/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2009 Peter Penz * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "versioncontrolobserver.h" #include "dolphin_versioncontrolsettings.h" #include "dolphindebug.h" #include "kitemviews/kfileitemmodel.h" #include "updateitemstatesthread.h" #include "views/dolphinview.h" #include #include #include #include VersionControlObserver::VersionControlObserver(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , m_pendingItemStatesUpdate(false) , m_silentUpdate(false) , m_view(nullptr) , m_model(nullptr) , m_dirVerificationTimer(nullptr) , m_pluginsInitialized(false) , m_currentPlugin(nullptr) , m_updateItemStatesThread(nullptr) { // The verification timer specifies the timeout until the shown directory // is checked whether it is versioned. Per default it is assumed that users // don't iterate through versioned directories and a high timeout is used // The timeout will be decreased as soon as a versioned directory has been // found (see verifyDirectory()). m_dirVerificationTimer = new QTimer(this); m_dirVerificationTimer->setSingleShot(true); m_dirVerificationTimer->setInterval(500); connect(m_dirVerificationTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &VersionControlObserver::verifyDirectory); } VersionControlObserver::~VersionControlObserver() { if (m_currentPlugin) { m_currentPlugin->disconnect(this); } if (m_updateItemStatesThread) { m_updateItemStatesThread->requestInterruption(); m_updateItemStatesThread->wait(); m_updateItemStatesThread->deleteLater(); } if (m_currentPlugin) { delete m_currentPlugin; m_currentPlugin = nullptr; } m_plugins.clear(); } void VersionControlObserver::setModel(KFileItemModel *model) { if (m_model) { disconnect(m_model, &KFileItemModel::itemsInserted, this, &VersionControlObserver::delayedDirectoryVerification); disconnect(m_model, &KFileItemModel::itemsChanged, this, &VersionControlObserver::slotItemsChanged); } m_model = model; if (model) { connect(m_model, &KFileItemModel::itemsInserted, this, &VersionControlObserver::delayedDirectoryVerification); connect(m_model, &KFileItemModel::itemsChanged, this, &VersionControlObserver::slotItemsChanged); } } KFileItemModel *VersionControlObserver::model() const { return m_model; } void VersionControlObserver::setView(DolphinView *view) { if (m_view) { disconnect(m_view, &DolphinView::activated, this, &VersionControlObserver::delayedDirectoryVerification); } m_view = view; if (m_view) { connect(m_view, &DolphinView::activated, this, &VersionControlObserver::delayedDirectoryVerification); } } DolphinView *VersionControlObserver::view() const { return m_view; } QList VersionControlObserver::actions(const KFileItemList &items) const { bool hasNullItems = false; for (const KFileItem &item : items) { if (item.isNull()) { qCWarning(DolphinDebug) << "Requesting version-control-actions for empty items"; hasNullItems = true; break; } } if (!m_model || hasNullItems) { return {}; } if (isVersionControlled()) { return m_currentPlugin->versionControlActions(items); } else { QList actions; for (const KVersionControlPlugin *plugin : std::as_const(m_plugins)) { actions << plugin->outOfVersionControlActions(items); } return actions; } } void VersionControlObserver::delayedDirectoryVerification() { m_silentUpdate = false; m_dirVerificationTimer->start(); } void VersionControlObserver::silentDirectoryVerification() { m_silentUpdate = true; m_dirVerificationTimer->start(); } void VersionControlObserver::slotItemsChanged(const KItemRangeList &itemRanges, const QSet &roles) { Q_UNUSED(itemRanges) // Because "version" role is emitted by VCS plugin (ourselves) we don't need to // analyze it and update directory item states information. So lets check if // there is only "version". if (!(roles.count() == 1 && roles.contains("version"))) { delayedDirectoryVerification(); } } void VersionControlObserver::verifyDirectory() { if (!m_model) { return; } const KFileItem rootItem = m_model->rootItem(); if (rootItem.isNull() || !rootItem.url().isLocalFile()) { return; } if (m_currentPlugin && rootItem.url().path().startsWith(m_localRepoRoot) && QFile::exists(m_localRepoRoot + '/' + m_currentPlugin->fileName())) { // current directory is still versionned updateItemStates(); return; } if ((m_currentPlugin = searchPlugin(rootItem.url()))) { // The directory is versioned. Assume that the user will further browse through // versioned directories and decrease the verification timer. m_dirVerificationTimer->setInterval(100); updateItemStates(); return; } // The directory is not versioned. Reset the verification timer to a higher // value, so that browsing through non-versioned directories is not slown down // by an immediate verification. m_dirVerificationTimer->setInterval(500); } void