/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Volker Krause SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ #include "../src/lib/aztecbarcode_p.h" #include "../src/lib/bitvector_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Prison::BitVector) using namespace Prison; class AztecBarcodeTest : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private Q_SLOTS: void testAztecEncode_data() { QTest::addColumn("input"); QTest::addColumn("output"); QTest::newRow("empty") << QByteArray() << BitVector(); BitVector v; v.appendMSB(12, 5); v.appendMSB(5, 5); v.appendMSB(6, 5); QTest::newRow("all uppper") << QByteArray("KDE") << v; v.clear(); v.appendMSB(28, 5); v.appendMSB(12, 5); v.appendMSB(5, 5); v.appendMSB(6, 5); QTest::newRow("all lower") << QByteArray("kde") << v; v.clear(); v.appendMSB(12, 5); v.appendMSB(28, 5); v.appendMSB(5, 5); v.appendMSB(6, 5); QTest::newRow("upper -> lower latch") << QByteArray("Kde") << v; v.clear(); v.appendMSB(28, 5); v.appendMSB(2, 5); v.appendMSB(29, 5); v.appendMSB(30, 5); v.appendMSB(16, 5); v.appendMSB(16, 5); QTest::newRow("lower -> punct latch") << QByteArray("a++") << v; v.clear(); v.appendMSB(30, 5); v.appendMSB(6, 4); v.appendMSB(4, 4); QTest::newRow("digit") << QByteArray("42") << v; v.clear(); v.appendMSB(29, 5); v.appendMSB(30, 5); v.appendMSB(25, 5); v.appendMSB(24, 5); v.appendMSB(31, 5); v.appendMSB(30, 5); v.appendMSB(11, 4); v.appendMSB(2, 4); QTest::newRow("punct -> digit latch") << QByteArray(">=90") << v; v.clear(); v.appendMSB(30, 5); v.appendMSB(10, 4); v.appendMSB(3, 4); v.appendMSB(14, 4); v.appendMSB(29, 5); v.appendMSB(30, 5); v.appendMSB(13, 5); v.appendMSB(14, 5); QTest::newRow("digit -> punct latch") << QByteArray("81()") << v; v.clear(); v.appendMSB(29, 5); v.appendMSB(11, 5); v.appendMSB(8, 5); QTest::newRow("mixed") << QByteArray("\n\a") << v; v.clear(); v.appendMSB(29, 5); v.appendMSB(30, 5); v.appendMSB(2, 5); v.appendMSB(2, 5); QTest::newRow("CR LF") << QByteArray("\r\n\r\n") << v; v.clear(); v.appendMSB(31, 5); v.appendMSB(2, 5); v.appendMSB(128, 8); v.appendMSB(129, 8); QTest::newRow("binary") << QByteArray("\x80\x81") << v; v.clear(); v.appendMSB(31, 5); v.appendMSB(2, 5); v.appendMSB(255, 8); v.appendMSB(254, 8); v.appendMSB(28, 5); v.appendMSB(3, 5); QTest::newRow("binary/lower") << QByteArray( "\xff\xfe" "b") << v; v.clear(); v.appendMSB(12, 5); v.appendMSB(0, 5); v.appendMSB(6, 5); QTest::newRow("upper -> punct shift") << QByteArray("K!") << v; v.clear(); v.appendMSB(30, 5); v.appendMSB(9, 4); v.appendMSB(4, 4); v.appendMSB(15, 4); v.appendMSB(6, 5); v.appendMSB(5, 4); QTest::newRow("digit -> upper shift") << QByteArray("72E3") << v; v.clear(); v.appendMSB(25, 5); v.appendMSB(1, 5); v.appendMSB(26, 5); QTest::newRow("upper space") << QByteArray("X Y") << v; v.clear(); v.appendMSB(20, 5); v.appendMSB(0, 5); v.appendMSB(4, 5); v.appendMSB(23, 5); QTest::newRow("upper punct double char shift") << QByteArray("S, V") << v; v.clear(); v.appendMSB(17, 5); v.appendMSB(0, 5); v.appendMSB(17, 5); v.appendMSB(18, 5); QTest::newRow("upper ambiguous punct shift") << QByteArray("P,Q") << v; v.clear(); v.appendMSB(30, 5); v.appendMSB(13, 4); v.appendMSB(7, 4); QTest::newRow("digit ambiguous punct latch") << QByteArray(".5") << v; v.clear(); v.appendMSB(29, 5); v.appendMSB(30, 5); v.appendMSB(25, 5); v.appendMSB(26, 5); v.appendMSB(31, 5); v.appendMSB(29, 5); v.appendMSB(20, 5); v.appendMSB(29, 5); v.appendMSB(2, 5); QTest::newRow("punct/mixed/upper sequence") << QByteArray(">?