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License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html makeconv version %u.%u, ICU tool to read .ucm codepage mapping files and write .cnv files error in command line argument "%s" usage: %s [-options] files... read .ucm codepage mapping files and write .cnv files options: -h or -? or --help this usage text -V or --version show a version message -c or --copyright include a copyright notice -d or --destdir destination directory, followed by the path -v or --verbose Turn on verbose output -q or --quiet do not display warnings and progress -s or --sourcedir source directory, followed by the path --small Generate smaller .cnv files. They will be significantly smaller but may not be compatible with older versions of ICU and will require heap memory allocation when loaded. --ignore-siso-check Use SI/SO other than 0xf/0xe. the substitution character byte sequence is illegal in this codepage structure! the subchar1 byte is illegal in this codepage structure! error: the file "%s" is not a base table file Error creating converter for "%s" file for "%s" (%s) Warning: %s%s claims to be '%s' Error: A converter name must contain only invariant characters. %s is not a valid converter name. Couldn't create the udata %s.%s: %s error: wrote %u bytes to the .cnv file but counted %u bytes - Wrote %u bytes to the udata. Error writing "%s" file for "%s" (%s) size of extension data: %ld out of memory cnv extension toUTablecnv extension toUUCharscnv extension fromUBytes1632CHARMAPcode_set_namesubcharerror: illegal %s subchar1error: illegal %s .converter name %s too long .cnv.ucm- Opened udata %s.%s helpcopyrightversiondestdirverbosesmallignore-siso-checkquietsourcedir@@@@DDdEBCDICStateful dMBCSdDBCSdSBCS;P)܊(h ,l,<ܛ,