set(PLASMA_RELATIVE_DATA_INSTALL_DIR "plasma") set(PLASMA_DATA_INSTALL_DIR "${KDE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/${PLASMA_RELATIVE_DATA_INSTALL_DIR}") # plasma_install_package(path componentname [root] [type]) # # Installs a Plasma package to the system path # @arg path The source path to install from, location of metadata.desktop # @arg componentname The plugin name of the component, corresponding to the # X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name key in metadata.desktop # @arg root The subdirectory to install to, default: plasmoids # @arg type The type, default to applet, or applet, package, containment, # wallpaper, shell, lookandfeel, etc. # @see Types column in kpackagetool6 --list-types # # Examples: # plasma_install_package(mywidget org.kde.plasma.mywidget) # installs an applet # plasma_install_package(declarativetoolbox org.kde.toolbox packages package) # installs a generic package # macro(plasma_install_package dir component) set(root ${ARGV2}) set(type ${ARGV3}) if(NOT root) set(root plasmoids) endif() if(NOT type) set(type applet) endif() kpackage_install_package(${dir} ${component} ${root} ${PLASMA_RELATIVE_DATA_INSTALL_DIR} NO_DEPRECATED_WARNING) endmacro()