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affs_rename2affs_linkaffs_symlinkaffs_rmdiraffs_mkdiraffs_createaffs_unlinkaffs_brelseaffs_breadaffs_find_entryaffs_lookupaffs_add_entryaffs_getzeroblkaffs_evict_inodeaffs_notify_changeaffs_write_inodeaffs_brelseaffs_breadaffs_igetaffs_file_openaffs_file_releaseaffs_truncateaffs_free_preallocaffs_read_folio_ofsaffs_do_read_folio_ofsaffs_extent_file_ofsaffs_write_begin_ofsaffs_getemptyblkaffs_write_end_ofsaffs_brelseaffs_breadaffs_getzeroblkaffs_get_blockaffs_brelseaffs_breadaffs_readdiraffs_warningaffs_erroraffs_remove_linkaffs_remove_headeraffs_remove_hashaffs_brelseaffs_breadaffs_insert_hashaffs_init_bitmap!2affs_alloc_blockaffs_breadaffs_brelseaffs_free_blockaffs_count_free_blocksaffs_brelseaffs_breadaffs_symlink_read_folioaffs: %s: %lld ,bs=%lu,mode=%o,mufs,nofilenametruncate,prefix=%s,protect,reserved=%u,root=%u,setgid=%u,setuid=%u,verbose,volume=%saffs: %s() ,&ei->i_link_lock&ei->i_ext_lockaffs_inode_cacheno optionsaffs: read_super(%s) &sbi->s_bmlockaffs: %s: %d affs: s_flags=%lX fs/affs/super.caffs%s(flags=0x%x,opts="%s") s_flags=%lX setting blocksize to %d read_super(%s) bs=%umode=%omufsnofilenametruncateprefix=%sprotectreserved=%uroot=%usetgid=%usetuid=%uverbosevolume=%sgrpquotanoquotaquotausrquota%s() fs/affs/affs.h%s: %lld %s: %d affs: %s: %d affs: %s("%pd") affs: %s: %lld affs: %s(dir=%lu, %lu "%pd") affs: %s(%lu,"%pd",0%ho) affs: %s(%lu,"%pd" -> "%s") affs: %s(%lu, %lu, "%pd") affsfs/affs/namei.c%s(%lu, %lu, "%pd") %s(%lu,"%pd" -> "%s") %s(dir=%lu, %lu "%pd") %s(%lu,"%pd",0%ho) %s("%pd") fs/affs/affs.h%s: %lld %s: %d affs: %s: %d affs: affs_iget(%lu) Cannot read block %dread_inodeinode is LINKFILEaffs: %s: %lld affs: write_inode(%lu) Cannot read block %luwrite_inodeaffs: freeing ext cache affsfs/affs/inode.cfreeing ext cache notify_change(%lu,0x%x) write_inode(%lu) affs_iget(%lu) fs/affs/affs.h%s: %lld %s: %d affs: open(%lu,%d) affs: %s: %d previous extension set (%x)alloc_extfs/affs/file.caffs: %s: %lld affs: %s(%lu, %llu) strange block request %lluget_blockblock already set (%llx)first block already set (%d)affs: %s(%lu, %ld, 0, %zu) affs: %s(%lu, %ld) include/linux/highmem.haffs: %s(%lu, %llu, %llu) affs: %s(%lu, %d) extent_file_ofscommit_write_ofsaffs: free_prealloc(ino=%lu) truncateaffs: release(%lu, %d) affsfree_prealloc(ino=%lu) %s(%lu, %llu, %llu) %s(%lu, %ld) %s(%lu, %d) %s(%lu, %ld, 0, %zu) %s(%lu, %llu) release(%lu, %d) open(%lu,%d) fs/affs/affs.h%s: %lld %s: %d affs: %s(ino=%lu,f_pos=%llx) ...readdiraffs: %s: %d affs: readdir() left off=%d Cannot read block %daffs: %s: %lld affsfs/affs/dir.creaddir() left off=%d %s(ino=%lu,f_pos=%llx) fs/affs/affs.h%s: %lld %s: %d affs: %s(dir=%lu, ino=%d) affs: %s: %d affs: %s: %lld affs: %s(key=%ld) fs/affs/amigaffs.caffs%s(key=%ld) %s(dir=%lu, ino=%d) fs/affs/affs.h%s: %lld %s: %d affs: %s() affs: %s(%u) Block %u outside partitionaffs_free_blockaffs: %s: %lld affs: %s: %d Cannot read bitmap block %uaffs: %d invalid goal %daffs_ballocaffs_read_blockaffs: failed 3affs: Cannot read bitmap affs: last word: %d %d %d fs/affs/bitmap.caffslast word: %d %d %d read bitmap block %d: %d failed %d