1.23.1-1  openexr-3.2.4-1  packagekit-1.2.8-7  phonon-qt5-4.12.0-4  pkgconf-2.1.1-1  plymouth-24.004.60-6  poppler-qt5-24.03.0-1  poppler-qt6-24.03.0-1  power-profiles-daemon-0.13-1  python-cairo-1.26.0-1  python-pip-24.0-1  python-psutil-5.9.8-1  python-pygdbmi-  python-sentry_sdk-1.45.0-1  python-setuptools-1:69.0.3-4  python-sphinx-7.2.6-1  qca-qt5-2.3.8-3  qca-qt6-2.3.8-3  qcoro-qt6-0.10.0-1  qgpgme-qt6-1.23.2-1  qrencode-4.1.1-2  qt5-base-5.15.13+kde+r145-1  qt5-script-5.15.16-4  qt5-svg-5.15.13+kde+r6-1  qt5-tools-5.15.13+kde+r4-1  qt5-websockets-5.15.13+kde+r2-1  qt5-x11extras-5.15.13-1  qt6-3d-6.7.0-1  qt6-5compat-6.7.0-1  qt6-base-6.7.0-2  qt6-charts-6.7.0-1  qt6-connectivity-6.7.0-1  qt6-datavis3d-6.7.0-1  qt6-declarative-6.7.0-1  qt6-doc-6.7.0-1  qt6-examples-6.7.0-1  qt6-graphs-6.7.0-1  qt6-grpc-6.7.0-1  qt6-httpserver-6.7.0-1  qt6-imageformats-6.7.0-1  qt6-languageserver-6.7.0-1  qt6-location-6.7.0-1  qt6-lottie-6.7.0-1  qt6-multimedia-6.7.0-1  qt6-networkauth-6.7.0-1  qt6-positioning-6.7.0-1  qt6-quick3d-6.7.0-1  qt6-quick3dphysics-6.7.0-1  qt6-quickeffectmaker-6.7.0-1  qt6-quicktimeline-6.7.0-1  qt6-remoteobjects-6.7.0-1  qt6-scxml-6.7.0-1  qt6-sensors-6.7.0-1  qt6-serialbus-6.7.0-1  qt6-serialport-6.7.0-1  qt6-shadertools-6.7.0-1  qt6-speech-6.7.0-1  qt6-svg-6.7.0-1  qt6-tools-6.7.0-2  qt6-translations-6.7.0-1  qt6-virtualkeyboard-6.7.0-1  qt6-wayland-6.7.0-1  qt6-webchannel-6.7.0-1  qt6-webengine-6.6.3-1  qt6-websockets-6.7.0-1  qt6-webview-6.6.3-1  qtkeychain-qt5-0.14.2-1  qtkeychain-qt6-0.14.2-1  ruby-sass-3.7.4-3  ruby-test-unit-3.6.1-1  sane-1.3.0-2  sccache-0.4.2-1  shared-mime-info-2.4-1  signond-8.61-3  texinfo-7.1-2  udisks2-2.10.1-4  upower-1.90.4-1  vala-0.56.17-1  vlc-3.0.20-8  wayland-protocols-1.35-1  xapian-core-1:1.4.25-1  xdotool-3.20211022.1-1  xerces-c-3.2.5-1  xf86-input-evdev-2.10.6-4  xf86-input-libinput-1.4.0-1  xf86-input-wacom-1.2.2-1  xmlto-0.0.28-4  xorg-server-devel-21.1.13-1  xsd-4.2.0-1  zxing-cpp-2.2.1-1

