# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2017 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause #[=======================================================================[.rst: ECMAddQch ------------------ This module provides the ``ecm_add_qch`` function for generating API documentation files in the QCH format, and the ``ecm_install_qch_export`` function for generating and installing exported CMake targets for such generated QCH files to enable builds of other software with generation of QCH files to create links into the given QCH files. :: ecm_add_qch( NAME VERSION QCH_INSTALL_DESTINATION TAGFILE_INSTALL_DESTINATION [COMPONENT ] [BASE_NAME ] [SOURCE_DIRS [ [...]]] [SOURCES [ [...]]] |MD_MAINPAGE ] [INCLUDE_DIRS [ [...]]] [IMAGE_DIRS [ [...]]] [EXAMPLE_DIRS [ [...]]] [ORG_DOMAIN ] [NAMESPACE ] [LINK_QCHS [ [...]]] [PREDEFINED_MACROS [ [...]]] [BLANK_MACROS [ [...]]] [CONFIG_TEMPLATE ] [VERBOSE] ) This macro adds a target called for the creation of an API documentation manual in the QCH format from the given sources. It currently uses doxygen, future versions might optionally also allow other tools. Next to the QCH file the target will generate a corresponding doxygen tag file, which enables creating links from other documentation into the generated QCH file. It is recommended to make the use of this macro optional, by depending the call to ``ecm_add_qch`` on a CMake option being set, with a name like ``BUILD_QCH`` and being ``TRUE`` by default. This will allow the developers to saves resources on normal source development build cycles by setting this option to FALSE. The macro will set the target properties ``DOXYGEN_TAGFILE``, ``QHP_NAMESPACE``, ``QHP_NAMESPACE_VERSIONED``, ``QHP_VIRTUALFOLDER`` and ``LINK_QCHS`` to the respective values, to allow other code access to them, e.g. the macro ``ecm_install_qch_export``. To enable the use of the target as item for ``LINK_QCHS`` in further ``ecm_add_qch`` calls in the current build, additionally a target property ``DOXYGEN_TAGFILE_BUILD`` is set, with the path of the created doxygen tag file in the build dir. If existing, ``ecm_add_qch`` will use this property instead of ``DOXYGEN_TAGFILE`` for access to the tags file. ``NAME`` specifies the name for the generated documentation. ``VERSION`` specifies the version of the library for which the documentation is created. ``BASE_NAME`` specifies the base name for the generated files. The default basename is ````. ``SOURCE_DIRS`` specifies the dirs (incl. subdirs) with the source files for which the API documentation should be generated. Dirs can be relative to the current source dir. Dependencies to the files in the dirs are not tracked currently, other than with the ``SOURCES`` argument. So do not use for sources generated during the build. Needs to be used when ``SOURCES`` or ``CONFIG_TEMPLATE`` are not used. ``SOURCES`` specifies the source files for which the API documentation should be generated. Needs to be used when ``SOURCE_DIRS`` or ``CONFIG_TEMPLATE`` are not used. ``MD_MAINPAGE`` specifies a file in Markdown format that should be used as main page. This page will overrule any ``\mainpage`` command in the included sources. ``INCLUDE_DIRS`` specifies the dirs which should be searched for included headers. Dirs can be relative to the current source dir. Since 5.63. ``IMAGE_DIRS`` specifies the dirs which contain images that are included in the documentation. Dirs can be relative to the current source dir. ``EXAMPLE_DIRS`` specifies the dirs which contain examples that are included in the documentation. Dirs can be relative to the current source dir. ``QCH_INSTALL_DESTINATION`` specifies where the generated QCH file will be installed. ``TAGFILE_INSTALL_DESTINATION`` specifies where the generated tag file will be installed. ``COMPONENT`` specifies the installation component name with which the install rules for the generated QCH file and tag file are associated. ``NAMESPACE`` can be used to set a custom namespace of the generated QCH file. The namepspace is used as the unique id by QHelpEngine (cmp. https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qthelpproject.html#namespace). The default namespace is ``.