set terminal pdf plot "data-simple" using 1:2 with lines, \ "data-simple" using 1:3 with linespoints # simple plotting plot '2col.dat' # assumes col1=x, col2=y; shows '+' at data points plot '2col.dat' with lines # connect points with a line # plot a subset of the data plot[1:5] '2col.dat' with linespoints # plot the first 5 elements # add a title to your line plot '2col.dat' with lines title 'my curve' # this is really the line-title in the legend # map the columns to the x- and y-axes plot '2col.dat' using 1:2 # 1=x, 2=y (this is the default) plot '2col.dat' using 2:1 # 2=x, 1=y (reverse the graph) # abbreviations plot '2col.csv' u 1:2 w l title 'Squared' # 'u' - using, 'w l' - with lines set title 'Hello, world' # plot title set xlabel 'Time' # x-axis label set ylabel 'Distance' # y-axis label # labels set label "boiling point" at 10, 212 # key/legend set key top right set key box set key left bottom set key bmargin set key 0.01,100 set nokey # no key # arrow set arrow from 1,1 to 5,10 set multiplot # multiplot mode (prompt changes to 'multiplot') set size 1, 0.5 set origin 0.0,0.5 plot sin(x), log(x) set origin 0.0,0.0 plot sin(x), log(x), cos(x) unset multiplot # exit multiplot mode (prompt changes back to 'gnuplot') plot sin(x) title 'Sine Function', tan(x) title 'Tangent' plot sin(x) plot sin(x)/x plot 'bp-hr.dat' u 1:2 w lp t 'systolic', 'bp-hr.dat' u 1:3 w lp t 'diastolic', 'bp-hr.dat' u 1:4 w lp t 'heartrate' set terminal postscript color noenhanced ##setting the term set output "" set key center ##legend placement plot [1:5][1:120] \ for [i = 1:3] "file_".i.".dat" \ pointsize 1.3 linecolor i+4 \ title "file\_".i.".dat" \ with linespoints file_name(n) = sprintf("file_%d.dat", n) plot for[i = 1:N] file_name(i) title file_name(i) # data blocks $Mydata << EOD 11 22 33 first line of data 44 55 66 second line of data # comments work just as in a data file 77 88 99 EOD stats $Mydata using 1:3 plot $Mydata using 1:3 with points, $Mydata using 1:2 with impulses print '`hostname -s`: '."`hostname -s`" style1 = "lines lt 4 lw 2" style2 = "points lt 3 pt 5 ps 2" range1 = "using 1:3" range2 = "using 1:5" plot "foo" @range1 with @style1, "bar" @range2 with @style2 v=0 if (v%2) { print "2" } else if (v%3) { print "3" } else { print "fred" } v=v+1; if (v%2) print "2" ; else if (v%3) print "3"; else print "fred" do for [N=1:5] { plot func(N, x) pause -1 }