"use strict"; var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.stopSecureSwichRole = exports.startSecureSwitchRole = exports.deleteSecureSwitchRole = exports.setupSecureSwitchRole = exports.makeDirs = void 0; const is_reachable_1 = __importDefault(require("is-reachable")); const runCmd_1 = require("../../../helpers/runCmd"); const logging_1 = require("../../../logging"); const constants_1 = require("../../../constants"); const systemStateContainer_1 = require("../../../state/systemStateContainer"); const SURICATA_CONTAINER_NAME = `PLINTERNAL_${constants_1.ServerRoleType.SECURE_SWITCH_APPLIANCE}_surciata`; const SURICATA_IMAGE_NAME = "docker.io/jasonish/suricata:latest@sha256:01e8d513beb284c8738ce0fbd98a8e95d202f1e27a04c15b00c1c61c3a2b8fdc"; const EVEBOX_CONTAINER_NAME = `PLINTERNAL_${constants_1.ServerRoleType.SECURE_SWITCH_APPLIANCE}_evebox`; const EVEBOX_IMAGE_NAME = "docker.io/jasonish/evebox:latest@sha256:c133c313867c431877efd8a76d78d9083d9fbcea6e8e862cb203ffded71802bb"; const makeDirs = async () => { await (0, runCmd_1.runCmd)("mkdir", ["-pv", "/sineware/data/server/secure_switch"]); await (0, runCmd_1.runCmd)("mkdir", ["-pv", "/sineware/data/server/secure_switch/logs"]); await (0, runCmd_1.runCmd)("mkdir", ["-pv", "/sineware/data/server/secure_switch/rules"]); await (0, runCmd_1.runCmd)("mkdir", ["-pv", "/sineware/data/server/secure_switch/etc"]); await (0, runCmd_1.runCmd)("mkdir", ["-pv", "/sineware/data/server/secure_switch/evebox"]); }; exports.makeDirs = makeDirs; function generateMACAddress() { const hexDigits = "0123456789ABCDEF"; let macAddress = "52:54:00"; // Using the QEMU VM OUI space for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (i % 2 === 0) macAddress += ":"; macAddress += hexDigits.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * 16)); } return macAddress; } // this function creates the podman container SURIATA_CONTAINER_NAME async function setupSecureSwitchRole() { logging_1.log.info("[Server] [SecureSwitch] Setting up Suricata container..."); await (0, exports.makeDirs)(); let suricataExists = false; try { await (0, runCmd_1.runCmd)("podman", ["inspect", SURICATA_CONTAINER_NAME]); logging_1.log.info("[Server] [SecureSwitch] Suricata container already exists!"); suricataExists = true; } catch (e) { logging_1.log.info("[Server] [SecureSwitch] Suricata container does not exist, creating..."); // create but don't start the container /* docker run --rm -it --net=host \ --cap-add=net_admin --cap-add=net_raw --cap-add=sys_nice \ jasonish/suricata:latest -i */ await (0, runCmd_1.runCmd)("podman", [ "create", "--name", SURICATA_CONTAINER_NAME, "--net=host", "--cap-add=net_admin", "--cap-add=net_raw", "--cap-add=sys_nice", "-v", "/sineware/data/server/secure_switch/logs:/var/log/suricata", "-v", "/sineware/data/server/secure_switch/rules:/var/lib/suricata", "-v", "/sineware/data/server/secure_switch/etc:/etc/suricata", SURICATA_IMAGE_NAME, "-q", "0" // runs on nfqueue 0, set in setup-bridge.sh ], true, 3600000); // generate a linux MAC Address for the bridge using the following format: 00:00:00:00:00:00 if (systemStateContainer_1.state.extraConfig.server_roles.secure_switch.config.bridge_mac === "") { const bridgeMac = generateMACAddress(); logging_1.log.info("[Server] [SecureSwitch] Generated MAC Address for bridge: " + bridgeMac); systemStateContainer_1.state.extraConfig.server_roles.secure_switch.config.bridge_mac = bridgeMac; } else { logging_1.log.info("[Server] [SecureSwitch] Using existing MAC Address for bridge: " + systemStateContainer_1.state.extraConfig.server_roles.secure_switch.config.bridge_mac); } } // create evebox container try { await (0, runCmd_1.runCmd)("podman", ["inspect", EVEBOX_CONTAINER_NAME]); logging_1.log.info("[Server] [SecureSwitch] Evebox container already exists!"); } catch (e) { logging_1.log.info("[Server] [SecureSwitch] Evebox container does not exist, creating..."); await (0, runCmd_1.runCmd)("podman", [ "create", "--name", EVEBOX_CONTAINER_NAME, "-v", "/sineware/data/server/secure_switch/evebox:/var/lib/evebox", "-v", "/sineware/data/server/secure_switch/logs:/var/log/suricata", // listen on localhost only "-p", "", EVEBOX_IMAGE_NAME, "evebox", "server", "--datastore", "sqlite", "-D", "/var/lib/evebox", "--input", "/var/log/suricata/eve.json", "--port", "5636", "--host", "", "--no-auth" ], true, 3600000); } return true; } exports.setupSecureSwitchRole = setupSecureSwitchRole; async function deleteSecureSwitchRole() { logging_1.log.info("[Server] [SecureSwitch] Deleting Suricata container..."); try { await (0, runCmd_1.runCmd)("podman", ["stop", SURICATA_CONTAINER_NAME]); await (0, runCmd_1.runCmd)("podman", ["rm", SURICATA_CONTAINER_NAME]); } catch (e) { logging_1.log.error("[Server] [SecureSwitch] Failed to delete Suricata container: " + e.message); } } exports.deleteSecureSwitchRole = deleteSecureSwitchRole; async function startSecureSwitchRole() { // setup directories await (0, exports.makeDirs)(); // the bridge setup script is in /opt/prolinux-server/setup-bridge.sh logging_1.log.info("[Server] [SecureSwitch] Starting SecureSwitch Appliance Server Role..."); await (0, runCmd_1.runCmd)("/opt/prolinux-server/setup-bridge.sh", [systemStateContainer_1.state.extraConfig.server_roles.secure_switch.config.bridge_mac], true, 3600000); // the suricata container exists under the podman name PLINTERNAL_${ServerRoleType.SECURE_SWITCH_APPLIANCE}_surciata // check if it exists and start it let suricataExists = false; try { await (0, runCmd_1.runCmd)("podman", ["inspect", SURICATA_CONTAINER_NAME]); suricataExists = true; } catch (e) { logging_1.log.error("[Server] [SecureSwitch] Suricata container does not exist! Failed to start SecureSwitch Appliance Server Role: " + e.message); return; } if (suricataExists) { logging_1.log.info("[Server] [SecureSwitch] Starting Suricata container..."); // we need to check if the container image is the version specified in SURICATA_IMAGE_NAME. If it's not, wait for the network to come up using isReachable, then pull the new image and start the container const suricataVersion = await (0, runCmd_1.runCmd)("podman", ["inspect", "--format", "{{.ImageName}}", SURICATA_CONTAINER_NAME], true); if (suricataVersion.trim() !== SURICATA_IMAGE_NAME) { // check if the network is up or timeout after 1 minute logging_1.log.info("[Server] [SecureSwitch] Post-update, pulling new Suricata image..."); logging_1.log.info("Waiting for network to come up..."); let networkUp = false; for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) { networkUp = await (0, is_reachable_1.default)("update.sineware.ca"); if (networkUp) { logging_1.log.info("Network is up!"); break; } logging_1.log.info("Network is down, retrying in 10 seconds..."); await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 10000)); } await (0, runCmd_1.runCmd)("podman", ["pull", SURICATA_IMAGE_NAME], true, 3600000); // delete the old container and run setupSuricataContainer again await (0, runCmd_1.runCmd)("podman", ["rm", SURICATA_CONTAINER_NAME], true); if (await setupSecureSwitchRole()) { await (0, runCmd_1.runCmd)("podman", ["start", SURICATA_CONTAINER_NAME], true); await (0, runCmd_1.runCmd)("podman", ["start", EVEBOX_CONTAINER_NAME], true); } await (0, runCmd_1.runCmd)("podman", ["exec", SURICATA_CONTAINER_NAME, "suricata-update", "-f"], true, 3600000); } else { await (0, runCmd_1.runCmd)("podman", ["rm", SURICATA_CONTAINER_NAME], true); if (await setupSecureSwitchRole()) { await (0, runCmd_1.runCmd)("podman", ["start", SURICATA_CONTAINER_NAME], true); await (0, runCmd_1.runCmd)("podman", ["start", EVEBOX_CONTAINER_NAME], true); } } // logrotate await (0, runCmd_1.runCmd)("podman", ["exec", SURICATA_CONTAINER_NAME, "logrotate", "/etc/logrotate.d/suricata"], true, 3600000); setInterval(async () => { await (0, runCmd_1.runCmd)("podman", ["exec", SURICATA_CONTAINER_NAME, "logrotate", "/etc/logrotate.d/suricata"], true, 3600000); }, 86400000); // suricata-update setInterval(async () => { await (0, runCmd_1.runCmd)("podman", ["exec", SURICATA_CONTAINER_NAME, "suricata-update", "-f"], true, 3600000); }, 7200000); } } exports.startSecureSwitchRole = startSecureSwitchRole; async function stopSecureSwichRole() { } exports.stopSecureSwichRole = stopSecureSwichRole; //# sourceMappingURL=secureSwitchRole.js.map