``. Needs to be used when ``ORG_DOMAIN`` is not used. ``ORG_DOMAIN`` can be used to define the organization domain prefix for the default namespace of the generated QCH file. Needs to be used when ``NAMESPACE`` is not used. ``LINK_QCHS`` specifies a list of other QCH targets which should be used for creating references to API documentation of code in external libraries. For each target in the list these target properties are expected to be defined: ``DOXYGEN_TAGFILE``, ``QHP_NAMESPACE`` and ``QHP_VIRTUALFOLDER``. If any of these is not existing, will be ignored. Use the macro ``ecm_install_qch_export`` for exporting a target with these properties with the CMake config of a library. Any target can also be one created before in the same buildsystem by another call of ``ecm_add_qch``. ``PREDEFINED_MACROS`` specifies a list of C/C++ macros which should be handled as given by the API dox generation tool. Examples are macros only defined in generated files, so whose definition might be not available to the tool. ``BLANK_MACROS`` specifies a list of C/C++ macro names which should be ignored by the API dox generation tool and handled as if they resolve to empty strings. Examples are export macros only defined in generated files, so whose definition might be not available to the tool. ``CONFIG_TEMPLATE`` specifies a custom cmake template file for the config file that is created to control the execution of the API dox generation tool. The following CMake variables need to be used: - ``ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_QHELPGENERATOR_EXECUTABLE`` - ``ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_FILEPATH, ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_TAGFILE`` The following CMake variables can be used: - ``ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_PROJECTNAME`` - ``ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_PROJECTVERSION`` - ``ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_VIRTUALFOLDER`` - ``ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_FULLNAMESPACE`` - ``ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_TAGFILES`` - ``ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_WARN_LOGFILE`` - ``ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_QUIET`` There is no guarantue that the other CMake variables currently used in the default config file template will also be present with the same semantics in future versions of this macro. ``VERBOSE`` tells the API dox generation tool to be more verbose about its activity. The default config file for the API dox generation tool, so the one when not using ``CONFIG_TEMPLATE``, allows code to handle the case of being processed by the tool by defining the C/C++ preprocessor macro ``K_DOXYGEN`` when run (since v5.67.0). For backward-compatibility also the definition ``DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS`` is set, but its usage is deprecated. Example usage: .. code-block:: cmake ecm_add_qch( MyLib_QCH NAME MyLib VERSION "0.42.0" ORG_DOMAIN org.myorg SOURCE_DIRS src LINK_QCHS Qt5Core_QCH Qt5Xml_QCH Qt5Gui_QCH Qt5Widgets_QCH BLANK_MACROS MyLib_EXPORT MyLib_DEPRECATED TAGFILE_INSTALL_DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/docs/tags QCH_INSTALL_DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/docs/qch COMPONENT Devel ) Example usage (with two QCH files, second linking first): .. code-block:: cmake ecm_add_qch( MyLib_QCH NAME MyLib VERSION ${MyLib_VERSION} ORG_DOMAIN org.myorg SOURCES ${MyLib_PUBLIC_HEADERS} MD_MAINPAGE src/mylib/README.md LINK_QCHS Qt5Core_QCH TAGFILE_INSTALL_DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/docs/tags