import fs from 'node:fs'; import path from 'node:path'; import * as TOML from '@ltd/j-toml'; import { Server } from 'ws'; import { proxy, subscribe, snapshot } from 'valtio/vanilla' import { log } from '../logging'; import { OCS2Connection } from '../modules/ocs2/cloudapi'; import { ServerRoleType, ServerRole, ServerRoleSecureSwitchConfig, ServerRoleWebserverConfig } from '../constants';"Initializing system state container..."); export const state = { config: proxy({ // base OS config (mapped to prolinux.toml, also used/grepped in init) prolinuxd: { modules: [ "plasma-mobile-nightly", "ocs2", "pl2" ] }, ocs2: { gateway_url: "wss://", client_type: "prolinux,plasma-mobile-nightly", access_token: "" }, pl2: { selected_root: "a", locked_root: true, hostname: "", disable_kexec: false, remote_api: true, user_shadow: "", }, }), extraConfig: proxy({ // higher level system configuration (mapped to extra-config.json) server_roles: { webserver: { name: ServerRoleType.WEBSERVER as const, description: "Webserver Role", enabled: false, config: { port: 80, root: "/var/www/html", index: "index.html", ssl: false, ssl_cert: "", ssl_key: "" } as ServerRoleWebserverConfig } as ServerRole, secure_switch: { name: ServerRoleType.SECURE_SWITCH_APPLIANCE as const, description: "SecureSwitch Role", enabled: false, config: { interfaces: [] as string[], bridge_mac: "", dhcp: true, ip: "", netmask: "", gateway: "", dns: "", } as ServerRoleSecureSwitchConfig, } as ServerRole, } }), tracked: proxy({}), untracked: { passwordServiceWatcher: null as fs.FSWatcher | null, NMNetworksServiceWatcher: null as fs.FSWatcher | null, }, cloud: null as OCS2Connection | null, localSocket: null as Server | null, } export const untouchedState = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(state)); export type ProLinuxConfig = typeof state.config; export type ProLinuxState = typeof state; // ensure that all properties are present and no extra from untouchedState in state, deeply export function verifyStateIntegrity(): { valid: boolean, missing: string[], extra: string[], msg: string } { const missing: string[] = []; const extra: string[] = []; const verify = (obj: any, untouched: any, path: string = "") => { for (const key in untouched) { if (!(key in obj)) { missing.push(`${path}.${key}`); } else if (typeof untouched[key] === "object") { verify(obj[key], untouched[key], `${path}.${key}`); } } for (const key in obj) { if (!(key in untouched)) { extra.push(`${path}.${key}`); } else if (typeof untouched[key] === "object") { verify(obj[key], untouched[key], `${path}.${key}`); } } } verify(state, untouchedState); const valid = missing.length === 0 && extra.length === 0; return { valid, missing, extra, msg: valid ? "State is valid" : `State is invalid, missing: ${missing.join(", ")}, extra: ${extra.join(", ")}` } } subscribe(state.config, () => {"[State] Config updated, saving to disk..."); fs.writeFileSync(process.env.CONFIG_FILE ?? path.join(__dirname, "prolinux.toml"), TOML.stringify(state.config as any, { newline: "\n" })); console.log("Updating grub source..."); let grubSource = fs.readFileSync("/sineware/data/grub-source.cfg", "utf-8"); grubSource = grubSource.replace(/set selected_root=".*"/, `set selected_root="${state.config.pl2.selected_root}"`); console.log("Writing grub source..."); fs.writeFileSync("/sineware/data/grub-source.cfg", grubSource); }); subscribe(state.extraConfig, () => {"[State] Extra Config updated, saving to disk..."); // Get the directory of the full file path set in CONFIG_FILE const configDir = path.dirname(process.env.CONFIG_FILE ?? path.join(__dirname, "extra-config.json")); fs.writeFileSync(path.join(configDir, "extra-config.json"), JSON.stringify(state.extraConfig as any, null, 4)); });