/* * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2021 Johan Ouwerkerk */ #include "account.h" #include "account_p.h" #include "actions_p.h" #include "../logging_p.h" #include KEYSMITH_LOGGER(logger, ".accounts.account") namespace accounts { Account::Account(AccountPrivate *d, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , m_dptr(d) { } QString Account::name(void) const { Q_D(const Account); return d->name(); } QString Account::issuer(void) const { Q_D(const Account); return d->issuer(); } QString Account::token(void) const { Q_D(const Account); return d->token(); } quint64 Account::counter(void) const { Q_D(const Account); return d->counter(); } QDateTime Account::epoch(void) const { Q_D(const Account); return d->epoch(); } uint Account::timeStep(void) const { Q_D(const Account); return d->timeStep(); } std::optional Account::offset(void) const { Q_D(const Account); return d->offset(); } int Account::tokenLength(void) const { Q_D(const Account); return d->tokenLength(); } bool Account::checksum(void) const { Q_D(const Account); return d->checksum(); } Account::Hash Account::hash(void) const { Q_D(const Account); return d->hash(); } Account::Algorithm Account::algorithm(void) const { Q_D(const Account); return d->algorithm(); } void Account::recompute(void) { Q_D(Account); if (d->token().isEmpty() || d->algorithm() != Account::Hotp) { d->recompute(); } } void Account::setCounter(quint64 value) { Q_D(Account); d->setCounter(value); } void Account::advanceCounter(quint64 by) { setCounter(counter() + by); } void Account::remove(void) { Q_D(Account); d->remove(); } AccountStorage::AccountStorage(const SettingsProvider &settings, QThread *worker, AccountSecret *secret, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , m_dptr(new AccountStoragePrivate(settings, secret ? secret : new AccountSecret(secrets::defaultSecureRandom, this), this, new Dispatcher(worker, this))) { QTimer::singleShot(0, this, &AccountStorage::unlock); } AccountStorage *AccountStorage::open(const SettingsProvider &settings, AccountSecret *secret, QObject *parent) { QThread *worker = new QThread(parent); AccountStorage *storage = new AccountStorage(settings, worker, secret, parent); QObject::connect(storage, &AccountStorage::disposed, worker, &QThread::quit); QObject::connect(worker, &QThread::finished, worker, &QThread::deleteLater); QObject::connect(worker, &QThread::destroyed, storage, &AccountStorage::deleteLater); worker->start(); return storage; } void AccountStorage::unlock(void) { Q_D(AccountStorage); const std::function handler([this](RequestAccountPassword *job) -> void { QObject::connect(job, &RequestAccountPassword::unlocked, this, &AccountStorage::load); QObject::connect(job, &RequestAccountPassword::failed, this, &AccountStorage::handleError); }); d->unlock(handler); } void AccountStorage::load(void) { Q_D(AccountStorage); const std::function handler([this](LoadAccounts *job) -> void { QObject::connect(job, &LoadAccounts::foundHotp, this, &AccountStorage::handleHotp); QObject::connect(job, &LoadAccounts::foundTotp, this, &AccountStorage::handleTotp); QObject::connect(job, &LoadAccounts::finished, this, &AccountStorage::handleLoaded); QObject::connect(job, &LoadAccounts::failedToLoadAllAccounts, this, &AccountStorage::handleError); }); d->load(handler); } bool AccountStorage::contains(const QString &fullName) const { Q_D(const AccountStorage); return d->contains(fullName); } bool AccountStorage::contains(const QString &name, const QString &issuer) const { return contains(AccountPrivate::toFullName(name, issuer)); } Account *AccountStorage::get(const QString &fullName) const { Q_D(const AccountStorage); return d->get(fullName); } Account *AccountStorage::get(const QString &name, const QString &issuer) const { return get(AccountPrivate::toFullName(name, issuer)); } AccountSecret *AccountStorage::secret(void) const { Q_D(const AccountStorage); return d->secret(); } bool AccountStorage::isAccountStillAvailable(const QString &fullName) const { Q_D(const AccountStorage); return d->isAccountStillAvailable(fullName); } bool AccountStorage::isAccountStillAvailable(const QString &name, const QString &issuer) const { return isAccountStillAvailable(AccountPrivate::toFullName(name, issuer)); } void AccountStorage::addHotp(const QString &name, const QString &issuer, const QString &secret, uint tokenLength, quint64 counter, const std::optional offset, bool