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Usage: test EXPRESSION or: test or: [ EXPRESSION ] or: [ ] or: [ OPTION Exit with the status determined by EXPRESSION. --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit An omitted EXPRESSION defaults to false. Otherwise, EXPRESSION is true or false and sets exit status. It is one of: ( EXPRESSION ) EXPRESSION is true ! EXPRESSION EXPRESSION is false EXPRESSION1 -a EXPRESSION2 both EXPRESSION1 and EXPRESSION2 are true EXPRESSION1 -o EXPRESSION2 either EXPRESSION1 or EXPRESSION2 is true -n STRING the length of STRING is nonzero STRING equivalent to -n STRING -z STRING the length of STRING is zero STRING1 = STRING2 the strings are equal STRING1 != STRING2 the strings are not equal INTEGER1 -eq INTEGER2 INTEGER1 is equal to INTEGER2 INTEGER1 -ge INTEGER2 INTEGER1 is greater than or equal to INTEGER2 INTEGER1 -gt INTEGER2 INTEGER1 is greater than INTEGER2 INTEGER1 -le INTEGER2 INTEGER1 is less than or equal to INTEGER2 INTEGER1 -lt INTEGER2 INTEGER1 is less than INTEGER2 INTEGER1 -ne INTEGER2 INTEGER1 is not equal to INTEGER2 FILE1 -ef FILE2 FILE1 and FILE2 have the same device and inode numbers FILE1 -nt FILE2 FILE1 is newer (modification date) than FILE2 FILE1 -ot FILE2 FILE1 is older than FILE2 -b FILE FILE exists and is block special -c FILE FILE exists and is character special -d FILE FILE exists and is a directory -e FILE FILE exists -f FILE FILE exists and is a regular file -g FILE FILE exists and is set-group-ID -G FILE FILE exists and is owned by the effective group ID -h FILE FILE exists and is a symbolic link (same as -L) -k FILE FILE exists and has its sticky bit set -L FILE FILE exists and is a symbolic link (same as -h) -N FILE FILE exists and has been modified since it was last read -O FILE FILE exists and is owned by the effective user ID -p FILE FILE exists and is a named pipe -r FILE FILE exists and the user has read access -s FILE FILE exists and has a size greater than zero -S FILE FILE exists and is a socket -t FD file descriptor FD is opened on a terminal -u FILE FILE exists and its set-user-ID bit is set -w FILE FILE exists and the user has write access -x FILE FILE exists and the user has execute (or search) access Except for -h and -L, all FILE-related tests dereference symbolic links. Beware that parentheses need to be escaped (e.g., by backslashes) for shells. INTEGER may also be -l STRING, which evaluates to the length of STRING. NOTE: Binary -a and -o are inherently ambiguous. Use 'test EXPR1 && test EXPR2' or 'test EXPR1 || test EXPR2' instead. NOTE: [ honors the --help and --version options, but test does not. test treats each of those as it treats any other nonempty STRING. NOTE: your shell may have its own version of %s, which usually supersedes the version described here. Please refer to your shell's documentation for details about the options it supports. test and/or [ %s online help: <%s> https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/GNU coreutilsen_Report any translation bugs to Full documentation <%s%s> testor available locally via: info '(coreutils) %s%s' test invocation/usr/share/localecoreutils--help--versionMatthew BradburnKevin Braunsdorf[]missing %sextra argument %snWD1 l[C4M9.1write error%s: %sA NULL argv[0] was passed through an exec system call. /.libs/’"'e‘`literalshellshell-alwaysshell-escapeshell-escape-alwayscc-maybeescapelocaleclocaleqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq- 3/+($!FnLH@DY6UP:>< unable to display error message%s (%s) %s %s %s (C)License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <%s>. This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. https://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.htmlWritten by %s. Written by %s and %s. Written by %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and others. Report bugs to: %s bug-coreutils@gnu.org%s home page: <%s> General help using GNU software: <%s> https://www.gnu.org/gethelp/Copyright %s %d Free Software Foundation, Inc.memory exhaustedASCIIY7maEQ#CPOSIX(NULL) 7I P>(NULL)x--;I;8fdfPgdLgxggg FNo [oH H pj tB~yp@@P@tt<  Xxxhhx  h J l4