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Copyright (C) 1989, 1991-%d Free Software Foundation. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Current frame: Current source file: %s Delete all breakpoints? (y or n) Deleted breakpoint %dDisplay %d deleted because parameter is out of scope. Failed to restart debuggerIPv6 communication is not supportedInvalid back referenceInvalid character class nameInvalid collation characterInvalid content of \{\}Invalid preceding regular expressionInvalid range endInvalid regular expressionMemory exhaustedMore stack frames follow ... NF set to negative valueNo arguments. No breakpoint at file `%s', line #%d No breakpoint(s) at entry to function `%s' No locals. No matchNo previous regular expressionNone in main(). Not stopped at any breakpoint; argument ignored. Note: breakpoint %d (disabled), also set at %s:%dNote: breakpoint %d (disabled, ignore next %ld hits), also set at %s:%dNote: breakpoint %d (enabled), also set at %s:%dNote: breakpoint %d (enabled, ignore next %ld hits), also set at %s:%dNumber Disp Enabled Location Number of lines: %d POSIX does not allow `%s'POSIX does not allow `\x' escapesPOSIX options: GNU long options: (standard) PREC value `%.*s' is invalidPremature end of regular expressionProgram already running. Restart from beginning (y/n)? Program not restarted Regular expression too bigShort options: GNU long options: (extensions) Source file (lines): %s (%d) Stopping in %s ... SuccessTCP/IP communications are not supportedThe program is running. Exit anyway (y/n)? This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Trailing backslashType commands for when %s %d is hit, one per line. Unmatched ( or \(Unmatched ) or \)Unmatched [, [^, [:, [., or [=Unmatched \{Usage: %s [POSIX or GNU style options] -f progfile [--] file ... Usage: %s [POSIX or GNU style options] [--] %cprogram%c file ... Watch variables: Watchpoint %d deleted because parameter is out of scope. Will ignore next %ld crossing(s) of breakpoint %d. Will ignore next %ld crossings of breakpoint %d. Will stop next time breakpoint %d is reached. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. [s]printf: format specifier does not have control letter[s]printf: value %g is not a valid wide character[s]printf: value %g is out of range for `%%%c' format[s]printf: value %g is too big for %%c format^ ran out for this one`%s' is a built-in function, it cannot be redefined`%s' is a function`%s' is a gawk extension`%s' is invalid as a function name`%s' is not a legal variable name`%s' is not a scalar variable`%s' is not a variable name, looking for file `%s=%s'`%s' is not an array `%s' is not supported in old awk`%s' not allowed in current context; statement ignored`--posix' overrides `--characters-as-bytes'`--posix' overrides `--traditional'`--posix'/`--traditional' overrides `--non-decimal-data'`BINMODE' is a gawk extension`FIELDWIDTHS' is a gawk extension`FPAT' is a gawk extension`IGNORECASE' is a gawk extension`break' is not allowed outside a loop or switch`continue' is not allowed outside a loop`delete' is not allowed with FUNCTAB`delete' is not allowed with SYMTAB`delete(array)' is a non-portable tawk extension`end' valid only in command `commands' or `eval'`length(array)' is a gawk extension`next' used in %s action`nextfile' used in %s action`return' not allowed in current context; statement ignored`return' used outside function context`silent' valid only in command `commands'`|&' not supportedalready included source file `%s'already loaded shared library `%s'and: called with less than two argumentsargument not a stringarray `%s' is empty atan2: received non-numeric first argumentatan2: received non-numeric second argumentattempt to access field %ldattempt to field reference from non-numeric valueattempt to field reference from null stringattempt to use a scalar value as arrayattempt to use array `%s' in a scalar contextattempt to use non-function `%s' in function callattempt to use scalar `%s' as an arrayattempt to use scalar `%s["%.*s"]' as an arrayattempt to use scalar parameter `%s' as an arrayattempt to use scalar value as arrayawk_value_to_node: received null retvalbackslash not last character on linebad `%sFMT' specification `%s'breakpoint %d set at file `%s', line %d is unconditional buffer overflow in genflags2strcall of `length' without parentheses is not portablecannot assign a value to the result of a field post-increment expressioncannot create child process for `%s' (fork: %s)cannot use function `%s' as variable namecannot use gawk builtin `%s' as variable namecharacter class syntax is [[:space:]], not [:space:]close of redirection that was never openedclose: `%.