/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Aaron Seigo SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "kconfigloader.h" #include "kconfigloader_p.h" #include "kconfigloaderhandler_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include void ConfigLoaderPrivate::parse(KConfigLoader *loader, QIODevice *xml) { clearData(); loader->clearItems(); if (xml) { ConfigLoaderHandler handler(loader, this); handler.parse(xml); } } ConfigLoaderHandler::ConfigLoaderHandler(KConfigLoader *config, ConfigLoaderPrivate *d) : m_config(config) , d(d) { resetState(); } bool ConfigLoaderHandler::parse(QIODevice *input) { if (!input->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qWarning() << "Impossible to open device"; return false; } QXmlStreamReader reader(input); while (!reader.atEnd()) { reader.readNext(); if (reader.hasError()) { return false; } switch (reader.tokenType()) { case QXmlStreamReader::StartElement: startElement(reader.name(), reader.attributes()); break; case QXmlStreamReader::EndElement: endElement(reader.name()); break; case QXmlStreamReader::Characters: if (!reader.isWhitespace() && !reader.text().trimmed().isEmpty()) { m_cdata.append(reader.text()); } break; default: break; } } if (!reader.isEndDocument()) { return false; } return true; } static bool caseInsensitiveCompare(const QStringView a, const QLatin1String b) { return a.compare(b, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0; } void ConfigLoaderHandler::startElement(const QStringView localName, const QXmlStreamAttributes &attrs) { // qDebug() << "ConfigLoaderHandler::startElement(" << localName << qName; if (caseInsensitiveCompare(localName, QLatin1String("group"))) { QString group; for (const auto &attr : attrs) { const auto attrName = attr.name(); if (caseInsensitiveCompare(attrName, QLatin1String("name"))) { // qDebug() << "set group to" << attrs.value(i); group = attr.value().toString(); } } if (group.isEmpty()) { group = d->baseGroup; } else { d->groups.append(group); if (!d->baseGroup.isEmpty()) { group = d->baseGroup + QLatin1Char('\x1d') + group; } } if (m_config) { m_config->setCurrentGroup(group); } } else if (caseInsensitiveCompare(localName, QLatin1String("entry"))) { for (const auto &attr : attrs) { const auto attrName = attr.name(); if (caseInsensitiveCompare(attrName, QLatin1String("name"))) { m_name = attr.value().trimmed().toString(); } else if (caseInsensitiveCompare(attrName, QLatin1String("type"))) { m_type = attr.value().toString().toLower(); } else if (caseInsensitiveCompare(attrName, QLatin1String("key"))) { m_key = attr.value().trimmed().toString(); } } } else if (caseInsensitiveCompare(localName, QLatin1String("choice"))) { m_choice.name.clear(); m_choice.label.clear(); m_choice.whatsThis.clear(); for (const auto &attr : attrs) { const auto attrName = attr.name(); if (caseInsensitiveCompare(attrName, QLatin1String("name"))) { m_choice.name = attr.value().toString(); } } m_inChoice = true; } } void ConfigLoaderHandler::endElement(const QStringView localName) { // qDebug() << "ConfigLoaderHandler::endElement(" << localName << qName; if (caseInsensitiveCompare(localName, QLatin1String("entry"))) { addItem(); resetState(); } else if (caseInsensitiveCompare(localName, QLatin1String("label"))) { if (m_inChoice) { m_choice.label = std::move(m_cdata).trimmed(); } else { m_label = std::move(m_cdata).trimmed(); } } else if (caseInsensitiveCompare(localName, QLatin1String("whatsthis"))) { if (m_inChoice) { m_choice.whatsThis = std::move(m_cdata).trimmed(); } else { m_whatsThis = std::move(m_cdata).trimmed(); } } else if (caseInsensitiveCompare(localName, QLatin1String("default"))) { m_default = std::move(m_cdata).trimmed(); } else if (caseInsensitiveCompare(localName, QLatin1String("min"))) { m_min = m_cdata.toInt(&m_haveMin); } else if (caseInsensitiveCompare(localName, QLatin1String("max"))) { m_max = m_cdata.toInt(&m_haveMax); } else if (caseInsensitiveCompare(localName, QLatin1String("choice"))) { m_enumChoices.append(m_choice); m_inChoice = false; } m_cdata.clear(); } void ConfigLoaderHandler::addItem() { if (m_name.isEmpty()) { if (m_key.isEmpty()) { return; } m_name = m_key; } m_name.remove(QLatin1Char(' ')); KConfigSkeletonItem *item = nullptr; if (m_type == QLatin1String("bool")) { const bool defaultValue = caseInsensitiveCompare(m_default, QLatin1String("true")); item = m_config->addItemBool(m_name, *d->newBool(), defaultValue, m_key); } else if (m_type == QLatin1String("color")) { item = m_config->addItemColor(m_name, *d->newColor(), QColor(m_default), m_key); } else if (m_type == QLatin1String("datetime")) { item = m_config->addItemDateTime(m_name, *d->newDateTime(), QDateTime::fromString(m_default), m_key); } else if (m_type == QLatin1String("enum")) { m_key = (m_key.isEmpty()) ? m_name : m_key; bool ok = false; int defaultValue = m_default.toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { for (int i = 0; i < m_enumChoices.size(); i++) { if (m_default == m_enumChoices[i].name) { defaultValue = i; break; } } } KConfigSkeleton::ItemEnum *enumItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemEnum(m_config->currentGroup(), m_key, *d->newInt(), m_enumChoices, defaultValue); m_config->addItem(enumItem, m_name); item = enumItem; } else if (m_type == QLatin1String("font")) { item = m_config->addItemFont(m_name, *d->newFont(), QFont(m_default), m_key); } else if (m_type == QLatin1String("int")) { KConfigSkeleton::ItemInt *intItem = m_config->addItemInt(m_name, *d->newInt(), m_default.toInt(), m_key); if (m_haveMin) { intItem->setMinValue(m_min); } if (m_haveMax) { intItem->setMaxValue(m_max); } item = intItem; } else if (m_type == QLatin1String("password")) { item = m_config->addItemPassword(m_name, *d->newString(), m_default, m_key); } else if (m_type == QLatin1String("path")) { item = m_config->addItemPath(m_name, *d->newString(), m_default, m_key); } else if (m_type == QLatin1String("string")) { item = m_config->addItemString(m_name, *d->newString(), m_default, m_key); } else if (m_type == QLatin1String("stringlist")) { // FIXME: the split() is naive and will break on lists with ,'s in them // empty parts are not wanted in this case item = m_config->addItemStringList(m_name, *d->newStringList(), m_default.split(QLatin1Char(','), Qt::SkipEmptyParts), m_key); } else if (m_type == QLatin1String("uint")) { KConfigSkeleton::ItemUInt *uintItem = m_config->addItemUInt(m_name, *d->newUint(), m_default.toUInt(), m_key); if (m_haveMin) { uintItem->setMinValue(m_min); } if (m_haveMax) { uintItem->setMaxValue(m_max); } item = uintItem; } else if (m_type == QLatin1String("url")) { m_key = (m_key.isEmpty()) ? m_name : m_key; KConfigSkeleton::ItemUrl *urlItem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemUrl(m_config->currentGroup(), m_key, *d->newUrl(), QUrl::fromUserInput(m_default)); m_config->addItem(urlItem, m_name); item = urlItem; } else if (m_type == QLatin1String("double")) { KConfigSkeleton::ItemDouble *doubleItem = m_config->addItemDouble(m_name, *d->newDouble(), m_default.toDouble(), m_key); if (m_haveMin) { doubleItem->setMinValue(m_min); } if (m_haveMax) { doubleItem->setMaxValue(m_max); } item = doubleItem; } else if (m_type == QLatin1String("intlist")) { QList defaultList; const QList tmpList = QStringView(m_default).split(QLatin1Char(','), Qt::SkipEmptyParts); for (const QStringView tmp : tmpList) { defaultList.append(tmp.toInt()); } item = m_config->addItemIntList(m_name, *d->newIntList(), defaultList, m_key); } else if (m_type == QLatin1String("longlong")) { KConfigSkeleton::ItemLongLong *longlongItem = m_config->addItemLongLong(m_name, *d->newLongLong(), m_default.toLongLong(), m_key); if (m_haveMin) { longlongItem->setMinValue(m_min); } if (m_haveMax) { longlongItem->setMaxValue(m_max); } item = longlongItem; /* No addItemPathList in KConfigSkeleton ? } else if (m_type == "PathList") { //FIXME: the split() is naive and will break on lists with ,'s in them item = m_config->addItemPathList(m_name, *d->newStringList(), m_default.split(","), m_key); */ } else if (m_type == QLatin1String("point")) { QPoint defaultPoint; const QList tmpList = QStringView(m_default).split(QLatin1Char(',')); if (tmpList.size() >= 2) { defaultPoint.setX(tmpList[0].toInt()); defaultPoint.setY(tmpList[1].toInt()); } item = m_config->addItemPoint(m_name, *d->newPoint(), defaultPoint, m_key); } else if (m_type == QLatin1String("pointf")) { QPointF defaultPointF; const auto tmpList = QStringView(m_default).split(u','); if (tmpList.size() >= 2) { defaultPointF.setX(tmpList[0].toDouble()); defaultPointF.setY(tmpList[1].toDouble()); } item = m_config->addItemPointF(m_name, *d->newPointF(), defaultPointF, m_key); } else if (m_type == QLatin1String("rect")) { QRect defaultRect; const QList tmpList = QStringView(m_default).split(QLatin1Char(',')); if (tmpList.size() >= 4) { defaultRect.setCoords(tmpList[0].toInt(), tmpList[1].toInt(), tmpList[2].toInt(), tmpList[3].toInt()); } item = m_config->addItemRect(m_name, *d->newRect(), defaultRect, m_key); } else if (m_type == QLatin1String("rectf")) { QRectF defaultRectF; const auto tmpList = QStringView(m_default).split(u','); if (tmpList.size() >= 4) { defaultRectF.setCoords(tmpList[0].toDouble(), tmpList[1].toDouble(), tmpList[2].toDouble(), tmpList[3].toDouble()); } item = m_config->addItemRectF(m_name, *d->newRectF(), defaultRectF, m_key); } else if (m_type == QLatin1String("size")) { QSize defaultSize; const QList tmpList = QStringView(m_default).split(QLatin1Char(',')); if (tmpList.size() >= 2) { defaultSize.setWidth(tmpList[0].toInt()); defaultSize.setHeight(tmpList[1].toInt()); } item = m_config->addItemSize(m_name, *d->newSize(), defaultSize, m_key); } else if (m_type == QLatin1String("sizef")) { QSizeF defaultSizeF; const auto tmpList = QStringView(m_default).split(u','); if (tmpList.size() >= 2) { defaultSizeF.setWidth(tmpList[0].toDouble()); defaultSizeF.setHeight(tmpList[1].toDouble()); } item = m_config->addItemSizeF(m_name, *d->newSizeF(), defaultSizeF, m_key); } else if (m_type == QLatin1String("ulonglong")) { KConfigSkeleton::ItemULongLong *ulonglongItem = m_config->addItemULongLong(m_name, *d->newULongLong(), m_default.toULongLong(), m_key); if (m_haveMin) { ulonglongItem->setMinValue(m_min); } if (m_haveMax) { ulonglongItem->setMaxValue(m_max); } item = ulonglongItem; /* No addItemUrlList in KConfigSkeleton ? } else if (m_type == "urllist") { //FIXME: the split() is naive and will break on lists with ,'s in them QStringList tmpList = m_default.split(","); QList defaultList; foreach (const QString& tmp, tmpList) { defaultList.append(QUrl(tmp)); } item = m_config->addItemUrlList(m_name, *d->newUrlList(), defaultList, m_key);*/ } if (item) { item->setLabel(m_label); item->setWhatsThis(m_whatsThis); d->keysToNames.insert(item->group() + item->key(), item->name()); } } void ConfigLoaderHandler::resetState() { m_haveMin = false; m_min = 0; m_haveMax = false; m_max = 0; m_name.clear(); m_type.clear(); m_label.clear(); m_default.clear(); m_key.clear(); m_whatsThis.clear(); m_enumChoices.clear(); m_inChoice = false; } KConfigLoader::KConfigLoader(const QString &configFile, QIODevice *xml, QObject *parent) : KConfigSkeleton(configFile, parent) , d(new ConfigLoaderPrivate) { d->parse(this, xml); } KConfigLoader::KConfigLoader(KSharedConfigPtr config, QIODevice *xml, QObject *parent) : KConfigSkeleton(std::move(config), parent) , d(new ConfigLoaderPrivate) { d->parse(this, xml); } // FIXME: obviously this is broken and should be using the group as the root, // but KConfigSkeleton does not currently support this. it will eventually though, // at which point this can be addressed properly KConfigLoader::KConfigLoader(const KConfigGroup &config, QIODevice *xml, QObject *parent) : KConfigSkeleton(KSharedConfig::openConfig(config.config()->name(), config.config()->openFlags(), config.config()->locationType()), parent) , d(new ConfigLoaderPrivate) { KConfigGroup group = config.parent(); d->baseGroup = config.name(); while (group.isValid() && group.name() != QLatin1String("")) { d->baseGroup = group.name() + QLatin1Char('\x1d') + d->baseGroup; group = group.parent(); } d->parse(this, xml); } KConfigLoader::~KConfigLoader() { delete d; } KConfigSkeletonItem *KConfigLoader::findItem(const QString &group, const QString &key) const { return KConfigSkeleton::findItem(d->keysToNames[group + key]); } KConfigSkeletonItem *KConfigLoader::findItemByName(const QString &name) const { return KConfigSkeleton::findItem(name); } QVariant KConfigLoader::property(const QString &name) const { KConfigSkeletonItem *item = KConfigSkeleton::findItem(name); if (item) { return item->property(); } return QVariant(); } bool KConfigLoader::hasGroup(const QString &group) const { return d->groups.contains(group); } QStringList KConfigLoader::groupList() const { return d->groups; } bool KConfigLoader::usrSave() { if (d->saveDefaults) { const auto listItems = items(); for (const auto &item : listItems) { config()->group(item->group()).writeEntry(item->key(), ""); } } return true; }