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hashlimit match options: --hashlimit-upto max average match rate [Packets per second unless followed by /sec /minute /hour /day postfixes] --hashlimit-above min average match rate --hashlimit-mode mode is a comma-separated list of dstip,srcip,dstport,srcport (or none) --hashlimit-srcmask source address grouping prefix length --hashlimit-dstmask destination address grouping prefix length --hashlimit-name name for /proc/net/ipt_hashlimit --hashlimit-burst number to match in a burst, default %u --hashlimit-htable-size number of hashtable buckets --hashlimit-htable-max number of hashtable entries --hashlimit-htable-gcinterval interval between garbage collection runs --hashlimit-htable-expire after which time are idle entries expired? hashlimit match options: --hashlimit-upto max average match rate [Packets per second unless followed by /sec /minute /hour /day postfixes] --hashlimit-above min average match rate --hashlimit-mode mode is a comma-separated list of dstip,srcip,dstport,srcport (or none) --hashlimit-srcmask source address grouping prefix length --hashlimit-dstmask destination address grouping prefix length --hashlimit-name name for /proc/net/ipt_hashlimit --hashlimit-burst number to match in a burst, default %u --hashlimit-htable-size number of hashtable buckets --hashlimit-htable-max number of hashtable entries --hashlimit-htable-gcinterval interval between garbage collection runs --hashlimit-htable-expire after which time are idle entries expired? 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