// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Janet Black // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Joshua Goins // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later #include "utils/texthandler.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; static const auto fsi = QStringLiteral("\u2068"); static const auto pdi = QStringLiteral("\u2069"); static const auto lineSeparator = QStringLiteral("\u2028"); QString TextHandler::fixBidirectionality(const QString &html, const QFont &font) { QTextDocument doc; doc.setHtml(html); doc.setDefaultFont(font); // transform mentions into isolates // this causes mentions to effectively be treated as opaque and non-text for // the purposes of the bidirectionality algorithim, which is how users expect // them to behave // pt 1 of 475043 fix for (auto block = doc.begin(); block != doc.end(); block = block.next()) { for (auto fragment = block.begin(); fragment != block.end(); ++fragment) { auto it = fragment.fragment(); if (it.charFormat().isAnchor() && it.text().startsWith(QStringLiteral("@"))) { QTextCursor curs(&doc); curs.setPosition(it.position(), QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); curs.setPosition(it.position() + it.length(), QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); curs.insertText(fsi + it.text() + pdi); } // while we're iterating through fragments we might as well set the kirigami // link colour here if (it.charFormat().isAnchor()) { QTextCursor curs(&doc); curs.setPosition(it.position(), QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); curs.setPosition(it.position() + it.length(), QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); } } } // split apart
into different text blocks // so that different spans can have different layout directions // better matching bidirectionality behaviour that users are expecting // pt 2 of 475043 fix for (auto cursor = doc.find(lineSeparator); !cursor.isNull(); cursor = doc.find(lineSeparator, cursor)) { cursor.insertBlock(); } return doc.toHtml(); } QPair> TextHandler::removeStandaloneTags(QString contentHtml) { // Finally, find the "standalone tags" for the post, so we can display them separately. // These usually appear in the last paragraph or so. We also do some extra processing to ensure there aren't blank lines left over. QList standaloneTags; // Find the last

const qsizetype lastBreak = contentHtml.lastIndexOf(QStringLiteral("
")); qsizetype lastParagraphBegin = contentHtml.lastIndexOf(QStringLiteral("

")); if (lastBreak > lastParagraphBegin) { lastParagraphBegin = lastBreak; } // Catch all the tags in the last paragraph of the post, but only if they are not surrounded by text { const qsizetype lastParagraphEnd = contentHtml.lastIndexOf(QStringLiteral("

")); const QString lastParagraph = contentHtml.mid(lastParagraphBegin, lastParagraphEnd - contentHtml.length()); QList possibleTags; QString possibleLastParagraph = lastParagraph; auto matchIterator = TextRegex::hashtagExp.globalMatch(possibleLastParagraph); while (matchIterator.hasNext()) { const QRegularExpressionMatch match = matchIterator.next(); possibleTags.push_back(match.captured(1)); possibleLastParagraph.replace(match.captured(0), QStringLiteral("")); } // If this paragraph is truly extraneous, then we can take its tags, otherwise skip. const auto extraneousIterator = TextRegex::extraneousParagraphExp.globalMatch(possibleLastParagraph); if (extraneousIterator.hasNext()) { contentHtml.replace(lastParagraph, possibleLastParagraph); standaloneTags = possibleTags; } } // Ensure we remove any remaining
's which will mess up the spacing in a post. // Example: "

Yosemite Valley reflections with rock

" { auto matchIterator = TextRegex::extraneousBreakExp.globalMatch(contentHtml); while (matchIterator.hasNext()) { const QRegularExpressionMatch match = matchIterator.next(); contentHtml.replace(match.captured(1), QStringLiteral("")); } } // Ensure we remove any empty

's which will mess up the spacing in a post. // Example: "

Boris Karloff (again) as Imhotep

" { auto matchIterator = TextRegex::extraneousParagraphExp.globalMatch(contentHtml); while (matchIterator.hasNext()) { const QRegularExpressionMatch match = matchIterator.next(); contentHtml.replace(match.captured(1), QStringLiteral("")); } } return {contentHtml, standaloneTags}; } QString TextHandler::replaceCustomEmojis(const QList &emojis, const QString &source) { QString processed = source; for (const auto &emoji : emojis) { processed.replace(QStringLiteral(":%1:").arg(emoji.shortcode), QStringLiteral("").arg(emoji.url)); } return processed; } bool TextHandler::isPostUrl(const QString &url) { // Check if the URL is behind HTTPs, that's a good indicator as any. if (!url.contains(QStringLiteral("https"))) { return false; } // Then check if the URL is especially Mastodon-like. static QRegularExpression mastodonRegex(QStringLiteral("(/@\\w*)/+(\\d*)")); const auto match = mastodonRegex.match(url); // There are 3 capture groups, first is the global. Second is the username, third is the post id. if (match.hasMatch() && match.capturedTexts().length() == 3) { return true; } // TODO: create regex to better whittle down these cases: // Pleroma/Akkoma/Misskey if (url.contains(QStringLiteral("/notes/"))) { return true; } // Pixelfed if (url.contains(QStringLiteral("/p/"))) { return true; } return false; } void TextHandler::forceRefreshTextDocument(QQuickTextDocument *textDocument, QQuickItem *item) { // HACK: Workaround bug QTBUG 93281, only applies to <6.7 #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 7, 0) connect(textDocument->textDocument(), SIGNAL(imagesLoaded()), item, SLOT(updateWholeDocument())); #else Q_UNUSED(textDocument) Q_UNUSED(item) #endif } QString TextHandler::getRelativeDateTime(const QDateTime &dateTime) { const auto current = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); const auto secsTo = dateTime.secsTo(current); if (secsTo < 0) { return i18n("in the future"); } else if (secsTo < 60) { return i18n("%1s", qCeil(secsTo)); } else if (secsTo < 60 * 60) { return i18n("%1m", qCeil(secsTo / 60)); } else if (secsTo < 60 * 60 * 24) { return i18n("%1h", qCeil(secsTo / (60 * 60))); } else { return getRelativeDate(dateTime.date()); } } QString TextHandler::getRelativeDate(const QDate &dateTime) { const auto current = QDate::currentDate(); const auto daysTo = dateTime.daysTo(current); if (daysTo == 0) { return i18n("Today"); } else if (daysTo < 7) { return i18n("%1d", qCeil(daysTo)); } else if (daysTo < 365) { const auto weeksTo = qCeil(daysTo / 7); if (weeksTo < 5) { return i18np("1 week ago", "%1 weeks ago", weeksTo); } else { const auto monthsTo = qCeil(daysTo / 30); return i18np("1 month ago", "%1 months ago", monthsTo); } } else { const auto yearsTo = qCeil(daysTo / 365); return i18np("1 year ago", "%1 years ago", yearsTo); } } std::optional TextHandler::getNextLink(const QString &linkText) { const auto match = TextRegex::nextLink.match(linkText); if (match.isValid() && !match.captured(1).isEmpty()) { return QUrl::fromUserInput(match.captured(1)); } return std::nullopt; } std::optional TextHandler::getPrevLink(const QString &linkText) { const auto match = TextRegex::prevLink.match(linkText); if (match.isValid() && !match.captured(1).isEmpty()) { return QUrl::fromUserInput(match.captured(1)); } return std::nullopt; } #include "moc_texthandler.cpp"