@A") << v; v.clear(); v.appendMSB(2, 5); v.appendMSB(3, 5); v.appendMSB(4, 5); v.appendMSB(29, 5); // latch to Punct via latch to Mixed, shift to Punct directly would be more efficient here v.appendMSB(30, 5); v.appendMSB(19, 5); v.appendMSB(31, 5); // latch to Upper due to shift to Binary not available in Punct v.appendMSB(31, 5); v.appendMSB(2, 5); v.appendMSB(0, 8); v.appendMSB(0, 8); QTest::newRow("upper/special -> binary") << QByteArray("ABC.\x00\x00", 6) << v; } void testAztecEncode() { QFETCH(QByteArray, input); QFETCH(BitVector, output); AztecBarcode code; const auto v = code.aztecEncode(input); if (v != output) { qDebug() << "Actual :" << v; qDebug() << "Expected:" << output; } QCOMPARE(v, output); } void testStuffAndPad_data() { QTest::addColumn("input"); QTest::addColumn("output"); QTest::addColumn("codeWordSize"); BitVector in; BitVector out; QTest::newRow("empty") << in << out << 4; in.appendMSB(0x2, 2); out.appendMSB(0xB, 4); QTest::newRow("pad only") << in << out << 4; in.clear(); out.clear(); in.appendMSB(0x3, 2); out.appendMSB(0xE, 4); QTest::newRow("pad only inverted") << in << out << 4; in.clear(); out.clear(); in.appendMSB(0xe0, 8); out.appendMSB(0xe13, 12); QTest::newRow("stuff and pad") << in << out << 4; in.clear(); out.clear(); in.appendMSB(0, 6); out.appendMSB(0x11, 8); QTest::newRow("stuff only") << in << out << 4; } void testStuffAndPad() { QFETCH(BitVector, input); QFETCH(BitVector, output); QFETCH(int, codeWordSize); AztecBarcode code; const auto res = code.bitStuffAndPad(input, codeWordSize); QCOMPARE(res.size(), output.size()); if (res != output) { qDebug() << "Actual :" << res; qDebug() << "Expected:" << output; } QCOMPARE(res, output); } void testFullGrid() { AztecBarcode code; QImage img(151, 151, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); img.fill(code.m_background); code.paintFullGrid(&img); QImage ref(QStringLiteral(":/aztec/rendering/aztec-full-grid.png")); ref = ref.convertToFormat(img.format()); QCOMPARE(img, ref); } void testCompactGrid() { AztecBarcode code; QImage img(27, 27, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); img.fill(code.m_background); code.paintCompactGrid(&img); img.save(QStringLiteral("aztec-compact-grid.png")); QImage ref(QStringLiteral(":/aztec/rendering/aztec-compact-grid.png")); ref = ref.convertToFormat(img.format()); QCOMPARE(img, ref); } void testFullData_data() { QTest::addColumn("data"); QTest::addColumn("refName"); QTest::addColumn("layer"); BitVector v; for (int i = 0; i < 1248; ++i) { v.appendLSB(0x9249, 16); } QTest::newRow("1001-31") << v << QStringLiteral("aztec-full-data-1001.png") << 32; v.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 1248 * 8; ++i) { v.appendLSB(0x2, 2); } QTest::newRow("0101-31") << v << QStringLiteral("aztec-full-data-0101.png") << 32; v.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 1248; ++i) { v.appendLSB(0xffff, 16); } QTest::newRow("1111-31") << v << QStringLiteral("aztec-full-data-1111.png") << 32; v.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 704 * 4; ++i) { v.appendLSB(0x1, 2); } QTest::newRow("1010-15") << v << QStringLiteral("aztec-full-data-1010.png") << 16; v.