# Sample Nix file # --------------- let bool = true && false; var1 = if 3 < 4 then "a" else "b"; in { /* Multi-line comments */ inherit var1; var2 = with builtins; [ 0 1 2 (-3) (-4) 123.456 .12e34 (12 + 345 * 6789 / 321) ]; var3 = [ "Single-line string" " Multi-line string " '' Indented string. '' ]; nested.var4 = [ "String with ${var1}" "Another one with escaped \${var1}" '' Document with ${var1} which is ''${var1} '' '' My home: ${builtins.getEnv "HOME"} Escaped tab: ''\\t '' ]; nested.a.imported = (import ./example.nix); fn = (x: y: x + y); fn1 = { a, b ? import ./file.nix, c ? { a = 1; b = 2; }, ... }: rec { inherit (import ./.); x = a; }; var5 = { inherit a b c; inherit (expr) a b c; }; var6 = { ${foo} = bar; ${bar} = baz; a.${b} = c; }; var7 = { "first" = 1; "second" = 2; }; abc."cde".fgh = abc."cde".fgh; }