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FIXME!!!7hfs: btree_free_node: %u fs/hfs/catalog.c7hfs: delete_cat: %s,%u 7hfs: create_cat: %s,%u(%d) ...3hfs: small dir entry 3hfs: small file entry fs/hfs/dir.cfs/hfs/extent.c7hfs: extend %lu: %u,%u 7hfs: first extents 7hfs: insert new extent 7hfs: c %u:%uc fs/hfs/inode.c&HFS_I(inode)->extents_lockrsrc7hfs: hfs_write_inode: %lu 7hfs: delete_inode: %lu hfs.typehfs.creatorfs/hfs/mdb.cApple_HFShfs_inode_cache3hfs: invalid uid %d 3hfs: invalid gid %d ,&sbi->bitmap_lock3hfs: get root inode failed ,= \creator, \type,uid=%u,gid=%u,file_umask=%o,dir_umask=%o,part=%u,session=%u,codepage=%s,iocharset=%s,quietfs/hfs/super.chfsuid=%ugid=%uumask=%ofile_umask=%odir_umask=%opart=%usession=%utype=%screator=%squietcodepage=%siocharset=%s3hfs: inconsistency in B*Tree (%d,%d,%d,%u,%u) 3hfs: request for non-existent node %d in B*Tree 2hfs: new node %u already hashed? 7hfs: remove_node(%d:%d): %d 7hfs: update_rec: %d, %d, %d 7hfs: split_nodes: %d - %d - %d 7hfs: insert_rec: %d, %d, %d, %d &HFS_I(tree->inode)->extents_lock3hfs: invalid btree extent records 3hfs: invalid btree extent records (0 size) 3hfs: invalid extent max_key_len %d 3hfs: invalid catalog max_key_len %d 3hfs: node %d:%d still has %d user(s)! 2hfs: unable to free bnode %u. bmap not found! 2hfs: invalid bmap found! (%u,%d) 2hfs: trying to free free bnode %u(%d) 3hfs: found bad thread record in catalog 3hfs: bad catalog namelength 7hfs: rename_cat: %u - %lu,%s - %lu,%s 3hfs: bad catalog folder thread 3hfs: walked past end of dir 3hfs: bad catalog entry type %d 7hfs: truncate: %lu, %Lu -> %Lu 3hfs: unable to read volume bitmap 3hfs: invalid session number or type of track 3hfs: bad allocation block size %d 3hfs: unable to set blocksize to %u 4hfs: unable to locate alternate MDB 4hfs: continuing without an alternate MDB 3hfs: unable to open extent tree 3hfs: unable to open catalog tree 4hfs: filesystem was not cleanly unmounted, running fsck.hfs is recommended. mounting read-only. 4hfs: filesystem is marked locked, mounting read-only. 4hfs: filesystem was not cleanly unmounted, running fsck.hfs is recommended. leaving read-only. 4hfs: filesystem is marked locked, leaving read-only. 3hfs: uid requires an argument 3hfs: gid requires an argument 3hfs: umask requires a value 3hfs: file_umask requires a value 3hfs: dir_umask requires a value 3hfs: part requires an argument 3hfs: session requires an argument 3hfs: type requires a 4 character value 3hfs: creator requires a 4 character value 3hfs: unable to change codepage 3hfs: unable to load codepage "%s" 3hfs: unable to change iocharset 3hfs: unable to load iocharset "%s" 3hfs: unable to load default iocharset 3hfs: unable to parse mount options 4hfs: can't find a HFS filesystem on dev %s alias=fs-hfslicense=GPLdescription=Apple Macintosh file system supportsrcversion=FE66997887366C037EBCDFAdepends=cdromretpoline=Yintree=Yname=hfsvermagic=6.11.0-sineware SMP preempt mod_unload     (0( 0( 0 (0( 00 (08P80( P (08P80( P ( ( (@( @ (08h80( h (080(  0 0 (08X80( X   ( ( ( ( (08p80( p 0 0 (0( 0( 0( 0 (08h80( h (0P0( P   (0880(  (08p80( p (08@80( @ ( ( (    (0P0( P (8( 8 ( ( ( ( ( ( (0( 0(  (00(  (08p80( p    (0( 0 (h( h`` (0880(  (0@0( @ (08@80( @ (0880(  (08@80( @80( @  ( ( ( ( (08@80( 8 (080( ( (0( 0 (      (0880( (( (00(  (0880(  (0880(  (08H80( H (08p80( p (080( 80(   8 8 (08P80( P (08X80( XGNUGNUFqlN|ӧLinuxLinux]2X;,[%$7 )HU5hfsGCC: (Ubuntu 13.2.0-23ubuntu4) 13.2.0GCC: (Ubuntu 13.2.0-23ubuntu4) 13.2.0GCC: (Ubuntu 13.2.0-23ubuntu4) 13.2.0GCC: (Ubuntu 13.2.0-23ubuntu4) 13.2.0GCC: (Ubuntu 13.2.0-23ubuntu4) 13.2.0GCC: (Ubuntu 13.2.0-23ubuntu4) 13.2.0GCC: (Ubuntu 13.2.0-23ubuntu4) 13.2.0GCC: (Ubuntu 13.2.0-23ubuntu4) 13.2.0GCC: (Ubuntu 13.2.0-23ubuntu4) 13.2.0GCC: (Ubuntu 13.2.0-23ubuntu4) 13.2.0GCC: (Ubuntu 13.2.0-23ubuntu4) 13.2.0GCC: (Ubuntu 13.2.0-23ubuntu4) 13.2.0GCC: (Ubuntu 13.2.0-23ubuntu4) 13.2.0GCC: (Ubuntu 13.2.0-23ubuntu4) 13.2.0GCC: (Ubuntu 13.2.0-23ubuntu4) 13.2.0GCC: (Ubuntu 13.2.0-23ubuntu4) 13.2.0GCC: (Ubuntu 13.2.0-23ubuntu4) 13.2.0,\,,, , ,` ,,,K,.,} ,,SL5 u!,a,Q]\  .M..O.[  T  ` x        ^int ` ,  * 0s8l0u80s160u16 #0s32 20u320s640u64_` z    .  1` 2` H I X ] ^ _ `T   % ' ;`  A S    #  % & 4 = B h2 nA | K U U ` ` I  2 l K U   x     T. * * ::*/`FaMFb.W@@  P0 ` `  ?  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-fno-stack-clash-protection -falign-functions=16 -fstrict-flex-arrays=3 -fno-strict-overflow -fstack-check=no -fconserve-stack 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so.hmemremap.hmm.hmmzone.htopology.hxarray.hlist_lru.hcapability.hmigrate_mode.hextable.hsysctl.hassoc_array.huser.hrcuwait.hrcu_sync.hpercpu-rwsem.hdelayed_call.huuid.herrseq.hmnt_idmapping.hpercpu-refcount.hslab.hrw_hint.hbuffer_head.hquota.hprojid.hquota.hpagemap.huio.hxattr.hblk_types.hkobject.hkernfs.hkobject_ns.hhuge_mm.hvm_event_item.hns_common.hbvec.hidle.htopology.henergy_model.hdevice.hpm.hpm_wakeup.hbus.hdriver.hclass.huio.hcompat.helf.hrbtree_latch.herror-injection.hmodule.hdevice.hhfs.hhfs_fs.hbtree.hasm.h/kernel/work/linux-6.11fs/hfs/mdb.c/kernel/work/linux-6.11fs/hfs./include/linux./include/asm-generic/bitops./arch/x86/include/asm./include/linux/byteorder./include/uapi/asm-generic./include/asm-generic./include/uapi/linux./include/linux/atomic./include/vdso./arch/x86/include/asm/fpu./include/linux/sched./include/linux/device./include/scsimdb.cmdb.cfs.hbuffer_head.hkernel.hinstrumented-lock.hbitops.hinstrumented-atomic.hfortify-string.hhfs_fs.hblkdev.hslab.hgeneric.hint-ll64.hint-ll64.hposix_types.htypes.htypes.hsched.hstatic_call_types.hmodule.hjump_label.horc_types.hdesc_defs.hpgtable_64_types.hpgtable_types.hmm_types.hprocessor.hcpumask_types.hqspinlock_types.hqrwlock_types.hlockdep_types.hspinlock_types_raw.hratelimit_types.hprintk.hdynamic_debug.hmoduleparam.hbug.hatomic-long.hstddef.hgfp_types.hsysfs.hrestart_block.htime_types.htime32.hrange.hptrace.hmath_emu.htypes.hshstk.hthread_info.hllist.hsmp_types.hspinlock_types.hrwlock_types.hwait.hlist_bl.hosq_lock.hmutex_types.hseqlock_types.hlockref.hdcache.hmount.hpath.htime64.htime.hasm.htime.hcodetag.halloc_tag.hpid_types.hsem_types.hshm.hplist_types.hrbtree_types.htimerqueue_types.hhrtimer_types.hhrtimer_defs.htimer_types.hseccomp_types.hnodemask_types.hrefcount_types.hresource.hsignal.hsignal-defs.hsiginfo.hsignal_types.hsyscall_user_dispatch_types.htlbbatch.hmm_types_task.htask_io_accounting.hposix-timers_types.hrseq.huidgid_types.hpid.hcompletion.hcred.hkey.hsignal.hbio.hiocontext.hcompat.huprobes.htracepoint-defs.hstat.hswait.hshrinker.hkref.hmaple_tree.hrwsem.hworkqueue_types.hworkqueue.hrcu_segcblist.hsrcutree.huprobes.hpercpu_counter.hmmu.hvdso.hmemremap.hmm.hxarray.hlist_lru.hcapability.hmigrate_mode.hextable.hassoc_array.huser.hrcuwait.hrcu_sync.hpercpu-rwsem.hdelayed_call.huuid.herrseq.hmnt_idmapping.hpercpu-refcount.hrw_hint.hquota.hprojid.hpagemap.huio.hblk_types.hkobject.hkernfs.hkobject_ns.hbvec.henergy_model.hdevice.hpm.hpm_wakeup.hbus.hdriver.hclass.huio.hcompat.helf.hrbtree_latch.herror-injection.hmodule.hdevice.hmempool.hblkzoned.hcdrom.hscsi_common.hcdrom.hnls.hhfs.hbtree.htimekeeping.hinstrumented.hkcsan-checks.hkasan-checks.hfs/hfs/part_tbl.c/kernel/work/linux-6.11/kernel/work/linux-6.11fs/hfs./include/linux./include/uapi/asm-generic./include/asm-generic./include/uapi/linux./arch/x86/include/asm./include/linux/atomic./include/vdso./arch/x86/include/asm/fpu./include/linux/sched./include/linux/devicepart_tbl.cpart_tbl.cbuffer_head.hfortify-string.hint-ll64.hint-ll64.hposix_types.htypes.htypes.hsched.hstatic_call_types.hfs.hmodule.hjump_label.horc_types.hdesc_defs.hpgtable_64_types.hpgtable_types.hmm_types.hprocessor.hcpumask_types.hqspinlock_types.hqrwlock_types.hlockdep_types.hspinlock_types_raw.hratelimit_types.hprintk.hdynamic_debug.hmoduleparam.hbug.hatomic-long.hsysfs.hrestart_block.htime_types.htime32.hrange.hptrace.hmath_emu.htypes.hshstk.hthread_info.hllist.hsmp_types.hspinlock_types.hrwlock_types.hwait.hosq_lock.hmutex_types.hseqlock_types.hnodemask_types.htlbbatch.hmm_types_task.hrefcount_types.hkref.hrbtree_types.hmaple_tree.hrwsem.hswait.hcompletion.htime64.hpid_types.hsem_types.hshm.hplist_types.htimerqueue_types.hhrtimer_types.hhrtimer_defs.htimer_types.hseccomp_types.hresource.hsignal.hsignal-defs.hsiginfo.hsignal_types.hsyscall_user_dispatch_types.htask_io_accounting.hposix-timers_types.hrseq.huidgid_types.hpid.hcred.hkey.hsignal.hiocontext.hcompat.huprobes.htracepoint-defs.hworkqueue_types.hworkqueue.hrcu_segcblist.hsrcutree.huprobes.hpercpu_counter.hmmu.hvdso.hmemremap.hmm.hpercpu-refcount.hlist_bl.hlockref.hdcache.hmount.hpath.hstat.hshrinker.hxarray.hlist_lru.hcapability.hmigrate_mode.hextable.hassoc_array.huser.hrcuwait.hrcu_sync.hpercpu-rwsem.hdelayed_call.huuid.herrseq.hmnt_idmapping.hrw_hint.hquota.hprojid.hpagemap.huio.hblk_types.hkobject.hkernfs.hkobject_ns.hbvec.henergy_model.hdevice.hpm.hpm_wakeup.hbus.hdriver.hclass.huio.hcompat.helf.hrbtree_latch.herror-injection.hmodule.hdevice.hhfs.hhfs_fs.hasm.hgfp_types.h/kernel/work/linux-6.11fs/hfs/string.c/kernel/work/linux-6.11fs/hfs./include/linux./include/uapi/asm-generic./include/asm-generic./include/uapi/linux./arch/x86/include/asm./include/linux/atomic./include/vdso./arch/x86/include/asm/fpu./include/linux/sched./include/linux/devicestring.cstring.cstringhash.hhash.hint-ll64.hint-ll64.hposix_types.htypes.htypes.hsched.hstatic_call_types.hfs.hmodule.hjump_label.horc_types.hdesc_defs.hpgtable_64_types.hpgtable_types.hmm_types.hprocessor.hcpumask_ty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