*s' is not an open file, pipe or co-processclose: redirection `%s' not opened with `|&', second argument ignoredclose: second argument is a gawk extensionclose: second argument must be `to' or `from'cmd. line:command line argument `%s' is a directory: skippedcomp(%Rg): fractional value will be truncatedcompl(%f): fractional value will be truncatedcompl: received non-numeric argumentcondition: invalid breakpoint/watchpoint numbercould not allocate more input memorycould not open `%s' for writing: %scould not open `%s', mode `%s'could not pre-open /dev/null for fd %ddata file `%s' is emptydcgettext: `%s' is not a valid locale categorydir_take_control_of: opendir/fdopendir failed: %sdivision by zero attempteddivision by zero attempted in `%%'division by zero attempted in `%%='division by zero attempted in `/='duplicate `default' detected in switch bodyduplicate case values in switch body: %seach rule must have a pattern or an action partelement not in array empty argument to `-e/--source' ignoredempty filename after @includeempty filename after @loadempty program text on command lineenvironment variable `POSIXLY_CORRECT' set: turning on `--posix'error (%s): cannot restart, ignoring rest of the commands error: error: cannot restart, operation not allowed escape sequence `\%c' treated as plain `%c'exp: argument %g is out of rangeexpression for `%s' redirection has null string valueextensions are not allowed in sandbox modefatal error: internal errorfatal error: internal error: segfaultfatal error: internal error: stack overflowfatal: fatal: `$' is not permitted in awk formatsfatal: `$' not permitted after period in formatfatal: must use `count$' on all formats or nonefatal: no `$' supplied for positional field width or precisionfatal: not enough arguments to satisfy format stringfield width and precision are ignored for `%%' specifierfield width is ignored for `%%' specifierfill_error_element: could not set elementfill_path_element: could not set elementfill_stat_element: could not set elementfloating point exceptionfnmatch init: could not add FNM_NOMATCH variablefnmatch init: could not install FNM arrayfnmatch init: could not set array element %sfnmatch is not implemented on this system fnmatch: could not get first argumentfnmatch: could not get second argumentfnmatch: could not get third argumentfork: PROCINFO is not an array!from %sfts init: could not create variable %sfts is not supported on this systemfts-process: could not create arrayfts-process: could not set elementfts: called with incorrect number of arguments, expecting 3fts: could not flatten array fts: ignoring sneaky FTS_NOSTAT flag. nyah, nyah, nyah.function `%s' called but never definedfunction `%s' called with more arguments than declaredfunction `%s' called with space between name and `(', or used as a variable or an arrayfunction `%s' defined but never called directlyfunction `%s': argument #%d: attempt to use array as a scalarfunction `%s': argument #%d: attempt to use scalar as an arrayfunction `%s': parameter #%d, `%s', duplicates parameter #%dfunction `%s': parameter `%s' shadows global variablefunction name `%s' previously definedgawk is a pattern scanning and processing language. By default it reads standard input and writes standard output. gensub: third argument `%.*s' treated as 1getline: attempt to read from closed read end of two-way pipegettimeofday: not supported on this platformhex escape \x%.*s of %d characters probably not interpreted the way you expectignoring unknown format specifier character `%c': no argument convertedindex: regexp constant as second argument is not allowedindirect call to %s requires at least two argumentsindirect function calls are a gawk extensioninput parser `%s' conflicts with previously installed input parser `%s'input parser `%s' failed to open `%s'int: received non-numeric argumentinternal error: %s with null vnameinternal error: builtin with null fnameinvalid breakpoint numberinvalid breakpoint/watchpoint numberinvalid char '%c' in expressioninvalid characterinvalid character classinvalid character in commandinvalid content of \{\}invalid frame numberinvalid frame number: %dinvalid numberinvalid range specification: %d - %dinvalid source line %d in file `%s'invalid subscript expressioninvalid target of assignment (opcode %s)length: received array argumentline number %d in file `%s' out of rangeline number %d out of range; `%s' has %d linesload_ext: received NULL lib_namelocal port %s invalid in `/inet'lshift(%f, %f): fractional values will be truncatedlshift(%f, %f): too large shift value will give strange resultsmake_builtin: function `%s' already definedmake_builtin: function