// Set properties of the phrase given by the finalized msgstr in the PO file. // The arguments to the call are consecutive pairs of keys and values, // as many as needed (i.e. total number of arguments must be even). // // The property keys are registered as PO calls taking single argument, // which can be used to retrive the property values for this msgstr // when it is later used as placeholder replacement in another message. // // Always signals fallback. // function setMsgstrProps (/*KEY1, VALUE1, ...*/) { if (arguments.length % 2 != 0) throw Error("Property setter given odd number of arguments."); // Collect finalized msgstr. phrase = Ts.msgstrf() // Go through all key-value pairs. for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 2) { var pkey = arguments[i]; var pval = arguments[i + 1]; // Set the value of the property for this phrase. Ts.setProp(phrase, pkey, pval); // Set the PO call for getting this property, if not already set. if (!Ts.hascall(pkey)) { Ts.setcall(pkey, function (phr) { return Ts.getProp(phr, this.pkey) }, {"pkey" : pkey}); } } throw Ts.fallback(); } Ts.setcall("propietats", setMsgstrProps); // NOTE: You can replace "properties" in the line above with any UTF-8 string, // e.g. one in your language so that it blends nicely inside POs.