#!/bin/bash # if the /sineware/data/customization/etc/ssh folder does not exist, generate a new host key if [ ! -d /sineware/data/customization/etc/ssh ]; then echo "Generating new host keys" mkdir -pv /sineware/data/customization/etc/ssh ssh-keygen -A -f /sineware/data/customization systemctl restart sshd fi # todo investigate this chmod 4755 /usr/bin/bwrap # offline install of flathub for default user echo "Installing flathub for default user" cp /opt/flatpak/flathub.trustedkeys.gpg ~/.local/share/flatpak/repo/flathub.trustedkeys.gpg su - user -c "flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists --collection-id=org.flathub.Stable --gpg-import /opt/flatpak/flathub.gpg --user flathub /opt/flatpak/flathub.flatpakrepo" echo "Killing pbsplash" killall pbsplash || true