# Design of libkscreen's Wayland backend This backend uses KWayland's OutputManagement protocol for listing and configuring devices. This is described here. ## Listing outputs KScreen's outputs are created from kde_output_device_v2 objects, they copy the data into kscreen's Outputs, and update these objects. A list of outputs is requested from the client Registry object. ## Configuring outputs The backend asks the global OutputManagement interface for an OutputConfiguration object, then sets the changes per outputdevice on this object, and asks the compositor to apply() this configuration. For this to work, the compositor should support the Wayland org_kde_kwin_outputdevice and org_kde_kwin_outputmanagement protocols, for example through KWayland::Server classes OutputDevice, OutputManagmenent and OuputConfiguration. ## General working WaylandBackend creates a global static internal config, available through WaylandBackend::internalConfig(). WaylandConfig binds to the wl_registry callbacks and catches org_kde_kwin_outputdevice creation and destruction. It passes org_kde_kwin_outputdevice creation and removal on to WB::internalConfig() to handle its internal data representation as WaylandOutput. WaylandOutput binds to org_kde_kwin_outputdevice's callback, and gets notified of geometry and modes, including changes. WaylandOutput administrates the internal representation of these objects, and invokes the global notifier, which then runs the pointers it holds through the updateK* methods in Wayland{Screen,Output,...}. KScreen:{Screen,Output,Edid,Mode} objects are created from the internal representation as requested (usually triggered by the creation of a KScreen::Config object through KScreen::Config::current()). As with other backends, the objects which are handed out to the lib's user are expected to be deleted by the user, the backend only takes ownership of its internal data representation objects. ## Note about scope of output ids The ids of the outputdevices are internal to the wayland backend. The id is generated in the wayland backend, and does not match kwin's output ids. Do not try to read kwin's config from here.