balloc(inode=%lu,goal=%u): %s(%u) %s() fs/affs/affs.h%s: %lld %s: %d /affs: get_link(ino=%lu) affs: %s: %d affs: %s: %lld affsfs/affs/symlink.cget_link(ino=%lu) fs/affs/affs.h%s: %lld %s: %d affs: %s() partsize=%d, reserved=%d 4affs: Invalid blocksize (512, 1024, 2048, 4096 allowed) 4affs: Unrecognized mount option "%s" or missing value affs: %s(flags=0x%x,opts="%s") 3affs: Error parsing options affs: initial blocksize=%d, #blocks=%d affs: setting blocksize to %d affs: Dev %s, trying root=%u, bs=%d, size=%d, reserved=%d 3affs: No valid root block on device %s 3affs: Cannot read boot block 5affs: Dircache FS - mounting %s read only 3affs: Unknown filesystem on device %s: %08X 5affs: Mounting volume "%.*s": Type=%.3s\%c, Blocksize=%d 3affs: AFFS: Get root inode failed %s() partsize=%d, reserved=%d Dev %s, trying root=%u, bs=%d, size=%d, reserved=%d initial blocksize=%d, #blocks=%d affs: %s(old=%lu,"%pd" to new=%lu,"%pd") %s(old=%lu,"%pd" to new=%lu,"%pd") Checksum or type (ptype=%d) error on inode %daffs: notify_change(%lu,0x%x) affs: evict_inode(ino=%lu, nlink=%u) affs: %s(dir=%lu, inode=%lu, "%pd", type=%d) %s(dir=%lu, inode=%lu, "%pd", type=%d) evict_inode(ino=%lu, nlink=%u) next block already set for %d (%d)affs: truncate(inode=%lu, oldsize=%llu, newsize=%llu) unexpected read error for ext block %u (%ld)unexpected read error for last block %u (%ld)truncate(inode=%lu, oldsize=%llu, newsize=%llu) More than 65535 entries in chainaffs: readdir(): dir_emit("%.*s", ino=%u), hash=%d, f_pos=%llx readdir(): dir_emit("%.*s", ino=%u), hash=%d, f_pos=%llx affs: %s(dir=%lu, ino=%d, hashval=%d) 2affs: error (device %s): %s(): %pV 4affs: Remounting filesystem read-only 4affs: (device %s): %s(): %pV %s(dir=%lu, ino=%d, hashval=%d) Trying to free block %u which is already freeaffs: balloc(inode=%lu,goal=%u): 5affs: Bitmap invalid - mounting %s read only 3affs: Bitmap allocation failed 4affs: Bitmap %u invalid - mounting %s read only. affs: read bitmap block %d: %d 3affs: Cannot read bitmap extension license=GPLdescription=Amiga filesystem support for Linuxalias=fs-affssrcversion=E103EE3D670B4271FE0E33Cdepends=retpoline=Yintree=Yname=affsvermagic=6.11.0-sineware SMP preempt mod_unload .. 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s.hkobject_ns.hbvec.henergy_model.hdevice.hpm.hpm_wakeup.hbus.hdriver.hclass.huio.hcompat.helf.hrbtree_latch.herror-injection.hmodule.hdevice.hamigaffs.hstring.hmutex.h/kernel/work/linux-6.11fs/affs/symlink.c/kernel/work/linux-6.11fs/affs./include/linux./arch/x86/include/asm./include/asm-generic/bitops./include/uapi/asm-generic./include/asm-generic./include/uapi/linux./include/linux/atomic./include/vdso./arch/x86/include/asm/fpu./include/linux/sched./include/linux/devicesymlink.csymlink.cmm.hjump_label.haffs.hbuffer_head.hspinlock.hpage-flags.hinstrumented-atomic.hbitops.hint-ll64.hint-ll64.hposix_types.htypes.htypes.hsched.hstatic_call_types.hfs.hmodule.hjump_label.horc_types.hdesc_defs.hpgtable_64_types.hpgtable_types.hmm_types.hprocessor.hcpumask_types.hqspinlock_types.hqrwlock_types.hlockdep_types.hspinlock_types_raw.hratelimit_types.hprintk.hdynamic_debug.hmoduleparam.hbug.hatomic