* Heading
:property: test

Regular *bold* /italic/ _underline_ +strike-through+ =verbatim= ~code~ text.

Highlight https://invent.kde.org/frameworks/syntax-highlighting [[kde.org]] links.

# This is a comment.

** TODO [#B] Heading [1/3]

+ [X] First item
+ [-] Second item
- [X] Sub-item
- [ ] Sub-item 2

1. Number list
2. [ ] Number list with checkbox

#+NAME: showcase-block
Inside a block

#+BEGIN_SRC rust
let a = 1;
let mut b = &a;
let c = 2;
b = &c;
// Attempting to use `b` here will error.

echo "This is shell script syntax highlighting!"
# comment
# this should not change the syntax highlighting to C language: c
exec ls

import bla

def main():
print("hello world!")