addChecksum) { Q_D(AccountStorage); const std::function handler([this](SaveHotp *job) -> void { QObject::connect(job, &SaveHotp::saved, this, &AccountStorage::handleHotp); QObject::connect(job, &SaveHotp::invalid, this, &AccountStorage::handleError); }); if (!d->addHotp(handler, name, issuer.isEmpty() ? QString() : issuer, secret, tokenLength, counter, offset, addChecksum)) { Q_EMIT error(); } } void AccountStorage::addTotp(const QString &name, const QString &issuer, const QString &secret, uint tokenLength, uint timeStep, const QDateTime &epoch, Account::Hash hash) { Q_D(AccountStorage); const std::function handler([this](SaveTotp *job) -> void { QObject::connect(job, &SaveTotp::saved, this, &AccountStorage::handleTotp); QObject::connect(job, &SaveTotp::invalid, this, &AccountStorage::handleError); }); if (!d->addTotp(handler, name, issuer.isEmpty() ? QString() : issuer, secret, tokenLength, timeStep, epoch, hash)) { Q_EMIT error(); } } void AccountStorage::accountRemoved(void) { Q_D(AccountStorage); QObject *from = sender(); Account *account = from ? qobject_cast(from) : nullptr; Q_ASSERT_X(account, Q_FUNC_INFO, "event should be sent by an account"); const QString fullName = AccountPrivate::toFullName(account->name(), account->issuer()); d->acceptAccountRemoval(fullName); Q_EMIT removed(fullName); } QVector AccountStorage::accounts(void) const { Q_D(const AccountStorage); return d->activeAccounts(); } void AccountStorage::handleHotp(const QUuid id, const QString &name, const QString &issuer, const QByteArray &secret, const QByteArray &nonce, uint tokenLength, quint64 counter, bool fixedTruncation, uint offset, bool checksum) { Q_D(AccountStorage); if (!d->isStillOpen()) { qCDebug(logger) << "Not handling HOTP account:" << id << "Storage no longer open"; return; } if (!isAccountStillAvailable(name, issuer)) { qCDebug(logger) << "Not handling HOTP account:" << id << "Account name or issuer not available"; return; } std::optional encryptedSecret = secrets::EncryptedSecret::from(secret, nonce); if (!encryptedSecret) { qCDebug(logger) << "Not handling HOTP account:" << id << "Invalid encrypted secret/nonce"; return; } const std::optional offsetValue = fixedTruncation ? std::optional((uint)offset) : std::nullopt; Account *accepted = d->acceptHotpAccount(id, name, issuer, *encryptedSecret, tokenLength, counter, offsetValue, checksum); QObject::connect(accepted, &Account::removed, this, &AccountStorage::accountRemoved); Q_EMIT added(AccountPrivate::toFullName(name, issuer)); } void AccountStorage::handleTotp(const QUuid id, const QString &name, const QString &issuer, const QByteArray &secret, const QByteArray &nonce, uint tokenLength, uint timeStep, const QDateTime &epoch, Account::Hash hash) { Q_D(AccountStorage); if (!d->isStillOpen()) { qCDebug(logger) << "Not handling TOTP account:" << id << "Storage no longer open"; return; } if (!isAccountStillAvailable(name, issuer)) { qCDebug(logger) << "Not handling TOTP account:" << id << "Account name or issuer not available"; return; } std::optional encryptedSecret = secrets::EncryptedSecret::from(secret, nonce); if (!encryptedSecret) { qCDebug(logger) << "Not handling TOTP account:" << id << "Invalid encrypted secret/nonce"; return; } Account *accepted = d->acceptTotpAccount(id, name, issuer, *encryptedSecret, tokenLength, timeStep, epoch, hash); QObject::connect(accepted, &Account::removed, this, &AccountStorage::accountRemoved); Q_EMIT added(AccountPrivate::toFullName(name, issuer)); } void AccountStorage::dispose(void) { Q_D(AccountStorage); d->dispose([this](Null *job) -> void { /* * Use destroyed() instead of finished() to guarantee the Null job has been disposed of before e.g. threads * are cleaned up. If the QThread is disposed of before the Null job is cleaned up, the job would leak. */ QObject::connect(job, &Null::destroyed, this, &AccountStorage::handleDisposal); }); } void AccountStorage::handleDisposal(void) { Q_D(AccountStorage); d->acceptDisposal(); } bool AccountStorage::hasError(void) const { Q_D(const AccountStorage); return d->hasError(); } void AccountStorage::clearError(void) { Q_D(AccountStorage); d->clearError(); } void AccountStorage::handleError(void) { Q_D(AccountStorage); d->notifyError(); } void AccountStorage::handleLoaded(void) { Q_D(AccountStorage); d->notifyLoaded(); } bool AccountStorage::isLoaded(void) const { Q_D(const AccountStorage); return d->isLoaded(); } } #include "moc_account.cpp"