/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Marco Martin SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 as QQC2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import QtQuick.Window 2.1 import org.kde.config // KAuthorized import org.kde.kcmutils // KCMLauncher import org.kde.plasma.components 3.0 as PlasmaComponents3 import org.kde.plasma.extras 2.0 as PlasmaExtras import org.kde.milou 0.3 as Milou import org.kde.krunner.private.view import org.kde.kirigami 2.20 as Kirigami ColumnLayout { id: root property string query property string singleRunner property bool showHistory: false property string priorSearch: "" property alias runnerManager: results.runnerManager LayoutMirroring.enabled: Qt.application.layoutDirection === Qt.RightToLeft LayoutMirroring.childrenInherit: true function isKeyUp(event) { return event.key === Qt.Key_Up || (event.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier && event.key === Qt.Key_K) } function isKeyDown(event) { return event.key === Qt.Key_Down || (event.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier && event.key === Qt.Key_J) } // Spacing needs to be 0 to not make the last spacer item add a fake margin spacing: 0 Connections { target: runnerWindow function onHistoryBehaviorChanged() { runnerManager.historyEnabled = runnerWindow.historyBehavior !== HistoryBehavior.Disabled } function onActivityChanged(activity) { runnerManager.setHistoryEnvironmentIdentifier(activity) } } Component.onCompleted: { runnerManager.historyEnabled = runnerWindow.historyBehavior !== HistoryBehavior.Disabled } onQueryChanged: { queryField.text = query; } Connections { target: runnerWindow function onVisibleChanged() { if (runnerWindow.visible) { queryField.forceActiveFocus(); listView.currentIndex = -1 if (runnerWindow.retainPriorSearch) { // If we manually specified a query(D-Bus invocation) we don't want to retain the prior search if (!query) { queryField.text = priorSearch queryField.select(root.query.length, 0) } } } else { if (runnerWindow.retainPriorSearch) { priorSearch = root.query } root.singleRunner = "" root.query = "" fadedTextCompletion.text = ""; root.showHistory = false } } } Connections { target: root function onShowHistoryChanged() { if (showHistory) { // we store 50 entries in the history but only show 20 in the UI so it doesn't get too huge listView.model = runnerManager.history.slice(0, 20) } else { listView.model = [] } } } RowLayout { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop PlasmaComponents3.ToolButton { icon.name: "configure" onClicked: { runnerWindow.visible = false KCMLauncher.open("plasma/kcms/desktop/kcm_krunnersettings") } Accessible.name: i18n("Configure") Accessible.description: i18n("Configure KRunner Behavior") visible: KAuthorized.authorizeControlModule("kcm_krunnersettings") PlasmaComponents3.ToolTip { text: i18n("Configure KRunner…") } } PlasmaComponents3.ToolButton { visible: !!root.singleRunner icon.name: results.singleRunnerMetaData.iconName onClicked: () => { root.singleRunner = "" root.query = "" fadedTextCompletion.text = "" queryField.forceActiveFocus(); } checked: true Accessible.description: i18n("Showing only results from %1", results.singleRunnerMetaData.name) PlasmaComponents3.ToolTip { text: parent.Accessible.description } } PlasmaExtras.SearchField { id: queryField property bool allowCompletion: false Layout.minimumWidth: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 25 Layout.maximumWidth: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 25 activeFocusOnPress: true placeholderText: results.singleRunner ? i18nc("Textfield placeholder text, query specific KRunner plugin", "Search '%1'…", results.singleRunnerMetaData.name) : i18nc("Textfield placeholder text", "Search…") background.z: -2 // The fadedTextCompletion has -1, so it appears over the background QQC2.Label { id: fadedTextCompletion leftPadding: parent.leftPadding topPadding: parent.topPadding rightPadding: parent.rightPadding