sbi DDRD, led ;connect LED to PORTD pin 6 ;* Main program ;* This part will let the LED go on and off by X ;* Register variables .equ X =10;enter delaytime X sbi PORTD, led ;LED on ldi temp, X ;X sec delay rcall longDelay cbi PORTD, led ;LED off ldi temp, X ;X sec delay rcall longDelay rjmp flash ;another run /* other tests */ .org LARGEBOOTSTART ; the following sets up RAMPZ:Z to point to a FLASH data object, typically ; for use with ELPM. ldi ZL,low(cmdtable *2) ldi ZH,high(cmdtable *2) .if((cmdtable *2)>65535) ldi r16,1 sts RAMPZ, r16 .endif ; more code follows here .db"foo",0x0 .db"Hello\n"// is equivalent to: .db'H','e','l','l','o','\\','n' .db'\0','\177','\xff' .db"\nx\rx\ax\bx\fx\tx\vx\\x\0000\xfff\0\1" 0b10_111_2 0xaf3_40_1232_32$32_3 .macro m ldi@0,@1 .endm m r16,\0 #defineTEST\ .IFval\ .DW__TIME__\ .ELSE\ .DW1\ .ENDIF #defiTEST