import { Client, Message } from "discord.js"; import { replyTTS } from "../chatbot/addons/tts"; import axios from 'axios'; import { musicCommandMappings } from "./music"; console.log("Initializing Classic Bot Hook..."); const prefix = "!"; const musicChecks = (message: Message, client: Client): boolean => { const channel = message.member?; if (!channel) { message.reply(":no_entry_sign:... are you in a voice channel?"); return false; } return true; } const commandMappings = new Map<string, (message: Message, client: Client) => void>([ ["ping", (message: Message, client: Client) => { message.reply("Pong!"); }], ["chat", (message: Message, client: Client) => { message.reply("You can't use this command anymore! Instead, just mention me in a message and I will respond!"); }], ["help", (message: Message, client: Client) => { message.reply(`Commands: !ping - Pong! !help - Show this message! !about - Version Information !roll [number] - Roll a number between 1 and [number] !poke, !hug, !bonk, !wave - Random GIFs !waifu - Random Waifu -- Music Commands -- !play [song] - Searches the song on YouTube (or plays the YT/Soundcloud URL) !stop - Stops the music and leaves the voice channel !skip - Skips the current song !queue - Shows the current queue and song **or use JMusicBot using ";music play"** (only works in #bot) -- Trivia! -- !trivia - Starts a new trivia game !trivia leaderboard - Shows the trivia leaderboard Respond to a trivia question with "answer" for forfeit the question and find out the answer. -- Chat Bot (SmoothieGPT) -- @mention: I will respond to any message that mentions me! If you are in a VC, I will join and speak my response! (TTS) `); }], ["about", (message: Message, client: Client) => { // get os version and node version const os = require('os'); const osType = os.type(); const osRelease = os.release(); const nodeVersion = process.version; message.reply(`SinewareBot 2 aka. SmoothieGPT - running on Node ${nodeVersion} on ${osType} ${osRelease}.`); }], ["roll", (message: Message, client: Client) => { let args = message.content.split(" "); if(args.length < 2) { message.reply("You need to specify a number to roll!"); return; } let max = parseInt(args[1]); if(isNaN(max)) { message.reply("You need to specify a number to roll!"); return; } let roll = Math.floor(Math.random() * max) + 1; message.reply(`You rolled a ${roll}!`); }], ["say", async (message: Message, client: Client) => { await replyTTS(message, message.content.split(" ").slice(1).join(" ")); }], ["poke", async (message: Message, client: Client) => { axios.get("")).data.url); }], ["hug", async (message: Message, client: Client) => { axios.get("")).data.url); }], ["bonk", async (message: Message, client: Client) => { axios.get("")).data.url); }], ["wave", async (message: Message, client: Client) => { axios.get("")).data.url); }], ["waifu", async (message: Message, client: Client) => { /* axios.get("")).data.url);*/"(Command Disabled)") }], ...musicCommandMappings ]); export async function classicBotHook(message: Message, client: Client): Promise<boolean> { if(message.content.startsWith("!")) { let args = message.content.split(" "); let command = args[0].substring(1); if(commandMappings.has(command)) { try { commandMappings.get(command)!(message, client); } catch(e: any) { message.reply(`:fire: ${e.message}`); return true; } return true; } message.reply("Unknown command!"); } return false; }