/* This file is part of the KDE project SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001 S.R. Haque . SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002 David Faure SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-only */ #ifndef KFINDDIALOG_P_H #define KFINDDIALOG_P_H #include "kfind.h" #include "kfinddialog.h" #include class KHistoryComboBox; class QCheckBox; class QDialogButtonBox; class QGridLayout; class QGroupBox; class QMenu; class QPushButton; class KFindDialogPrivate { Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC(KFindDialog) public: KFindDialogPrivate(KFindDialog *qq) : q_ptr(qq) , regexpDialog(nullptr) , regexpDialogQueryDone(false) , initialShowDone(false) , enabled(KFind::WholeWordsOnly | KFind::FromCursor | KFind::SelectedText | KFind::CaseSensitive | KFind::FindBackwards | KFind::RegularExpression) , findExtension(nullptr) , buttonBox(nullptr) { } virtual ~KFindDialogPrivate() = default; void init(bool forReplace, const QStringList &findStrings, bool hasSelection); void slotPlaceholdersAboutToShow(); void slotOk(); void slotReject(); void slotSelectedTextToggled(bool); void showPatterns(); void showPlaceholders(); void textSearchChanged(const QString &); KFindDialog *const q_ptr = nullptr; QDialog *regexpDialog = nullptr; bool regexpDialogQueryDone : 1; bool initialShowDone : 1; long enabled; // uses Options to define which search options are enabled QStringList findStrings; QString pattern; mutable QWidget *findExtension = nullptr; QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = nullptr; QGroupBox *findGrp = nullptr; KHistoryComboBox *find = nullptr; QCheckBox *regExp = nullptr; QPushButton *regExpItem = nullptr; QGridLayout *findLayout = nullptr; QCheckBox *wholeWordsOnly = nullptr; QCheckBox *fromCursor = nullptr; QCheckBox *selectedText = nullptr; QCheckBox *caseSensitive = nullptr; QCheckBox *findBackwards = nullptr; QMenu *patterns = nullptr; // for the replace dialog QGroupBox *replaceGrp = nullptr; KHistoryComboBox *replace = nullptr; QCheckBox *backRef = nullptr; QPushButton *backRefItem = nullptr; QGridLayout *replaceLayout = nullptr; QCheckBox *promptOnReplace = nullptr; QMenu *placeholders = nullptr; }; #endif // KFINDDIALOG_P_H