/* This file is part of the KDE project SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004 Jakub Stachowski SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "domainbrowser.h" #include "servicebrowser.h" #include #include namespace KDNSSD { class ServiceBrowserPrivate { }; ServiceBrowser::ServiceBrowser(const QString &, bool, const QString &, const QString &) : d(nullptr) { } bool ServiceBrowser::isAutoResolving() const { return false; } ServiceBrowser::State ServiceBrowser::isAvailable() { return Unsupported; } ServiceBrowser::~ServiceBrowser() { } void ServiceBrowser::startBrowse() { Q_EMIT finished(); } QList ServiceBrowser::services() const { return QList(); } void ServiceBrowser::virtual_hook(int, void *) { } QHostAddress ServiceBrowser::resolveHostName(const QString &hostname) { Q_UNUSED(hostname); return QHostAddress(); } QString ServiceBrowser::getLocalHostName() { return QString(); } } #include "moc_servicebrowser.cpp"