# p-some [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/sindresorhus/p-some.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/sindresorhus/p-some) > Wait for a specified number of promises to be fulfilled Useful when you need the fastest of multiple promises. ## Install ``` $ npm install p-some ``` ## Usage Checks 4 websites and logs the 2 fastest. ```js const got = require('got'); const pSome = require('p-some'); (async () => { const input = [ got.head('github.com').then(() => 'github'), got.head('google.com').then(() => 'google'), got.head('twitter.com').then(() => 'twitter'), got.head('medium.com').then(() => 'medium') ]; const [first, second] = await pSome(input, {count: 2}); console.log(first, second); //=> 'google twitter' })(); ``` ## API ### pSome(input, options) Returns a [cancelable `Promise`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/p-cancelable) that is fulfilled when `count` promises from `input` are fulfilled. The fulfilled value is an `Array` of the values from the `input` promises in the order they were fulfilled. If it becomes impossible to satisfy `count`, for example, too many promises rejected, it will reject with an [`AggregateError`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/aggregate-error) error. If you pass in cancelable promises, specifically promises with a `.cancel()` method, that method will be called for the promises that are still unfulfilled when the returned `Promise` is either fulfilled or rejected. #### input Type: `Iterable` An `Iterable` collection of promises/values to wait for. #### options Type: `object` ##### count *Required*\ Type: `number`\ Minimum: `1` Number of promises from `input` that have to be fulfilled until the returned promise is fulfilled. ##### filter Type: `Function` Receives the value resolved by the promise. Used to filter out values that doesn't satisfy a condition. ### pSome.AggregateError Exposed for instance checking. ### pSome.FilterError Exposed for instance checking. ## Related - [p-any](https://github.com/sindresorhus/p-any) - Wait for any promise to be fulfilled - [Moreā€¦](https://github.com/sindresorhus/promise-fun)