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { v.appendLSB(0xCC, 8); } QTest::newRow("0011-0") << v << QStringLiteral("aztec-full-data-0011.png") << 1; } void testFullData() { QFETCH(BitVector, data); QFETCH(QString, refName); QFETCH(int, layer); AztecBarcode code; QImage img(151, 151, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); img.fill(code.m_background); code.paintFullData(&img, data, layer); img.save(refName); QImage ref(QStringLiteral(":/aztec/rendering/") + refName); ref = ref.convertToFormat(img.format()); QCOMPARE(img, ref); } void testFullModeMessage_data() { QTest::addColumn("data"); QTest::addColumn("refName"); BitVector v; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { v.appendMSB(i + 1, 5); } QTest::newRow("1234") << v << QStringLiteral("aztec-full-mode-1234.png"); v.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { v.appendLSB(i + 1, 5); } QTest::newRow("1234-rev") << v << QStringLiteral("aztec-full-mode-1234-rev.png"); v.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { v.appendMSB(0xffff, 10); } QTest::newRow("1111") << v << QStringLiteral("aztec-full-mode-1111.png"); } void testFullModeMessage() { QFETCH(BitVector, data); QFETCH(QString, refName); AztecBarcode code; QImage img(151, 151, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); img.fill(code.m_background); code.paintFullModeMessage(&img, data); img.save(refName); QImage ref(QStringLiteral(":/aztec/rendering/") + refName); ref = ref.convertToFormat(img.format()); QCOMPARE(img, ref); } void testCompactData_data() { QTest::addColumn("data"); QTest::addColumn("refName"); QTest::addColumn("layer"); BitVector v; for (int i = 0; i < 304; ++i) { v.appendLSB(0x9249, 16); } QTest::newRow("1001-3") << v << QStringLiteral("aztec-compact-data-1001.png") << 4; v.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 608 * 4; ++i) { v.appendLSB(0x2, 2); } QTest::newRow("0101-3") << v << QStringLiteral("aztec-compact-data-0101.png") << 4; v.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 304; ++i) { v.appendLSB(0xffff, 16); } QTest::newRow("1111-3") << v << QStringLiteral("aztec-compact-data-1111.png") << 4; v.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 102 * 4; ++i) { v.appendLSB(0x1, 2); } QTest::newRow("1010-2") << v << QStringLiteral("aztec-compact-data-1010.png") << 3; v.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 13; ++i) { v.appendLSB(0xCC, 8); } QTest::newRow("0011-0") << v << QStringLiteral("aztec-compact-data-0011.png") << 1; } void testCompactData() { QFETCH(BitVector, data); QFETCH(QString, refName); QFETCH(int, layer); AztecBarcode code; QImage img(27, 27, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); img.fill(code.m_background); code.paintCompactData(&img, data, layer); img.save(refName); QImage ref(QStringLiteral(":/aztec/rendering/") + refName); ref = ref.convertToFormat(img.format()); QCOMPARE(img, ref); } void testCompactModeMessage_data() { QTest::addColumn("data"); QTest::addColumn("refName"); BitVector v; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { v.appendMSB(i + 1, 7); } QTest::newRow("1234") << v << QStringLiteral("aztec-compact-mode-1234.png"); v.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { v.appendLSB(i + 1, 7); } QTest::newRow("1234-rev") << v << QStringLiteral("aztec-compact-mode-1234-rev.png"); v.