import { useSnapshot } from 'valtio/react';
* useProxy
* Takes a proxy and returns a new proxy which you can use in both react render
* and in callbacks. The root reference is replaced on every render, but the
* keys (and subkeys) below it are stable until they're intentionally mutated.
* For the best ergonomics, you can export a custom hook from your store, so you
* don't have to figure out a separate name for the hook reference. E.g.:
* export const store = proxy(initialState)
* export const useStore = () => useProxy(store)
* // in the component file:
* function Cmp() {
* const store = useStore()
* return
* }
* @param proxy
* @param options
* @returns A new proxy which you can use in the render as well as in callbacks.
export declare function useProxy(proxy: T, options?: NonNullable[1]>): T;
declare type Awaited = T extends Promise ? V : T;