/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- * * Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Matthias Klumpp * * Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the license, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "as-xml.h" #include #include #include "as-utils.h" #include "as-utils-private.h" /** * SECTION:as-xml * @short_description: Helper functions to parse AppStream XML data * @include: appstream.h */ #if !defined(LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED) #error "libxml2 needs to be compiled with thread support!" #endif /** * as_xml_get_node_value: */ gchar * as_xml_get_node_value (const xmlNode *node) { gchar *content = as_xml_get_node_value_raw (node); if (content != NULL) as_strstripnl (content); return content; } /** * as_xml_get_node_value_refstr: * * Return the node value as an interned #GRefString. * * Returns: The #GRefString or %NULL if the value did not exist. */ GRefString * as_xml_get_node_value_refstr (const xmlNode *node) { g_autofree gchar *content = as_xml_get_node_value_raw (node); if (content != NULL) as_strstripnl (content); if (content == NULL) return NULL; return g_ref_string_new_intern (content); } /** * as_xml_get_prop_value_refstr: * * Return the property value as an interned #GRefString. * * Returns: The #GRefString or %NULL if the property did not exist. */ GRefString * as_xml_get_prop_value_refstr (const xmlNode *node, const gchar *prop_name) { g_autofree gchar *tmp = as_xml_get_prop_value (node, prop_name); if (tmp == NULL) return NULL; return g_ref_string_new_intern (tmp); } /** * as_xml_get_prop_value_as_int: * * Gets a XML node property, e.g. 34 * * Return value: integer value, or %G_MAXINT for error **/ gint as_xml_get_prop_value_as_int (const xmlNode *node, const gchar *prop_name) { g_autofree gchar *tmp = NULL; gchar *endptr = NULL; gint64 value_tmp; tmp = as_xml_get_prop_value (node, prop_name); if (tmp == NULL) return G_MAXINT; value_tmp = g_ascii_strtoll (tmp, &endptr, 10); if (value_tmp == 0 && tmp == endptr) return G_MAXINT; if (value_tmp > G_MAXINT || value_tmp < G_MININT) return G_MAXINT; return (gint) value_tmp; } /** * as_xml_get_node_locale: * @node: a XML node * * Returns: The locale of a node, "C" if untranslated. Free result with %g_free */ gchar * as_xml_get_node_locale (AsContext *ctx, xmlNode *node) { gchar *lang = (gchar *) xmlGetProp (node, (xmlChar *) "lang"); if (lang == NULL) lang = g_strdup ("C"); return lang; } /** * as_xml_get_node_locale_match: * @node: A XML node * * Returns: The locale of a node, if the node should be considered for inclusion. * %NULL if the node should be ignored due to a not-matching locale. */ gchar * as_xml_get_node_locale_match (AsContext *ctx, xmlNode *node) { gchar *lang; lang = (gchar *) xmlGetProp (node, (xmlChar *) "lang"); if (lang == NULL) { lang = g_strdup ("C"); goto out; } if (as_context_get_locale_use_all (ctx)) { /* we should read all languages */ goto out; } if (as_utils_locale_is_compatible (as_context_get_locale (ctx), lang)) { goto out; } /* If we are here, we haven't found a matching locale. * In that case, we return %NULL to indicate that this element should not be added. */ g_free (g_steal_pointer (&lang)); out: return lang; } /** * as_xml_dump_node: */ static gboolean as_xml_dump_node (xmlNode *node, gchar **content, gssize *len) { xmlOutputBufferPtr obuf; obuf = xmlAllocOutputBuffer (NULL); g_assert (obuf != NULL); xmlNodeDumpOutput (obuf, node->doc, node, 0, 0, "utf-8"); xmlOutputBufferFlush (obuf); if (xmlOutputBufferGetSize (obuf) > 0) { gssize l = xmlOutputBufferGetSize (obuf); if (len) *len = l; *content = g_strndup ((const gchar *) xmlOutputBufferGetContent (obuf), l); xmlOutputBufferClose (obuf); return TRUE; } else { xmlOutputBufferClose (obuf); return FALSE; } } /** * as_xml_dump_node_content_raw: */ gchar * as_xml_dump_node_content_raw (xmlNode *node) { g_autofree gchar *content = NULL; gchar *tmp; gssize len; /* discard spaces */ if (G_UNLIKELY (node->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)) return NULL; if (!as_xml_dump_node (node, &content, &len)) return NULL; /* remove the enclosing root node from the string */ tmp = g_strrstr_len (content, len, "<"); if (tmp != NULL) tmp[0] = '\0'; tmp = g_strstr_len (content, -1, ">"); if (tmp == NULL) return NULL; return g_strdup (tmp + 1); } /** * as_xml_dump_node_children: */ gchar * as_xml_dump_node_children (xmlNode *node) { GString *str = NULL; xmlNode *iter; str = g_string_new (""); for (iter = node->children; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { g_autofree gchar *content = NULL; gssize len; /* discard spaces */ if (iter->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue; if (!as_xml_dump_node (iter, &content, &len)) continue; if (str->len > 0) g_string_append (str, "\n"); g_string_append_len (str, content, len); } return g_string_free (str, FALSE); } /** * as_xml_dump_desc_para_node_content_raw: */ static gchar * as_xml_dump_desc_para_node_content_raw (xmlNode *node) { gboolean is_valid_markup = TRUE; /* ignore node if it is a space */ if (G_UNLIKELY (node->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)) return NULL; /* perform a sanity check before dumping the node contents */ for (xmlNode *iter = node->children; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { const gchar *node_name = (const gchar *) iter->name; if (iter->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue; /* only permit valid markup */ if ((g_strcmp0 (node_name, "em") != 0) && (g_strcmp0 (node_name, "code") != 0)) { is_valid_markup = FALSE; break; } } /* We dump the whole content, including subnodes/markup if the markup content * was deemed valid. Otherwise we will just try to dump any string content, and hope * people call the validator on their files to see that their metadata is broken. * TODO: Parse the data properly, and remove only the bad nodes on error, if libxml permits * that in an efficient way? */ if (G_LIKELY (is_valid_markup)) { return as_xml_dump_node_content_raw (node); } else { g_autofree gchar *tmp = as_xml_get_node_value (node); if (G_UNLIKELY (tmp == NULL)) return NULL; return g_markup_escape_text (tmp, -1); } } /** * as_xml_add_children_values_to_array: */ void as_xml_add_children_values_to_array (xmlNode *node, const gchar *element_name, GPtrArray *array) { xmlNode *iter; for (iter = node->children; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { /* discard spaces */ if (iter->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue; if (g_strcmp0 ((const gchar *) iter->name, element_name) == 0) { gchar *content = as_xml_get_node_value (iter); /* transfer ownership of content to array */ if (content != NULL) g_ptr_array_add (array, content); } } } /** * as_xml_get_children_as_string_list: */ GPtrArray * as_xml_get_children_as_string_list (xmlNode *node, const gchar *element_name) { GPtrArray *list; list = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_free); as_xml_add_children_values_to_array (node, element_name, list); return list; } /** * as_xml_get_children_as_strv: */ gchar ** as_xml_get_children_as_strv (xmlNode *node, const gchar *element_name) { g_autoptr(GPtrArray) list = NULL; gchar **res; list = as_xml_get_children_as_string_list (node, element_name); res = as_ptr_array_to_strv (list); return res; } typedef struct { xmlDoc *doc; xmlNode *node; AsTag tag_id; gchar *locale; gboolean localized; xmlNode *d_node; } AsXMLMarkupParseHelper; /** * as_xml_markup_parse_helper_new: (skip) **/ static AsXMLMarkupParseHelper * as_xml_markup_parse_helper_new (const gchar *markup, const gchar *locale) { g_autofree gchar *xmldata = NULL; AsXMLMarkupParseHelper *helper = g_slice_new0 (AsXMLMarkupParseHelper); helper->locale = g_strdup (locale); xmldata = g_strconcat ("", markup, "", NULL); helper->doc = xmlReadMemory (xmldata, strlen (xmldata), NULL, "utf-8", XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS | XML_PARSE_NONET); if (helper->doc == NULL) return NULL; helper->d_node = NULL; helper->node = xmlDocGetRootElement (helper->doc); if (helper->node != NULL) helper->node = helper->node->children; if (helper->node != NULL) helper->tag_id = as_xml_tag_from_string ((const gchar *) helper->node->name); helper->localized = (locale != NULL) && (g_strcmp0 (locale, "C") != 0); return helper; } /** * as_xml_markup_parse_helper_free: (skip) **/ static void as_xml_markup_parse_helper_free (AsXMLMarkupParseHelper *helper) { if (helper->doc != NULL) xmlFreeDoc (helper->doc); g_free (helper->locale); g_slice_free (AsXMLMarkupParseHelper, helper); } G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC (AsXMLMarkupParseHelper, as_xml_markup_parse_helper_free) /** * as_xml_markup_parse_helper_next: (skip) * * Advance to the next node. **/ static gboolean as_xml_markup_parse_helper_next (AsXMLMarkupParseHelper *helper) { if (helper->node == NULL) return FALSE; /* if we have a listing, jump into it */ if ((helper->tag_id == AS_TAG_UL) || (helper->tag_id == AS_TAG_OL)) { helper->d_node = helper->node; helper->node = helper->node->children; } else { do { helper->node = helper->node->next; } while ((helper->node != NULL) && (helper->node->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)); } if (helper->node == NULL) { if (helper->d_node != NULL) { helper->node = helper->d_node; helper->d_node = NULL; helper->node = helper->node->next; } } if (helper->node == NULL) { helper->tag_id = AS_TAG_UNKNOWN; return FALSE; } helper->tag_id = as_xml_tag_from_string ((const gchar *) helper->node->name); return TRUE; } /** * as_xml_markup_parse_helper_export_node: (skip) **/ static xmlNode * as_xml_markup_parse_helper_export_node (AsXMLMarkupParseHelper *helper, xmlNode *parent, gboolean localized) { if ((helper->tag_id == AS_TAG_P) || (helper->tag_id == AS_TAG_LI)) { /* add node and subnodes */ xmlNode *cn = xmlAddChild (parent, xmlCopyNode (helper->node, TRUE)); if (helper->localized && localized) { xmlNewProp (cn, (xmlChar *) "xml:lang", (xmlChar *) helper->locale); } return cn; } if ((helper->tag_id == AS_TAG_UL) || (helper->tag_id == AS_TAG_OL)) { return xmlNewChild (parent, NULL, helper->node->name, NULL); } return NULL; } typedef struct { guint elem_count; GString *data; } AsXMLMetaInfoDescParseHelper; /** * as_xml_metainfo_desc_parse_helper_new: (skip) **/ static AsXMLMetaInfoDescParseHelper * as_xml_metainfo_desc_parse_helper_new (void) { AsXMLMetaInfoDescParseHelper *helper = g_slice_new0 (AsXMLMetaInfoDescParseHelper); helper->data = g_string_new (""); helper->elem_count = 0; return helper; } /** * as_xml_metainfo_desc_parse_helper_free: (skip) **/ static gchar * as_xml_metainfo_desc_parse_helper_free (AsXMLMetaInfoDescParseHelper *helper) { gchar *data = g_string_free (helper->data, FALSE); g_slice_free (AsXMLMetaInfoDescParseHelper, helper); return data; } /** * as_xml_parse_metainfo_description_node: */ void as_xml_parse_metainfo_description_node (AsContext *ctx, xmlNode *node, GHashTable *l10n_desc) { g_autoptr(GHashTable) tmp_desc = NULL; GHashTableIter res_iter; gpointer res_value; gpointer res_key; AsXMLMetaInfoDescParseHelper *phelper; guint untranslated_elem_count = 0; tmp_desc = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, (GDestroyNotify) g_ref_string_release, NULL); for (xmlNode *iter = node->children; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { AsTag tag_id; const gchar *node_name = (const gchar *) iter->name; /* discard spaces */ if (iter->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue; tag_id = as_xml_tag_from_string (node_name); if (tag_id == AS_TAG_P) { g_autofree gchar *lang = NULL; g_autofree gchar *content = NULL; lang = as_xml_get_node_locale_match (ctx, iter); if (lang == NULL) /* this locale is not for us */ continue; phelper = g_hash_table_lookup (tmp_desc, lang); if (phelper == NULL) { phelper = as_xml_metainfo_desc_parse_helper_new (); g_hash_table_insert (tmp_desc, g_ref_string_new_intern (lang), phelper); } content = as_xml_dump_desc_para_node_content_raw (iter); if (content != NULL) { g_string_append_printf (phelper->data, "


\n", content); phelper->elem_count += 1; } } else if ((tag_id == AS_TAG_UL) || (tag_id == AS_TAG_OL)) { GHashTableIter htiter; gpointer hvalue; xmlNode *iter2; /* append listing node tag to every locale string */ g_hash_table_iter_init (&htiter, tmp_desc); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&htiter, NULL, &hvalue)) { GString *hstr = ((AsXMLMetaInfoDescParseHelper *) hvalue)->data; g_string_append_printf (hstr, "<%s>\n", node_name); } for (iter2 = iter->children; iter2 != NULL; iter2 = iter2->next) { g_autofree gchar *lang = NULL; g_autofree gchar *content = NULL; AsTag iter2_tag_id = as_xml_tag_from_string ( (const gchar *) iter2->name); if (iter2->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue; if (iter2_tag_id != AS_TAG_LI) continue; lang = as_xml_get_node_locale_match (ctx, iter2); if (lang == NULL) continue; /* if the language is new, we add a listing tag first */ phelper = g_hash_table_lookup (tmp_desc, lang); if (phelper == NULL) { phelper = as_xml_metainfo_desc_parse_helper_new (); g_string_append_printf (phelper->data, "<%s>\n", node_name); g_hash_table_insert (tmp_desc, g_ref_string_new_intern (lang), phelper); } content = as_xml_dump_desc_para_node_content_raw (iter2); if (content != NULL) { g_string_append_printf (phelper->data, " <%s>%s\n", (gchar *) iter2->name, content, (gchar *) iter2->name); phelper->elem_count += 1; } } /* close listing tags */ g_hash_table_iter_init (&htiter, tmp_desc); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&htiter, NULL, &hvalue)) { GString *hstr = ((AsXMLMetaInfoDescParseHelper *) hvalue)->data; g_string_append_printf (hstr, "\n", node_name); } } } phelper = g_hash_table_lookup (tmp_desc, "C"); if (phelper != NULL) untranslated_elem_count = phelper->elem_count; /* finalize the data */ g_hash_table_iter_init (&res_iter, tmp_desc); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&res_iter, &res_key, &res_value)) { g_autofree gchar *text = NULL; guint elem_count; phelper = (AsXMLMetaInfoDescParseHelper *) res_value; elem_count = phelper->elem_count; text = as_xml_metainfo_desc_parse_helper_free (phelper); /* we require at the very least either more than 3 elements of the description to be translated or * all of the elements if there are less than 3 elements to accept a translation. * See https://github.com/ximion/appstream/issues/293 for more information on the kind of issue that * caused this workaround. */ if (elem_count < 3) { if (elem_count < untranslated_elem_count) continue; } g_hash_table_insert (l10n_desc, g_ref_string_acquire (res_key), g_steal_pointer (&text)); } } /** * as_xml_add_description_catalog_mode_helper: * * Add the description markup for AppStream catalog XML to the tree. */ static gboolean as_xml_add_description_catalog_mode_helper (xmlNode *parent, const gchar *description_markup, const gchar *lang) { xmlNode *dnode; xmlNode *cnode; g_autoptr(AsXMLMarkupParseHelper) helper = NULL; if (as_is_empty (description_markup)) return FALSE; /* skip cruft */ if (as_is_cruft_locale (lang)) return FALSE; helper = as_xml_markup_parse_helper_new (description_markup, lang); if (helper == NULL) return FALSE; dnode = xmlNewChild (parent, NULL, (xmlChar *) "description", NULL); if (helper->localized) { xmlNewProp (dnode, (xmlChar *) "xml:lang", (xmlChar *) lang); } cnode = dnode; if (helper->node == NULL) return FALSE; do { if ((helper->tag_id == AS_TAG_UL) || (helper->tag_id == AS_TAG_OL)) { cnode = as_xml_markup_parse_helper_export_node (helper, dnode, FALSE); } else { if (helper->tag_id != AS_TAG_LI) cnode = dnode; as_xml_markup_parse_helper_export_node (helper, cnode, FALSE); } } while (as_xml_markup_parse_helper_next (helper)); return TRUE; } /** * as_xml_add_description_node: * * Add a description node to the XML document tree, allowing to mark * MetaInfo description blocks as untranslatable. */ void as_xml_add_description_node (AsContext *ctx, xmlNode *root, GHashTable *desc_table, gboolean mi_translatable) { g_autoptr(GList) keys = NULL; keys = g_hash_table_get_keys (desc_table); keys = g_list_sort (keys, (GCompareFunc) g_ascii_strcasecmp); if (as_context_get_style (ctx) == AS_FORMAT_STYLE_METAINFO) { /* for metainfo files, we try to interleave translated and untranslated lines, just like in the original files. * Of course this is imperfect and fails as soon as some lines are not translated, but for a fully translated * file this works well enough */ AsXMLMarkupParseHelper *c_helper; xmlNode *dnode = NULL; xmlNode *cnode = NULL; g_autoptr(GPtrArray) markup_nodes = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func ( (GDestroyNotify) as_xml_markup_parse_helper_free); for (GList *link = keys; link != NULL; link = link->next) { const gchar *locale = (const gchar *) link->data; const gchar *desc_markup = g_hash_table_lookup (desc_table, locale); AsXMLMarkupParseHelper *helper; if (as_is_cruft_locale (locale)) continue; helper = as_xml_markup_parse_helper_new (desc_markup, locale); if (helper == NULL) continue; /* unlocalized entries should always be sorted first */ if (helper->localized) g_ptr_array_add (markup_nodes, helper); else g_ptr_array_insert (markup_nodes, 0, helper); } /* check if there is something to do */ if (markup_nodes->len <= 0) return; /* the first helper in our list is always for the unlocalized entries, unless we have none of these, * in which case we just take the first localization */ c_helper = (AsXMLMarkupParseHelper *) g_ptr_array_index (markup_nodes, 0); dnode = xmlNewChild (root, NULL, (xmlChar *) "description", NULL); if (!mi_translatable) as_xml_add_text_prop (dnode, "translate", "no"); cnode = dnode; do { if ((c_helper->tag_id == AS_TAG_UL) || (c_helper->tag_id == AS_TAG_OL)) { cnode = as_xml_markup_parse_helper_export_node (c_helper, dnode, TRUE); } else { if (c_helper->tag_id != AS_TAG_LI) cnode = dnode; as_xml_markup_parse_helper_export_node (c_helper, cnode, TRUE); } for (guint i = 1; i < markup_nodes->len; ++i) { AsXMLMarkupParseHelper *helper = g_ptr_array_index (markup_nodes, i); if (helper->node == NULL) continue; if (c_helper->tag_id != helper->tag_id) continue; if ((helper->tag_id != AS_TAG_UL) && (helper->tag_id != AS_TAG_OL)) as_xml_markup_parse_helper_export_node (helper, cnode, TRUE); as_xml_markup_parse_helper_next (helper); } } while (as_xml_markup_parse_helper_next (c_helper)); /* Due to imbalances caused by untranslated tags, we just append all the information that we couldn't match * to the end of the file. This isn't great, but the best we can do here, since the original mapping of * untranslated to translated sections is gone at this point */ for (guint i = 0; i < markup_nodes->len; ++i) { AsXMLMarkupParseHelper *helper = g_ptr_array_index (markup_nodes, i); if (helper->node == NULL) continue; do { if ((helper->tag_id == AS_TAG_UL) || (helper->tag_id == AS_TAG_OL)) { cnode = as_xml_markup_parse_helper_export_node (helper, dnode, TRUE); } else { if (helper->tag_id != AS_TAG_LI) cnode = dnode; as_xml_markup_parse_helper_export_node (helper, cnode, TRUE); } } while (as_xml_markup_parse_helper_next (helper)); } } else { /* we have a catalog XML file, so write in that format (which is much faster and easier to do) */ for (GList *link = keys; link != NULL; link = link->next) { const gchar *locale = (const gchar *) link->data; const gchar *desc_markup = g_hash_table_lookup (desc_table, locale); if (as_is_cruft_locale (locale)) continue; as_xml_add_description_catalog_mode_helper (root, desc_markup, locale); } } } /** * as_xml_add_description_node_raw: * * Add a simple description node in verbatim, performing only basic markup * validation. The node will not have a language property attached. * * Returns: The new xmlNode, or %NULL if no node was appended. */ xmlNode * as_xml_add_description_node_raw (xmlNode *root, const gchar *description) { xmlNode *dnode; xmlNode *cnode; g_autoptr(AsXMLMarkupParseHelper) helper = NULL; if (as_is_empty (description)) return NULL; helper = as_xml_markup_parse_helper_new (description, NULL); if (helper == NULL) return NULL; dnode = xmlNewChild (root, NULL, (xmlChar *) "description", NULL); if (helper->node == NULL) return NULL; cnode = dnode; do { if ((helper->tag_id == AS_TAG_UL) || (helper->tag_id == AS_TAG_OL)) { cnode = as_xml_markup_parse_helper_export_node (helper, dnode, FALSE); } else { if (helper->tag_id != AS_TAG_LI) cnode = dnode; as_xml_markup_parse_helper_export_node (helper, cnode, FALSE); } } while (as_xml_markup_parse_helper_next (helper)); return dnode; } /** * as_xml_add_localized_text_node: * * Add set of localized XML nodes based on a localization table. */ void as_xml_add_localized_text_node (xmlNode *root, const gchar *node_name, GHashTable *value_table) { g_autoptr(GList) keys = NULL; keys = g_hash_table_get_keys (value_table); keys = g_list_sort (keys, (GCompareFunc) g_ascii_strcasecmp); for (GList *link = keys; link != NULL; link = link->next) { xmlNode *cnode; const gchar *locale = (const gchar *) link->data; const gchar *str = (const gchar *) g_hash_table_lookup (value_table, locale); if (as_is_empty (str)) continue; /* skip cruft */ if (as_is_cruft_locale (locale)) continue; cnode = xmlNewTextChild (root, NULL, (xmlChar *) node_name, (xmlChar *) str); if (g_strcmp0 (locale, "C") != 0) { xmlNewProp (cnode, (xmlChar *) "xml:lang", (xmlChar *) locale); } } } /** * as_xml_add_node_list_strv: * * Add node with a list of children containing the strv contents. */ xmlNode * as_xml_add_node_list_strv (xmlNode *root, const gchar *name, const gchar *child_name, gchar **strv) { xmlNode *node; /* don't add the node if we have no values */ if (strv == NULL) return NULL; if (strv[0] == NULL) return NULL; if (name == NULL) node = root; else node = xmlNewChild (root, NULL, (xmlChar *) name, NULL); for (guint i = 0; strv[i] != NULL; i++) { xmlNewTextChild (node, NULL, (xmlChar *) child_name, (xmlChar *) strv[i]); } return node; } /** * as_xml_add_node_list: * * Add node with a list of children containing the string array contents. */ xmlNode * as_xml_add_node_list (xmlNode *root, const gchar *name, const gchar *child_name, GPtrArray *array) { xmlNode *node; /* don't add the node if we have no values */ if (array == NULL) return NULL; if (array->len == 0) return NULL; if (name == NULL) node = root; else node = xmlNewChild (root, NULL, (xmlChar *) name, NULL); for (guint i = 0; i < array->len; i++) { const xmlChar *value = (const xmlChar *) g_ptr_array_index (array, i); xmlNewTextChild (node, NULL, (xmlChar *) child_name, value); } return node; } /** * as_xml_parse_custom_node: * * Parse a custom key/value table from XML into a #GHashTable * using #GRefString as key/value. */ void as_xml_parse_custom_node (xmlNode *node, GHashTable *custom) { for (xmlNode *iter = node->children; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { g_autofree gchar *key_str = NULL; if (iter->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue; if (g_strcmp0 ((gchar *) iter->name, "value") != 0) continue; key_str = (gchar *) xmlGetProp (iter, (xmlChar *) "key"); if (key_str == NULL) continue; g_hash_table_insert (custom, g_ref_string_new_intern (key_str), as_xml_get_node_value_refstr (iter)); } } /** * as_xml_add_custom_node: * * Add a custom key/value table to the XML DOM. * The #GHashTable should use #GRefString as keys/values. */ void as_xml_add_custom_node (xmlNode *root, const gchar *node_name, GHashTable *custom) { xmlNode *node; g_autoptr(GList) keys = NULL; if (g_hash_table_size (custom) == 0) return; node = xmlNewChild (root, NULL, (xmlChar *) node_name, NULL); keys = g_hash_table_get_keys (custom); keys = g_list_sort (keys, (GCompareFunc) g_ascii_strcasecmp); for (GList *link = keys; link != NULL; link = link->next) { const GRefString *key = (const GRefString *) link->data; xmlNode *snode = xmlNewTextChild (node, NULL, (xmlChar *) "value", (xmlChar *) g_hash_table_lookup (custom, key)); xmlNewProp (snode, (xmlChar *) "key", (xmlChar *) key); } } /** * as_xml_add_text_node: * @root: The node to add a child to. * @name: The new node name. * @value: The new node value. * * Add node if value is not empty. */ xmlNode * as_xml_add_text_node (xmlNode *root, const gchar *name, const gchar *value) { if (as_is_empty (value)) return NULL; return xmlNewTextChild (root, NULL, (xmlChar *) name, (xmlChar *) value); } /** * as_xml_add_uint_node: * @root: The node to add a child to. * @name: The new node name. * @value: The new node value. * * Add node with the given integer value. */ xmlNode * as_xml_add_uint_node (xmlNode *root, const gchar *name, guint64 value) { g_autofree gchar *value_str = NULL; value_str = g_strdup_printf ("%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT, value); return xmlNewTextChild (root, NULL, (xmlChar *) name, (xmlChar *) value_str); } /** * as_xml_add_text_prop: * @node: The node to attach a property to. * @name: The new property name. * @value: The new property value. * * Add property to node if value is not empty. */ xmlAttr * as_xml_add_text_prop (xmlNode *node, const gchar *name, const gchar *value) { if (as_is_empty (value)) return NULL; return xmlNewProp (node, (xmlChar *) name, (xmlChar *) value); } /** * as_xml_add_uint_prop: * @node: The node to attach a property to. * @name: The new property