# Mess with these all you want! portals: general: allowNormalPortals: false # Enables/Disables normal Nether/End portals from functioning. textColor: c # The color of Portal admin commands. create: # For everything related to Portal creation maxSize: 1000 # A limit to make sure that an accidental attempt to turn an entire ocean into a portal doesn't succeed and kill your server. permission: alertUser: true # Alert the user when they try to use a WarpPortal that they don't have permission to use checkIndividualPortalPermissions: false # Change to true to allow permissions to be set on a per-portal basis. Use only with permission plugins that support wildcard operators, such as in "warpportals.enter.*", e.g. PermissionsEx. teleport: # For everything related to Portal teleportation message: Wooooooosh! # The message that is shown when a user teleports messageColor: d # The color of the teleportation message. reporting: allowAnalytics: true # Allow WarpPortals to periodically send data about its functioning to the developer.