QCH_INSTALL_DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/docs/qch COMPONENT Devel ) ecm_add_qch( MyOtherLib_QCH NAME MyOtherLib VERSION ${MyOtherLib_VERSION} ORG_DOMAIN org.myorg SOURCES ${MyOtherLib_PUBLIC_HEADERS} MD_MAINPAGE src/myotherlib/README.md LINK_QCHS Qt5Core_QCH MyLib_QCH TAGFILE_INSTALL_DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/docs/tags QCH_INSTALL_DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/docs/qch COMPONENT Devel ) :: ecm_install_qch_export( TARGETS [ [ [...]]] FILE DESTINATION [COMPONENT ] ) This macro creates and installs a CMake file which exports the given QCH targets etc., so they can be picked up by CMake-based builds of other software that also generate QCH files (using ``ecm_add_qch``) and which should include links to the QCH files created by the given targets. The installed CMake file is expected to be included by the CMake config file created for the software the related QCH files are documenting. ``TARGETS`` specifies the QCH targets which should be exported. If a target does not exist or does not have all needed properties, a warning will be generated and the target skipped. This behaviour might change in future versions to result in a fail instead. ``FILE`` specifies the name of the created CMake file, typically with a .cmake extension. ``DESTINATION`` specifies the directory on disk to which the file will be installed. It usually is the same as the one where the CMake config files for this software are installed. ``COMPONENT`` specifies the installation component name with which the install rule is associated. Example usage: .. code-block:: cmake ecm_install_qch_export( TARGETS MyLib_QCH FILE MyLibQCHTargets.cmake DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/cmake/MyLib" COMPONENT Devel ) Since 5.36.0. #]=======================================================================] include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../modules/QtVersionOption.cmake) include(ECMQueryQt) # Helper method: adding the LINK_QCHS property to a Qt QCH targets, from module base names ("Core" etc.) # if target does not exist (e.g. because no tagsfile was found), this is a no-op macro(_ecm_setup_qt_qch_links _module) set(_target "Qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}${_module}_QCH") if(TARGET ${_target}) set(_linkqchs) foreach(_linkqch ${ARGN}) list(APPEND _linkqchs "Qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}${_linkqch}_QCH") endforeach() set_property(TARGET ${_target} PROPERTY LINK_QCHS ${_linkqchs}) endif() endmacro() # Helper method: ensure Qt QCH targets are created function(_ecm_ensure_qt_qch_targets) # create QCH targets for Qt # Ideally one day Qt CMake Config files provide these if(NOT TARGET Qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}Core_QCH) # get Qt version, if any find_package(Qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}Core CONFIG QUIET) # lookup tag files ecm_query_qt(qt_docs_dir QT_INSTALL_DOCS TRY) find_path(_qtcoreTagsPath qtcore/qtcore.tags PATHS ${qt_docs_dir} ) if(Qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}Core_FOUND AND _qtcoreTagsPath) string(REPLACE "." "" _version ${Qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}Core_VERSION}) # TODO: properly find each tag file # TODO: complete list of Qt modules if (QT_MAJOR_VERSION EQUAL "6") set(_module_list 3D Bluetooth Concurrent Core DBus Gui Location Network Nfc Pdf Positioning PrintSupport Qml Quick Sensors SerialBus SerialPort Sql StateMachine Svg Test TextToSpeech WebChannel WebEngine WebSockets Widgets Xml) else() set(_module_list 3D Bluetooth Concurrent Core DBus Gui Location Network Positioning PrintSupport Qml Quick Sensors SerialPort Sql Svg WebChannel WebEngine WebSockets Widgets Xml XmlPatterns) endif() foreach(_module ${_module_list}) string(TOLOWER ${_module} _lowermodule) set(_tagfile "${_qtcoreTagsPath}/qt${_lowermodule}/qt${_lowermodule}.tags") if(EXISTS "${_tagfile}") add_custom_target(Qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}${_module}_QCH) set_target_properties(Qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}${_module}_QCH PROPERTIES DOXYGEN_TAGFILE "${_tagfile}" QHP_NAMESPACE "org.qt-project.qt${_lowermodule}" QHP_NAMESPACE_VERSIONED "org.qt-project.qt${_lowermodule}.