h1. Biggest heading h2. Bigger heading h3. Big heading h4. Normal heading h5. Small heading h6. Smallest heading *strong* *strong* _emphasis_ _emphasis_ ??citation?? ??citation?? -deleted- -deleted- +inserted+ +inserted+ ^superscript^ ^superscript^ ~subscript~ ~subscript~ {{monospaced}} {{monospaced}} bq. Some block quoted text on two lines {quote} here is quotable content to be quoted {quote} {color:red} look ma, red text! {color} (empty line) \\ ---- --- -- [#anchor] [^attachment.ext] [https://kate-editor.org] [Kate|http://kate-editor.org] [mailto:no-real-address-spam@kate-editor.org] [file:///c:/temp/foo.txt] [file:///z:/file/on/network/share.txt] {anchor:anchorname} [~username] * some * bullet ** indented ** bullets * points - different - bullet - types # a # numbered # list # a # numbered #* with #* nested #* bullet # list * a * bulleted *# with *# nested *# numbered * list !http://kate-editor.org/image.gif! !attached-image.gif! !image.jpg|thumbnail! !image.gif|align=right, vspace=4! !quicktime.mov! !spaceKey:pageTitle^attachment.mov! !quicktime.mov|width=300,height=400! !media.wmv|id=media! ||heading 1||heading 2||heading 3|| |col A1|col A2|col A3| |col B1|col B2|col B3| {noformat} preformatted piece of text so *no* further _formatting_ is done here {noformat} {panel} Some text {panel} {panel:title=My Title|borderStyle=dashed|borderColor=#ccc|titleBGColor=#F7D6C1|bgColor=#FFFFCE} a block of text surrounded with a *panel* yet _another_ line {panel} {code:xml} {code} {code:xml|borderStyle=solid} {code} {code:title=file.xml} {code} {code:title=Bar.java|borderStyle=solid} // Some comments here public String getFoo() { return foo; } {code}