Total Download Size:    409.07 MiB
Total Installed Size:  2885.47 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:      1649.84 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
:: Retrieving packages...
 qt6-doc-6.7.0-1-any downloading...
 qt6-examples-6.7.0-1-any downloading...
 rust-1:1.77.2-1-aarch64 downloading...
 cmake-3.29.2-1-aarch64 downloading...
 vala-0.56.17-1-aarch64 downloading...
 djvulibre-3.5.28-6-aarch64 downloading...
 qgpgme-qt6-1.23.2-1-aarch64 downloading...
 xf86-input-wacom-1.2.2-1-aarch64 downloading...
 wayland-protocols-1.35-1-any downloading...
checking keyring...
checking package integrity...
loading package files...
checking for file conflicts...
checking available disk space...
:: Processing package changes...
reinstalling autoconf...
reinstalling automake...
reinstalling bison...
reinstalling flex...
reinstalling gcc...
installing gperf...
reinstalling make...
reinstalling texinfo...
reinstalling clang...
installing jsoncpp...
Optional dependencies for jsoncpp
    jsoncpp-doc: documentation
installing libuv...
installing rhash...
installing cppdap...
installing cmake...
Optional dependencies for cmake
    make: for unix Makefile generator [installed]
    ninja: for ninja generator [pending]
    qt6-base: cmake-gui [installed]
installing ninja...
installing python-tqdm...
Optional dependencies for python-tqdm
    python-requests: telegram [pending]
installing meson...
installing rust...
Optional dependencies for rust
    gdb: rust-gdb script [installed]
    lldb: rust-lldb script
installing corrosion...
installing boost...
Optional dependencies for boost
    python: for python bindings [installed]
installing docbook-xml...
installing docbook-xsl...
installing fmt...
installing doxygen...
Optional dependencies for doxygen
    graphviz: for caller/callee graph generation [pending]
    qt6-base: for doxywizard [installed]
    texlive-fontsrecommended: for generating LaTeX, Postscript and PDF output
    texlive-fontutils: for generating LaTeX, Postscript and PDF output
    texlive-latexextra: for generating LaTeX, Postscript and PDF output
    texlive-plaingeneric: for generating LaTeX, Postscript and PDF output
installing python-magic...
installing python-markdown...
Optional dependencies for python-markdown
    python-yaml: parse Python in YAML metadata
installing python-pygments...
installing python-smartypants...
installing python-typogrify...
installing gi-docgen...
reinstalling git...
installing intltool...
reinstalling pkgconf...
installing libaccounts-glib...
reinstalling shared-mime-info...
reinstalling qt6-translations...
reinstalling qt6-base...
installing libaccounts-qt...
reinstalling qt5-base...
installing libdbusmenu-qt5...
installing libpackagekit-glib...
installing packagekit...
warning: directory permissions differ on /usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d/
filesystem: 750  package: 755
Optional dependencies for packagekit
    bash-completion: command completion in bash [installed]
reinstalling qt5-x11extras...
installing phonon-qt5-gstreamer...
Optional dependencies for phonon-qt5-gstreamer
    pulseaudio: PulseAudio support [installed]
    gst-plugins-good: PulseAudio support and good codecs
    gst-plugins-bad: additional codecs
    gst-plugins-ugly: additional codecs
    gst-libav: libav codec
installing phonon-qt5...
Optional dependencies for phonon-qt5
    pulseaudio: PulseAudio support [installed]
    qt5-tools: Designer plugin [pending]
installing poppler...
Optional dependencies for poppler
    poppler-data: highly recommended encoding data to display PDF documents with certain encodings and characters [pending]
installing poppler-qt5...
installing poppler-qt6...
installing qca-qt5...
Optional dependencies for qca-qt5
    botan: botan plugin
    libgcrypt: gcrypt plugin [installed]
    libsasl: SASL plugin [installed]
    openssl: SSL plugin [installed]
    pkcs11-helper: PKCS-11 plugin
reinstalling qt6-shadertools...
reinstalling qt6-5compat...
installing qca-qt6...
Optional dependencies for qca-qt6
    botan: botan plugin
    libgcrypt: gcrypt plugin [installed]
    libsasl: SASL plugin [installed]
    openssl: SSL plugin [installed]
    pkcs11-helper: PKCS-11 plugin
reinstalling qt6-declarative...
reinstalling qt6-websockets...
reinstalling qcoro-qt6...
installing qt5-script...
reinstalling qt5-svg...
installing qt5-tools...
Optional dependencies for qt5-tools
    clang: for qdoc [installed]
installing qt5-websockets...
Optional dependencies for qt5-websockets
    qt5-declarative: QML bindings [installed]
reinstalling qt6-3d...
reinstalling qt6-charts...
reinstalling qt6-connectivity...
reinstalling qt6-datavis3d...
installing qt6-doc...
installing qt6-examples...
reinstalling qt6-quicktimeline...
reinstalling qt6-quick3d...
reinstalling qt6-graphs...
reinstalling qt6-grpc...
reinstalling qt6-httpserver...
reinstalling jasper...
reinstalling giflib...
reinstalling qt6-imageformats...
reinstalling qt6-languageserver...
reinstalling qt6-positioning...
reinstalling qt6-location...
reinstalling qt6-lottie...
reinstalling openexr...
reinstalling qt6-multimedia...
reinstalling qt6-networkauth...
reinstalling qt6-quick3dphysics...
reinstalling qt6-quickeffectmaker...
reinstalling qt6-remoteobjects...
reinstalling qt6-scxml...
reinstalling qt6-sensors...
reinstalling qt6-serialport...
reinstalling qt6-serialbus...
reinstalling qt6-speech...
reinstalling qt6-svg...
reinstalling qt6-tools...
reinstalling qt6-virtualkeyboard...
reinstalling qt6-wayland...
reinstalling qt6-webchannel...
reinstalling qt6-webengine...
reinstalling qt6-webview...
reinstalling gtk3...
installing qtkeychain-qt5...
Optional dependencies for qtkeychain-qt5
    kwallet5: kwallet backend
reinstalling qtkeychain-qt6...
installing black-hole-solver...
installing check...
Optional dependencies for check
    check-docs: Documentation
installing eigen...
reinstalling enchant...
reinstalling exiv2...
reinstalling libxmlb...
reinstalling flatpak...
warning: directory permissions differ on /usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d/
filesystem: 750  package: 755
installing libinstpatch...
installing fluidsynth...
installing freecell-solver...
Optional dependencies for freecell-solver
    python-random2: for the Python interface
    python-six: for the Python interface [installed]
    python-pysol_cards: for the Python interface
installing itstool...
installing kdsoap-qt5...
reinstalling libcanberra...
reinstalling libdisplay-info...
reinstalling libdmtx...
installing libfakekey...
installing http-parser...
installing libgit2...
installing libical...
reinstalling libolm...
installing cracklib...
installing libpwquality...
Optional dependencies for libpwquality
    python: Python bindings [installed]
reinstalling libqalculate...
installing libraw...
reinstalling libutempter...
reinstalling libxcvt...
reinstalling libxss...
reinstalling lmdb...
installing microsoft-gsl...
installing libebur128...
installing mlt...
Optional dependencies for mlt
    ffmpeg: ffmpeg plugin [installed]
    fftw: plus plugin [installed]
    fontconfig: gdk plugin [installed]
    frei0r-plugins: for additional effects
    gdk-pixbuf2: gdk plugin [installed]
    glib2: gdk plugin [installed]
    jack: JACK sound output plugin [installed]
    ladspa: LADSPA plugins
    libepoxy: opengl plugin [installed]
    libexif: auto rotate plugin [pending]
    libglvnd: opengl plugin [installed]
    libsamplerate: libavresample plugin [installed]
    libvorbis: vorbis plugin [installed]
    libx11: SDL1 plugin [installed]
    libxml2: XML plugin [installed]
    movit: opengl plugin
    opencv: openCV plugin
    qt5-base: QT5 plugins [installed]
    qt5-svg: Qt5 plugins [installed]
    qt6-base: Qt6 plugin [installed]
    qt6-5compat: Qt6 plugin [installed]
    qt6-svg: Qt6 plugin [installed]
    pango: gdk plugin [installed]
    python: python bindings [installed]
    rtaudio: rtaudio plugin
    rubberband: audio pitch plugin [installed]
    sdl2: SDL2 plugin [installed]
    sdl_image: SDL1 plugin
    sdl12-compat: SDL1 plugin
    sox: SOX (Audio Swiss Army Knife) plugin
    vid.stab: video stabilize plugin [installed]
    zlib: glaxnimate plugin [installed]
reinstalling openal...
reinstalling mpv...
reinstalling networkmanager...
installing plymouth...
Optional dependencies for plymouth
    gtk3: x11 renderer [installed]
reinstalling upower...
installing power-profiles-daemon...
Optional dependencies for power-profiles-daemon
    python-gobject: for powerprofilesctl [installed]
installing python-cairo...
installing python-attrs...
installing python-pycparser...
installing python-cffi...
Optional dependencies for python-cffi
    python-setuptools: "limited api" version checking in cffi.setuptools_ext [installed]
installing python-cryptography...
installing python-wheel...
Optional dependencies for python-wheel
    python-keyring: for wheel.signatures
    python-xdg: for wheel.signatures
installing python-pip...
reinstalling python-setuptools...
installing python-pytz...
installing python-babel...
installing python-docutils...
Optional dependencies for python-docutils
    python-myst-parser: to parse input in "Markdown" (CommonMark) format
    python-pillow: for some image manipulation operations
    python-pygments: for syntax highlighting of code directives and roles [installed]
installing python-imagesize...
installing python-charset-normalizer...
installing python-idna...
installing python-requests...
Optional dependencies for python-requests
    python-chardet: alternative character encoding library [installed]
    python-pysocks: SOCKS proxy support
installing python-snowballstemmer...
Optional dependencies for python-snowballstemmer
    python-pystemmer: for improved performance
installing python-sphinx-alabaster-theme...
installing python-sphinxcontrib-applehelp...
installing python-sphinxcontrib-devhelp...
installing python-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp...
installing python-sphinxcontrib-jsmath...
installing python-sphinxcontrib-qthelp...