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { v.appendMSB(0xffff, 7); } QTest::newRow("1111") << v << QStringLiteral("aztec-compact-mode-1111.png"); } void testCompactModeMessage() { QFETCH(BitVector, data); QFETCH(QString, refName); AztecBarcode code; QImage img(151, 151, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); img.fill(code.m_background); code.paintCompactModeMessage(&img, data); img.save(refName); QImage ref(QStringLiteral(":/aztec/rendering/") + refName); ref = ref.convertToFormat(img.format()); QCOMPARE(img, ref); } void testCodeGen_data() { QTest::addColumn("input"); QTest::addColumn("refName"); QTest::newRow("short compact") << QByteArray("KF5::Prison") << "aztec-complete-compact1.png"; QTest::newRow("compact 3 layer") << QByteArray("M1KRAUSE/VOLKER ABCDEFG TXLRIXBT 0212 309Y014E0063 100") << "aztec-complete-compact3.png"; QTest::newRow("long compact") << QByteArray("KF5::Prison - the barcode generation library of KDE Frameworks 5!") << "aztec-complete-compact4.png"; QTest::newRow("short full") << QByteArray("KF5::Prison - the MIT licensed free software barcode generation library of KDE Frameworks 5!") << "aztec-complete-full5.png"; QTest::newRow("long full") << QByteArray( "Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person\n" "obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation\n" "files (the \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without\n" "restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,\n" "copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n" "copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the\n" "Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following\n" "conditions:\n\n" "The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be\n" "included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\n" "THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,\n" "EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES\n" "OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND\n" "NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT\n" "HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY,\n" "WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING\n" "FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR\n" "OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.") << "aztec-complete-big.png"; QTest::newRow("binary") << QByteArray("KDE\x0\x1\x2\x3\x4\x5\x6\x7\x8\x9kde", 16) << "aztec-binary.png"; } void testCodeGen() { QFETCH(QByteArray, input); QFETCH(QString, refName); { auto code = Prison::Barcode::create(Prison::Aztec); QVERIFY(code); code->setData(QString::fromLatin1(input.constData(), input.size())); const auto img = code->toImage(code->minimumSize()); img.save(refName); QImage ref(QStringLiteral(":/aztec/encoding/") + refName); ref = ref.convertToFormat(img.format()); QCOMPARE(img, ref); } { auto code = Prison::Barcode::create(Prison::Aztec); QVERIFY(code); code->setData(input); const auto img = code->toImage(code->minimumSize()); img.save(refName); QImage ref(QStringLiteral(":/aztec/encoding/") + refName); ref = ref.convertToFormat(img.format()); QCOMPARE(img, ref); } } void testDimension() { auto barcode = Prison::Barcode::create(Prison::Aztec); QVERIFY(barcode); QCOMPARE(barcode->format(), Prison::Aztec); QCOMPARE(barcode->dimensions(), Prison::Barcode::TwoDimensions); } void testSize() { auto barcode = Prison::Barcode::create(Prison::Aztec); QVERIFY(barcode); QCOMPARE(barcode->format(), Prison::Aztec); barcode->setData(QStringLiteral("UNIT TEST")); QCOMPARE(barcode->minimumSize(), QSize(15, 15)); QCOMPARE(barcode->preferredSize(1), QSize(60, 60)); QCOMPARE(barcode->preferredSize(2), QSize(30, 30)); QCOMPARE(barcode->toImage(barcode->preferredSize(1)).size(), QSize(60, 60)); QCOMPARE(barcode->toImage({1, 1}).isNull(), true); } }; QTEST_APPLESS_MAIN(AztecBarcodeTest) #include "aztecbarcodetest.moc"