import * as dotenv from 'dotenv'; dotenv.config(); import fs from "fs"; import { BUILD_DIR, ROOTFS_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR, KERNEL_INIT_DIR, FILES_DIR, arch, TARGET_DEVICE, PROLINUX_CHANNEL, PROLINUX_VARIANT, NODEJS_PACKAGE } from './helpers/consts'; import exec from "./helpers/exec"; import { createAndMountPMOSImage, genPMOSImage, pmosFinalCleanup } from './pmbootstrap'; import axios from 'axios'; import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; import { compileKexecTools } from './custom-packages/kexec-tools'; import { compileSDM845SupportPackages } from './custom-packages/sdm845-support'; import { buildMobileDev } from './os-variants/mobile/mobile-dev'; import { buildEmbedded } from './os-variants/embedded/embedded'; import { buildEmbeddedDev } from './os-variants/embedded/embedded-dev'; import { buildMobileStable } from './os-variants/mobile/mobile-stable'; import { buildMobileCommon } from './os-variants/mobile/mobile-common'; import { buildMobileHaliumDev } from './os-variants/mobile-halium/mobile-halium-dev'; import { buildServerDev } from './os-variants/server/server-dev'; import http from 'http'; axios.defaults.httpAgent = new http.Agent({ family: 4 }); // # Copyright (C) 2023 Seshan Ravikumar // # // # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // # (at your option) any later version. // # // # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // # GNU General Public License for more details. // # // # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // # along with this program. If not, see . console.log("Starting ProLinux build on " + new Date().toLocaleString()); console.log("🍜 Go get your noodles, this may take a while!"); const ARCH_URL = { "x64": "", "arm64": "" } async function cleanup() { console.log("Cleaning up..."); exec(`sudo umount -R ${ROOTFS_DIR}`); } const sleep = (ms: number) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); async function main() { console.log("Build dirs: " + BUILD_DIR + ", " + ROOTFS_DIR + ", " + FILES_DIR + "," + KERNEL_INIT_DIR + ", " + OUTPUT_DIR); console.log("Platform arch: " + arch); console.log("Target device: " + TARGET_DEVICE + ", variant: " + PROLINUX_VARIANT + ", channel: " + PROLINUX_CHANNEL); if(TARGET_DEVICE === undefined || TARGET_DEVICE === "" || PROLINUX_CHANNEL === undefined || PROLINUX_CHANNEL === "" || PROLINUX_VARIANT === undefined || PROLINUX_VARIANT === "") { console.log("No target device specified, exiting"); process.exit(1); } // if not dev or stable if(PROLINUX_CHANNEL !== "dev" && PROLINUX_CHANNEL !== "stable") { console.log("Unsupported channel: " + PROLINUX_CHANNEL + ", exiting"); process.exit(1); } if(!fs.existsSync(`${__dirname}/../ocs2-prolinuxd/package.json`)) { console.log("ocs2-prolinuxd submodule not cloned, exiting"); process.exit(1); } // Check for Image and disk-image.raw in KERNEL_INIT_DIR/output if(!fs.existsSync(`${KERNEL_INIT_DIR}/output/Image`) || !fs.existsSync(`${KERNEL_INIT_DIR}/output/disk-image.img`)) { console.log("Missing files from prolinux-kernel-init!"); process.exit(1); } // Check