installing python-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml...
installing python-sphinx...
Optional dependencies for python-sphinx
    imagemagick: for ext.imgconverter
    texlive-latexextra: for generation of PDF documentation
installing qgpgme-qt6...
reinstalling qrencode...
installing rubygems...
installing ruby-abbrev...
installing ruby-base64...
installing ruby-benchmark...
installing ruby-bigdecimal...
installing ruby-bundler...
installing ruby-cgi...
installing ruby-csv...
installing ruby-date...
installing ruby-delegate...
installing ruby-did_you_mean...
installing ruby-digest...
installing ruby-ruby2_keywords...
installing ruby-drb...
installing ruby-english...
installing ruby-erb...
installing ruby-etc...
installing ruby-fcntl...
installing ruby-fiddle...
installing ruby-fileutils...
installing ruby-find...
installing ruby-forwardable...
installing ruby-getoptlong...
installing ruby-io-console...
installing ruby-io-nonblock...
installing ruby-io-wait...
installing ruby-ipaddr...
installing ruby-reline...
installing ruby-irb...
installing ruby-json...
installing ruby-logger...
installing ruby-mutex_m...
installing ruby-uri...
installing ruby-net-http...
installing ruby-stringio...
installing ruby-time...
installing ruby-open-uri...
installing ruby-psych...
installing ruby-racc...
installing ruby-rdoc...
installing ruby-tmpdir...
installing ruby-stdlib...
installing ruby-minitest...
installing ruby-power_assert...
installing ruby-rake...
installing ruby-rexml...
installing ruby-test-unit...
installing ruby-bundledgems...
installing ruby...
Optional dependencies for ruby
    ruby-docs: Ruby documentation
    tk: for Ruby/TK
installing ruby-ffi...
installing ruby-rb-inotify...
installing ruby-rb-fsevent...
installing ruby-sass-listen...
installing ruby-webrick...
installing ruby-yard...
installing ruby-maruku...
installing ruby-sass...
installing libieee1284...
Optional dependencies for libieee1284
    python: for python module [installed]
installing net-snmp...
Optional dependencies for net-snmp
    perl-term-readkey: for snmpcheck application
    perl-tk: for snmpcheck and tkmib applications
    python: for the python modules [installed]
installing libde265...
Optional dependencies for libde265
    ffmpeg: for sherlock265 [installed]
    qt5-base: for sherlock265 [installed]
    sdl: dec265 YUV overlay output
installing libheif...
Optional dependencies for libheif
    libjpeg: for heif-convert and heif-enc [installed]
    libpng: for heif-convert and heif-enc [installed]
    dav1d: dav1d encoder [installed]
    ffmpeg: hardware decode [installed]
    rav1e: rav1e encoder [installed]
installing gd...
Optional dependencies for gd
    perl: bdftogd script [installed]
installing libexif...
installing libgphoto2...
installing poppler-glib...
installing sane...
Optional dependencies for sane
    sane-airscan: for scanners working in driverless mode
installing sccache...
Optional dependencies for sccache
    memcached: Memcached support
    redis: Redis support
installing signond...
reinstalling udisks2...
installing jbig2dec...
installing libpaper...
installing ijs...
installing poppler-data...
installing ghostscript...
Optional dependencies for ghostscript
    gtk3: needed for gsx [installed]
installing netpbm...
installing gts...
installing gsfonts...
installing graphviz...
Optional dependencies for graphviz
    mono: sharp bindings
    guile: guile bindings [installed]
    lua: lua bindings [installed]
    perl: perl bindings [installed]
    python: python bindings [installed]
    r: r bindings
    tcl: tcl bindings
    qt6-base: gvedit [installed]
    xterm: vimdot
installing glib2-docs...
installing python-lxml...
Optional dependencies for python-lxml
    python-beautifulsoup4: support for beautifulsoup parser to parse not well formed HTML
    python-cssselect: support for cssselect
    python-html5lib: support for html5lib parser
    python-lxml-docs: offline docs
installing gtk-doc...
Optional dependencies for gtk-doc
    dblatex: PDF support
installing vala...
reinstalling vlc...
installing wayland-protocols...
installing xapian-core...
Optional dependencies for xapian-core
    xapian-core-docs: for documentation
installing xerces-c...
reinstalling xf86-input-libinput...
installing xf86-input-wacom...
installing xmlto...
reinstalling xorg-server-devel...
installing libcutl...
installing libxsd-frontend...
installing xsd...
reinstalling zxing-cpp...
reinstalling xdotool...
installing python-mako...
installing gobject-introspection...
installing xf86-input-evdev...
installing discount...
installing djvulibre...
installing libzip...
installing libtommath...
installing convertlit...
installing ebook-tools...
installing libspectre...
installing python-psutil...
installing python-pygdbmi...
installing python-certifi...
installing python-sentry_sdk...
Optional dependencies for python-sentry_sdk
    python-aiohttp: adds support for the AIOHTTP-Server Web Framework
    python-bottle: adds support for the Bottle Web Framework
    python-celery: adds support for the Celery Task Queue System
    python-django: adds support for the Django Web Framework
    python-falcon: adds support for the Falcon Web Framework
    python-fastapi: adds support for the FastAPI framework
    python-flask: adds support for the Flask Web Framework
    python-grpcio: gRPC integration
    python-httpx: HTTPX integration
    python-loguru: Loguru Integration
    python-multipart: Optional dependency of Starlette to parse form data
    python-pymongo: PyMongo integration
    python-quart: adds support for the Quart Web Framework
    python-redis: adds support for the RQ Job Queue System
    python-sqlalchemy: captures queries from SQLAlchemy as breadcrumbs
    python-starlette: adds support for the Starlette Framework
    python-tornado: adds support for the Tornado Web Framework
    python-pure-eval: for richer stacktraces & additional variables
    python-executing: for richer stacktraces & better function names
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
( 1/21) Creating system user accounts...
Creating group 'saned' with GID 966.
Creating user 'saned' (SANE daemon user) with UID 966 and GID 966.
( 2/21) Reloading system manager configuration...
  Skipped: Running in chroot.
( 3/21) Reloading user manager configuration...
  Skipped: Running in chroot.
( 4/21) Updating udev hardware database...
( 5/21) Creating temporary files...
Detected unsafe path transition /etc (owned by user) -> /etc/ssh (owned by root) during canonicalization of etc/ssh.
Detected unsafe path transition /etc (owned by user) -> /etc/ssh (owned by root) during canonicalization of etc/ssh.
Detected unsafe path transition /etc (owned by user) -> /etc/ssh (owned by root) during canonicalization of etc/ssh.
Detected unsafe path transition /etc (owned by user) -> /etc/ssh (owned by root) during canonicalization of etc/ssh.
Detected unsafe path transition /etc (owned by user) -> /etc/ssh (owned by root) during canonicalization of etc/ssh/sshd_config.d.
Detected unsafe path transition /etc (owned by user) -> /etc/ssh (owned by root) during canonicalization of etc/ssh.
Detected unsafe path transition /etc (owned by user) -> /etc/audisp (owned by root) during canonicalization of etc/audisp.
Detected unsafe path transition /etc (owned by user) -> /etc/audit (owned by root) during canonicalization of etc/audit.
Detected unsafe path transition /etc (owned by user) -> /etc/audit (owned by root) during canonicalization of etc/audit/audisp-remote.conf.
Detected unsafe path transition /etc (owned by user) -> /etc/audit (owned by root) during canonicalization of etc/audit/plugins.d.
Detected unsafe path transition /etc (owned by user) -> /etc/audit (owned by root) during canonicalization of etc/audit/plugins.d/audispd-zos-remote.conf.
Detected unsafe path transition /etc (owned by user) -> /etc/audit (owned by root) during canonicalization of etc/audit/plugins.d/au-remote.conf.
Detected unsafe path transition /etc (owned by user) -> /etc/audit (owned by root) during canonicalization of etc/audit/plugins.d/filter.conf.
Detected unsafe path transition /etc (owned by user) -> /etc/audit (owned by root) during canonicalization of etc/audit/plugins.d/syslog.conf.
Detected unsafe path transition /etc (owned by user) -> /etc/audit (owned by root) during canonicalization of etc/audit/plugins.d/af_unix.conf.
Detected unsafe path transition /etc (owned by user) -> /etc/libaudit.conf (owned by root) during canonicalization of etc/libaudit.conf.
Detected unsafe path transition /usr/lib (owned by user) -> /usr/lib/utempter (owned by root) during canonicalization of usr/lib/utempter/utempter.
Detected unsafe path transition /usr/bin (owned by user) -> /usr/bin/groupmems (owned by root) during canonicalization of usr/bin/groupmems.
error: command failed to execute correctly
( 6/21) Reloading device manager configuration...
  Skipped: Running in chroot.
( 7/21) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
( 8/21) Updating the MIME type database...
( 9/21) Updating fontconfig configuration...
(10/21) Refreshing PackageKit...
Error connecting: Could not connect: No such file or directory
error: command failed to execute correctly
(11/21) Reloading system bus configuration...
  Skipped: Running in chroot.
(12/21) Warn about old perl modules
(13/21) Updating fontconfig cache...
(14/21) Probing GDK-Pixbuf loader modules...
(15/21) Compiling GSettings XML schema files...
(16/21) Probing GTK3 input method modules...
(17/21) Updating icon theme caches...
(18/21) Updating the info directory file...
(19/21) Updating the desktop file MIME type cache...
(20/21) Updating the vlc plugin cache...
(21/21) Updating X fontdir indices...
 * Looks like the necessary packages were successfully installed!
=== generate-config ===
 * You already have a configuration file: ~/.config/kdesrc-buildrc
Fetching remote changes to sysadmin-repo-metadata
Merging sysadmin-repo-metadata changes from branch master
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

