/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011 Peter Penz * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "kitemlistsmoothscroller.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include KItemListSmoothScroller::KItemListSmoothScroller(QScrollBar *scrollBar, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , m_scrollBarPressed(false) , m_smoothScrolling(true) , m_scrollBar(scrollBar) , m_animation(nullptr) { m_animation = new QPropertyAnimation(this); KSharedConfig::Ptr globalConfig = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QStringLiteral("kdeglobals"), KConfig::IncludeGlobals); KConfigGroup configGroup(globalConfig, QStringLiteral("KDE")); updateAnimationDuration(configGroup.readEntry("SmoothScroll", true)); QDBusConnection::sessionBus().connect(QStringLiteral(""), QStringLiteral("/SmoothScroll"), QStringLiteral("org.kde.SmoothScroll"), QStringLiteral("notifyChange"), this, SLOT(updateAnimationDuration(bool))); connect(m_animation, &QPropertyAnimation::stateChanged, this, &KItemListSmoothScroller::slotAnimationStateChanged); m_scrollBar->installEventFilter(this); } KItemListSmoothScroller::~KItemListSmoothScroller() { } void KItemListSmoothScroller::setScrollBar(QScrollBar *scrollBar) { m_scrollBar = scrollBar; } QScrollBar *KItemListSmoothScroller::scrollBar() const { return m_scrollBar; } void KItemListSmoothScroller::setTargetObject(QObject *target) { m_animation->setTargetObject(target); } QObject *KItemListSmoothScroller::targetObject() const { return m_animation->targetObject(); } void KItemListSmoothScroller::setPropertyName(const QByteArray &propertyName) { m_animation->setPropertyName(propertyName); } QByteArray KItemListSmoothScroller::propertyName() const { return m_animation->propertyName(); } void KItemListSmoothScroller::scrollContentsBy(qreal distance) { QObject *target = targetObject(); if (!target) { return; } const QByteArray name = propertyName(); const qreal currentOffset = target->property(name).toReal(); if (static_cast(currentOffset) == m_scrollBar->value()) { // The current offset is already synchronous to the scrollbar return; } const bool animRunning = (m_animation->state() == QAbstractAnimation::Running); if (animRunning) { // Stopping a running animation means skipping the range from the current offset // until the target offset. To prevent skipping of the range the difference // is added to the new target offset. const qreal oldEndOffset = m_animation->endValue().toReal(); distance += (currentOffset - oldEndOffset); } const qreal endOffset = currentOffset - distance; if (m_smoothScrolling || animRunning) { qreal startOffset = currentOffset; if (animRunning) { // If the animation was running and has been interrupted by assigning a new end-offset // one frame must be added to the start-offset to keep the animation smooth. This also // assures that animation proceeds even in cases where new end-offset are triggered // within a very short timeslots. startOffset += (endOffset - currentOffset) * 1000 / (m_animation->duration() * 60); if (currentOffset < endOffset) { startOffset = qMin(startOffset, endOffset); } else { startOffset = qMax(startOffset, endOffset); } } m_animation->stop(); m_animation->setStartValue(startOffset); m_animation->setEndValue(endOffset); m_animation->setEasingCurve(animRunning ? QEasingCurve::OutQuad : QEasingCurve::InOutQuad); m_animation->start(); target->setProperty(name, startOffset); } else { target->setProperty(name, endOffset); } } void KItemListSmoothScroller::scrollTo(qreal position) { int newValue = position; newValue = qBound(0, newValue, m_scrollBar->maximum()); if (newValue != m_scrollBar->value()) { m_smoothScrolling = true; m_scrollBar->setValue(newValue); } } bool KItemListSmoothScroller::requestScrollBarUpdate(int newMaximum) { if (m_animation->state() == QAbstractAnimation::Running) { if (newMaximum == m_scrollBar->maximum()) { // The value has been changed by the animation, no update // of the scrollbars is required as their target state will be // reached with the end of the animation. return false; } // The maximum has been changed which indicates that the content // of the view has been changed. Stop the animation in any case and // update the scrollbars immediately. m_animation->stop(); } return true; } bool KItemListSmoothScroller::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) { Q_ASSERT(obj == m_scrollBar); switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: m_scrollBarPressed = true; m_smoothScrolling = true; break; case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: m_scrollBarPressed = false; m_smoothScrolling = false; break; case QEvent::Wheel: return false; // we're the ones sending them default: break; } return QObject::eventFilter(obj, event); } void KItemListSmoothScroller::slotAnimationStateChanged(QAbstractAnimation::State newState, QAbstractAnimation::State oldState) { Q_UNUSED(oldState) if (newState == QAbstractAnimation::Stopped && m_smoothScrolling && !m_scrollBarPressed) { m_smoothScrolling = false; } if (newState == QAbstractAnimation::Stopped) { Q_EMIT scrollingStopped(); } } void KItemListSmoothScroller::updateAnimationDuration(bool isSmoothScrollingEnabled) { if (isSmoothScrollingEnabled) { // Breeze sets SH_Widget_Animation_Duration from the KDE global animation speed setting const int animationDuration = m_scrollBar->style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Widget_Animation_Duration, nullptr, m_scrollBar); const bool animationEnabled = (animationDuration > 0); m_animation->setDuration(animationEnabled ? animationDuration : 1); } else { m_animation->setDuration(1); } } void KItemListSmoothScroller::handleWheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) { const bool previous = m_smoothScrolling; m_smoothScrolling = true; QWheelEvent *copy = event->clone(); QApplication::sendEvent(m_scrollBar, copy); event->setAccepted(copy->isAccepted()); m_smoothScrolling = previous; } #include "moc_kitemlistsmoothscroller.cpp"