name `%s' previously definedmake_builtin: missing function namemake_builtin: negative argument count for function `%s'match: third argument is a gawk extensionmatch: third argument is not an arraymktime: at least one of the values is out of the default rangemoving pipe to stdin in child failed (dup: %s)moving pipe to stdout in child failed (dup: %s)moving slave pty to stdin in child failed (dup: %s)moving slave pty to stdout in child failed (dup: %s)multicharacter value of `RS' is a gawk extensionmultidimensional arrays are a gawk extensionmultistage two-way pipelines don't workno breakpoint/watchpoint has been set yetno explicit close of co-process `%s' providedno explicit close of file `%s' providedno explicit close of pipe `%s' providedno explicit close of socket `%s' providedno hex digits in `\x' escape sequenceno pre-opened fd %dno program text at all!no symbol `%s' in current context no syntax specifiednode_to_awk_value: received null nodenode_to_awk_value: received null valnon-numeric value for field numbernon-numeric value found, numeric expectednon-redirected `getline' invalid inside `%s' rulenon-redirected `getline' undefined inside END actionnon-zero integer valuenull string for `FS' is a gawk extensionold awk does not support multidimensional arraysold awk does not support multiple `BEGIN' or `END' rulesold awk does not support regexps as value of `FS'old awk does not support the `\%c' escape sequenceold awk does not support the keyword `in' except after `for'opcode %s not an operator or keywordor: called with less than two argumentsoutput wrapper `%s' conflicts with previously installed output wrapper `%s'output wrapper `%s' failed to open `%s'patsplit: cannot use a subarray of fourth arg for second argpatsplit: cannot use a subarray of second arg for fourth argpatsplit: cannot use the same array for second and fourth argspatsplit: fourth argument is not an arraypatsplit: second argument is not an arraypatsplit: third argument must be non-nullplain `print' in BEGIN or END rule should probably be `print ""'precision is ignored for `%%' specifierprint: attempt to write to closed write end of two-way pipeprintf: attempt to write to closed write end of two-way pipeprintf: no argumentsreached system limit for open files: starting to multiplex file descriptorsreason unknownredir2str: unknown redirection type %dredirection not allowed in sandbox modereference to uninitialized argument `%s'reference to uninitialized field `$%d'reference to uninitialized field `$%ld'reference to uninitialized variable `%s'regexp component `%.*s' should probably be `[%.*s]'regexp constant `/%s/' looks like a C comment, but is notregexp constant `//' looks like a C++ comment, but is notregexp constant for parameter #%d yields boolean valueregister_input_parser: received NULL pointerregister_output_processor: received NULL pointerregister_output_wrapper: received NULL pointerregular expression on left of `~' or `!~' operatorregular expression on right of assignmentregular expression on right of comparisonregular expression too bigremote host and port information (%s, %s) invalidremove_element: received null arrayremove_element: received null subscriptrevoutput: could not initialize REVOUT variablershift(%f, %f): fractional values will be truncatedrshift(%f, %f): too large shift value will give strange resultsrunning %s setuid root may be a security problemsending output to stdout sending profile to standard errorsending variable list to standard errorshadow_funcs() called twice!sleep: argument is negativesleep: missing required numeric argumentsleep: not supported on this platformsort comparison function `%s' is not definedsource file `%s' is emptysource file `%s' is empty. source file `%s' modified since start of program executionsource file does not end in newlinesplit: cannot use a subarray of fourth arg for second argsplit: cannot use a subarray of second arg for fourth argsplit: cannot use the same array for second and fourth argssplit: fourth argument is a gawk extensionsplit: fourth argument is not an arraysplit: second argument is not an arraysprintf: no argumentssrand: received non-numeric argumentstandard outputstat: bad parametersstat: unable to read symbolic link `%s'statement has no effectstrftime: format value in PROCINFO["strftime"] has numeric typestrftime: received empty format stringstrftime: second argument less than 0 or too big for time_tstrftime: second argument out of range for time_tsubstr: length %g at start index %g exceeds length of first argument (%lu)substr: length %g is not >= 0substr: length %g is not >= 1substr: length %g too big for string indexing, truncating to %gsubstr: non-integer