/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015 Eike Hein SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Harald Sitter SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "appentry.h" #include "actionlist.h" #include "appsmodel.h" #include "containmentinterface.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_ICU #include #endif namespace { #ifdef HAVE_ICU std::unique_ptr getICUTransliterator(const QLocale &locale) { // Only use transliterator for certain locales. // Because application name is a localized string, it would be really rare to // have Chinese/Japanese character on other locales. Even if that happens, it // is ok to use to the old 1 character strategy instead of using transliterator. icu::UnicodeString id; if (locale.language() == QLocale::Japanese) { id = "Katakana-Hiragana"; } else if (locale.language() == QLocale::Chinese) { id = "Han-Latin; Latin-ASCII"; } if (id.isEmpty()) { return nullptr; } auto ue = UErrorCode::U_ZERO_ERROR; auto transliterator = std::unique_ptr(icu::Transliterator::createInstance(id, UTRANS_FORWARD, ue)); if (ue != UErrorCode::U_ZERO_ERROR) { return nullptr; } return transliterator; } #endif QString groupName(const QString &name) { if (name.isEmpty()) { return QString(); } const QChar firstChar = name[0]; // Put all applications whose names begin with numbers in group # if (firstChar.isDigit()) { return QStringLiteral("#"); } // Put all applications whose names begin with punctuations/symbols/spaces in group & if (firstChar.isPunct() || firstChar.isSymbol() || firstChar.isSpace()) { return QStringLiteral("&"); } // Here we will apply a locale based strategy for the first character. // If first character is hangul, run decomposition and return the choseong (consonants). if (firstChar.script() == QChar::Script_Hangul) { auto decomposed = firstChar.decomposition(); if (decomposed.isEmpty()) { return name.left(1); } return decomposed.left(1); } const auto locale = QLocale::system(); if (locale.language() == QLocale::Japanese) { // We do this here for Japanese locale because: // 1. it does not make much sense to have every different Kanji to have a different group. // 2. ICU transliterator can't yet convert Kanji to Hiragana. // https://unicode-org.atlassian.net/browse/ICU-5874 if (firstChar.script() == QChar::Script_Han) { // Unicode Han return QString::fromUtf8("\xe6\xbc\xa2"); } } #ifdef HAVE_ICU // Precondition to use transliterator. if ((locale.language() == QLocale::Chinese && firstChar.script() == QChar::Script_Han) || (locale.language() == QLocale::Japanese && firstChar.script() == QChar::Script_Katakana)) { static auto transliterator = getICUTransliterator(locale); if (transliterator) { icu::UnicodeString icuText(reinterpret_cast(name.data()), name.size()); transliterator->transliterate(icuText); return QStringView(icuText.getBuffer(), static_cast(icuText.length())).sliced(0, 1).toString(); } } #endif return name.left(1); } } AppEntry::AppEntry(AbstractModel *owner, KService::Ptr service, NameFormat nameFormat) : AbstractEntry(owner) , m_service(service) { Q_ASSERT(service); init(nameFormat); } AppEntry::AppEntry(AbstractModel *owner, const QString &id) : AbstractEntry(owner) { const QUrl url(id); if (url.scheme() == QLatin1String("preferred")) { m_service = defaultAppByName(url.host()); m_id = id; } else { m_service = KService::serviceByStorageId(id); } if (!m_service) { m_service = new KService(QString()); } if (m_service->isValid()) { init((NameFormat)owner->rootModel()->property("appNameFormat").toInt()); } } void AppEntry::init(NameFormat nameFormat) { m_name = nameFromService(m_service, nameFormat); QString comment = m_service->comment(); if (comment.isEmpty()) { comment = m_service->genericName(); } switch (nameFormat) { case NameOnly: case NameAndGenericName: m_compactName = nameFromService(m_service, NameOnly); m_description = comment; break; case GenericNameOnly: case GenericNameAndName: m_compactName = nameFromService(m_service, GenericNameOnly); m_description = m_service->name(); } } bool AppEntry::isValid() const { return m_service->isValid(); } QString AppEntry::icon() const { if (m_icon.isNull()) { m_icon = m_service->icon(); } return m_icon; } QString AppEntry::name() const { return m_name; } QString AppEntry::compactName() const { return m_compactName; } QString AppEntry::description() const { return m_description; } KService::Ptr AppEntry::service() const { return m_service; } QString AppEntry::group() const { if (m_group.isNull()) { m_group = groupName(m_name); if (m_group.isNull()) { m_group = QLatin1String(""); } Q_ASSERT(!m_group.isNull()); } return m_group; } QString AppEntry::id() const { if (!m_id.isEmpty()) { return m_id; } return m_service->storageId(); } void AppEntry::reload() { const QUrl url(id()); if (url.scheme() == QLatin1String("preferred")) { KSharedConfig::openConfig()->reparseConfiguration(); m_service = defaultAppByName(url.host()); if (m_service) { init((NameFormat)owner()->rootModel()->property("appNameFormat").toInt()); m_icon = QString(); Q_EMIT(owner()->layoutChanged()); } } else { m_service = KService::serviceByStorageId(id()); // This happens when the application has just been uninstalled if (!m_service) { m_service = new KService(QString()); } init((NameFormat)owner()->rootModel()->property("appNameFormat").toInt()); m_icon = QString(); Q_EMIT(owner()->layoutChanged()); } if (!m_service) { m_service = new KService(QString()); } } void AppEntry::refreshLabels() { if (m_service) { NameFormat