/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Volker Krause SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Christoph Cullmann SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ #include "htmlhighlighter.h" #include "abstracthighlighter_p.h" #include "definition.h" #include "definition_p.h" #include "format.h" #include "ksyntaxhighlighting_logging.h" #include "state.h" #include "theme.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace KSyntaxHighlighting; class KSyntaxHighlighting::HtmlHighlighterPrivate : public AbstractHighlighterPrivate { public: std::unique_ptr out; std::unique_ptr file; QString currentLine; std::vector htmlStyles; Theme::EditorColorRole bgRole = Theme::BackgroundColor; }; HtmlHighlighter::HtmlHighlighter() : AbstractHighlighter(new HtmlHighlighterPrivate()) { } HtmlHighlighter::~HtmlHighlighter() { } void HtmlHighlighter::setBackgroundRole(Theme::EditorColorRole bgRole) { Q_D(HtmlHighlighter); d->bgRole = bgRole; } void HtmlHighlighter::setOutputFile(const QString &fileName) { Q_D(HtmlHighlighter); d->file.reset(new QFile(fileName)); if (!d->file->open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Truncate)) { qCWarning(Log) << "Failed to open output file" << fileName << ":" << d->file->errorString(); return; } d->out.reset(new QTextStream(d->file.get())); d->out->setEncoding(QStringConverter::Utf8); } void HtmlHighlighter::setOutputFile(FILE *fileHandle) { Q_D(HtmlHighlighter); d->out.reset(new QTextStream(fileHandle, QIODevice::WriteOnly)); d->out->setEncoding(QStringConverter::Utf8); } void HtmlHighlighter::highlightFile(const QString &fileName, const QString &title) { QFile f(fileName); if (!f.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { qCWarning(Log) << "Failed to open input file" << fileName << ":" << f.errorString(); return; } if (title.isEmpty()) { QFileInfo fi(fileName); highlightData(&f, fi.fileName()); } else { highlightData(&f, title); } } namespace { /** * @brief toHtmlRgba * Converts QRgb -> #RRGGBBAA if there is an alpha channel * otherwise it will just return the hexcode. This is because QColor * outputs #AARRGGBB, whereas browser support #RRGGBBAA. */ struct HtmlColor { HtmlColor(QRgb argb) { static const char16_t *digits = u"0123456789abcdef"; hexcode[0] = u'#'; hexcode[1] = digits[qRed(argb) >> 4]; hexcode[2] = digits[qRed(argb) & 0xf]; hexcode[3] = digits[qGreen(argb) >> 4]; hexcode[4] = digits[qGreen(argb) & 0xf]; hexcode[5] = digits[qBlue(argb) >> 4]; hexcode[6] = digits[qBlue(argb) & 0xf]; if (qAlpha(argb) == 0xff) { len = 7; } else { hexcode[7] = digits[qAlpha(argb) >> 4]; hexcode[8] = digits[qAlpha(argb) & 0xf]; len = 9; } } QStringView sv() const { return QStringView(hexcode, len); } private: QChar hexcode[9]; qsizetype len; }; } void HtmlHighlighter::highlightData(QIODevice *dev, const QString &title) { Q_D(HtmlHighlighter); if (!d->out) { qCWarning(Log) << "No output stream defined!"; return; } QString htmlTitle; if (title.isEmpty()) { htmlTitle = QStringLiteral("KSyntaxHighlighter"); } else { htmlTitle = title.toHtmlEscaped(); } const auto &theme = d->m_theme; const auto &definition = d->m_definition; const bool useSelectedText = d->bgRole == Theme::TextSelection; auto definitions = definition.includedDefinitions(); definitions.append(definition); const auto mainTextColor = [&] { if (useSelectedText) { const auto fg = theme.selectedTextColor(Theme::Normal); if (fg) { return fg; } } return theme.textColor(Theme::Normal); }(); const auto mainBgColor = theme.editorColor(d->bgRole); int maxId = 0; for (const auto &definition : std::as_const(definitions)) { for (const auto &format : std::as_const(DefinitionData::get(definition)->formats)) { maxId = qMax(maxId, format.id()); } } d->htmlStyles.clear(); // htmlStyles must not be empty for applyFormat to work even with a definition without any context d->htmlStyles.resize(maxId + 1); // initialize htmlStyles for (const auto &definition : std::as_const(definitions)) { for (const auto &format : std::as_const(DefinitionData::get(definition)->formats)) { auto &buffer = d->htmlStyles[format.id()]; const auto textColor = useSelectedText ? format.selectedTextColor(theme).rgba() : format.textColor(theme).rgba(); if (textColor && textColor != mainTextColor) { buffer += QStringLiteral("color:") + HtmlColor(textColor).sv() + u';'; } const auto bgColor = useSelectedText ? format.selectedBackgroundColor(theme).rgba() : format.backgroundColor(theme).rgba(); if (bgColor && bgColor != mainBgColor) { buffer += QStringLiteral("background-color:") + HtmlColor(bgColor).sv() + u';'; } if (format.isBold(theme)) { buffer += QStringLiteral("font-weight:bold;"); } if (format.isItalic(theme)) { buffer += QStringLiteral("font-style:italic;"); } if (format.isUnderline(theme)) { buffer += QStringLiteral("text-decoration:underline;"); } if (format.isStrikeThrough(theme)) { buffer += QStringLiteral("text-decoration:line-through;"); } if (!buffer.isEmpty()) { buffer.insert(0, QStringLiteral("'; } } } State state; *d->out << "\n"; *d->out << "\n"; *d->out << "\n"; *d->out << "" << htmlTitle << "\n"; *d->out << "\n"; *d->out << "out << " style=\"background-color:" << HtmlColor(mainBgColor).sv(); *d->out << ";color:" << HtmlColor(mainTextColor).sv(); *d->out << "\">

    QTextStream in(dev);
    while (in.readLineInto(&d->currentLine)) {
        state = highlightLine(d->currentLine, state);
        *d->out << "\n";

    *d->out << "
\n"; d->out->flush(); d->out.reset(); d->file.reset(); } void HtmlHighlighter::applyFormat(int offset, int length, const Format &format) { if (length == 0) { return; } Q_D(HtmlHighlighter); auto const &htmlStyle = d->htmlStyles[format.id()]; if (!htmlStyle.isEmpty()) { *d->out << htmlStyle; } for (QChar ch : QStringView(d->currentLine).sliced(offset, length)) { if (ch == u'<') *d->out << QStringLiteral("<"); else if (ch == u'&') *d->out << QStringLiteral("&"); else *d->out << ch; } if (!htmlStyle.isEmpty()) { *d->out << QStringLiteral("
"); } }