-long.hstddef.hgfp_types.hsysfs.hrestart_block.htime_types.htime32.hasm.hpage_64.hrange.hptrace.hmath_emu.htypes.hshstk.hpersonality.hthread_info.hllist.hsmp_types.hspinlock_types.hrwlock_types.hwait.hlist_bl.hosq_lock.hmutex_types.hseqlock_types.hlockref.hdcache.hmount.hpath.htime64.hpid_types.hsem_types.hshm.hplist_types.hrbtree_types.htimerqueue_types.hhrtimer_types.hhrtimer_defs.htimer_types.hseccomp_types.hnodemask_types.hrefcount_types.hresource.hsignal.hsignal-defs.hsiginfo.hsignal_types.hsyscall_user_dispatch_types.htlbbatch.hmm_types_task.htask_io_accounting.hposix-timers_types.hrseq.huidgid_types.hpid.hcompletion.hcred.hkey.hsignal.hiocontext.hcompat.huprobes.hpercpu.htracepoint-defs.hstat.hnodemask.hswait.hshrinker.hkref.hmaple_tree.hrwsem.hworkqueue_types.hworkqueue.hrcu_segcblist.hsrcutree.huprobes.hpercpu_counter.hmmu.hvdso.hmemremap.hmmzone.htopology.hxarray.hlist_lru.hcapability.hmigrate_mode.hextable.hassoc_array.huser.hrcuwait.hrcu_sync.hpercpu-rwsem.hdelayed_call.huuid.herrseq.hmnt_idmapping.hpercpu-refcount.hslab.hrw_hint.hquota.hprojid.hquota.hpagemap.huio.hblk_types.hkobject.hkernfs.hkobject_ns.hhuge_mm.hvm_event_item.hbvec.hidle.htopology.henergy_model.hdevice.hpm.hpm_wakeup.hbus.hdriver.hclass.huio.hcompat.helf.hrbtree_latch.herror-injection.hmodule.hdevice.hamigaffs.hstring.hspinlock_api_smp.hinstrumented.hkcsan-checks.hkasan-checks.hfs/affs/affs.mod.c/kernel/work/linux-6.11/kernel/work/linux-6.11fs/affs./include/uapi/asm-generic./include/asm-generic./include/uapi/linux./include/linux./arch/x86/include/asm./include/linux/atomic./arch/x86/include/asm/fpu./include/vdso./include/linux/schedaffs.mod.cint-ll64.hint-ll64.hposix_types.htypes.htypes.htime64.htime_types.hfs.hmodule.hasm.hinit.hptrace.hdesc_defs.hpgtable_64_types.hpgtable_types.hmm_types.hjump_label.horc_types.hsched.hprocessor.hcpumask_types.hqspinlock_types.hqrwlock_types.hmath_emu.hlockdep_types.hspinlock_types_raw.hratelimit_types.hprintk.hdynamic_debug.hmoduleparam.hbug.hstatic_call_types.hatomic-long.hsysfs.htypes.hshstk.hllist.hsmp_types.hrestart_block.htime32.hthread_info.hpid_types.hsem_types.hshm.hosq_lock.hspinlock_types.hrwlock_types.hmutex_types.hplist_types.hrbtree_types.htimerqueue_types.hhrtimer_types.hhrtimer_defs.htimer_types.hseccomp_types.hnodemask_types.hrefcount_types.hresource.hsignal.hsignal-defs.hsiginfo.hsignal_types.hsyscall_user_dispatch_types.htlbbatch.hpersonality.hmm_types_task.htask_io_accounting.hposix-timers_types.hrseq.hseqlock_types.huidgid_types.hpid.hcompletion.hcred.hkey.hsignal.hiocontext.hcompat.huprobes.hspinlock.hpercpu.htracepoint-defs.hstat.hwait.hnodemask.hkref.hmaple_tree.hrwsem.hswait.hworkqueue_types.hworkqueue.hrcu_segcblist.hsrcutree.huprobes.hpercpu_counter.hmmu.hvdso.hmmzone.htopology.huio.huio.hxarray.hlist_bl.hlockref.hdcache.hmount.hpath.hshrinker.hlist_lru.hcapability.hmigrate_mode.hextable.hassoc_array.huser.hrcuwait.hrcu_sync.hpercpu-rwsem.hdelayed_call.huuid.herrseq.hmnt_idmapping.hslab.hrw_hint.hquota.hprojid.hquota.hkobject.hcompat.helf.hkernfs.hkobject_ns.hrbtree_latch.herror-injection.hmodule.haffs.mod.c# 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