/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Red Hat Inc * * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later * * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Jan Grulich */ #include "screenchooserdialog.h" #include "utils.h" #include "waylandintegration.h" #include "region-select/SelectionEditor.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class FilteredWindowModel : public QSortFilterProxyModel { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(bool hasSelection READ hasSelection NOTIFY hasSelectionChanged) public: FilteredWindowModel(QObject *parent) : QSortFilterProxyModel(parent) { } bool filterAcceptsRow(int source_row, const QModelIndex &source_parent) const override { if (source_parent.isValid()) return false; const auto idx = sourceModel()->index(source_row, 0); using KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindowModel; return !idx.data(PlasmaWindowModel::SkipTaskbar).toBool() // && !idx.data(PlasmaWindowModel::SkipSwitcher).toBool() // && idx.data(PlasmaWindowModel::Pid) != QCoreApplication::applicationPid(); } QMap itemData(const QModelIndex &index) const override { using KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindowModel; auto ret = QSortFilterProxyModel::itemData(index); for (int i = PlasmaWindowModel::AppId; i <= PlasmaWindowModel::Uuid; ++i) { ret[i] = index.data(i); } return ret; } bool setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role) override { if (!checkIndex(index, CheckIndexOption::IndexIsValid) || role != Qt::CheckStateRole) { return false; } using KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindowModel; const QString uuid = index.data(PlasmaWindowModel::Uuid).toString(); if (value == Qt::Checked) { m_selected.insert(index); } else { m_selected.remove(index); } Q_EMIT dataChanged(index, index, {role}); if (m_selected.count() <= 1) { Q_EMIT hasSelectionChanged(); } return true; } QList> selectedWindows() const { QList> ret; ret.reserve(m_selected.size()); for (const auto &index : m_selected) { if (index.isValid()) ret << itemData(index); } return ret; } QHash roleNames() const override { QHash ret = sourceModel()->roleNames(); ret.insert(Qt::CheckStateRole, "checked"); return ret; } QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const override { if (!checkIndex(index, CheckIndexOption::IndexIsValid)) { return {}; } switch (role) { case Qt::CheckStateRole: return m_selected.contains(index) ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked; default: return QSortFilterProxyModel::data(index, role); } return {}; } bool hasSelection() { return !m_selected.isEmpty(); } void clearSelection() { auto selected = m_selected; m_selected.clear(); for (const auto &index : selected) { if (index.isValid()) Q_EMIT dataChanged(index, index, {Qt::CheckStateRole}); } Q_EMIT hasSelectionChanged(); } Q_SIGNALS: void hasSelectionChanged(); private: QSet m_selected; }; ScreenChooserDialog::ScreenChooserDialog(const QString &appName, bool multiple, ScreenCastPortal::SourceTypes types) : QuickDialog() { Q_ASSERT(types != 0); QVariantMap props = { {"title", i18n("Screen Sharing")}, {"multiple", multiple}, }; int numberOfMonitors = 0; if (types & ScreenCastPortal::Monitor) { auto model = new OutputsModel(OutputsModel::Options(OutputsModel::WorkspaceIncluded | OutputsModel::VirtualIncluded | OutputsModel::RegionIncluded), this); props.insert("outputsModel", QVariant::fromValue(model)); numberOfMonitors += model->rowCount(QModelIndex()); connect(this, &ScreenChooserDialog::clearSelection, model, &OutputsModel::clearSelection); } int numberOfWindows = 0; if (types & ScreenCastPortal::Window) { auto model = new KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindowModel(WaylandIntegration::plasmaWindowManagement()); auto windowsProxy = new FilteredWindowModel(this); windowsProxy->setSourceModel(model); props.insert("windowsModel", QVariant::fromValue(windowsProxy)); connect(this, &ScreenChooserDialog::clearSelection, windowsProxy, &FilteredWindowModel::clearSelection); numberOfWindows += model->rowCount(QModelIndex()); } const QString applicationName = Utils::applicationName(appName); QString mainText; // App asked for monitors and windows if (types & ScreenCastPortal::Monitor && types & ScreenCastPortal::Window) { if (appName.isEmpty()) { mainText = i18n("Choose what to share with the requesting application:"); } else { mainText = i18n("Choose what to share with %1:", applicationName); } } // App only asked for monitors else if (types & ScreenCastPortal::Monitor) { if (numberOfMonitors == 1) { if (appName.isEmpty()) { mainText = i18n("Share this screen with the requesting application?"); } else { mainText = i18n("Share this screen with %1?", applicationName); } } else { if (multiple) { if (appName.isEmpty()) { mainText = i18n("Choose screens to share with the requesting application:"); } else { mainText = i18n("Choose screens to share with %1:", applicationName); } } else { if (appName.isEmpty()) { mainText = i18n("Choose which screen to share with the requesting application:"); } else { mainText = i18n("Choose which screen to share with %1:", applicationName); } } } } // App only asked for windows else if (types & ScreenCastPortal::Window) { if (numberOfWindows == 1) { if (appName.isEmpty()) { mainText = i18n("Share this window with the requesting application?"); } else { mainText = i18n("Share this window with %1?", applicationName); } } else { if (multiple) { if (appName.isEmpty()) { mainText = i18n("Choose windows to share with the requesting application:"); } else { mainText = i18n("Choose windows to share with %1:", applicationName); } } else { if (appName.isEmpty()) { mainText = i18n("Choose which window to share with the requesting application:"); } else { mainText = i18n("Choose which window to share with %1:", applicationName); } } } } props.insert("mainText", mainText); create(QStringLiteral("qrc:/ScreenChooserDialog.qml"), props); connect(m_theDialog, SIGNAL(clearSelection()), this, SIGNAL(clearSelection())); } ScreenChooserDialog::~ScreenChooserDialog() = default; QList ScreenChooserDialog::selectedOutputs() const { OutputsModel *model = dynamic_cast(m_theDialog->property("outputsModel").value()); if (!model) { return {}; } return model->selectedOutputs(); } QList> ScreenChooserDialog::selectedWindows() const { FilteredWindowModel *model = dynamic_cast(m_theDialog->property("windowsModel").value()); if (!model) { return {}; } return model->selectedWindows(); } QRect ScreenChooserDialog::selectedRegion() const { return m_region; } void ScreenChooserDialog::setRegion(const QRect region) { m_region = region; } bool ScreenChooserDialog::allowRestore() const { return m_theDialog->property("allowRestore").toBool(); } void ScreenChooserDialog::accept() { bool valid = true; for (const auto &output : selectedOutputs()) { if (output.outputType() == Output::OutputType::Region) { QScopedPointer selectionEditor(new SelectionEditor(this)); valid = selectionEditor->exec(); setRegion(selectionEditor->rect()); break; } } if (!valid) { // if we selected rectangular region, but didn't actually choose a region, start over QTimer::singleShot(0, m_theDialog, SLOT(present())); } else { QuickDialog::accept(); } } #include "screenchooserdialog.moc"