/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010 Andriy Rysin SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "xkb_rules.h" #include "config-workspace.h" #include "debug.h" #include #include #include static QString translate_xml_item(const QString &itemText) { if (itemText.isEmpty()) { // i18n warns on empty input strings return itemText; } // messages are already extracted from the source XML files by xkb // the characters '<' and '>' (but not '"') are HTML-escaped in the xkeyboard-config translation files, so we need to convert them before/after looking up // the translation note that we cannot use QString::toHtmlEscaped() here because that would convert '"' as well QString msgid(itemText); return i18nd("xkeyboard-config", msgid.replace(QLatin1String("<"), QLatin1String("<")).replace(QLatin1String(">"), QLatin1String(">")).toUtf8()) .replace(QLatin1String("<"), QLatin1String("<")) .replace(QLatin1String(">"), QLatin1String(">")); } template static QString translate_description(T item) { return item.description.isEmpty() ? item.name : translate_xml_item(item.description); } template static bool notEmpty(const T &item) { return !item.name.isEmpty(); } template void removeEmptyItems(QList &list) { QMutableListIterator it(list); while (it.hasNext()) { T t = it.next(); if (!notEmpty(t)) { it.remove(); } } } static void postProcess(Rules &rules) { // TODO remove elements with empty names to safeguard us removeEmptyItems(rules.layoutInfos); removeEmptyItems(rules.modelInfos); removeEmptyItems(rules.optionGroupInfos); // bindtextdomain("xkeyboard-config", LOCALE_DIR); for (ModelInfo &modelInfo : rules.modelInfos) { modelInfo.vendor = translate_xml_item(modelInfo.vendor); modelInfo.description = translate_description(modelInfo); } for (LayoutInfo &layoutInfo : rules.layoutInfos) { layoutInfo.description = translate_description(layoutInfo); removeEmptyItems(layoutInfo.variantInfos); for (VariantInfo &variantInfo : layoutInfo.variantInfos) { variantInfo.description = translate_description(variantInfo); } } for (OptionGroupInfo &optionGroupInfo : rules.optionGroupInfos) { optionGroupInfo.description = translate_description(optionGroupInfo); removeEmptyItems(optionGroupInfo.optionInfos); for (OptionInfo &optionInfo : optionGroupInfo.optionInfos) { optionInfo.description = translate_description(optionInfo); } } } const char Rules::XKB_OPTION_GROUP_SEPARATOR = ':'; static void rxkbLogHandler(rxkb_context *context, rxkb_log_level priority, const char *format, va_list args) { Q_UNUSED(context) char buf[1024]; int length = std::vsnprintf(buf, 1023, format, args); while (length > 0 && std::isspace(buf[length - 1])) { --length; } if (length <= 0) { return; } switch (priority) { case RXKB_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG: qCDebug(KCM_KEYBOARD(), "XKB: %.*s", length, buf); break; case RXKB_LOG_LEVEL_INFO: qCInfo(KCM_KEYBOARD(), "XKB: %.*s", length, buf); break; case RXKB_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING: qCWarning(KCM_KEYBOARD(), "XKB: %.*s", length, buf); break; case RXKB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR: case RXKB_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL: default: qCCritical(KCM_KEYBOARD(), "XKB: %.*s", length, buf); break; } } Rules &Rules::self() { static Rules instance = readRules(); return instance; } Rules Rules::readRules() { rxkb_context *context = rxkb_context_new(RXKB_CONTEXT_LOAD_EXOTIC_RULES); if (!context) { qCDebug(KCM_KEYBOARD) << "Could not create xkb-registry context"; return {}; } rxkb_context_set_log_level(context, RXKB_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); rxkb_context_set_log_fn(context, &rxkbLogHandler); if (!rxkb_context_parse_default_ruleset(context)) { rxkb_context_unref(context); qCDebug(KCM_KEYBOARD) << "Could not parse xkb rules"; return {}; } Rules rules; rxkb_model *m = rxkb_model_first(context); while (m != nullptr) { rules.modelInfos << ModelInfo(rxkb_model_get_name(m), rxkb_model_get_description(m), rxkb_model_get_vendor(m)); m = rxkb_model_next(m); } for (rxkb_layout *l = rxkb_layout_first(context); l != nullptr; l = rxkb_layout_next(l)) { QStringList languages; for (rxkb_iso639_code *iso639 = rxkb_layout_get_iso639_first(l); iso639 != nullptr; iso639 = rxkb_iso639_code_next(iso639)) { languages << QString::fromUtf8(rxkb_iso639_code_get_code(iso639)); } const char *layoutName = rxkb_layout_get_name(l); const char *variant = rxkb_layout_get_variant(l); // Add new layout if (variant == nullptr) { LayoutInfo layout(layoutName, rxkb_layout_get_description(l)); layout.languages = languages; rules.layoutInfos << layout; continue; } // Find the layout and add the new variant auto layoutIt = std::find_if(rules.layoutInfos.rbegin(), rules.layoutInfos.rend(), [layoutName](const auto &info) { return info.name == layoutName; }); if (layoutIt != rules.layoutInfos.rend()) { VariantInfo v(variant, rxkb_layout_get_description(l)); v.languages = languages; layoutIt->variantInfos << v; } } rxkb_option_group *g = rxkb_option_group_first(context); while (g != nullptr) { OptionGroupInfo group(rxkb_option_group_get_name(g), rxkb_option_group_get_description(g), !rxkb_option_group_allows_multiple(g)); rxkb_option *o = rxkb_option_first(g); while (o != nullptr) { group.optionInfos << OptionInfo(rxkb_option_get_name(o), rxkb_option_get_description(o)); o = rxkb_option_next(o); } rules.optionGroupInfos << group; g = rxkb_option_group_next(g); } postProcess(rules); return rules; } bool LayoutInfo::isLanguageSupportedByLayout(const QString &lang) const { return languages.contains(lang) || isLanguageSupportedByVariants(lang); } bool LayoutInfo::isLanguageSupportedByVariants(const QString &lang) const { for (const VariantInfo &info : std::as_const(variantInfos)) { if (info.languages.contains(lang)) return true; } return false; } bool LayoutInfo::isLanguageSupportedByDefaultVariant(const QString &lang) const { if (languages.contains(lang)) return true; if (languages.empty() && isLanguageSupportedByVariants(lang)) return true; return false; } bool LayoutInfo::isLanguageSupportedByVariant(const VariantInfo *variantInfo, const QString &lang) const { if (variantInfo->languages.contains(lang)) return true; // if variant has no languages try to "inherit" them from layout if (variantInfo->languages.empty() && languages.contains(lang)) return true; return false; }