for ENV MUSL_TOOLCHAIN is set if(!process.env.MUSL_TOOLCHAIN) { console.log("MUSL_TOOLCHAIN not set, exiting"); process.exit(1); } // Get latest build number for // {"url":"https:\/\/\/rootfs.squish","variant":"phone","jwt":"jwt","product":"prolinux","id":1,"buildstring":"test build","buildnum":1001,"channel":"dev","isreleased":true,"uuid":"E0CE308F-4350-41AD-87F7-40D7835DC7D2"} const res = await axios.get(`${PROLINUX_VARIANT}/${PROLINUX_CHANNEL}`, {timeout: 5000}); console.log(; const buildnum = + 1; const builduuid = uuidv4(); console.log("Latest build number: " + buildnum + ", " + builduuid); exec(`mkdir -pv ${BUILD_DIR}`); exec(`mkdir -pv ${OUTPUT_DIR}`); exec(`sudo rm -rf ${OUTPUT_DIR}/*`); exec(`sudo mkdir -pv ${ROOTFS_DIR}`); process.chdir(BUILD_DIR); // download arch linux if not exists if (fs.existsSync(`${BUILD_DIR}/arch.tar.gz`)) { console.log("Arch root already downloaded"); } else { const arch_url = ARCH_URL[arch as keyof typeof ARCH_URL]; console.log("Downloading Arch root from " + arch_url); exec(`curl -L ${arch_url} -o ${BUILD_DIR}/arch.tar.gz`); } exec(`sudo umount -R ${ROOTFS_DIR}/ || true`); exec(`sudo rm -rf ${ROOTFS_DIR}/*`); exec(`sudo rm -rf ${BUILD_DIR}/rootfs.img`); console.log("Creating and mounting rootfs.img"); exec(`sudo fallocate -l 50G ${BUILD_DIR}/rootfs.img`); exec(`sudo mkfs.ext4 -L pmOS_root ${BUILD_DIR}/rootfs.img`); exec(`sudo mount ${BUILD_DIR}/rootfs.img ${ROOTFS_DIR}`); // extract arch root to rootfs exec(`sudo tar -xvf ${BUILD_DIR}/arch.tar.gz -C ${ROOTFS_DIR} --strip-components=1`); console.log("Bind mounting pacman cache..."); exec(`sudo mkdir -pv ${ROOTFS_DIR}/var/cache/pacman/pkg`); exec(`sudo mkdir -pv ${BUILD_DIR}/pacman-cache`); exec(`sudo mount --bind ${BUILD_DIR}/pacman-cache ${ROOTFS_DIR}/var/cache/pacman/pkg`); // merge FILES_DIR/layout into rootfs console.log("Merging files from " + FILES_DIR + "/layout into " + ROOTFS_DIR); exec(`sudo rsync -a ${FILES_DIR}/layout/ ${ROOTFS_DIR}/`); exec(`sudo arch-chroot ${ROOTFS_DIR} /bin/bash -x <<'EOF' set -e chown root:root / echo 'Server = ${arch === "arm64" ? "$arch/$repo" : "$repo/os/$arch"}' > /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist sed -i "s/#ParallelDownloads = 5/ParallelDownloads = 5/g" /etc/pacman.conf yes | pacman-key --init yes | pacman-key --populate ${arch === "arm64" ? "archlinuxarm" : "archlinux"} ${arch === "arm64" ? 'pacman -R --noconfirm linux-aarch64 linux-firmware linux-firmware-whence mkinitcpio mkinitcpio-busybox' : ''} pacman -Syy --noconfirm archlinux-keyring pacman -Syu --noconfirm pacman -S --noconfirm --needed base-devel cmake git nano fastfetch htop wget curl sudo bash-completion dialog qt6-base qt6-tools polkit libpipewire pipewire pipewire-pulse libwireplumber wireplumber libxcvt libnm networkmanager modemmanager wpa_supplicant libqalculate distcc ccache gdb kwayland5 pacman -S --noconfirm --needed bluez xorg-xwayland openssh mold flatpak rsync xdg-desktop-portal xdg-user-dirs ddcutil lcms2 pacman -S --noconfirm --needed appstream-qt libdmtx libxaw lua ttf-hack qrencode xorg-xmessage