bottomPadding: parent.bottomPadding width: parent.width height: parent.height elide: Text.ElideRight opacity: 0.5 text: "" textFormat: Text.PlainText renderType: parent.renderType color: parent.color focus: false z: -1 } PlasmaComponents3.BusyIndicator { anchors { right: parent.right top: parent.top bottom: parent.bottom margins: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing rightMargin: height } Timer { id: queryTimer property bool queryDisplay: false running: results.querying repeat: true onRunningChanged: if (queryDisplay && !running) { queryDisplay = false } onTriggered: if (!queryDisplay) { queryDisplay = true } interval: 500 } running: queryTimer.queryDisplay } function move_up() { if (length === 0) { root.showHistory = true; } else if (results.count > 0) { results.decrementCurrentIndex(); } focusCurrentListView() } function move_down() { if (length === 0) { root.showHistory = true; } else if (results.count > 0) { results.incrementCurrentIndex(); } focusCurrentListView() } function focusCurrentListView() { if (listView.count > 0) { listView.forceActiveFocus(); } else if (results.count > 0) { results.forceActiveFocus(); } } onTextChanged: { root.query = queryField.text if (!allowCompletion || !root.query ) { // Clear suggestion in case it was disabled or the query is cleared fadedTextCompletion.text = "" } else if (runnerWindow.historyBehavior === HistoryBehavior.CompletionSuggestion) { fadedTextCompletion.text = runnerManager.getHistorySuggestion(text) } else if (length > 0 && runnerWindow.historyBehavior === HistoryBehavior.ImmediateCompletion) { var oldText = text var suggestedText = runnerManager.getHistorySuggestion(text); if (suggestedText.length > 0) { text = text + suggestedText.substr(oldText.length) select(text.length, oldText.length) } } } Keys.onPressed: event => { allowCompletion = (event.key !== Qt.Key_Backspace && event.key !== Qt.Key_Delete) // We only need to handle the Key_End case, the first item is focused by default if (event.key === Qt.Key_End && results.count > 0 && cursorPosition === text.length) { results.currentIndex = results.count - 1 event.accepted = true; focusCurrentListView() } if (runnerWindow.historyBehavior === HistoryBehavior.CompletionSuggestion && fadedTextCompletion.text.length > 0 && cursorPosition === text.length && event.key === Qt.Key_Right ) { queryField.text = fadedTextCompletion.text fadedTextCompletion.text = "" event.accepted = true } if (queryField.text.length === 0 && (isKeyUp(event) || isKeyDown(event))) { event.accepted = true root.showHistory = true; focusCurrentListView() } !event.accepted && results.navigationKeyHandler(event) } Keys.onTabPressed: event => { if (runnerWindow.historyBehavior === HistoryBehavior.CompletionSuggestion) { if (fadedTextCompletion.text && queryField.text !== fadedTextCompletion.text) { queryField.text = fadedTextCompletion.text fadedTextCompletion.text = "" } else { event.accepted = false } } } function closeOrRun(event) { // Close KRunner if no text was typed and enter was pressed, FEATURE: 211225 if (!root.query) { runnerWindow.visible = false } else { results.runCurrentIndex(event) } } Keys.onEnterPressed: event => closeOrRun(event) Keys.onReturnPressed: event => closeOrRun(event) Keys.onEscapePressed: { runnerWindow.visible = false } Kirigami.Icon { anchors { right: parent.right rightMargin: 6 // from PlasmaStyle TextFieldStyle verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } // match clear button width: Math.max(parent.height * 0.8, Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.small) height: width source: "expand" visible: queryField.length === 0 && runnerManager.historyEnabled MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onPressed: { root.showHistory = !root.showHistory if (root.showHistory) { listView.forceActiveFocus(); // is the history list } else { queryField.forceActiveFocus(); } } } } } PlasmaComponents3.ToolButton { visible: runnerWindow.helpEnabled checkable: true