length %g will be truncatedsubstr: non-integer start index %g will be truncatedsubstr: source string is zero lengthsubstr: start index %g is invalid, using 1substr: start index %g is past end of stringtawk regex modifier `/.../%c' doesn't work in gawktoo many arguments supplied for format stringtoo many pipes or input files openturning off `--lint' due to assignment to `LINT'two way processor `%s' failed to open `%s'two-way processor `%s' conflicts with previously installed two-way processor `%s'unbalanced (unbalanced )unbalanced [undefined command: %s unexpected eof while reading file `%s', line %dunexpected newline or end of stringunfinished \ escapeunknown nodetype %dunknown opcode %dunnecessary mixing of `>' and `>>' for file `%.*s'unterminated regexpunterminated regexp at end of fileunterminated regexp ends with `\' at end of fileunterminated stringuntyped variable unwind_stack: unexpected type `%s'use of `\ #...' line continuation is not portableuse of dcgettext(_"...") is incorrect: remove leading underscoreuse of dcngettext(_"...") is incorrect: remove leading underscorewarning: watchpoint %d is unconditional xor: called with less than two argumentsyProject-Id-Version: gawk 4.1.3h Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: bug-gawk@gnu.org PO-Revision-Date: 2016-12-18 19:51+0100 Last-Translator: Walter Garcia-Fontes Language-Team: Catalan Language: ca MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Bugs: Report translation errors to the Language-Team address. X-Generator: KBabel 1.0.1 # %s regla(es) # Regla(es) # perfil gawk, creat %s -C --copyright -D[file] --debug[=file] -E file --exec=file -F fs --field-separator=fs (fs=sep_camp) -M --bignum -N --use-lc-numeric -O --optimize -P --posix -S --sandbox -V --version -W nostalgia --nostalgia -b --characters-as-bytes -c --traditional -d[file] --dump-variables[=file] -e 'program-text' --source='program-text' -f fitx_prog --file=fitx_prog -g --gen-pot -h --help -i includefile --include=fitxer a incloure -l library --load=biblioteca -n --non-decimal-data -o[file] --pretty-print[=file] -p[file] --profile[=file] -r --re-interval -t --lint-old -v var=valor --assign=var=valor ordres: ignora el(s) pròxim(s) %ld accés(sos) condició d'aturada: %s # Pila de crida a les funcions: # Funcions, llistades alfabèticament a `%s':%dal fitxer `%s', línia %d #%ld en $%ld = camp sense inicialitzar %d no és vàlid com a nombre d'arguments per a %s%s%s %s `%s': no s'han pogut obtenir els indicadors fd: (fcntl F_GETFD: %s)%s %s `%s': no s'ha pogut establir close-on-exec: (fcntl F_SETFD: %s)%s blocs han de tenir una part d'acció%s el tercer paràmetre no és un objecte intercanviable%s: %d: el modificador regex tawk `/.../%c' no funciona a gawk%s: `%s' l'argument per a `-v' no està en forma `var=valor' %s: l'argument #%d amb valor fraccional %Rg serà truncat%s: l'argument #%d té valor no vàlid %Rg, s'usarà 0%s: es pot cridar indirectament amb dos arguments%s: opció no vàlida -- '%c' %s: l'opció `%c%s' no admet cap argument %s: l'opció `%s' és ambigua= 0substr: la longitud %g no és >= 1substr: la llargada %g és massa gran per a la indexació de cadenes de caràcters, es truncarà a %gsubstr: la longitud sobre un nombre no enter %g serà truncadasubstr: l'índex d'inici no enter %g serà truncatsubstr: la cadena font és de longitud zerosubstr: l'índex d'inici %g no és vàlid, usant 1substr: l'índex d'inici %g sobrepassa l'acabament de la cadenael modificador regex tawk `/.../%c' no funciona a gawks'han proporcionat masses arguments per a la cadena de formatmasses canonades o fitxers d'entrada obertsdesactivant `--lint' degut a una assignació a `LINT'el processador de dues vies `%s' no ha pogut obrir `%s'el processsador de dues vies `%s' està en conflicte amb el processador de dues vies `%s' instal·lat prèviament( sense aparellar) sense aparellar[ sense aparellarordre no definida: %s final de fitxer no esperat quan s'estava llegint el fitxer `%s', línia %dnova línia inesperada o final d'una cadena de caràctersseqüència d'escapada \ sense finalitzartipus de node %d desconegutopcode %d desconegutmescla innecessària de `>' i `>>' per al fitxer `%.*s'expressió regular sense finalitzarexpressió regular sense finalitzar al final del fitxerexpressió regular sense finalitzar acaba amb `\' al final del fitxercadena sense finalitzarvariable sense tipus unwind_stack: tipus no esperat `%s'l'ús de `\ #...' com a continuació de línia no és portablel'ús de dcgettext(_"...") no és correcte: elimineu el guió baix iniciall'ús de dcgettext(_"...") no és correcte: elimineu el guió baix inicialadvertiment: el punt d'inspecció %d és incondicional xort: cridat amb menys de dos argumentss