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Please fix this with pwck or grpck. %s: failed to allocate memory: %s %s: %s: lock file already used %s: existing lock file %s without a PID %s: existing lock file %s with an invalid PID '%s' %s: lock %s already used by PID %lu cannot open login definitions %s [%s]Could not allocate space for config info. could not allocate space for config infocannot read login definitions %s [%s]%s: Failed to flush the sssd cache.%s: sss_cache did not terminate normally (signal %d)%s: sss_cache exited with status %d%s: Failed to flush the nscd cache. %s: nscd did not terminate normally (signal %d) %s: nscd exited with status %d %s: unlocking the password would result in a passwordless account. You should set a password with usermod -p to unlock the password of this account. %s: cannot lock %s; try again later. %s: user '%s' does not exist in %s %s: failed to prepare the new %s entry '%s' %s: failure while writing changes to %s failure while writing changes to %s%s: option '%s' requires an argument %s: failed to drop privileges (%s) %s: cannot access chroot directory %s: %s %s: cannot chdir to chroot directory %s: %s %s: unable to chroot to directory %s: %s %s: invalid numeric argument '%s' %s: repository %s not supported %s: Cannot determine your user name. Cannot determine the user name of the caller (UID %lu)%s: You may not view or modify password information for %s. %s: can't view or modify password information for %spasswd: pam_start() failed, error %d passwd: password updated successfully password for '%s' changed by '%s'NP%Y-%m-%d%s %s %s %lld %lld %lld %lld %s %s C%s: out of memory xgetpwnam%s.%lu%s.lock%s: %s: %s %s: %s file write error: %s %s: %s file sync error: %s %s: cannot get lock %s: %s %s: Permission denied. : /etc/login.defs " "r+%s-%s+commonio.cNULL != eptrrealpath in lrename()%s: cannot execute %s: %s %s: waitpid (status: %d): %s /usr/sbin/sss_cache-i/usr/sbin/nscdpasswdgroup%s: failed to unlock %s failed to unlock %s%s: cannot open %s cannot open %s/usr/share/locale--root--root=%s: multiple --root options %s: invalid chroot path '%s' filesadehi:kln:qr:R:Suw:x:xgetpwuid%s: user '%s' does not exist passwd: %s passwd: password unchanged Cannot change ID to root. can't setuid(0)FORCE_SHADOWyes%s: password changed. 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