xorg-xsetroot zxing-cpp accountsservice exiv2 lmdb zsync pacman -S --noconfirm --needed maliit-keyboard qt5-graphicaleffects xdotool libdisplay-info qcoro-qt6 qtkeychain-qt6 libquotient cmark libphonenumber callaudiod reuse gpgme pacman -S --noconfirm --needed phonon-qt6-vlc pyside6 python-pyqt6 python-pyqt6-3d python-pyqt6-charts python-pyqt6-datavisualization python-pyqt6-networkauth python-pyqt6-sip python-pyqt6-webengine qt6-3d qt6-5compat qt6-base qt6-charts qt6-connectivity qt6-datavis3d qt6-declarative qt6-graphs qt6-grpc qt6-httpserver qt6-imageformats qt6-languageserver qt6-location qt6-lottie qt6-multimedia qt6-multimedia-ffmpeg qt6-multimedia-gstreamer qt6-networkauth qt6-positioning qt6-quick3d qt6-quick3dphysics qt6-quickeffectmaker qt6-quicktimeline qt6-remoteobjects qt6-scxml qt6-sensors qt6-serialbus qt6-serialport qt6-shadertools qt6-speech qt6-svg qt6-tools qt6-translations qt6-virtualkeyboard qt6-wayland qt6-webchannel qt6-webengine qt6-websockets qt6-webview pacman -S --noconfirm --needed python-setuptools python-websocket-client python-wsaccel pyside6 freerdp noto-fonts noto-fonts-cjk noto-fonts-emoji libimobiledevice libcanberra upower udisks2 # plasma-dialer pacman -S --noconfirm --needed abseil-cpp # koko, elisa pacman -S --noconfirm --needed mpv vlc # neochat #pacman -S --noconfirm --needed libquotient # spectacle pacman -S --noconfirm --needed opencv # fixes plasma-mobile app list pacman -S --noconfirm --needed xorg pacman -S --noconfirm --needed meson # server related packages - only x64 for now because archlinuxarm broke podman by disappearing python-protobuf ${arch === "x64" ? 'pacman -S --noconfirm --needed podman podman-docker netavark aardvark-dns buildah dhclient screen jq smartmontools unzip' : ''} echo "Setting up user" ${arch === "x64" ? 'useradd -m -G wheel user' : ''} ${arch === "arm64" ? 'usermod -l user alarm' : ''} ${arch === "arm64" ? 'groupmod -n user alarm' : ''} ${arch === "arm64" ? 'usermod -d /home/user -m user || true' : ''} echo "user:147147" | chpasswd echo "user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" >> /etc/locale.gen locale-gen echo "LANG=en_US.UTF-8" > /etc/locale.conf echo "KEYMAP=us" > /etc/vconsole.conf echo "prolinux-system" > /etc/hostname ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Toronto /etc/localtime mkdir /sineware sudo -u user bash << EOFSU echo "Setting CCache settings..." ccache -M 40G echo "Setting up flatpak..." sudo flatpak remote-delete flathub flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists --user flathub EOFSU sleep 2 EOF`); /* Install NODEJS_PACKAGE */ console.log("Installing NodeJS"); exec(`sudo mkdir -pv ${ROOTFS_DIR}/opt/nodejs`); exec(`sudo curl -L ${NODEJS_PACKAGE} | sudo tar -xJv -C ${ROOTFS_DIR}/opt/nodejs --strip-components=1`); /* ------------- ProLinuxD ------------- */ exec(` set -e pwd pushd . # Set PATH to include nodejs export PATH=${ROOTFS_DIR}/opt/nodejs/bin:$PATH node --version cd ${__dirname}/../ocs2-prolinuxd rm -rf dist/* npm ci echo "Building ProLinuxD..." tsc sudo mkdir -pv ${ROOTFS_DIR}/opt/prolinuxd