/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Eike Hein SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only OR LGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-LGPL */ #include "launchertasksmodel.h" #include "tasktools.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "launchertasksmodel_p.h" #include using namespace std::chrono_literals; namespace TaskManager { typedef QSet ActivitiesSet; template inline bool isOnAllActivities(const ActivitiesCollection &activities) { return activities.isEmpty() || activities.contains(NULL_UUID); } class Q_DECL_HIDDEN LauncherTasksModel::Private { public: Private(LauncherTasksModel *q); KActivities::Consumer activitiesConsumer; QList launchersOrder; QHash activitiesForLauncher; inline void setActivitiesForLauncher(const QUrl &url, const ActivitiesSet &activities) { if (activities.size() == activitiesConsumer.activities().size()) { activitiesForLauncher[url] = {NULL_UUID}; } else { activitiesForLauncher[url] = activities; } } QHash appDataCache; QTimer sycocaChangeTimer; void init(); AppData appData(const QUrl &url); bool requestAddLauncherToActivities(const QUrl &_url, const QStringList &activities); bool requestRemoveLauncherFromActivities(const QUrl &_url, const QStringList &activities); private: LauncherTasksModel *q; }; LauncherTasksModel::Private::Private(LauncherTasksModel *q) : q(q) { } void LauncherTasksModel::Private::init() { sycocaChangeTimer.setSingleShot(true); sycocaChangeTimer.setInterval(100ms); QObject::connect(&sycocaChangeTimer, &QTimer::timeout, q, [this]() { if (!launchersOrder.count()) { return; } appDataCache.clear(); // Emit changes of all roles satisfied from app data cache. Q_EMIT q->dataChanged(q->index(0, 0), q->index(launchersOrder.count() - 1, 0), QList{Qt::DisplayRole, Qt::DecorationRole, AbstractTasksModel::AppId, AbstractTasksModel::AppName, AbstractTasksModel::GenericName, AbstractTasksModel::LauncherUrl, AbstractTasksModel::LauncherUrlWithoutIcon}); }); QObject::connect(KSycoca::self(), &KSycoca::databaseChanged, q, [this]() { sycocaChangeTimer.start(); }); } AppData LauncherTasksModel::Private::appData(const QUrl &url) { const auto &it = appDataCache.constFind(url); if (it != appDataCache.constEnd()) { return *it; } const AppData &data = appDataFromUrl(url, QIcon::fromTheme(QLatin1String("unknown"))); appDataCache.insert(url, data); return data; } bool LauncherTasksModel::Private::requestAddLauncherToActivities(const QUrl &_url, const QStringList &_activities) { QUrl url(_url); if (!isValidLauncherUrl(url)) { return false; } const auto activities = ActivitiesSet(_activities.cbegin(), _activities.cend()); if (url.isLocalFile() && KDesktopFile::isDesktopFile(url.toLocalFile())) { KDesktopFile f(url.toLocalFile()); const KService::Ptr service = KService::serviceByStorageId(f.fileName()); // Resolve to non-absolute menuId-based URL if possible. if (service) { const QString &menuId = service->menuId(); if (!menuId.isEmpty()) { url = QUrl(QLatin1String("applications:") + menuId); } } } // Merge duplicates int row = -1; for (const QUrl &launcher : std::as_const(launchersOrder)) { ++row; if (launcherUrlsMatch(url, launcher, IgnoreQueryItems)) { ActivitiesSet newActivities; // Use the key we established equivalence to ('launcher'). if (!activitiesForLauncher.contains(launcher)) { // If we don't have the activities assigned to this url // for some reason newActivities = activities; } else { if (isOnAllActivities(activities)) { // If the new list is empty, or has a null uuid, this // launcher should be on all activities newActivities = ActivitiesSet{NULL_UUID}; } else if (isOnAllActivities(activitiesForLauncher[launcher])) { // If we have been on all activities before, and we have // been asked to be on a specific one, lets make an // exception - we will set the activities to exactly // what we have been asked newActivities = activities; } else { newActivities += activities; newActivities += activitiesForLauncher[launcher]; } } if (newActivities != activitiesForLauncher[launcher]) { setActivitiesForLauncher(launcher, newActivities); Q_EMIT q->dataChanged(q->index(row, 0), q->index(row, 0)); Q_EMIT q->launcherListChanged(); return true; } return false; } } // This is a new one const auto count = launchersOrder.count(); q->beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), count, count); setActivitiesForLauncher(url, activities); launchersOrder.append(url); q->endInsertRows(); Q_EMIT q->launcherListChanged(); return true; } bool LauncherTasksModel::Private::requestRemoveLauncherFromActivities(const QUrl &url, const QStringList &activities) { for (int row = 0; row < launchersOrder.count(); ++row) { const QUrl launcher = launchersOrder.at(row); if (launcherUrlsMatch(url, launcher, IgnoreQueryItems) || launcherUrlsMatch(url, appData(launcher).url, IgnoreQueryItems)) { const auto