// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Carl Schwan // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include "account/identity.h" #include "account/abstractaccount.h" #include "account/relationship.h" #include "utils/texthandler.h" using namespace Qt::Literals::StringLiterals; QString Identity::displayName() const { return !m_displayName.isEmpty() ? m_displayName : m_username; } QString Identity::username() const { return m_username; } QString Identity::bio() const { return m_bio; } QString Identity::account() const { return m_account; } bool Identity::locked() const { return m_locked; } QString Identity::visibility() const { return m_visibility; } QUrl Identity::avatarUrl() const { return m_avatarUrl; } QUrl Identity::backgroundUrl() const { return m_backgroundUrl; } int Identity::followersCount() const { return m_followersCount; } int Identity::followingCount() const { return m_followingCount; } int Identity::statusesCount() const { return m_statusesCount; } int Identity::permission() const { return m_permission; } QJsonArray Identity::fields() const { return m_fields; } Relationship *Identity::relationship() const { return m_relationship; } void Identity::setRelationship(Relationship *r) { if (m_relationship == r) { return; } // delete old relationship object if we receive a new one delete m_relationship; m_relationship = r; Q_EMIT relationshipChanged(); } void Identity::reparentIdentity(AbstractAccount *parent) { m_parent = parent; } void Identity::fromSourceData(const QJsonObject &doc) { m_id = doc["id"_L1].toString(); m_displayName = doc["display_name"_L1].toString(); m_username = doc["username"_L1].toString(); m_account = doc["acct"_L1].toString(); m_bio = doc["note"_L1].toString(); m_locked = doc["locked"_L1].toBool(); m_backgroundUrl = QUrl(doc["header"_L1].toString()); m_avatarUrl = QUrl(doc["avatar"_L1].toString()); m_followersCount = doc["followers_count"_L1].toInt(); m_followingCount = doc["following_count"_L1].toInt(); m_statusesCount = doc["statuses_count"_L1].toInt(); m_fields = doc["fields"_L1].toArray(); m_url = QUrl(doc["url"_L1].toString()); m_permission = doc["role"_L1]["permissions"_L1].toString().toInt(); // When the user data is ourselves, we get source.privacy // with the default post privacy setting for the user. all others // will get empty strings. QJsonObject source = doc["source"_L1].toObject(); m_visibility = source["privacy"_L1].toString(); m_lastStatusAt = QDateTime::fromString(doc["last_status_at"_L1].toString(), Qt::ISODate).toLocalTime(); m_displayNameHtml = m_displayName.replace(QLatin1Char('<'), QStringLiteral("<")).replace(QLatin1Char('>'), QStringLiteral(">")); const auto emojis = CustomEmoji::parseCustomEmojis(doc["emojis"_L1].toArray()); m_displayNameHtml = TextHandler::replaceCustomEmojis(emojis, m_displayNameHtml); m_bio = TextHandler::replaceCustomEmojis(emojis, m_bio); const QString baseUrl = m_url.toDisplayString(QUrl::RemovePath); // Attempt to replace the tag URLs with proper ones, although this should really be handled by the Mastodon API m_bio = m_bio.replace(baseUrl + QStringLiteral("/tags/"), QStringLiteral("hashtag:/"), Qt::CaseInsensitive); // Even worse, mentions are not given proper ids so we must figure it out on our own. // The account could be on a different server, so let's take advantage of web+ap and use that // to search for the account! // TODO: Mentions have a specific CSS class in the HTML, maybe we can use that instead of dirty regex? static QRegularExpression re(QStringLiteral(R"((?:href="?)(?:https?|ftp):\S[^"]+)")); const auto match = re.match(m_bio); if (re.isValid()) { for (int i = 0; i <= match.lastCapturedIndex(); ++i) { const int start = match.capturedStart(i); const int length = match.capturedLength(i); const QString captured = match.captured(i); if (captured.contains('@'_L1)) { // The length of "href=" which is used in the regex. const int hrefLength = 6; m_bio = m_bio.replace(start + hrefLength, length - hrefLength, QStringLiteral("web+ap:/") + captured.mid(hrefLength)); } } } Q_EMIT identityUpdated(); } QString Identity::id() const { return m_id; } QString Identity::displayNameHtml() const { return !m_displayNameHtml.isEmpty() ? m_displayNameHtml : m_username; } QUrl Identity::url() const { return m_url; } QDateTime Identity::lastStatusAt() const { return m_lastStatusAt; } #include "moc_identity.cpp"