title: "test"
author: "me"
date: "07.10.2014"
output: html_document
This is a simple test document. It shows syntax highlighting switches between YAML (above), R blocks
```{r, echo=FALSE}
for (i in 1:10) {
if(i>=10) print(i)
# two blank lines below
LaTeX equations,
h_{i}(t \mid q,C) = h_{0}(t) e^{\beta_{1}quality_{i} + \beta_{2}C_{iq}}
and Markdown. A [link](http://example.com) in Markdown.
Inline `r y <- 5 + x - sin(3)` R code.
Inline `y <- 5 + x - sin(3)` code.
A list of editors:
* kate
* vim
* emacs
*italic*, **bold**, `monospace`
code block
more code
normal text
normal text
normal text
1. item
* This is a list item
with multiple lines.
```{r pressure, echo=FALSE}
> This is a
blockquote `r cos(33) `
This is a new paragraph, which
is part of this $$ \text{item} $$.
indented code block
Other paragraph.
* subitem
* subitem
$$ A = B + C $$