VersionControlObserver::slotThreadFinished() { UpdateItemStatesThread *thread = m_updateItemStatesThread; m_updateItemStatesThread = nullptr; // The thread deletes itself automatically (see updateItemStates()) if (!m_currentPlugin || !thread) { return; } const QMap> &itemStates = thread->itemStates(); QMap>::const_iterator it = itemStates.constBegin(); for (; it != itemStates.constEnd(); ++it) { const QVector &items = it.value(); for (const ItemState &item : items) { const KFileItem &fileItem = item.first; const KVersionControlPlugin::ItemVersion version = item.second; QHash values; values.insert("version", QVariant(version)); m_model->setData(m_model->index(fileItem), values); } } if (!m_silentUpdate) { // Using an empty message results in clearing the previously shown information message and showing // the default status bar information. This is useful as the user already gets feedback that the // operation has been completed because of the icon emblems. Q_EMIT operationCompletedMessage(QString()); } if (m_pendingItemStatesUpdate) { m_pendingItemStatesUpdate = false; updateItemStates(); } } void VersionControlObserver::updateItemStates() { Q_ASSERT(m_currentPlugin); if (m_updateItemStatesThread) { // An update is currently ongoing. Wait until the thread has finished // the update (see slotThreadFinished()). m_pendingItemStatesUpdate = true; return; } QMap> itemStates; createItemStatesList(itemStates); if (!itemStates.isEmpty()) { if (!m_silentUpdate) { Q_EMIT infoMessage(i18nc("@info:status", "Updating version information…")); } m_updateItemStatesThread = new UpdateItemStatesThread(m_currentPlugin, itemStates); connect(m_updateItemStatesThread, &UpdateItemStatesThread::finished, this, &VersionControlObserver::slotThreadFinished); connect(m_updateItemStatesThread, &UpdateItemStatesThread::finished, m_updateItemStatesThread, &UpdateItemStatesThread::deleteLater); m_updateItemStatesThread->start(); // slotThreadFinished() is called when finished } } int VersionControlObserver::createItemStatesList(QMap> &itemStates, const int firstIndex) { const int itemCount = m_model->count(); const int currentExpansionLevel = m_model->expandedParentsCount(firstIndex); QVector items; items.reserve(itemCount - firstIndex); int index; for (index = firstIndex; index < itemCount; ++index) { const int expansionLevel = m_model->expandedParentsCount(index); if (expansionLevel == currentExpansionLevel) { ItemState itemState; itemState.first = m_model->fileItem(index); itemState.second = KVersionControlPlugin::UnversionedVersion; items.append(itemState); } else if (expansionLevel > currentExpansionLevel) { // Sub folder index += createItemStatesList(itemStates, index) - 1; } else { break; } } if (!items.isEmpty()) { const QUrl &url = items.first().first.url(); itemStates.insert(url.adjusted(QUrl::RemoveFilename).path(), items); } return index - firstIndex; // number of processed items } void VersionControlObserver::initPlugins() { if (!m_pluginsInitialized) { // No searching for plugins has been done yet. Query all fileview version control // plugins and remember them in 'plugins'. const QStringList enabledPlugins = VersionControlSettings::enabledPlugins(); const QVector plugins = KPluginMetaData::findPlugins(QStringLiteral("dolphin/vcs")); for (const auto &p : plugins) { if (enabledPlugins.contains(p.name())) { auto plugin = KPluginFactory::instantiatePlugin(p, parent()).plugin; if (plugin) { m_plugins.append(plugin); } } } for (const auto *plugin : std::as_const(m_plugins)) { connect(plugin, &KVersionControlPlugin::itemVersionsChanged, this, &VersionControlObserver::silentDirectoryVerification); connect(plugin, &KVersionControlPlugin::infoMessage, this, &VersionControlObserver::infoMessage); connect(plugin, &KVersionControlPlugin::errorMessage, this, &VersionControlObserver::errorMessage); connect(plugin, &KVersionControlPlugin::operationCompletedMessage, this, &VersionControlObserver::operationCompletedMessage); } m_pluginsInitialized = true; } } KVersionControlPlugin *VersionControlObserver::searchPlugin(const QUrl &directory) { initPlugins(); // Verify whether the current directory is under a version system for (KVersionControlPlugin *plugin : std::as_const(m_plugins)) { // first naively check if we are at working copy root const QString fileName = directory.path() + '/' + plugin->fileName(); if (QFile::exists(fileName)) { m_localRepoRoot = directory.path(); return plugin; } const QString root = plugin->localRepositoryRoot(directory.path()); if (!root.isEmpty()) { m_localRepoRoot = root; return plugin; } } return nullptr; } bool VersionControlObserver::isVersionControlled() const { return m_currentPlugin != nullptr; } #include "moc_versioncontrolobserver.cpp"