sudo cp -rv dist/* ${ROOTFS_DIR}/opt/prolinuxd/ sudo cp -v distro-files/plctl ${ROOTFS_DIR}/usr/sbin/ # Copy node_modules sudo mkdir -pv ${ROOTFS_DIR}/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules sudo cp -rv node_modules/* ${ROOTFS_DIR}/opt/prolinuxd/node_modules/ popd `); /* ------------- ProLinux GUI Tool ------------- */ // copy ./prolinux-tool to /opt/prolinux-tool // make a .desktop file that runs /opt/prolinux-tool/prolinux-tool exec(` set -e pushd . cd ${__dirname}/../prolinux-tool sudo mkdir -pv ${ROOTFS_DIR}/opt/prolinux-tool sudo cp -rv * ${ROOTFS_DIR}/opt/prolinux-tool/ sudo cp -v prolinux-tool.desktop ${ROOTFS_DIR}/usr/share/applications/ popd `); /* ------------- PM2 ------------- */ exec(`sudo arch-chroot ${ROOTFS_DIR} /bin/bash -x <<'EOF' mkdir /opt/pm2 chown user:user /opt/pm2 echo "export PATH=/opt/nodejs/bin/:/opt/pm2/node_modules/pm2/bin/:\\$PATH" >> /etc/profile sudo -u user bash << EOFSU echo "Setting up pm2..." export PATH=/opt/nodejs/bin/:$PATH npm install --prefix /opt/pm2 pm2@latest true EOFSU EOF`); if(PROLINUX_VARIANT === "mobile" && PROLINUX_CHANNEL === "dev") { /* ------------- ProLinux Mobile Dev (Plasma Mobile Nightly / kdesrc-build ) ------------- */ await buildMobileCommon(); await buildMobileDev(); } else if(PROLINUX_VARIANT === "mobile" && PROLINUX_CHANNEL === "stable") { await buildMobileCommon(); await buildMobileStable(); } else if(PROLINUX_VARIANT === "mobile-halium" && PROLINUX_CHANNEL === "dev") { await buildMobileCommon(); await buildMobileHaliumDev(); /* ------------- ProLinux Embedded ------------- */ } else if(PROLINUX_VARIANT === "embedded" && PROLINUX_CHANNEL === "stable") { await buildEmbedded(); } else if (PROLINUX_VARIANT === "embedded" && PROLINUX_CHANNEL === "dev") { await buildEmbeddedDev(); /* ------------- ProLinux Server ------------- */ } else if(PROLINUX_VARIANT === "server" && PROLINUX_CHANNEL === "dev") { await buildServerDev(); } else { throw new Error("Unknown ProLinux variant/channel"); } exec(`sudo arch-chroot ${ROOTFS_DIR} /bin/bash -x <<'EOF' set -e #echo "HostKey /sineware/data/ssh-host-keys/ssh_host_rsa_key" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config #echo "HostKey /sineware/data/ssh-host-keys/ssh_host_ecdsa_key" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config #echo "HostKey /sineware/data/ssh-host-keys/ssh_host_ed25519_key" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config systemctl enable NetworkManager systemctl enable sshd systemctl enable prolinux-setup systemctl enable prolinuxd systemctl enable getty@tty0 #systemctl enable podman systemctl enable pm2-user mkdir -pv /opt/build-info echo "${buildnum},${builduuid},prolinux,${PROLINUX_VARIANT},${PROLINUX_CHANNEL},$(date),prolinux-root-${PROLINUX_VARIANT}-${PROLINUX_CHANNEL}.squish,${arch}" >> /opt/build-info/prolinux-info.txt pacman -Q >> /opt/build-info/prolinux-sbom.txt ls /opt/kde/build/ >> /opt/build-info/prolinux-sbom.txt || true EOF`); // drop to shell if(process.env.DEBUG === "true") { console.log("Debug shell:"); exec(`sudo arch-chroot ${ROOTFS_DIR}`); } /* ------------- Addtional Packages ------------- */ // kexec-tools (for initramfs) compileKexecTools(); compileSDM845SupportPackages(); //compileHybrisSupportPackages(); /* ------------- Target Devices ------------- */ const buildTargetDeviceSupport = (targetDevice: string) => { console.log(`Building ${targetDevice} support`); if(targetDevice.startsWith("halium-")) { console.log("Skipping pmbootstrap (halium device)."); return; } if(targetDevice.startsWith("sineware-")) { console.log("Skipping pmbootstrap (sineware generic device)."); console.log("Adding sineware kernel and modules..."); exec(` sudo mkdir -pv ${ROOTFS_DIR}/opt/device-support/${targetDevice} sudo mkdir -pv ${ROOTFS_DIR}/lib/modules sudo cp -rv ${KERNEL_INIT_DIR}/output/modules/lib/modules/* ${ROOTFS_DIR}/lib/modules/ sudo cp -rv ${KERNEL_INIT_DIR}/output/Image ${ROOTFS_DIR}/opt/device-support/${targetDevice}/vmlinuz sudo cp -rv ${KERNEL_INIT_DIR}/initramfs/output/initramfs.cpio.gz ${ROOTFS_DIR}/opt/device-support/${targetDevice}/initramfs `); // Depmod the kernel. By default depmod will use the current kernel, which is wrong. Therefore we need tomanually specify the kernel version. const kernelVer = fs.readdirSync(`${KERNEL_INIT_DIR}/output/modules/lib/modules`)[0]; console.log("kernelVer: " + kernelVer); exec(` sudo arch-chroot ${ROOTFS_DIR} /bin/bash -x <<'EOF' depmod ${kernelVer} EOF`); return; } // Add pmos device /lib/modules and /usr/lib/firmware console.log("Adding pmos device modules and firmware"); let kernel = ""; let device = targetDevice; if(targetDevice.includes(":")) { [device, kernel] = targetDevice.split(":"); } createAndMountPMOSImage(device, kernel); genPMOSImage(device); pmosFinalCleanup(); // copy device image to staging exec(` sync sleep 1 mkdir -pv ${BUILD_DIR}/img-staging sudo cp /tmp/postmarketOS-export/${device}.img ${BUILD_DIR}/img-staging/${device}.img `); }; TARGET_DEVICE.split(",").forEach(buildTargetDeviceSupport); console.log("Cleaning up rootfs before final squash..."); exec(` sudo arch-chroot ${ROOTFS_DIR} /bin/bash -x <<'EOF' sudo pacman -R --noconfirm qt6-doc qt6-examples echo "Cleaned up packages." EOF sudo rm -rf ${ROOTFS_DIR}/usr/share/doc/* sudo rm -rf ${ROOTFS_DIR}/opt/kde/build/ sudo rm -rf ${ROOTFS_DIR}/opt/kde/src/ sudo umount -R ${ROOTFS_DIR}/* || true sudo umount ${ROOTFS_DIR}/var/cache/pacman/pkg sudo rm -rf ${ROOTFS_DIR}/var/cache/pacman/pkg/* sudo rm -rf ${ROOTFS_DIR}/boot/* `); // Create squashfs from root exec(`mkdir -pv ${OUTPUT_DIR} && sudo mksquashfs ${ROOTFS_DIR} ${OUTPUT_DIR}/prolinux-root-${PROLINUX_VARIANT}-${PROLINUX_CHANNEL}.squish -noappend -comp xz`); // Create tar from root //exec(`sudo tar -C ${ROOTFS_DIR} -cvf ${OUTPUT_DIR}/prolinux-root-${PROLINUX_VARIANT}-${PROLINUX_CHANNEL}.tar .`); exec(`echo "${buildnum},${builduuid},prolinux,${PROLINUX_VARIANT},${PROLINUX_CHANNEL},$(date),prolinux-root-${PROLINUX_VARIANT}-${PROLINUX_CHANNEL}.squish,${arch}" > ${OUTPUT_DIR}/prolinux-info.txt`); await sleep(2000); await cleanup(); } try { main(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); cleanup(); }