* This file is an example to test the syntax highlighting file fortran-fixed.xml * (for fortran, fixed format) c <-- this is a comment in the old fortran 77 style (fixed form) c In the free form file, so we shouldn't use this kind of comments! c But fortran 90 still understands fixed form, when parsing sources with c the *.f extension. * this 'c' shouldn't be highlighted as a comment! c * Prints the values of e ** (j * i * pi / 4) for i = 0, 1, 2, ..., 7 * where j is the imaginary number sqrt(-1) PROGRAM CMPLXD IMPLICIT COMPLEX(X) PARAMETER (PI = 3.141592653589793, XJ = (0, 1)) this text should be highlighted as a comment because it is after the 72th column (ignored by the compiler) DO 1, I = 0, 7 X = EXP(XJ * I * PI / 4) IF (AIMAG(X).LT.0) THEN PRINT 2, 'e**(j*', I, '*pi/4) = ', ! I am an in-line comment * REAL(X), ' - j',-AIMAG(X) ! the character at the 6th column indicate a continuation line and should be highlighted as a continuation character ELSE PRINT 2, 'e**(j*', I, '*pi/4) = ', * REAL(X), ' + j', AIMAG(X) END IF FORMAT (A, I1, A, F10.7, A, F9.7) CONTINUE ENDDO STOP END