/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Ismael Asensio * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "dolphinquery.h" #include #include "config-dolphin.h" #if HAVE_BALOO #include #endif namespace { #if HAVE_BALOO /** Checks if a given term in the Baloo::Query::searchString() is a special search term * @return: the specific search token of the term, or an empty QString() if none is found */ QString searchTermToken(const QString &term) { static const QLatin1String searchTokens[]{QLatin1String("filename:"), QLatin1String("modified>="), QLatin1String("rating>="), QLatin1String("tag:"), QLatin1String("tag=")}; for (const auto &searchToken : searchTokens) { if (term.startsWith(searchToken)) { return searchToken; } } return QString(); } QString stripQuotes(const QString &text) { if (text.length() >= 2 && text.at(0) == QLatin1Char('"') && text.back() == QLatin1Char('"')) { return text.mid(1, text.size() - 2); } return text; } QStringList splitOutsideQuotes(const QString &text) { // Match groups on 3 possible conditions: // - Groups with two leading quotes must close both on them (filename:""abc xyz" tuv") // - Groups enclosed in quotes // - Words separated by spaces static const QRegularExpression subTermsRegExp("(\\S*?\"\"[^\"]+\"[^\"]+\"+|\\S*?\"[^\"]+\"+|(?<=\\s|^)\\S+(?=\\s|$))"); auto subTermsMatchIterator = subTermsRegExp.globalMatch(text); QStringList textParts; while (subTermsMatchIterator.hasNext()) { textParts << subTermsMatchIterator.next().captured(0); } return textParts; } #endif QString trimChar(const QString &text, const QLatin1Char aChar) { const int start = text.startsWith(aChar) ? 1 : 0; const int end = (text.length() > 1 && text.endsWith(aChar)) ? 1 : 0; return text.mid(start, text.length() - start - end); } } DolphinQuery DolphinQuery::fromSearchUrl(const QUrl &searchUrl) { DolphinQuery model; model.m_searchUrl = searchUrl; if (searchUrl.scheme() == QLatin1String("baloosearch")) { model.parseBalooQuery(); } else if (searchUrl.scheme() == QLatin1String("tags")) { // tags can contain # symbols or slashes within the Url QString tag = trimChar(searchUrl.toString(QUrl::RemoveScheme), QLatin1Char('/')); model.m_searchTerms << QStringLiteral("tag:%1").arg(tag); } return model; } bool DolphinQuery::supportsScheme(const QString &urlScheme) { static const QStringList supportedSchemes = { QStringLiteral("baloosearch"), QStringLiteral("tags"), }; return supportedSchemes.contains(urlScheme); } void DolphinQuery::parseBalooQuery() { #if HAVE_BALOO const Baloo::Query query = Baloo::Query::fromSearchUrl(m_searchUrl); m_includeFolder = query.includeFolder(); const QStringList types = query.types(); m_fileType = types.isEmpty() ? QString() : types.first(); QStringList textParts; QString fileName; const QStringList subTerms = splitOutsideQuotes(query.searchString()); for (const QString &subTerm : subTerms) { const QString token = searchTermToken(subTerm); const QString value = stripQuotes(subTerm.mid(token.length())); if (token == QLatin1String("filename:")) { if (!value.isEmpty()) { fileName = value; m_hasFileName = true; } continue; } else if (!token.isEmpty()) { m_searchTerms << token + value; continue; } else if (subTerm == QLatin1String("AND") && subTerm != subTerms.at(0) && subTerm != subTerms.back()) { continue; } else if (!value.isEmpty()) { textParts << value; m_hasContentSearch = true; } } if (m_hasFileName) { if (m_hasContentSearch) { textParts << QStringLiteral("filename:\"%1\"").arg(fileName); } else { textParts << fileName; } } m_searchText = textParts.join(QLatin1Char(' ')); #endif } QUrl DolphinQuery::searchUrl() const { return m_searchUrl; } QString DolphinQuery::text() const { return m_searchText; } QString DolphinQuery::type() const { return m_fileType; } QStringList DolphinQuery::searchTerms() const { return m_searchTerms; } QString DolphinQuery::includeFolder() const { return m_includeFolder; } bool DolphinQuery::hasContentSearch() const { return m_hasContentSearch; } bool DolphinQuery::hasFileName() const { return m_hasFileName; }