import PCancelable = require('p-cancelable'); import { Options as PSomeOptions, AggregateError as PSomeAggregateError } from 'p-some'; declare namespace pAny { type Value = ValueType | PromiseLike; type Options = Omit, 'count'>; type CancelablePromise = PCancelable; type AggregateError = PSomeAggregateError; } declare const pAny: { /** Wait for any promise to be fulfilled. @param input - An `Iterable` collection of promises/values to wait for. @returns A [cancelable `Promise`]( that is fulfilled when any promise from `input` is fulfilled. If all the input promises reject, it will reject with an [`AggregateError`]( error. @example ``` import got = require('got'); import pAny = require('p-any'); (async () => { const first = await pAny([ got.head('').then(() => 'github'), got.head('').then(() => 'google'), got.head('').then(() => 'twitter'), ]); console.log(first); //=> 'google' })(); ``` */ ( input: Iterable>, options?: pAny.Options ): pAny.CancelablePromise; AggregateError: typeof PSomeAggregateError; }; export = pAny;