${_version}" QHP_VIRTUALFOLDER "qt${_lowermodule}" ) endif() endforeach() _ecm_setup_qt_qch_links(3D Gui Core) _ecm_setup_qt_qch_links(Bluetooth DBus Core) _ecm_setup_qt_qch_links(Concurrent Gui Core) _ecm_setup_qt_qch_links(DBus Core) _ecm_setup_qt_qch_links(Gui Core) _ecm_setup_qt_qch_links(Location Positioning Gui Core) _ecm_setup_qt_qch_links(Network Core) if (QT_MAJOR_VERSION EQUAL "6") _ecm_setup_qt_qch_links(Nfc Core) _ecm_setup_qt_qch_links(Pdf Gui Core) endif() _ecm_setup_qt_qch_links(Positioning Core) _ecm_setup_qt_qch_links(PrintSupport Widgets Gui Core) _ecm_setup_qt_qch_links(Qml Network Core) _ecm_setup_qt_qch_links(Quick Qml Network Gui Core) _ecm_setup_qt_qch_links(Sensors Core) if (QT_MAJOR_VERSION EQUAL "6") _ecm_setup_qt_qch_links(SerialBus Core) endif() _ecm_setup_qt_qch_links(SerialPort Core) _ecm_setup_qt_qch_links(Sql Core) if (QT_MAJOR_VERSION EQUAL "6") _ecm_setup_qt_qch_links(StateMachine Core) endif() _ecm_setup_qt_qch_links(Svg Widgets Gui Core) _ecm_setup_qt_qch_links(Test Core) if (QT_MAJOR_VERSION EQUAL "6") _ecm_setup_qt_qch_links(TextToSpeech Core) endif() _ecm_setup_qt_qch_links(WebChannel Qml Core) _ecm_setup_qt_qch_links(WebEngine Quick Qml Gui Core) _ecm_setup_qt_qch_links(WebSockets Network Core) _ecm_setup_qt_qch_links(Widgets Gui Core) _ecm_setup_qt_qch_links(Xml Core) if (QT_MAJOR_VERSION EQUAL "5") _ecm_setup_qt_qch_links(XmlPatterns Network Core) endif() endif() endif() endfunction() # Helper method: collect all qch targets from the LINK_QCHS dependency tree and set result to function(_ecm_collect_linkable_qch_targets name) set(_candidate_qchs ${ARGN}) set(_handled_qchs) set(_good_qchs) # while unhandled qch targets while(_candidate_qchs) # get another unhandled qch target list(GET _candidate_qchs 0 _qch) list(REMOVE_AT _candidate_qchs 0) list(FIND _handled_qchs ${_qch} _index) # if not already handled if(_index EQUAL -1) list(APPEND _handled_qchs ${_qch}) if(TARGET ${_qch}) # always look at other linked qch targets, also for incomplete targets get_property(_link_qchs TARGET ${_qch} PROPERTY LINK_QCHS) if(_link_qchs) list(APPEND _candidate_qchs ${_link_qchs}) endif() # check if this target has all needed properties set(_target_usable TRUE) foreach(_propertyname DOXYGEN_TAGFILE QHP_NAMESPACE QHP_VIRTUALFOLDER ) get_target_property(_property ${_qch} ${_propertyname}) if(NOT _property) message(STATUS "No property ${_propertyname} set on ${_qch} when calling ecm_add_qch(). <<${_property}>>") set(_target_usable FALSE) endif() endforeach() get_target_property(_tagfile_build ${_qch} DOXYGEN_TAGFILE_BUILD) if (NOT _tagfile_build) get_target_property(_tagfile ${_qch} DOXYGEN_TAGFILE) if(NOT EXISTS ${_tagfile}) message(STATUS "No such tag file \"${_tagfile}\" found for ${_qch} when calling ecm_add_qch().") set(_target_usable FALSE) endif() endif() if(_target_usable) list(APPEND _good_qchs ${_qch}) else() message(WARNING "No linking to API dox of ${_qch}.") endif() else() message(STATUS "No such target ${_qch} defined when calling ecm_add_qch(), ignored.") endif() endif() endwhile() set(${name} ${_good_qchs} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(ecm_add_qch target_name) # Parse arguments set(options VERBOSE) set(oneValueArgs NAME BASE_NAME QCH_INSTALL_DESTINATION TAGFILE_INSTALL_DESTINATION COMPONENT VERSION NAMESPACE MD_MAINPAGE ORG_DOMAIN CONFIG_TEMPLATE) set(multiValueArgs SOURCE_DIRS SOURCES INCLUDE_DIRS IMAGE_DIRS EXAMPLE_DIRS PREDEFINED_MACROS BLANK_MACROS LINK_QCHS) cmake_parse_arguments(ARGS "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN}) # check required args foreach(_arg_name NAME QCH_INSTALL_DESTINATION TAGFILE_INSTALL_DESTINATION VERSION) if(NOT DEFINED ARGS_${_arg_name}) message(FATAL_ERROR "${_arg_name} needs to be defined when calling ecm_add_qch") endif() endforeach() if(NOT DEFINED ARGS_SOURCE_DIRS AND NOT DEFINED ARGS_SOURCES AND NOT DEFINED ARGS_CONFIG_TEMPLATE) message(FATAL_ERROR "SOURCE_DIRS or SOURCES needs to be defined when calling ecm_add_qch") endif() if(DEFINED ARGS_SOURCE_DIRS AND DEFINED ARGS_SOURCES) message(FATAL_ERROR "Either SOURCE_DIRS or SOURCES, not both, needs to be defined when calling ecm_add_qch") endif() if(NOT DEFINED ARGS_ORG_DOMAIN AND NOT DEFINED ARGS_NAMESPACE) message(FATAL_ERROR "ORG_DOMAIN or NAMESPACE needs to be defined when calling ecm_add_qch") endif() # find required tools if (NOT DOXYGEN_PATCHED_JSFILESADDED) set(REQUIRED_DOXYGEN_VERSION 1.8.13) endif() find_package(Doxygen ${REQUIRED_DOXYGEN_VERSION} REQUIRED) if (NOT DOXYGEN_FOUND AND NOT DOXYGEN_PATCHED_JSFILESADDED) set(doxygen_description_addition " (Or older version patched with https://github.com/doxygen/doxygen/commit/bf9415698e53d79b, pass -DDOXYGEN_PATCHED_JSFILESADDED=ON to cmake if patched)") endif() set_package_properties(Doxygen PROPERTIES TYPE REQUIRED PURPOSE "Needed for API dox QCH file generation${doxygen_description_addition}" ) if (QT_MAJOR_VERSION EQUAL "5") find_package(QHelpGenerator REQUIRED) set_package_properties(QHelpGenerator PROPERTIES TYPE REQUIRED PURPOSE "Needed for API dox QCH file generation" DESCRIPTION "Part of Qt5 tools" ) else() find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS ToolsTools CONFIG REQUIRED) set_package_properties(Qt6ToolsTools PROPERTIES TYPE REQUIRED PURPOSE "Needed for API dox QCH file generation" DESCRIPTION "qhelpgenerator from Qt6 tools" ) if(TARGET Qt6::qhelpgenerator) get_target_property(QHelpGenerator_EXECUTABLE Qt6::qhelpgenerator LOCATION) endif() endif() set(_missing_tools) if (NOT DOXYGEN_FOUND) list(APPEND _missing_tools "Doxygen") endif() if (NOT QHelpGenerator_FOUND AND NOT TARGET Qt6::qhelpgenerator) list(APPEND _missing_tools "qhelpgenerator") endif() if (_missing_tools) message(WARNING "API dox QCH file will not be generated, tools missing: ${_missing_tools}!") else() _ecm_ensure_qt_qch_targets() # prepare base dirs, working file names and other vars if (DEFINED ARGS_BASE_NAME) set(_basename ${ARGS_BASE_NAME}) else() set(_basename ${ARGS_NAME}) endif() set(_qch_file_basename "${_basename}.qch") set(_tags_file_basename "${_basename}.tags") set(_qch_buildpath "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_qch_file_basename}") set(_tags_buildpath "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_tags_file_basename}") set(_apidox_builddir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_basename}_ECMQchDoxygen") if (DEFINED ARGS_NAMESPACE) set(_namespace "${ARGS_NAMESPACE}") else() set(_namespace "${ARGS_ORG_DOMAIN}.${ARGS_NAME}") endif() string(REPLACE "." "_" _dotLessVersion ${ARGS_VERSION}) set(_versioned_namespace "${_namespace}.${_dotLessVersion}") set(_sources) set(_dep_tagfiles) set(_dep_qch_targets) ### Create doxygen config file set(_doxygenconfig_file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_basename}_ECMQchDoxygen.config") if (DEFINED ARGS_CONFIG_TEMPLATE) set(_doxygenconfig_template_file "${ARGS_CONFIG_TEMPLATE}") else() set(_doxygenconfig_template_file "${ECM_MODULE_DIR}/ECMQchDoxygen.config.in") endif() set(_doxygen_layout_file "${ECM_MODULE_DIR}/ECMQchDoxygenLayout.xml") # Setup variables used in config file template, ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_* set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_OUTPUTDIR "\"${_apidox_builddir}\"") set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_TAGFILE "\"${_tags_buildpath}\"") set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_LAYOUTFILE "\"${_doxygen_layout_file}\"") set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_INCLUDE_PATH) foreach(_include_DIR IN LISTS ARGS_INCLUDE_DIRS) if (NOT IS_ABSOLUTE ${_include_DIR}) set(_include_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_include_DIR}") endif() # concat dirs separated by a break, it is no issue that first has also a leading break set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_INCLUDE_PATH "${ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_INCLUDE_PATH} \\\n\"${_include_DIR}\"") endforeach() set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_IMAGEDIRS) foreach(_image_DIR IN LISTS ARGS_IMAGE_DIRS) if (NOT IS_ABSOLUTE ${_image_DIR}) set(_image_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_image_DIR}") endif() # concat dirs separated by a break, it is no issue that first has also a leading break set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_IMAGEDIRS "${ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_IMAGEDIRS} \\\n\"${_image_DIR}\"") endforeach() set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_EXAMPLEDIRS) foreach(_example_DIR IN LISTS ARGS_EXAMPLE_DIRS) if (NOT IS_ABSOLUTE ${_example_DIR}) set(_example_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_example_DIR}") endif() # concat dirs separated by a break, it is no issue that first has also a leading break set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_EXAMPLEDIRS "${ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_EXAMPLEDIRS} \\\n\"${_example_DIR}\"") endforeach() if (ARGS_MD_MAINPAGE) if (NOT IS_ABSOLUTE ${ARGS_MD_MAINPAGE}) set(ARGS_MD_MAINPAGE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${ARGS_MD_MAINPAGE}") endif() set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_MAINPAGE_MDFILE "\"${ARGS_MD_MAINPAGE}\"") else() set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_MAINPAGE_MDFILE) endif() set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_INPUT) if (ARGS_SOURCE_DIRS) foreach(_source_DIR IN LISTS ARGS_SOURCE_DIRS) if (NOT IS_ABSOLUTE ${_source_DIR}) set(_source_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_source_DIR}") endif() # concat dirs separated by a break, it is no issue that first has also a leading break set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_INPUT "${ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_INPUT} \\\n\"${_source_DIR}\"") endforeach() if (ARGS_MD_MAINPAGE) set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_INPUT "${ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_INPUT} \\\n\"${ARGS_MD_MAINPAGE}\"") endif() set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_FILE_PATTERNS "*.h *.cpp *.hpp *.hh *.cc *.h++ *.c++ *.hxx *.cxx *.dox *.md") else() foreach(_source IN LISTS ARGS_SOURCES) if (NOT IS_ABSOLUTE ${_source}) set(_source "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_source}") endif() list(APPEND _sources "${_source}") endforeach() if (ARGS_MD_MAINPAGE) list(FIND _sources ${ARGS_MD_MAINPAGE} _mainpage_index) if (_mainpage_index STREQUAL -1) list(APPEND _sources "${ARGS_MD_MAINPAGE}") endif() endif() foreach(_source IN LISTS _sources) # concat sources separated by a break, it is no issue that first has also a leading break set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_INPUT "${ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_INPUT} \\\n\"${_source}\"") endforeach() set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_FILE_PATTERNS "") endif() set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_PROJECTNAME ${ARGS_NAME}) file(RELATIVE_PATH _builddirrelative_filepath "${_apidox_builddir}/html" ${_qch_buildpath}) set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_FILEPATH "\"${_builddirrelative_filepath}\"") set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_PROJECTVERSION ${ARGS_VERSION}) string(TOLOWER ${ARGS_NAME} ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_VIRTUALFOLDER) set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_FULLNAMESPACE ${_versioned_namespace}) set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_PREDEFINED_MACROS) foreach(_macro IN LISTS ARGS_PREDEFINED_MACROS) # concat dirs separated by a break, it is no issue that first has also a leading break # wrap each macro in quotes, to handle potential blanks and commas string(REPLACE "\"" "\\\"" _macro "${_macro}") set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_PREDEFINED_MACROS "${ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_PREDEFINED_MACROS} \\\n\"${_macro}\"") endforeach() set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_BLANK_MACROS) foreach(_macro IN LISTS ARGS_BLANK_MACROS) # concat dirs separated by a break, it is no issue that first has also a leading break # wrap each macro in quotes, to handle potential blanks and commas string(REPLACE "\"" "\\\"" _macro "${_macro}") set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_BLANK_MACROS "${ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_BLANK_MACROS} \\\n\"${_macro}=\"") endforeach() # create list of tag files for linking other QCH files set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_TAGFILES) _ecm_collect_linkable_qch_targets(_link_qchs ${ARGS_LINK_QCHS}) foreach(_link_qch IN LISTS _link_qchs) list(APPEND _dep_qch_targets ${_link_qch}) get_target_property(_link_qch_tagfile ${_link_qch} DOXYGEN_TAGFILE) get_target_property(_link_qch_tagfile_build ${_link_qch} DOXYGEN_TAGFILE_BUILD) get_target_property(_link_qch_namespace ${_link_qch} QHP_NAMESPACE) get_target_property(_link_qch_virtualfolder ${_link_qch} QHP_VIRTUALFOLDER) # if same build, then prefer build version over any installed one if (_link_qch_tagfile_build) set(_link_qch_tagfile ${_link_qch_tagfile_build}) list(APPEND _dep_tagfiles "${_link_qch_tagfile}") endif() get_property(_linkqchs TARGET ${_link_qch} PROPERTY LINK_QCHS) set(_tagfile_entry "\"${_link_qch_tagfile}=qthelp://${_link_qch_namespace}/${_link_qch_virtualfolder}/\"") # concat dirs separated by a break, it is no issue that first has also a leading break set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_TAGFILES "${ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_TAGFILES} \\\n${_tagfile_entry}") endforeach() set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_WARN_LOGFILE "\"${_doxygenconfig_file}.log\"") if(ARGS_VERBOSE) set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_QUIET "NO") else() set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_QUIET "YES") endif() set(ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_QHELPGENERATOR_EXECUTABLE ${QHelpGenerator_EXECUTABLE}) # finally create doxygen config file configure_file( "${_doxygenconfig_template_file}" "${_doxygenconfig_file}" @ONLY ) # Doxygen warns verbosely about outdated config entries. # To spare custom code here to generate configuration with no out-dated entries, # instead make use of the doxygen feature to update configuration files. execute_process( COMMAND ${DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE} -u "${_doxygenconfig_file}" ERROR_VARIABLE _doxygen_update_error RESULT_VARIABLE _doxygen_update_result ) if(NOT ${_doxygen_update_result} STREQUAL "0") message(WARNING "Updating the doxygen config file failed: ${_doxygen_update_error}") endif() # setup make target set(_qch_INSTALLPATH ${ARGS_QCH_INSTALL_DESTINATION}) set(_tags_INSTALLPATH ${ARGS_TAGFILE_INSTALL_DESTINATION}) file(RELATIVE_PATH _relative_qch_file ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${_qch_buildpath}) file(RELATIVE_PATH _relative_tags_file ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${_tags_buildpath}) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_qch_buildpath} ${_tags_buildpath} COMMENT "Generating ${_relative_qch_file}, ${_relative_tags_file}" COMMAND cmake -E remove_directory "${ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_OUTPUTDIR}" COMMAND cmake -E make_directory "${ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_OUTPUTDIR}" COMMAND ${DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE} "${_doxygenconfig_file}" DEPENDS ${_doxygenconfig_file} ${_doxygen_layout_file} ${_sources} ${_dep_tagfiles} ${_dep_qch_targets} ) add_custom_target(${target_name} ALL DEPENDS ${_qch_buildpath} ${_tags_buildpath}) set_target_properties(${target_name} PROPERTIES DOXYGEN_TAGFILE "${_qch_INSTALLPATH}/${_tags_file_basename}" DOXYGEN_TAGFILE_NAME "${_tags_file_basename}" DOXYGEN_TAGFILE_INSTALLDIR "${_qch_INSTALLPATH}" DOXYGEN_TAGFILE_BUILD "${_tags_buildpath}" QHP_NAMESPACE "${_namespace}" QHP_NAMESPACE_VERSIONED "${_versioned_namespace}" QHP_VIRTUALFOLDER "${ECM_QCH_DOXYGEN_VIRTUALFOLDER}" ) # list as value does not work with set_target_properties set_property(TARGET ${target_name} PROPERTY LINK_QCHS "${ARGS_LINK_QCHS}") if (DEFINED ARGS_COMPONENT) set(_component COMPONENT ${ARGS_COMPONENT}) else() set(_component) endif() # setup installation install(FILES ${_qch_buildpath} DESTINATION ${_qch_INSTALLPATH} ${_component} ) install(FILES ${_tags_buildpath} DESTINATION ${_tags_INSTALLPATH} ${_component} ) endif() endfunction() function(ecm_install_qch_export) set(options ) set(oneValueArgs FILE DESTINATION COMPONENT) set(multiValueArgs TARGETS) cmake_parse_arguments(ARGS "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN}) if(NOT DEFINED ARGS_FILE) message(FATAL_ERROR "FILE needs to be defined when calling ecm_install_qch_export().") endif() if(NOT DEFINED ARGS_DESTINATION) message(FATAL_ERROR "DESTINATION needs to be defined when calling ecm_install_qch_export().") endif() # TARGETS may be empty (and ARGS_TARGETS will not be defined then by cmake_parse_arguments) set(_content "# This file was generated by ecm_install_qch_export(). DO NOT EDIT! " ) foreach(_target IN LISTS ARGS_TARGETS) set(_target_usable TRUE) if (NOT TARGET ${_target}) message(STATUS "No such target ${_target} when calling ecm_install_qch_export().") set(_target_usable FALSE) else() foreach(_propertyname DOXYGEN_TAGFILE_NAME DOXYGEN_TAGFILE_INSTALLDIR QHP_NAMESPACE QHP_NAMESPACE_VERSIONED QHP_VIRTUALFOLDER ) get_target_property(_property ${_target} ${_propertyname}) if(NOT _property) message(STATUS "No property ${_propertyname} set on ${_target} when calling ecm_install_qch_export(). <${_property}>") set(_target_usable FALSE) endif() endforeach() endif() if(_target_usable) get_target_property(_tagfile_name ${_target} DOXYGEN_TAGFILE_NAME) get_target_property(_tagfile_installdir ${_target} DOXYGEN_TAGFILE_INSTALLDIR) if (NOT IS_ABSOLUTE ${_tagfile_installdir}) set(_tagfile_installdir "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${_tagfile_installdir}") endif() get_target_property(_namespace ${_target} QHP_NAMESPACE) get_target_property(_namespace_versioned ${_target} QHP_NAMESPACE_VERSIONED) get_target_property(_virtualfolder ${_target} QHP_VIRTUALFOLDER) get_property(_linkqchs TARGET ${_target} PROPERTY LINK_QCHS) set(_content "${_content} if (NOT TARGET ${_target}) add_custom_target(${_target}) set_target_properties(${_target} PROPERTIES DOXYGEN_TAGFILE \"${_tagfile_installdir}/${_tagfile_name}\" QHP_NAMESPACE \"${_namespace}\" QHP_NAMESPACE_VERSIONED \"${_namespace_versioned}\" QHP_VIRTUALFOLDER \"${_virtualfolder}\" ) set_property(TARGET ${_target} PROPERTY LINK_QCHS ${_linkqchs}) endif() " ) else() message(STATUS "No target exported for ${_target}.") endif() endforeach() if (NOT IS_ABSOLUTE ${ARGS_FILE}) set(ARGS_FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${ARGS_FILE}") endif() file(GENERATE OUTPUT "${ARGS_FILE}" CONTENT "${_content}" ) if (DEFINED ARGS_COMPONENT) set(_component COMPONENT ${ARGS_COMPONENT}) else() set(_component) endif() install( FILES "${ARGS_FILE}" DESTINATION "${ARGS_DESTINATION}" ${_component} ) endfunction()