# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006 Alexander Neundorf # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause find_package(Gettext REQUIRED) # The Python executable used for building ki18n will be used as a fallback # solution if it cannot be found in $PATH when building applications. set(_KI18N_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE "@Python3_EXECUTABLE@") find_program(KI18N_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE NAMES python3 python2 python) if(NOT KI18N_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE) set(KI18N_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE "${_KI18N_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}") endif() set(_ki18n_pmap_compile_script ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/ts-pmap-compile.py) set(_ki18n_uic_script ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/kf6i18nuic.cmake) set(_ki18n_build_pofiles_script ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/build-pofiles.cmake) set(_ki18n_build_tsfiles_script ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/build-tsfiles.cmake) # Creates the implementation files from the ui files and adds them to the list of sources, # either to the variable of the given name or, since KF 5.62, if the given argument is # a target (must not be an alias), to the list of private sources of that target. # # ki18n_wrap_ui( # [ [...]] # ) # # Example usages: # # ki18n_wrap_ui(foo_SRCS ${ui_files}) # ki18n_wrap_ui(foo ${ui_files}) # macro (KI18N_WRAP_UI _sources ) if(NOT TARGET Qt6::uic) message(FATAL_ERROR "Qt6Widgets should be found before calling ki18n_wrap_ui(). Please add find_package(Qt6Widgets ...)") endif() if (TARGET ${_sources}) get_target_property(aliased_target ${_sources} ALIASED_TARGET) if(aliased_target) message(FATAL_ERROR "Target argument passed to ki18n_wrap_ui must not be an alias: ${_sources}") endif() endif() foreach (_current_FILE ${ARGN}) get_filename_component(_tmp_FILE ${_current_FILE} ABSOLUTE) if(NOT EXISTS ${_tmp_FILE}) message(SEND_ERROR " Cannot find ui file:\n \n" " ${_current_FILE}\n") endif() get_filename_component(_basename ${_tmp_FILE} NAME_WE) set(_header ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ui_${_basename}.h) get_target_property(QT_UIC_EXECUTABLE Qt6::uic LOCATION) # we need to run uic and replace some things in the generated file # this is done by executing the cmake script kf6i18nuic.cmake add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${_header} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} ARGS -DKDE_UIC_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=${QT_UIC_EXECUTABLE} -DKDE_UIC_FILE:FILEPATH=${_tmp_FILE} -DKDE_UIC_H_FILE:FILEPATH=${_header} -DKDE_UIC_BASENAME:STRING=${_basename} -P ${_ki18n_uic_script} MAIN_DEPENDENCY ${_tmp_FILE} ) set_source_files_properties(${_tmp_FILE} PROPERTIES SKIP_AUTOUIC ON) set_source_files_properties(${_header} PROPERTIES SKIP_AUTOMOC ON) set_source_files_properties(${_header} PROPERTIES SKIP_AUTOUIC ON) if(TARGET ${_sources}) target_sources(${_sources} PRIVATE ${_header}) else() list(APPEND ${_sources} ${_header}) endif() endforeach (_current_FILE) endmacro (KI18N_WRAP_UI) option(KF_SKIP_PO_PROCESSING "Skip processing of po files" OFF) # KI18N_INSTALL(podir) # Search for .po files and scripting modules and install them to the standard # location. The instalation can be skipped using the KF_SKIP_PO_PROCESSING option. # # This is a convenience function which relies on the following directory # structure: # # / # / # scripts/ # / # *.js # *.po # # .po files are passed to build-pofiles.cmake # # .js files are installed using build-tsfiles.cmake # # For example, given the following directory structure: # # po/ # fr/ # scripts/ # kfoo/ # kfoo.js # kfoo.po # # KI18N_INSTALL(po) does the following: # - Compiles kfoo.po into kfoo.mo and installs it in # ${KDE_INSTALL_LOCALEDIR}/fr/LC_MESSAGES or share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES if # ${KDE_INSTALL_LOCALEDIR} is not set. # - Installs kfoo.js in ${KDE_INSTALL_LOCALEDIR}/fr/LC_SCRIPTS/kfoo # function(KI18N_INSTALL podir) if (KF_SKIP_PO_PROCESSING) return() endif() if (NOT KDE_INSTALL_LOCALEDIR) set(KDE_INSTALL_LOCALEDIR share/locale) endif() # First try to find the po directory in the source directory, where the release scripts copy them before making the tarballs get_filename_component(absolute_podir ${podir} ABSOLUTE) # we try to find the po directory in the binary directory, in case it was downloaded # using ECM if (NOT (EXISTS "${absolute_podir}" AND IS_DIRECTORY "${absolute_podir}")) get_filename_component(absolute_podir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${podir} ABSOLUTE) endif() if (NOT (EXISTS "${absolute_podir}" AND IS_DIRECTORY "${absolute_podir}")) # Nothing to do if there's no podir and it would create an empty # KDE_INSTALL_LOCALEDIR in that case. return() endif() get_filename_component(dirname ${KDE_INSTALL_LOCALEDIR} NAME) get_filename_component(destname ${KDE_INSTALL_LOCALEDIR} DIRECTORY) string(MD5 pathmd5 ${absolute_podir}) add_custom_target(pofiles-${pathmd5} ALL COMMENT "Generating mo..." COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DGETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE=${GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE} -DCOPY_TO=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${dirname} -DPO_DIR=${absolute_podir} -P ${_ki18n_build_pofiles_script} ) add_custom_target(tsfiles-${pathmd5} ALL COMMENT "Generating ts..." COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DPython3_EXECUTABLE=${KI18N_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -D_ki18n_pmap_compile_script=${_ki18n_pmap_compile_script} -DCOPY_TO=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${dirname} -DPO_DIR=${absolute_podir} -P ${_ki18n_build_tsfiles_script} ) if (NOT TARGET pofiles) add_custom_target(pofiles) endif() if (NOT TARGET tsfiles) add_custom_target(tsfiles) endif() add_dependencies(pofiles pofiles-${pathmd5}) add_dependencies(tsfiles tsfiles-${pathmd5}) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${dirname}) install(DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${dirname} DESTINATION ${destname}) endfunction()