No modules to build, exiting.
Fetching remote changes to sysadmin-repo-metadata
Merging sysadmin-repo-metadata changes from branch master
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

Fetching remote changes to extra-cmake-modules
Merging extra-cmake-modules changes from branch master
	extra-cmake-modules update complete, 2 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to ki18n
Merging ki18n changes from branch master
	ki18n update complete, 2 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kcoreaddons
Merging kcoreaddons changes from branch master
	kcoreaddons update complete, 9 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kconfig
Merging kconfig changes from branch master
	kconfig update complete, 10 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to wayland
Merging wayland changes from branch main
	wayland update complete, 4 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to plasma-wayland-protocols
Merging plasma-wayland-protocols changes from branch master
	plasma-wayland-protocols update complete, 1 file affected.

Fetching remote changes to kcodecs
Merging kcodecs changes from branch master
	kcodecs update complete, 9 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kwidgetsaddons
Merging kwidgetsaddons changes from branch master
	kwidgetsaddons update complete, 11 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to karchive
Merging karchive changes from branch master
	karchive update complete, 9 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to wayland-protocols
Merging wayland-protocols changes from branch main
	wayland-protocols update complete, 3 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kguiaddons
Merging kguiaddons changes from branch master
	kguiaddons update complete, 2 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kcolorscheme
Merging kcolorscheme changes from branch master
	kcolorscheme update complete, 2 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kconfigwidgets
Merging kconfigwidgets changes from branch master
	kconfigwidgets update complete, 5 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kwindowsystem
Merging kwindowsystem changes from branch master
	kwindowsystem update complete, 10 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to breeze-icons
Merging breeze-icons changes from branch master
	breeze-icons update complete, 8 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kiconthemes
Merging kiconthemes changes from branch master
	kiconthemes update complete, 4 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kdbusaddons
Merging kdbusaddons changes from branch master
	kdbusaddons update complete, 9 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kdoctools
Merging kdoctools changes from branch master
	kdoctools update complete, 2 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to polkit-qt-1
Merging polkit-qt-1 changes from branch master
	polkit-qt-1 update complete, 0 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kirigami
Merging kirigami changes from branch master
	kirigami update complete, 26 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to knotifications
Merging knotifications changes from branch master
	knotifications update complete, 3 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to gpgme
Merging gpgme changes from branch master
	gpgme update complete, 0 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to qca
Merging qca changes from branch master
	qca update complete, 0 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kcompletion
Merging kcompletion changes from branch master
	kcompletion update complete, 9 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kcrash
Merging kcrash changes from branch master
	kcrash update complete, 1 file affected.

Fetching remote changes to kitemviews
Merging kitemviews changes from branch master
	kitemviews update complete, 9 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kservice
Merging kservice changes from branch master
	kservice update complete, 2 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kauth
Merging kauth changes from branch master
	kauth update complete, 9 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kwallet
Merging kwallet changes from branch master
	kwallet update complete, 14 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to solid
Merging solid changes from branch master
	solid update complete, 18 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kbookmarks
Merging kbookmarks changes from branch master
	kbookmarks update complete, 9 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kjobwidgets
Merging kjobwidgets changes from branch master
	kjobwidgets update complete, 9 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kio
Merging kio changes from branch master
	kio update complete, 29 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to sonnet
Merging sonnet changes from branch master
	sonnet update complete, 12 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kglobalaccel
Merging kglobalaccel changes from branch master
	kglobalaccel update complete, 11 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to ktextwidgets
Merging ktextwidgets changes from branch master
	ktextwidgets update complete, 9 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kxmlgui
Merging kxmlgui changes from branch master
	kxmlgui update complete, 9 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kcmutils
Merging kcmutils changes from branch master
	kcmutils update complete, 14 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kpackage
Merging kpackage changes from branch master
	kpackage update complete, 3 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to plasma-activities
Merging plasma-activities changes from branch master
	plasma-activities update complete, 5 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kparts
Merging kparts changes from branch master
	kparts update complete, 3 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kirigami-addons
Merging kirigami-addons changes from branch master
	kirigami-addons update complete, 24 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to syndication
Merging syndication changes from branch master
	syndication update complete, 1 file affected.

Fetching remote changes to ksvg
Merging ksvg changes from branch master
	ksvg update complete, 3 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to attica
Merging attica changes from branch master
	attica update complete, 8 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to libplasma
Merging libplasma changes from branch master
	libplasma update complete, 31 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to knewstuff
Merging knewstuff changes from branch master
	knewstuff update complete, 10 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to poppler
Merging poppler changes from branch master
	* You had local changes to poppler, which have been re-applied.
	poppler update complete, 20 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kidletime
Merging kidletime changes from branch master
	kidletime update complete, 1 file affected.

Fetching remote changes to qqc2-desktop-style
Merging qqc2-desktop-style changes from branch master
	qqc2-desktop-style update complete, 19 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kwayland
Merging kwayland changes from branch master
	kwayland update complete, 0 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to appstream
Merging appstream changes from branch main
	appstream update complete, 11 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kfilemetadata
Merging kfilemetadata changes from branch master
	kfilemetadata update complete, 15 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kitemmodels
Merging kitemmodels changes from branch master
	kitemmodels update complete, 2 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kpipewire
Merging kpipewire changes from branch master
	kpipewire update complete, 10 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to qcoro
Merging qcoro changes from branch main
	qcoro update complete, 5 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to phonon
Merging phonon changes from branch master
	phonon update complete, 11 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kstatusnotifieritem
Merging kstatusnotifieritem changes from branch master
	* You had local changes to kstatusnotifieritem, which have been re-applied.
	kstatusnotifieritem update complete, 9 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to oxygen-icons
Merging oxygen-icons changes from branch master
	oxygen-icons update complete, 0 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to threadweaver
Merging threadweaver changes from branch master
	threadweaver update complete, 1 file affected.

Fetching remote changes to layer-shell-qt
Merging layer-shell-qt changes from branch master
	layer-shell-qt update complete, 4 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kdsoap
Merging kdsoap changes from branch master
	kdsoap update complete, 0 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to frameworkintegration
Merging frameworkintegration changes from branch master
	frameworkintegration update complete, 1 file affected.

Fetching remote changes to kdeclarative
Merging kdeclarative changes from branch master
	kdeclarative update complete, 3 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kpty
Merging kpty changes from branch master
	kpty update complete, 2 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to syntax-highlighting
Merging syntax-highlighting changes from branch master
	syntax-highlighting update complete, 13 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kdecoration
Merging kdecoration changes from branch master
	kdecoration update complete, 2 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to libkscreen
Merging libkscreen changes from branch master
	libkscreen update complete, 8 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to packagekit-qt
Merging packagekit-qt changes from branch main
	packagekit-qt update complete, 0 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to baloo
Merging baloo changes from branch master
	baloo update complete, 5 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kdnssd
Merging kdnssd changes from branch master
	kdnssd update complete, 9 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kholidays
Merging kholidays changes from branch master
	kholidays update complete, 10 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to krunner
Merging krunner changes from branch master
	krunner update complete, 3 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to breeze
Merging breeze changes from branch master
	breeze update complete, 5 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to libksysguard
Merging libksysguard changes from branch master
	libksysguard update complete, 6 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to plasma-activities-stats
Merging plasma-activities-stats changes from branch master
	plasma-activities-stats update complete, 0 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to libkexiv2
Merging libkexiv2 changes from branch master
	libkexiv2 update complete, 1 file affected.

