SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ require_once('../src/server/shared/datastore.php'); // default database configuration for sqlite, can be overridden by localconfig.php $USERFEEDBACK_DB_DRIVER = 'sqlite'; $USERFEEDBACK_DB_NAME = ':memory:'; class DatastoreTestHelper { public static function setup() { // database schema setup $db = new Datastore(); $db->checkSchema(); // add dummy test data (from previous use of DBUnit, might make sense to move this to the corresponding tests relying on this instead) $db->pdoHandle()->exec('INSERT INTO tbl_product (col_id, col_name) VALUES (2, "org.kde.UnitTest")'); $db->pdoHandle()->exec('INSERT INTO tbl_schema (col_id, col_product_id, col_name, col_type) VALUES (31, 2, "entry1", "scalar")'); $db->pdoHandle()->exec('INSERT INTO tbl_schema (col_id, col_product_id, col_name, col_type) VALUES (32, 2, "entry2", "list")'); $db->pdoHandle()->exec('INSERT INTO tbl_schema_element (col_id, col_schema_id, col_name, col_type) VALUES (42, 31, "element11", "string")'); $db->pdoHandle()->exec('INSERT INTO tbl_schema_element (col_id, col_schema_id, col_name, col_type) VALUES (43, 31, "element12", "bool")'); $db->pdoHandle()->exec('INSERT INTO tbl_schema_element (col_id, col_schema_id, col_name, col_type) VALUES (44, 32, "element21", "int")'); $db->pdoHandle()->exec('INSERT INTO tbl_schema_element (col_id, col_schema_id, col_name, col_type) VALUES (45, 32, "element22", "number")'); $db->pdoHandle()->exec('INSERT INTO tbl_survey (col_id, col_uuid, col_product_id, col_name, col_url, col_active, col_target) VALUES (101, "{962bbd80-7120-4f18-a4c0-5800fa323868}", 2, "myActiveSurvey", "http://survey.example/active", 1, "usageTime.value >= 3600")'); $db->pdoHandle()->exec('INSERT INTO tbl_survey (col_id, col_uuid, col_product_id, col_name, col_url, col_active, col_target) VALUES (102, "{bdfa82c5-238f-404b-a441-07ca3d3eff7f}", 2, "myInactiveSurvey", "http://survey.example/inactive", 0, "screen[0].dpi < 200")'); $stmt = $db->pdoHandle()->exec("INSERT INTO tbl_aggregation (col_id, col_name, col_product_id, col_type, col_elements) VALUES (201, 'Category: entry1.elem11', 2, 'category', '[ { \"type\": \"value\", \"schemaEntry\": \"entry1\", \"schemaEntryElement\": \"element11\" } ]')"); $db->pdoHandle()->exec("INSERT INTO tbl_aggregation (col_id, col_name, col_product_id, col_type, col_elements) VALUES (202, 'entry2 size distribution', 2, 'numeric', '[ { \"type\": \"size\", \"schemaEntry\": \"entry2\" } ]')"); return $db; } } ?>