# ProLinux 2 - OS Build Infrastructure ProLinux 2 is a GNU/Linux distribution with an immutable root (A/B SquashFS), writable overlay, Flatpak, and ProLinux management tools. Info and Downloads: [https://sineware.ca/prolinux/](https://sineware.ca/prolinux/) > Warning: this project is not ready for use! It is under development and probably broken at any given time. ProLinux builds on the work of other open source projects, - Arch Linux and [Arch Linux ARM](https://archlinuxarm.org/) - [postmarketOS](https://postmarketos.org/) - [DanctNIX](https://github.com/dreemurrs-embedded) - and many more! ## Plasma Mobile Nightly Currently the only edition available is the Plasma Mobile Nightly Edition, which is a developer/testing/fun focused OS, building the current state of Plasma Mobile from upstream git main/master using kdesrc-build. It is in some ways the successor to the original Alpine/postmarketOS based Plasma Mobile Nightly repository. ProLinux 2 Plasma Mobile Nightly Edition piggy-backs on parts of postmarketOS (initramfs, kernel) using pmbootstrap to target devices. ### Build requirements - node, npm - cloud-utils - pmbootstrap - arch-install-scripts - abootimg - simg2img (android-tools, debian: android-sdk-libsparse-utils) - pigz - util-linux (for Alpine) - zsync, - gcc,g++,make - zstd - rsync - parted - squashfs `/sbin:/usr/sbin` in PATH Environment Configuration (.env): ```env # Upon a successful kdesrc-build, a cache tar.gz is created which can be used # instead of recompiling during a image build. KDE_CACHE=false # Path to a musl toolchain (ex. from musl.cc) MUSL_TOOLCHAIN= # defines what to build (mobile,dev is currently the only valid combo) PROLINUX_VARIANT=mobile PROLINUX_CHANNEL=dev # Only used by update-deployer PGUSER= PGHOST= PGPASSWORD= PGDATABASE= PGPORT= PRIVATE_KEY= ``` Then run: ```sh git submodule update --init npm install TARGET_DEVICE=generic-x86_64 npm run build TARGET_DEVICE=generic-x86_64 npm run gen-image ``` (For x64, also run `npm run gen-kernel` before build) This will (if successful) produce a image in "output/". TARGET_DEVICE is a postmarketOS device string. Currently only "simple" devices are supported (ones that produce a flashable image, not android sparse images. i.e. pine64-pinephone). Cross-compiling is not supported, arm64 targets must be built on arm64 devices. You need at least 64GB of free disk space. ### QEMU (generic-x86_64 testing) ```sh qemu-system-x86_64 --enable-kvm -m 4G -smp 4 -device virtio-tablet-pci -device virtio-keyboard-pci -device virtio-vga-gl -display gtk,gl=on -drive if=pflash,format=raw,readonly=on,file=/usr/share/edk2-ovmf/x64/OVMF_CODE.fd -drive id=disk,file=output/generic-x86_64.img,if=none -device ahci,id=ahci -device ide-hd,drive=disk,bus=ahci.0 -netdev user,id=net0,hostfwd=tcp::8022-:22 -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=net0 ```