Fetching remote changes to kdsoap-ws-discovery-client
Merging kdsoap-ws-discovery-client changes from branch master
	kdsoap-ws-discovery-client update complete, 2 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kuserfeedback
Merging kuserfeedback changes from branch master
	kuserfeedback update complete, 9 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to selenium-webdriver-at-spi
Merging selenium-webdriver-at-spi changes from branch master
	selenium-webdriver-at-spi update complete, 4 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kdesu
Merging kdesu changes from branch master
	kdesu update complete, 2 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kquickcharts
Merging kquickcharts changes from branch master
	kquickcharts update complete, 1 file affected.

Fetching remote changes to kunitconversion
Merging kunitconversion changes from branch master
	kunitconversion update complete, 4 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to networkmanager-qt
Merging networkmanager-qt changes from branch master
	networkmanager-qt update complete, 1 file affected.

Fetching remote changes to kscreenlocker
Merging kscreenlocker changes from branch master
	kscreenlocker update complete, 14 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kglobalacceld
Merging kglobalacceld changes from branch master
	* You had local changes to kglobalacceld, which have been re-applied.
	kglobalacceld update complete, 1 file affected.

Fetching remote changes to kio-extras
Merging kio-extras changes from branch master
	kio-extras update complete, 12 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to libqaccessibilityclient
Merging libqaccessibilityclient changes from branch master
	* You had local changes to libqaccessibilityclient, which have been re-applied.
	libqaccessibilityclient update complete, 0 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kded
Merging kded changes from branch master
	kded update complete, 1 file affected.

Fetching remote changes to knotifyconfig
Merging knotifyconfig changes from branch master
	knotifyconfig update complete, 2 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to ktexteditor
Merging ktexteditor changes from branch master
	ktexteditor update complete, 13 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to prison
Merging prison changes from branch master
	prison update complete, 1 file affected.

Fetching remote changes to purpose
Merging purpose changes from branch master
	purpose update complete, 7 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kwin
Merging kwin changes from branch master
	* You had local changes to kwin, which have been re-applied.
	kwin update complete, 38 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to milou
Merging milou changes from branch master
	milou update complete, 3 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to plasma-nano
Merging plasma-nano changes from branch master
	plasma-nano update complete, 3 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to plasma5support
Merging plasma5support changes from branch master
	plasma5support update complete, 1 file affected.

Fetching remote changes to modemmanager-qt
Merging modemmanager-qt changes from branch master
	modemmanager-qt update complete, 1 file affected.

Fetching remote changes to plasma-workspace
Merging plasma-workspace changes from branch master
	plasma-workspace update complete, 46 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kcontacts
Merging kcontacts changes from branch master
	kcontacts update complete, 6 files affected.

Cloning pulseaudio-qt
	pulseaudio-qt update complete, 89 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to qtkeychain
Merging qtkeychain changes from branch main
	qtkeychain update complete, 0 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to bluez-qt
Merging bluez-qt changes from branch master
	bluez-qt update complete, 3 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kpeople
Merging kpeople changes from branch master
	kpeople update complete, 2 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to futuresql
Merging futuresql changes from branch master
	futuresql update complete, 0 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kquickimageeditor
Merging kquickimageeditor changes from branch master
	kquickimageeditor update complete, 1 file affected.

Fetching remote changes to kunifiedpush
Merging kunifiedpush changes from branch master
	kunifiedpush update complete, 3 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kweathercore
Merging kweathercore changes from branch master
	kweathercore update complete, 2 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to bluedevil
Merging bluedevil changes from branch master
	bluedevil update complete, 4 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kactivitymanagerd
Merging kactivitymanagerd changes from branch master
	kactivitymanagerd update complete, 1 file affected.

Fetching remote changes to plasma-integration
Merging plasma-integration changes from branch master
	plasma-integration update complete, 14 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to plasma-nm
Merging plasma-nm changes from branch master
	plasma-nm update complete, 8 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to plasma-pa
Merging plasma-pa changes from branch master
	plasma-pa update complete, 4 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to powerdevil
Merging powerdevil changes from branch master
	powerdevil update complete, 11 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to qqc2-breeze-style
Merging qqc2-breeze-style changes from branch master
	qqc2-breeze-style update complete, 0 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to systemsettings
Merging systemsettings changes from branch master
	systemsettings update complete, 20 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to baloo-widgets
Merging baloo-widgets changes from branch master
	baloo-widgets update complete, 2 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to mpvqt
Merging mpvqt changes from branch master
	mpvqt update complete, 0 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to alligator
Merging alligator changes from branch master
	alligator update complete, 8 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to angelfish
Merging angelfish changes from branch master
	angelfish update complete, 4 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kalk
Merging kalk changes from branch master
	kalk update complete, 7 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kasts
Merging kasts changes from branch master
	kasts update complete, 30 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kmoretools
Merging kmoretools changes from branch master
	kmoretools update complete, 1 file affected.

Fetching remote changes to koko
Merging koko changes from branch master
	koko update complete, 6 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to krecorder
Merging krecorder changes from branch master
	krecorder update complete, 8 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to plasma-dialer
Merging plasma-dialer changes from branch master
	plasma-dialer update complete, 6 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to qmlkonsole
Merging qmlkonsole changes from branch master
	qmlkonsole update complete, 4 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to spacebar
Merging spacebar changes from branch master
	* You had local changes to spacebar, which have been re-applied.
	spacebar update complete, 7 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to tokodon
Merging tokodon changes from branch master
	tokodon update complete, 15 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kweather
Merging kweather changes from branch master
	kweather update complete, 13 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to phonon-vlc
Merging phonon-vlc changes from branch master
	phonon-vlc update complete, 9 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to discover
Merging discover changes from branch master
	discover update complete, 16 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kde-cli-tools
Merging kde-cli-tools changes from branch master
	kde-cli-tools update complete, 4 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kscreen
Merging kscreen changes from branch master
	kscreen update complete, 11 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to ksystemstats
Merging ksystemstats changes from branch master
	ksystemstats update complete, 2 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kwallet-pam
Merging kwallet-pam changes from branch master
	kwallet-pam update complete, 1 file affected.

Fetching remote changes to plasma-desktop
Merging plasma-desktop changes from branch master
	plasma-desktop update complete, 45 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to polkit-kde-agent-1
Merging polkit-kde-agent-1 changes from branch master
	polkit-kde-agent-1 update complete, 1 file affected.

Fetching remote changes to xdg-desktop-portal-kde
Merging xdg-desktop-portal-kde changes from branch master
	xdg-desktop-portal-kde update complete, 5 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to plasma-mobile
Merging plasma-mobile changes from branch master
	plasma-mobile update complete, 4 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to plasma-settings
Merging plasma-settings changes from branch master
	plasma-settings update complete, 2 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to spectacle
Merging spectacle changes from branch master
	spectacle update complete, 55 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to dolphin
Merging dolphin changes from branch master
	dolphin update complete, 28 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to keysmith
Merging keysmith changes from branch master
	keysmith update complete, 10 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to kclock
Merging kclock changes from branch master
	kclock update complete, 27 files affected.