name. * @value: The new property value. * * Add integer property to node. */ xmlAttr * as_xml_add_uint_prop (xmlNode *node, const gchar *name, guint64 value) { g_autofree gchar *value_str = NULL; value_str = g_strdup_printf ("%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT, value); return xmlNewProp (node, (xmlChar *) name, (xmlChar *) value_str); } /** * libxml_generic_error: * * Catch out-of-context errors emitted by libxml2. */ static void libxml_generic_error (gchar **error_str_ptr, const char *format, ...) { GString *str; va_list arg_ptr; gchar *error_str; static GMutex mutex; g_assert (error_str_ptr != NULL); error_str = (*error_str_ptr); g_mutex_lock (&mutex); str = g_string_new (error_str ? error_str : ""); va_start (arg_ptr, format); g_string_append_vprintf (str, format, arg_ptr); va_end (arg_ptr); g_free (error_str); *error_str_ptr = g_string_free (str, FALSE); g_mutex_unlock (&mutex); } /** * as_xml_set_out_of_context_error: * * NOTE: The error-function is supposed to be set & called * thread-local, so we don't need to do any locking here. We just * need to make sure it is set for each thread. */ static void as_xml_set_out_of_context_error (gchar **error_msg_ptr) { if (error_msg_ptr == NULL) { xmlSetGenericErrorFunc (NULL, NULL); } else { g_free (*error_msg_ptr); (*error_msg_ptr) = NULL; xmlSetGenericErrorFunc (error_msg_ptr, (xmlGenericErrorFunc) libxml_generic_error); } } /** * as_xml_parse_document: */ xmlDoc * as_xml_parse_document (const gchar *data, gssize len, gboolean pedantic, GError **error) { xmlDoc *doc; xmlNode *root; gint parser_options; g_autofree gchar *error_msg_str = NULL; if (data == NULL) { /* empty document means no components */ return NULL; } if (len < 0) len = strlen (data); parser_options = XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS | XML_PARSE_NONET | XML_PARSE_BIG_LINES; if (pedantic) parser_options |= XML_PARSE_PEDANTIC; as_xml_set_out_of_context_error (&error_msg_str); doc = xmlReadMemory (data, len, NULL, "utf-8", parser_options); if (doc == NULL) { if (error_msg_str == NULL) { g_set_error (error, AS_METADATA_ERROR, AS_METADATA_ERROR_PARSE, "Could not parse XML data (no details received)"); } else { g_set_error (error, AS_METADATA_ERROR, AS_METADATA_ERROR_PARSE, "Could not parse XML data: %s", error_msg_str); } as_xml_set_out_of_context_error (NULL); return NULL; } as_xml_set_out_of_context_error (NULL); root = xmlDocGetRootElement (doc); if (root == NULL) { g_set_error_literal (error, AS_METADATA_ERROR, AS_METADATA_ERROR_PARSE, "The XML document is empty."); xmlFreeDoc (doc); return NULL; } return doc; } /** * as_xml_node_free_to_str: * @root: The document root node. * * Converts an XML node into its textural representation. * This takes ownership of the root node and frees it in * the process. * * Returns: XML metadata. */ gchar * as_xml_node_free_to_str (xmlNode *root, GError **error) { xmlDoc *doc; gchar *xmlstr = NULL; g_autofree gchar *error_msg_str = NULL; as_xml_set_out_of_context_error (&error_msg_str); doc = xmlNewDoc ((xmlChar *) NULL); if (root == NULL) goto out; xmlDocSetRootElement (doc, root); xmlDocDumpFormatMemoryEnc (doc, (xmlChar **) (&xmlstr), NULL, "utf-8", TRUE); if (error_msg_str != NULL) { if (error == NULL) { g_warning ("Could not serialize XML document: %s", error_msg_str); g_free (g_steal_pointer (&xmlstr)); goto out; } else { g_set_error (error, AS_METADATA_ERROR, AS_METADATA_ERROR_FAILED, "Could not serialize XML document: %s", error_msg_str); g_free (g_steal_pointer (&xmlstr)); goto out; } } out: as_xml_set_out_of_context_error (NULL); xmlFreeDoc (doc); return xmlstr; }