currentActivities = activitiesForLauncher[url]; ActivitiesSet newActivities; bool remove = false; bool update = false; if (isOnAllActivities(currentActivities)) { // We are currently on all activities. // Should we go away, or just remove from the current one? if (isOnAllActivities(activities)) { remove = true; } else { const auto _activities = activitiesConsumer.activities(); for (const auto &activity : _activities) { if (!activities.contains(activity)) { newActivities << activity; } else { update = true; } } } } else if (isOnAllActivities(activities)) { remove = true; } else { // We weren't on all activities, just remove those that // we were on for (const auto &activity : currentActivities) { if (!activities.contains(activity)) { newActivities << activity; } } if (newActivities.isEmpty()) { remove = true; } else { update = true; } } if (remove) { q->beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), row, row); appDataCache.remove(launcher); launchersOrder.removeAt(row); activitiesForLauncher.remove(url); q->endRemoveRows(); } else if (update) { setActivitiesForLauncher(url, newActivities); Q_EMIT q->dataChanged(q->index(row, 0), q->index(row, 0)); } if (remove || update) { Q_EMIT q->launcherListChanged(); return true; } } } return false; } LauncherTasksModel::LauncherTasksModel(QObject *parent) : AbstractTasksModel(parent) , d(new Private(this)) { d->init(); } LauncherTasksModel::~LauncherTasksModel() { } QVariant LauncherTasksModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid() || index.row() >= d->launchersOrder.count()) { return QVariant(); } const QUrl &url = d->launchersOrder.at(index.row()); const AppData &data = d->appData(url); if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { return data.name; } else if (role == Qt::DecorationRole) { return data.icon; } else if (role == AppId) { return data.id; } else if (role == AppName) { return data.name; } else if (role == GenericName) { return data.genericName; } else if (role == LauncherUrl) { // Take resolved URL from cache. return data.url; } else if (role == LauncherUrlWithoutIcon) { // Take resolved URL from cache. QUrl url = data.url; if (url.hasQuery()) { QUrlQuery query(url); query.removeQueryItem(QLatin1String("iconData")); url.setQuery(query); } return url; } else if (role == IsLauncher) { return true; } else if (role == IsVirtualDesktopsChangeable) { return false; } else if (role == IsOnAllVirtualDesktops) { return true; } else if (role == Activities) { return QStringList(d->activitiesForLauncher[url].values()); } else if (role == CanLaunchNewInstance) { return false; } return AbstractTasksModel::data(index, role); } int LauncherTasksModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { return parent.isValid() ? 0 : d->launchersOrder.count(); } int LauncherTasksModel::rowCountForActivity(const QString &activity) const { if (activity == NULL_UUID || activity.isEmpty()) { return rowCount(); } return std::count_if(d->launchersOrder.cbegin(), d->launchersOrder.cend(), [this, &activity](const QUrl &url) { const auto &set = d->activitiesForLauncher[url]; return set.contains(NULL_UUID) || set.contains(activity); }); } QStringList LauncherTasksModel::launcherList() const { // Serializing the launchers QStringList result; for (const auto &launcher : std::as_const(d->launchersOrder)) { const auto &activities = d->activitiesForLauncher[launcher]; QString serializedLauncher; if (isOnAllActivities(activities)) { serializedLauncher = launcher.toString(); } else { serializedLauncher = u'[' + d->activitiesForLauncher[launcher].values().join(u',') + u"]\n" + launcher.toString(); } result << serializedLauncher; } return result; } void LauncherTasksModel::setLauncherList(const QStringList &serializedLaunchers) { // Clearing everything QList newLaunchersOrder; QHash newActivitiesForLauncher; // Loading the activity to launchers map for (const auto &serializedLauncher : serializedLaunchers) { QList _activities; QUrl url; std::tie(url, _activities) = deserializeLauncher(serializedLauncher); // Is url is not valid, ignore it if (!isValidLauncherUrl(url)) { continue; } // If we have a null uuid, it means we are on all activities // and we should contain only the null uuid ActivitiesSet activities; if (isOnAllActivities(_activities)) { activities = {NULL_UUID}; } else { // Filter out invalid activities const auto allActivities = d->activitiesConsumer.activities(); ActivitiesSet validActivities; for (const QStringView activity : std::as_const(_activities)) { if (allActivities.contains(activity)) { validActivities << activity.toString(); // Need a deep copy } } if (validActivities.isEmpty()) { // If all activities that had this launcher are // removed, we are killing the launcher as well continue; } activities = std::move(validActivities); } // Is the url a duplicate? const auto location = std::find_if(newLaunchersOrder.begin(), newLaunchersOrder.end(), [&url](const QUrl &item) { return launcherUrlsMatch(url, item, IgnoreQueryItems); }); if (location != newLaunchersOrder.end()) { // It is a duplicate url = *location; } else { // It is not a duplicate, we need to add it // to the list of registered launchers newLaunchersOrder << url; } if (!newActivitiesForLauncher.contains(url)) { // This is the first time we got this url newActivitiesForLauncher[url] = activities; } else if (newActivitiesForLauncher[url].contains(NULL_UUID)) { // Do nothing, we are already on all activities } else if (activities.contains(NULL_UUID)) { newActivitiesForLauncher[url] = {NULL_UUID}; } else { // We are not on all activities, append the new ones newActivitiesForLauncher[url] += activities; } } if (newLaunchersOrder != d->launchersOrder) { const bool isOrderChanged = std::all_of(newLaunchersOrder.cbegin(), newLaunchersOrder.cend(), [this](const QUrl &url) { return d->launchersOrder.contains(url); }) && newLaunchersOrder.size() == d->launchersOrder.size(); if (isOrderChanged) { for (int i = 0; i < newLaunchersOrder.size(); i++) { int oldRow = d->launchersOrder.indexOf(newLaunchersOrder.at(i)); if (oldRow != i) { beginMoveRows(QModelIndex(), oldRow, oldRow, QModelIndex(), i); d->launchersOrder.move(oldRow, i); endMoveRows(); } } } else { // Use Remove/Insert to update the manual sort map in TasksModel if (!d->launchersOrder.empty()) { beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), 0, d->launchersOrder.size() - 1); d->launchersOrder.clear(); d->activitiesForLauncher.clear(); endRemoveRows(); } if (!newLaunchersOrder.empty()) { beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, newLaunchersOrder.size() - 1); d->launchersOrder = newLaunchersOrder; d->activitiesForLauncher = newActivitiesForLauncher; endInsertRows(); } } Q_EMIT launcherListChanged(); } else if (newActivitiesForLauncher != d->activitiesForLauncher) { for (int i = 0; i < d->launchersOrder.size(); i++) { const QUrl &url = d->launchersOrder.at(i); if (d->activitiesForLauncher[url] != newActivitiesForLauncher[url]) { d->activitiesForLauncher[url] = newActivitiesForLauncher[url]; Q_EMIT dataChanged(index(i, 0), index(i, 0), {Activities}); } } } } bool LauncherTasksModel::requestAddLauncher(const QUrl &url) { return d->requestAddLauncherToActivities(url, {NULL_UUID}); } bool LauncherTasksModel::requestRemoveLauncher(const QUrl &url) { return d->requestRemoveLauncherFromActivities(url, {NULL_UUID}); } bool LauncherTasksModel::requestAddLauncherToActivity(const QUrl &url, const QString &activity) { return d->requestAddLauncherToActivities(url, {activity}); } bool LauncherTasksModel::requestRemoveLauncherFromActivity(const QUrl &url, const QString &activity) { return d->requestRemoveLauncherFromActivities(url, {activity}); } QStringList LauncherTasksModel::launcherActivities(const QUrl &_url) const { const auto position = launcherPosition(_url); if (position == -1) { // If we do not have this launcher, return an empty list return {}; } else { const auto url = d->launchersOrder.at(position); // If the launcher is on all activities, return a null uuid return d->activitiesForLauncher.contains(url) ? d->activitiesForLauncher[url].values() : QStringList{NULL_UUID}; } } int LauncherTasksModel::launcherPosition(const QUrl &url) const { for (int i = 0; i < d->launchersOrder.count(); ++i) { if (launcherUrlsMatch(url, d->appData(d->launchersOrder.at(i)).url, IgnoreQueryItems)) { return i; } } return -1; } void LauncherTasksModel::requestActivate(const QModelIndex &index) { requestNewInstance(index); } void LauncherTasksModel::requestNewInstance(const QModelIndex &index) { if (!index.isValid() || index.model() != this || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= d->launchersOrder.count()) { return; } runApp(d->appData(d->launchersOrder.at(index.row()))); } void LauncherTasksModel::requestOpenUrls(const QModelIndex &index, const QList &urls) { if (!index.isValid() || index.model() != this || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= d->launchersOrder.count() || urls.isEmpty()) { return; } const QUrl &url = d->launchersOrder.at(index.row()); KService::Ptr service; if (url.scheme() == QLatin1String("applications")) { service = KService::serviceByMenuId(url.path()); } else if (url.scheme() == QLatin1String("preferred")) { service = KService::serviceByStorageId(defaultApplication(url)); } else { service = KService::serviceByDesktopPath(url.toLocalFile()); } if (!service || !service->isApplication()) { return; } auto *job = new KIO::ApplicationLauncherJob(service); job->setUiDelegate(new KNotificationJobUiDelegate(KJobUiDelegate::AutoErrorHandlingEnabled)); job->setUrls(urls); job->start(); KActivities::ResourceInstance::notifyAccessed(QUrl(QString(u"applications:" + service->storageId())), QStringLiteral("org.kde.libtaskmanager")); } }