Fetching remote changes to elisa
Merging elisa changes from branch master
	elisa update complete, 25 files affected.

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-01
  (additional logs are saved in /home/user/.local/state/log/2024-04-24-03)
Switched to branch 'work/devinlin/flickdeceleration'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/work/devinlin/flickdeceleration'.
warning: redirecting to
Already up to date.
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building extra-cmake-modules from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for extra-cmake-modules: Skipped
	Preparing build system for extra-cmake-modules.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing extra-cmake-modules


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-02
-- ✅ Built 0 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kcoreaddons from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kcoreaddons: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kcoreaddons.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kcoreaddons


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-03
-- ✅ Built 1 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building ki18n from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for ki18n: Skipped
	Preparing build system for ki18n.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing ki18n


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-04
-- ✅ Built 2 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kconfig from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kconfig: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kconfig.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kconfig


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-05
-- ✅ Built 3 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building plasma-wayland-protocols from kf6-support (1/1)
	Source update complete for plasma-wayland-protocols: Skipped
	Preparing build system for plasma-wayland-protocols.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing plasma-wayland-protocols


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-06
-- ✅ Built 4 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building karchive from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for karchive: Skipped
	Preparing build system for karchive.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing karchive


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-07
-- ✅ Built 5 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kdoctools from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kdoctools: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kdoctools.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kdoctools


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-08
-- ✅ Built 6 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kwidgetsaddons from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kwidgetsaddons: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kwidgetsaddons.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kwidgetsaddons


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-09
-- ✅ Built 7 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building polkit-qt-1 from kf6-support (1/1)
	Source update complete for polkit-qt-1: Skipped
	Preparing build system for polkit-qt-1.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing polkit-qt-1


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-10
-- ✅ Built 8 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kwindowsystem from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kwindowsystem: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kwindowsystem.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kwindowsystem


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-11
-- ✅ Built 9 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kcodecs from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kcodecs: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kcodecs.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kcodecs


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-12
-- ✅ Built 10 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kauth from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kauth: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kauth.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kauth


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-13
-- ✅ Built 11 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kguiaddons from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kguiaddons: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kguiaddons.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kguiaddons


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-14
-- ✅ Built 12 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kcolorscheme from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kcolorscheme: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kcolorscheme.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kcolorscheme


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-15
-- ✅ Built 13 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kconfigwidgets from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kconfigwidgets: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kconfigwidgets.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kconfigwidgets


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-16
-- ✅ Built 14 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kdbusaddons from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kdbusaddons: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kdbusaddons.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kdbusaddons


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-17
-- ✅ Built 15 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kcrash from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kcrash: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kcrash.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kcrash


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-18
-- ✅ Built 16 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kiconthemes from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kiconthemes: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kiconthemes.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kiconthemes


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-19
-- ✅ Built 17 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kcompletion from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kcompletion: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kcompletion.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kcompletion


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-20
-- ✅ Built 18 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kitemviews from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kitemviews: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kitemviews.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kitemviews


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-21
-- ✅ Built 19 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building sonnet from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for sonnet: Skipped
	Preparing build system for sonnet.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing sonnet


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-22
-- ✅ Built 20 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kglobalaccel from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kglobalaccel: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kglobalaccel.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kglobalaccel


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-23
-- ✅ Built 21 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kservice from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kservice: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kservice.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kservice


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-24
-- ✅ Built 22 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building ktextwidgets from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for ktextwidgets: Skipped
	Preparing build system for ktextwidgets.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing ktextwidgets


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-25
-- ✅ Built 23 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building qca from kf6-support (1/1)
	Source update complete for qca: Skipped
	Preparing build system for qca.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing qca


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-26
-- ✅ Built 24 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building knotifications from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for knotifications: Skipped
	Preparing build system for knotifications.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing knotifications


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-27
-- ✅ Built 25 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kxmlgui from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kxmlgui: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kxmlgui.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kxmlgui


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-28
-- ✅ Built 26 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kbookmarks from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kbookmarks: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kbookmarks.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kbookmarks


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-29
-- ✅ Built 27 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kjobwidgets from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kjobwidgets: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kjobwidgets.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kjobwidgets


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-30
-- ✅ Built 28 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kwallet from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kwallet: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kwallet.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kwallet


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-31
-- ✅ Built 29 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kwallet-pam from kf6-workspace-modules (1/1)
	Source update complete for kwallet-pam: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kwallet-pam.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kwallet-pam


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-32
-- ✅ Built 30 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building solid from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for solid: Skipped
	Preparing build system for solid.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing solid


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-33
-- ✅ Built 31 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building plasma-activities from kf6-workspace-modules (1/1)
	Source update complete for plasma-activities: Skipped
	Preparing build system for plasma-activities.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing plasma-activities


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-34
-- ✅ Built 32 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kpackage from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kpackage: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kpackage.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kpackage


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-35
-- ✅ Built 33 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kio from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kio: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kio.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kio


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-36
-- ✅ Built 34 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kcmutils from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kcmutils: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kcmutils.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kcmutils


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-37
-- ✅ Built 35 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kirigami from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kirigami: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kirigami.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kirigami


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-38
-- ✅ Built 36 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kdeclarative from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kdeclarative: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kdeclarative.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kdeclarative


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-39
-- ✅ Built 37 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kwayland from kf6-workspace-modules (1/1)
	Source update complete for kwayland: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kwayland.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kwayland


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-40
-- ✅ Built 38 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kidletime from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kidletime: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kidletime.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kidletime


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-41
-- ✅ Built 39 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building oxygen-icons from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for oxygen-icons: Skipped
	Preparing build system for oxygen-icons.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing oxygen-icons


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-42
-- ✅ Built 40 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kparts from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kparts: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kparts.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kparts


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-43
-- ✅ Built 41 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building syntax-highlighting from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for syntax-highlighting: Skipped
	Preparing build system for syntax-highlighting.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing syntax-highlighting


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-44
-- ✅ Built 42 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kdnssd from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kdnssd: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kdnssd.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kdnssd


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-45
-- ✅ Built 43 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kitemmodels from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kitemmodels: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kitemmodels.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kitemmodels


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-46
-- ✅ Built 44 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building ktexteditor from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for ktexteditor: Skipped
	Preparing build system for ktexteditor.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing ktexteditor


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-47
-- ✅ Built 45 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kunitconversion from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kunitconversion: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kunitconversion.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kunitconversion


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-48
-- ✅ Built 46 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building threadweaver from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for threadweaver: Skipped
	Preparing build system for threadweaver.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing threadweaver


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-49
-- ✅ Built 47 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building attica from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for attica: Skipped
	Preparing build system for attica.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing attica


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-50
-- ✅ Built 48 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building ksvg from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for ksvg: Skipped
	Preparing build system for ksvg.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing ksvg


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-51
-- ✅ Built 49 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building libplasma from kf6-workspace-modules (1/1)
	Source update complete for libplasma: Skipped
	Preparing build system for libplasma.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing libplasma


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-52
-- ✅ Built 50 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building syndication from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for syndication: Skipped
	Preparing build system for syndication.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing syndication


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-53
-- ✅ Built 51 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building knewstuff from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for knewstuff: Skipped
	Preparing build system for knewstuff.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing knewstuff


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-54
-- ✅ Built 52 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building frameworkintegration from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for frameworkintegration: Skipped
	Preparing build system for frameworkintegration.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing frameworkintegration


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-55
-- ✅ Built 53 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kdecoration from kf6-workspace-modules (1/1)
	Source update complete for kdecoration: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kdecoration.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kdecoration