format = NameOnly; QVariant varFormat = owner()->rootModel()->property("appNameFormat"); if (varFormat.canConvert()) { format = (NameFormat)varFormat.toInt(); } init(format); } } QString AppEntry::menuId() const { return m_service->menuId(); } QUrl AppEntry::url() const { return QUrl::fromLocalFile(m_service->entryPath()); } bool AppEntry::hasActions() const { return true; } QVariantList AppEntry::actions() const { QVariantList actionList; actionList << Kicker::jumpListActions(m_service); if (!actionList.isEmpty()) { actionList << Kicker::createSeparatorActionItem(); } QObject *appletInterface = m_owner->rootModel()->property("appletInterface").value(); bool systemImmutable = false; if (appletInterface) { systemImmutable = (appletInterface->property("immutability").toInt() == Plasma::Types::SystemImmutable); } const QVariantList &addLauncherActions = Kicker::createAddLauncherActionList(appletInterface, m_service); if (!systemImmutable && !addLauncherActions.isEmpty()) { actionList << addLauncherActions; } const QVariantList &recentDocuments = Kicker::recentDocumentActions(m_service); if (!recentDocuments.isEmpty()) { actionList << recentDocuments << Kicker::createSeparatorActionItem(); } const QVariantList &additionalActions = Kicker::additionalAppActions(m_service); if (!additionalActions.isEmpty()) { actionList << additionalActions << Kicker::createSeparatorActionItem(); } // Don't allow adding launchers, editing, hiding, or uninstalling applications // when system is immutable. if (systemImmutable) { return actionList; } if (m_service->isApplication()) { actionList << Kicker::createSeparatorActionItem(); actionList << Kicker::editApplicationAction(m_service); actionList << Kicker::appstreamActions(m_service); } if (appletInterface) { QQmlPropertyMap *appletConfig = qobject_cast(appletInterface->property("configuration").value()); if (appletConfig && appletConfig->contains(QStringLiteral("hiddenApplications")) && qobject_cast(m_owner)) { const QStringList &hiddenApps = appletConfig->value(QStringLiteral("hiddenApplications")).toStringList(); if (!hiddenApps.contains(m_service->menuId())) { QVariantMap hideAction = Kicker::createActionItem(i18n("Hide Application"), QStringLiteral("view-hidden"), QStringLiteral("hideApplication")); actionList << hideAction; } } } return actionList; } bool AppEntry::run(const QString &actionId, const QVariant &argument) { if (!m_service->isValid()) { return false; } if (actionId.isEmpty()) { auto *job = new KIO::ApplicationLauncherJob(m_service); job->setUiDelegate(new KNotificationJobUiDelegate(KJobUiDelegate::AutoHandlingEnabled)); job->start(); KActivities::ResourceInstance::notifyAccessed(QUrl(QString(u"applications:" + m_service->storageId())), QStringLiteral("org.kde.plasma.kicker")); return true; } QObject *appletInterface = m_owner->rootModel()->property("appletInterface").value(); if (Kicker::handleAddLauncherAction(actionId, appletInterface, m_service)) { return false; // We don't want to close Kicker, BUG: 390585 } else if (Kicker::handleEditApplicationAction(actionId, m_service)) { return true; } else if (Kicker::handleAppstreamActions(actionId, m_service)) { return true; } else if (actionId == QLatin1String("_kicker_jumpListAction")) { auto *job = new KIO::ApplicationLauncherJob(argument.value()); job->setUiDelegate(new KNotificationJobUiDelegate(KJobUiDelegate::AutoHandlingEnabled)); return job->exec(); } else if (Kicker::handleAdditionalAppActions(actionId, m_service, argument)) { return true; } return Kicker::handleRecentDocumentAction(m_service, actionId, argument); } QString AppEntry::nameFromService(const KService::Ptr &service, NameFormat nameFormat) { const QString &name = service->name(); QString genericName = service->genericName(); QString comment = service->comment(); if (genericName.isEmpty()) { genericName = comment; } if (nameFormat == NameOnly || genericName.isEmpty() || name == genericName) { return name; } else if (nameFormat == GenericNameOnly) { return genericName; } else if (nameFormat == NameAndGenericName) { if (comment.isEmpty()) { comment = genericName; } return i18nc("App name (Comment or Generic name)", "%1 (%2)", name, comment); } else { return i18nc("Generic name (App name)", "%1 (%2)", genericName, name); } } KService::Ptr AppEntry::defaultAppByName(const QString &name) { Q_UNUSED(name) return DefaultService::browser(); } AppEntry::~AppEntry() { } AppGroupEntry::AppGroupEntry(AppsModel *parentModel, KServiceGroup::Ptr group, bool paginate, int pageSize, bool flat, bool sorted, bool separators, int appNameFormat) : AbstractGroupEntry(parentModel) , m_group(group) { AppsModel *model = new AppsModel(group->entryPath(), paginate, pageSize, flat, sorted, separators, parentModel); model->setAppNameFormat(appNameFormat); m_childModel = model; QObject::connect(parentModel, &AppsModel::cleared, model, &AppsModel::deleteLater); QObject::connect(model, &AppsModel::countChanged, [parentModel, this] { if (parentModel) { parentModel->entryChanged(this); } }); QObject::connect(model, &AppsModel::hiddenEntriesChanged, [parentModel, this] { if (parentModel) { parentModel->entryChanged(this); } }); } QString AppGroupEntry::icon() const { if (m_icon.isNull()) { m_icon = m_group->icon(); } return m_icon; } QString AppGroupEntry::name() const { return m_group->caption(); } bool AppGroupEntry::hasChildren() const { return m_childModel && m_childModel->count() > 0; } AbstractModel *AppGroupEntry::childModel() const { return m_childModel; }