checked: root.query.startsWith("?") // Reset if out quers starts with "?", otherwise set it to "?" onClicked: root.query = root.query.startsWith("?") ? "" : "?" icon.name: "question" Accessible.name: i18n("Show Usage Help") Accessible.description: i18n("Show Usage Help") PlasmaComponents3.ToolTip { text: i18n("Show Usage Help") } } PlasmaComponents3.ToolButton { checkable: true checked: runnerWindow.pinned onToggled: runnerWindow.pinned = checked icon.name: "window-pin" Accessible.name: i18n("Pin") Accessible.description: i18n("Pin Search") PlasmaComponents3.ToolTip { text: i18n("Keep Open") } } } PlasmaComponents3.ScrollView { visible: results.count > 0 enabled: visible Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.maximumHeight: Math.max(listView.contentHeight, results.contentHeight) // This replaces the ColumnLayout spacing Layout.topMargin: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing Milou.ResultsView { id: results queryString: root.query queryField: queryField singleRunner: root.singleRunner Keys.onEscapePressed: { runnerWindow.visible = false } onActivated: { if (!runnerWindow.pinned) { runnerWindow.visible = false } } onUpdateQueryString: (text, cursorPosition) => { queryField.text = text queryField.select(cursorPosition, root.query.length) queryField.focus = true; } } } PlasmaComponents3.ScrollView { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.maximumHeight: listView.contentHeight // This replaces the ColumnLayout spacing Layout.topMargin: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing visible: root.query.length === 0 && listView.count > 0 // don't accept keyboard input when not visible so the keys propagate to the other list enabled: visible ListView { id: listView // needs this id so the delegate can access it keyNavigationWraps: true highlight: PlasmaExtras.Highlight {} highlightMoveDuration: 0 activeFocusOnTab: true model: [] reuseItems: true delegate: Milou.ResultDelegate { id: resultDelegate width: listView.width typeText: index === 0 ? i18n("Recent Queries") : "" additionalActions: [{ iconSource: "list-remove-symbolic", text: i18n("Remove") }] Accessible.description: i18n("Recent Queries") } onActiveFocusChanged: { if (!activeFocus && currentIndex == listView.count-1) { currentIndex = 0; } } Keys.onReturnPressed: runCurrentIndex(event) Keys.onEnterPressed: runCurrentIndex(event) Keys.onTabPressed: { if (currentIndex == listView.count-1) { listView.nextItemInFocusChain(true).forceActiveFocus(); } else { incrementCurrentIndex() } } Keys.onBacktabPressed: { if (currentIndex == 0) { listView.nextItemInFocusChain(false).forceActiveFocus(); } else { decrementCurrentIndex() } } Keys.onPressed: event => { if (isKeyUp(event)) { decrementCurrentIndex(); } else if (isKeyDown(event)) { incrementCurrentIndex(); } else if (event.text !== "" && !event.accepted) { // This prevents unprintable control characters from being inserted if (event.key == Qt.Key_Escape) { root.showHistory = false } else if (!/[\x00-\x1F\x7F]/.test(event.text)) { queryField.text += event.text; } queryField.focus = true; } } Keys.onUpPressed: decrementCurrentIndex() Keys.onDownPressed: incrementCurrentIndex() function runCurrentIndex(event) { var entry = runnerManager.history[currentIndex] if (entry) { // If user presses Shift+Return to invoke an action, invoke the first runner action if (event && event.modifiers === Qt.ShiftModifier && currentItem.additionalActions && currentItem.additionalActions.length > 0) { runAction(0); return } queryField.text = entry queryField.forceActiveFocus(); } } function runAction(actionIndex) { if (actionIndex === 0) { // QStringList changes just reset the model, so we'll remember the index and set it again var currentIndex = listView.currentIndex runnerManager.removeFromHistory(currentIndex) model = runnerManager.history listView.currentIndex = currentIndex } } } } // to align the layout to the top of any pending space in the view Item { Layout.fillHeight: true } }