/* KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006 Lubos Lunak SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Christian Nitschkowski SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Andrew Shark SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "mousemark.h" #include "mousemarklogging.h" // KConfigSkeleton #include "mousemarkconfig.h" #include "core/rendertarget.h" #include "core/renderviewport.h" #include "effect/effecthandler.h" #include "opengl/glplatform.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace KWin { static consteval QPoint nullPoint() { return QPoint(-1, -1); } MouseMarkEffect::MouseMarkEffect() { MouseMarkConfig::instance(effects->config()); QAction *a = new QAction(this); a->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("ClearMouseMarks")); a->setText(i18n("Clear All Mouse Marks")); KGlobalAccel::self()->setDefaultShortcut(a, QList() << (Qt::SHIFT | Qt::META | Qt::Key_F11)); KGlobalAccel::self()->setShortcut(a, QList() << (Qt::SHIFT | Qt::META | Qt::Key_F11)); connect(a, &QAction::triggered, this, &MouseMarkEffect::clear); a = new QAction(this); a->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("ClearLastMouseMark")); a->setText(i18n("Clear Last Mouse Mark")); KGlobalAccel::self()->setDefaultShortcut(a, QList() << (Qt::SHIFT | Qt::META | Qt::Key_F12)); KGlobalAccel::self()->setShortcut(a, QList() << (Qt::SHIFT | Qt::META | Qt::Key_F12)); connect(a, &QAction::triggered, this, &MouseMarkEffect::clearLast); connect(effects, &EffectsHandler::mouseChanged, this, &MouseMarkEffect::slotMouseChanged); connect(effects, &EffectsHandler::screenLockingChanged, this, &MouseMarkEffect::screenLockingChanged); reconfigure(ReconfigureAll); arrow_tail = nullPoint(); } MouseMarkEffect::~MouseMarkEffect() { } static int width_2 = 1; void MouseMarkEffect::reconfigure(ReconfigureFlags) { m_freedraw_modifiers = Qt::KeyboardModifiers(); m_arrowdraw_modifiers = Qt::KeyboardModifiers(); MouseMarkConfig::self()->read(); width = MouseMarkConfig::lineWidth(); width_2 = width / 2; color = MouseMarkConfig::color(); color.setAlphaF(1.0); if (MouseMarkConfig::freedrawshift()) { m_freedraw_modifiers |= Qt::ShiftModifier; } if (MouseMarkConfig::freedrawalt()) { m_freedraw_modifiers |= Qt::AltModifier; } if (MouseMarkConfig::freedrawcontrol()) { m_freedraw_modifiers |= Qt::ControlModifier; } if (MouseMarkConfig::freedrawmeta()) { m_freedraw_modifiers |= Qt::MetaModifier; } if (MouseMarkConfig::arrowdrawshift()) { m_arrowdraw_modifiers |= Qt::ShiftModifier; } if (MouseMarkConfig::arrowdrawalt()) { m_arrowdraw_modifiers |= Qt::AltModifier; } if (MouseMarkConfig::arrowdrawcontrol()) { m_arrowdraw_modifiers |= Qt::ControlModifier; } if (MouseMarkConfig::arrowdrawmeta()) { m_arrowdraw_modifiers |= Qt::MetaModifier; } } void MouseMarkEffect::paintScreen(const RenderTarget &renderTarget, const RenderViewport &viewport, int mask, const QRegion ®ion, Output *screen) { effects->paintScreen(renderTarget, viewport, mask, region, screen); // paint normal screen if (marks.isEmpty() && drawing.isEmpty()) { return; } if (const auto context = effects->openglContext()) { if (!context->isOpenGLES()) { glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); glHint(GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_NICEST); } glLineWidth(width); GLVertexBuffer *vbo = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer(); vbo->reset(); const auto scale = viewport.scale(); ShaderBinder binder(ShaderTrait::UniformColor | ShaderTrait::TransformColorspace); binder.shader()->setUniform(GLShader::Mat4Uniform::ModelViewProjectionMatrix, viewport.projectionMatrix()); binder.shader()->setColorspaceUniforms(ColorDescription::sRGB, renderTarget.colorDescription(), RenderingIntent::Perceptual); binder.shader()->setUniform(GLShader::ColorUniform::Color, color); QList verts; for (const Mark &mark : std::as_const(marks)) { verts.clear(); verts.reserve(mark.size()); for (const QPointF &p : std::as_const(mark)) { verts.push_back(QVector2D(p.x() * scale, p.y() * scale)); } vbo->setVertices(verts); vbo->render(GL_LINE_STRIP); } if (!drawing.isEmpty()) { verts.clear(); verts.reserve(drawing.size()); for (const QPointF &p : std::as_const(drawing)) { verts.push_back(QVector2D(p.x() * scale, p.y() * scale)); } vbo->setVertices(verts); vbo->render(GL_LINE_STRIP); } glLineWidth(1.0); if (!context->isOpenGLES()) { glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); glDisable(GL_BLEND); } } else if (effects->compositingType() == QPainterCompositing) { QPainter *painter = effects->scenePainter(); painter->save(); QPen pen(color); pen.setWidth(width); painter->setPen(pen); for (const Mark &mark : std::as_const(marks)) { drawMark(painter, mark); } drawMark(painter, drawing); painter->restore(); } } void MouseMarkEffect::drawMark(QPainter *painter, const Mark &mark) { if (mark.count() <= 1) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < mark.count() - 1; ++i) { painter->drawLine(mark[i], mark[i + 1]); } } void MouseMarkEffect::slotMouseChanged(const QPointF &pos, const QPointF &, Qt::MouseButtons, Qt::MouseButtons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::KeyboardModifiers) { if (effects->isScreenLocked()) { return; } qCDebug(KWIN_MOUSEMARK) << "MouseChanged" << pos; if (modifiers == m_arrowdraw_modifiers && m_arrowdraw_modifiers != Qt::NoModifier) { // start/finish arrow if (arrow_tail != nullPoint()) { if (drawing.length() != 0) { clearLast(); // clear our arrow with tail at previous position } drawing = createArrow(pos, arrow_tail); effects->addRepaintFull(); return; } else { if (drawing.length() > 0) { // has unfinished freedraw right before arrowdraw marks.append(drawing); drawing.clear(); } arrow_tail = pos; } } else if (modifiers == m_freedraw_modifiers && m_freedraw_modifiers != Qt::NoModifier ) { // activated if (arrow_tail != nullPoint()) { arrow_tail = nullPoint(); // for the case when user started freedraw right after arrowdraw marks.append(drawing); drawing.clear(); } if (drawing.isEmpty()) { drawing.append(pos); } if (drawing.last() == pos) { return; } QPointF pos2 = drawing.last(); drawing.append(pos); QRect repaint = QRect(std::min(pos.x(), pos2.x()), std::min(pos.y(), pos2.y()), std::max(pos.x(), pos2.x()), std::max(pos.y(), pos2.y())); repaint.adjust(-width, -width, width, width); effects->addRepaint(repaint); } else { // neither freedraw, nor arrowdraw modifiers pressed, but mouse moved if (drawing.length() > 1) { marks.append(drawing); } drawing.clear(); arrow_tail = nullPoint(); } } void MouseMarkEffect::clear() { arrow_tail = nullPoint(); drawing.clear(); marks.clear(); effects->addRepaintFull(); } void MouseMarkEffect::clearLast() { if (drawing.length() > 1) { // just pressing a modifiers already create a drawing with 1 point (so not visible), treat it as non-existent drawing.clear(); effects->addRepaintFull(); } else if (!marks.isEmpty()) { marks.pop_back(); effects->addRepaintFull(); } } MouseMarkEffect::Mark MouseMarkEffect::createArrow(QPointF arrow_head, QPointF arrow_tail) { Mark ret; double angle = atan2((double)(arrow_tail.y() - arrow_head.y()), (double)(arrow_tail.x() - arrow_head.x())); // Arrow is made of connected lines. We make it's last point at tail, so freedraw can begin from the tail ret += arrow_head; ret += arrow_head + QPoint(50 * cos(angle + M_PI / 6), 50 * sin(angle + M_PI / 6)); // right one ret += arrow_head; ret += arrow_head + QPoint(50 * cos(angle - M_PI / 6), 50 * sin(angle - M_PI / 6)); // left one ret += arrow_head; ret += arrow_tail; return ret; } void MouseMarkEffect::screenLockingChanged(bool locked) { if (!marks.isEmpty() || !drawing.isEmpty()) { effects->addRepaintFull(); } } bool MouseMarkEffect::isActive() const { return (!marks.isEmpty() || !drawing.isEmpty()) && !effects->isScreenLocked(); } int MouseMarkEffect::requestedEffectChainPosition() const { return 10; } } // namespace #include "moc_mousemark.cpp"