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-56
-- ✅ Built 54 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building layer-shell-qt from kf6-workspace-modules (1/1)
	Source update complete for layer-shell-qt: Skipped
	Preparing build system for layer-shell-qt.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing layer-shell-qt


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-57
-- ✅ Built 55 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building libkscreen from kf6-workspace-modules (1/1)
	Source update complete for libkscreen: Skipped
	Preparing build system for libkscreen.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing libkscreen


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-58
-- ✅ Built 56 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building poppler from custom-qt6-libs (1/1)
	Source update complete for poppler: Skipped
	Preparing build system for poppler.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing poppler


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-59
-- ✅ Built 57 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building krunner from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for krunner: Skipped
	Preparing build system for krunner.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing krunner


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-60
-- ✅ Built 58 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building breeze from kf6-workspace-modules (1/1)
	Source update complete for breeze: Skipped
	Preparing build system for breeze.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing breeze


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-61
-- ✅ Built 59 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kscreenlocker from kf6-workspace-modules (1/1)
	Source update complete for kscreenlocker: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kscreenlocker.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kscreenlocker


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-62
-- ✅ Built 60 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building libqaccessibilityclient from extragear-libs (1/1)
	Source update complete for libqaccessibilityclient: Skipped
	Preparing build system for libqaccessibilityclient.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing libqaccessibilityclient


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-63
-- ✅ Built 61 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building phonon from phonon (1/2)
	Source update complete for phonon: Skipped
	Preparing build system for phonon.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing phonon

Building phonon-vlc from phonon (2/2)
	Source update complete for phonon-vlc: Skipped
	Preparing build system for phonon-vlc.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing phonon-vlc


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-64
-- ✅ Built 62 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kfilemetadata from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kfilemetadata: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kfilemetadata.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kfilemetadata


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-65
-- ✅ Built 63 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kpty from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for kpty: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kpty.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kpty


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-66
-- ✅ Built 64 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building networkmanager-qt from frameworks (1/1)
	Source update complete for networkmanager-qt: Skipped
	Preparing build system for networkmanager-qt.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing networkmanager-qt


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-67
-- ✅ Built 65 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kpipewire from kf6-workspace-modules (1/1)
	Source update complete for kpipewire: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kpipewire.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kpipewire


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-68
-- ✅ Built 66 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kglobalacceld from kf6-ws-kgad (1/1)
	Source update complete for kglobalacceld: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kglobalacceld.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...
	Installing kglobalacceld


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-69
-- ✅ Built 67 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building wayland-protocols from custom-qt6-libs (1/1)
	Source update complete for wayland-protocols: Skipped
	Preparing build system for wayland-protocols.
	Installing wayland-protocols


Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-70
-- ✅ Built 68 of 133!
Warning: The include line defined in /home/user/.config/kdesrc-buildrc:83 uses an old path with data/build-include.
The module-definitions files are now located in repo-metadata.
The configuration file is intended to only have this include line (please manually edit your config):
    include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb
Alternatively, you can regenerate the config with --generate-config option.
Mapping this line to "include ${module-definitions-dir}/kf6-qt6.ksb"

Holding performance profile

 <<<  Update Process  >>>

 <<<  Build Process  >>>

Building kwin from kf6-workspace-modules (1/1)
	Source update complete for kwin: Skipped
	Preparing build system for kwin.
	Running cmake targeting Ninja...

kwin didn't build, stopping here.

kwin - /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-71/kwin/build.log

Your logs are saved in /opt/kde/src/log/2024-04-24-71
Error: Command failed: set -e; sudo arch-chroot /home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/build/rootfs /bin/bash -x <<'EOF'
            set -e
            chown -R user:user /home/user
            mkdir -pv /opt/kde
            chown -R user:user /opt/kde
            ln -s /usr/bin/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu-g++ "/usr/bin/ distcc g++"
            ln -s /usr/bin/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu-g++ "/usr/bin/ g++"
            pacman --noconfirm -U
            sudo -u user bash << EOFSU
                set -e
                export CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache; export LDFLAGS="-Wl,--copy-dt-needed-entries"
                export CCACHE_LOGFILE=/home/user/.cache/ccache.log
                alias pacman="pacman --needed"
                sudo pacman --noconfirm -S --needed perl-json-xs

                cd /opt/kde

                git config --global --add url. kde:
                git config --global --add url.ssh:// kde:

                mkdir -p /opt/kde/src
                cd /opt/kde/src
                rm -rf kdesrc-build
                git clone
                cd kdesrc-build
                ./kdesrc-build --version
                yes | ./kdesrc-build --initial-setup
                ./kdesrc-build --metadata-only
                ./kdesrc-build --src-only extra-cmake-modules kcoreaddons ki18n kconfig plasma-wayland-protocols karchive kdoctools kwidgetsaddons polkit-qt-1 kwindowsystem kcodecs kauth kguiaddons kcolorscheme kconfigwidgets kdbusaddons kcrash kiconthemes kcompletion kitemviews sonnet kglobalaccel kservice ktextwidgets qca knotifications kxmlgui kbookmarks kjobwidgets kwallet kwallet-pam solid plasma-activities kpackage kio kcmutils kirigami kdeclarative kwayland kidletime oxygen-icons kparts syntax-highlighting kdnssd kitemmodels ktexteditor kunitconversion threadweaver attica ksvg libplasma syndication knewstuff frameworkintegration kdecoration layer-shell-qt libkscreen poppler krunner breeze kscreenlocker libqaccessibilityclient phonon kfilemetadata kpty networkmanager-qt kpipewire kglobalacceld wayland-protocols kwin libkexiv2 selenium-webdriver-at-spi baloo plasma-activities-stats kded kdesu kholidays knotifyconfig kcontacts kpeople kquickcharts modemmanager-qt prison libksysguard plasma-nano kuserfeedback kirigami-addons plasma5support kstatusnotifieritem plasma-workspace bluez-qt milou plasma-mobile plasma-nm plasma-pa qqc2-breeze-style plasma-settings kactivitymanagerd ksystemstats qqc2-desktop-style kscreen powerdevil plasma-desktop bluedevil plasma-integration breeze-icons qmlkonsole purpose futuresql kquickimageeditor angelfish kclock kweathercore extragear/utils/kweather kalk appstream discover polkit-kde-agent-1 kde-cli-tools xdg-desktop-portal-kde kmoretools dolphin alligator elisa kasts keysmith koko mpvqt tokodon spectacle plasma-dialer spacebar krecorder
                cd /opt/kde/src/plasma-integration && git checkout work/devinlin/flickdeceleration && git pull --rebase && cd /opt/kde/src/kdesrc-build
                ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src extra-cmake-modules; echo "-- ✅ Built 0 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kcoreaddons; echo "-- ✅ Built 1 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src ki18n; echo "-- ✅ Built 2 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kconfig; echo "-- ✅ Built 3 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src plasma-wayland-protocols; echo "-- ✅ Built 4 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src karchive; echo "-- ✅ Built 5 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kdoctools; echo "-- ✅ Built 6 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kwidgetsaddons; echo "-- ✅ Built 7 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src polkit-qt-1; echo "-- ✅ Built 8 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kwindowsystem; echo "-- ✅ Built 9 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kcodecs; echo "-- ✅ Built 10 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kauth; echo "-- ✅ Built 11 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kguiaddons; echo "-- ✅ Built 12 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kcolorscheme; echo "-- ✅ Built 13 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kconfigwidgets; echo "-- ✅ Built 14 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kdbusaddons; echo "-- ✅ Built 15 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kcrash; echo "-- ✅ Built 16 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kiconthemes; echo "-- ✅ Built 17 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kcompletion; echo "-- ✅ Built 18 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kitemviews; echo "-- ✅ Built 19 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src sonnet; echo "-- ✅ Built 20 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kglobalaccel; echo "-- ✅ Built 21 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kservice; echo "-- ✅ Built 22 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src ktextwidgets; echo "-- ✅ Built 23 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src qca; echo "-- ✅ Built 24 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src knotifications; echo "-- ✅ Built 25 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kxmlgui; echo "-- ✅ Built 26 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kbookmarks; echo "-- ✅ Built 27 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kjobwidgets; echo "-- ✅ Built 28 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kwallet; echo "-- ✅ Built 29 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kwallet-pam; echo "-- ✅ Built 30 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src solid; echo "-- ✅ Built 31 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src plasma-activities; echo "-- ✅ Built 32 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kpackage; echo "-- ✅ Built 33 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kio; echo "-- ✅ Built 34 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kcmutils; echo "-- ✅ Built 35 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kirigami; echo "-- ✅ Built 36 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kdeclarative; echo "-- ✅ Built 37 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kwayland; echo "-- ✅ Built 38 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kidletime; echo "-- ✅ Built 39 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src oxygen-icons; echo "-- ✅ Built 40 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kparts; echo "-- ✅ Built 41 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src syntax-highlighting; echo "-- ✅ Built 42 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kdnssd; echo "-- ✅ Built 43 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kitemmodels; echo "-- ✅ Built 44 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src ktexteditor; echo "-- ✅ Built 45 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kunitconversion; echo "-- ✅ Built 46 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src threadweaver; echo "-- ✅ Built 47 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src attica; echo "-- ✅ Built 48 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src ksvg; echo "-- ✅ Built 49 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src libplasma; echo "-- ✅ Built 50 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src syndication; echo "-- ✅ Built 51 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src knewstuff; echo "-- ✅ Built 52 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src frameworkintegration; echo "-- ✅ Built 53 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kdecoration; echo "-- ✅ Built 54 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src layer-shell-qt; echo "-- ✅ Built 55 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src libkscreen; echo "-- ✅ Built 56 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src poppler; echo "-- ✅ Built 57 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src krunner; echo "-- ✅ Built 58 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src breeze; echo "-- ✅ Built 59 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kscreenlocker; echo "-- ✅ Built 60 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src libqaccessibilityclient; echo "-- ✅ Built 61 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src phonon; echo "-- ✅ Built 62 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kfilemetadata; echo "-- ✅ Built 63 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kpty; echo "-- ✅ Built 64 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src networkmanager-qt; echo "-- ✅ Built 65 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kpipewire; echo "-- ✅ Built 66 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kglobalacceld; echo "-- ✅ Built 67 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src wayland-protocols; echo "-- ✅ Built 68 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kwin; echo "-- ✅ Built 69 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src libkexiv2; echo "-- ✅ Built 70 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src selenium-webdriver-at-spi; echo "-- ✅ Built 71 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src baloo; echo "-- ✅ Built 72 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src plasma-activities-stats; echo "-- ✅ Built 73 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kded; echo "-- ✅ Built 74 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kdesu; echo "-- ✅ Built 75 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kholidays; echo "-- ✅ Built 76 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src knotifyconfig; echo "-- ✅ Built 77 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kcontacts; echo "-- ✅ Built 78 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kpeople; echo "-- ✅ Built 79 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kquickcharts; echo "-- ✅ Built 80 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src modemmanager-qt; echo "-- ✅ Built 81 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src prison; echo "-- ✅ Built 82 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src libksysguard; echo "-- ✅ Built 83 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src plasma-nano; echo "-- ✅ Built 84 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kuserfeedback; echo "-- ✅ Built 85 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kirigami-addons; echo "-- ✅ Built 86 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src plasma5support; echo "-- ✅ Built 87 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kstatusnotifieritem; echo "-- ✅ Built 88 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src plasma-workspace; echo "-- ✅ Built 89 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src bluez-qt; echo "-- ✅ Built 90 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src milou; echo "-- ✅ Built 91 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src plasma-mobile; echo "-- ✅ Built 92 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src plasma-nm; echo "-- ✅ Built 93 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src plasma-pa; echo "-- ✅ Built 94 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src qqc2-breeze-style; echo "-- ✅ Built 95 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src plasma-settings; echo "-- ✅ Built 96 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kactivitymanagerd; echo "-- ✅ Built 97 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src ksystemstats; echo "-- ✅ Built 98 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src qqc2-desktop-style; echo "-- ✅ Built 99 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kscreen; echo "-- ✅ Built 100 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src powerdevil; echo "-- ✅ Built 101 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src plasma-desktop; echo "-- ✅ Built 102 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src bluedevil; echo "-- ✅ Built 103 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src plasma-integration; echo "-- ✅ Built 104 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src breeze-icons; echo "-- ✅ Built 105 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src qmlkonsole; echo "-- ✅ Built 106 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src purpose; echo "-- ✅ Built 107 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src futuresql; echo "-- ✅ Built 108 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kquickimageeditor; echo "-- ✅ Built 109 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src angelfish; echo "-- ✅ Built 110 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kclock; echo "-- ✅ Built 111 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kweathercore; echo "-- ✅ Built 112 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src extragear/utils/kweather; echo "-- ✅ Built 113 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kalk; echo "-- ✅ Built 114 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src appstream; echo "-- ✅ Built 115 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src discover; echo "-- ✅ Built 116 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src polkit-kde-agent-1; echo "-- ✅ Built 117 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kde-cli-tools; echo "-- ✅ Built 118 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src xdg-desktop-portal-kde; echo "-- ✅ Built 119 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kmoretools; echo "-- ✅ Built 120 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src dolphin; echo "-- ✅ Built 121 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src alligator; echo "-- ✅ Built 122 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src elisa; echo "-- ✅ Built 123 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src kasts; echo "-- ✅ Built 124 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src keysmith; echo "-- ✅ Built 125 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src koko; echo "-- ✅ Built 126 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src mpvqt; echo "-- ✅ Built 127 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src tokodon; echo "-- ✅ Built 128 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src spectacle; echo "-- ✅ Built 129 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src plasma-dialer; echo "-- ✅ Built 130 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src spacebar; echo "-- ✅ Built 131 of 133!"; ./kdesrc-build --stop-on-failure --no-include-dependencies --no-src krecorder; echo "-- ✅ Built 132 of 133!"
            sleep 2
    at checkExecSyncError (node:child_process:890:11)
    at Object.execSync (node:child_process:962:15)
    at exports.default (/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/src/helpers/exec.ts:3:26)
    at buildMobileDev (/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/src/os-variants/mobile/mobile-dev.ts:180:13)
    at main (/home/swadmin/jenkins/workspace/prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64/src/index.ts:226:29)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) {
  status: 1,
  signal: null,
  output: [ null, null, null ],
  pid: 1056079,
  stdout: null,
  stderr: null

real	37m27.239s
user	0m6.535s
sys	0m1.604s
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
[Set GitHub commit status (universal)] ERROR on repos [GHRepository@e494a08[archived=false,commits={},compareUsePaginatedCommits=false,description=Sineware ProLinux Build System,disabled=false,fork=false,homepage=,isTemplate=false,language=TypeScript,milestones={},name=prolinux-2,nodeId=R_kgDOJND7tw,parent=<null>,size=3739,source=<null>,visibility=public,createdAt=2023-03-22T21:55:29Z,id=617675703,nodeId=<null>,updatedAt=2024-03-07T15:42:10Z,url=]] (sha:c911647) with context:prolinux-2-mobile-dev-arm64
Setting commit status on GitHub for
Sending notification to Discord.
Finished: FAILURE