/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2009 Erlend Hamberg SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011 Svyatoslav Kuzmich SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace KateVi; // BEGIN AppCommands AppCommands *AppCommands::m_instance = nullptr; AppCommands::AppCommands() : KTextEditor::Command({QStringLiteral("q"), QStringLiteral("qa"), QStringLiteral("qall"), QStringLiteral("q!"), QStringLiteral("qa!"), QStringLiteral("qall!"), QStringLiteral("w"), QStringLiteral("wq"), QStringLiteral("wa"), QStringLiteral("wqa"), QStringLiteral("x"), QStringLiteral("xa"), QStringLiteral("new"), QStringLiteral("vnew"), QStringLiteral("e"), QStringLiteral("edit"), QStringLiteral("enew"), QStringLiteral("sp"), QStringLiteral("split"), QStringLiteral("vs"), QStringLiteral("vsplit"), QStringLiteral("only"), QStringLiteral("tabe"), QStringLiteral("tabedit"), QStringLiteral("tabnew"), QStringLiteral("bd"), QStringLiteral("bdelete"), QStringLiteral("tabc"), QStringLiteral("tabclose"), QStringLiteral("clo"), QStringLiteral("close")}) , re_write(QStringLiteral("^w(a)?$")) , re_close(QStringLiteral("^bd(elete)?|tabc(lose)?$")) , re_quit(QStringLiteral("^(w)?q(a|all)?(!)?$")) , re_exit(QStringLiteral("^x(a)?$")) , re_edit(QStringLiteral("^e(dit)?|tabe(dit)?|tabnew$")) , re_tabedit(QStringLiteral("^tabe(dit)?|tabnew$")) , re_new(QStringLiteral("^(v)?new$")) , re_split(QStringLiteral("^sp(lit)?$")) , re_vsplit(QStringLiteral("^vs(plit)?$")) , re_vclose(QStringLiteral("^clo(se)?$")) , re_only(QStringLiteral("^on(ly)?$")) { } AppCommands::~AppCommands() { m_instance = nullptr; } bool AppCommands::exec(KTextEditor::View *view, const QString &cmd, QString &msg, const KTextEditor::Range &) { QStringList args(cmd.split(QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("\\s+")), Qt::SkipEmptyParts)); QString command(args.takeFirst()); KTextEditor::MainWindow *mainWin = view->mainWindow(); KTextEditor::Application *app = KTextEditor::Editor::instance()->application(); QRegularExpressionMatch match; if ((match = re_write.match(command)).hasMatch()) { // TODO: handle writing to specific file if (!match.captured(1).isEmpty()) { // [a]ll const auto docs = app->documents(); for (KTextEditor::Document *doc : docs) { doc->save(); } msg = i18n("All documents written to disk"); } else { view->document()->documentSave(); msg = i18n("Document written to disk"); } } // Other buffer commands are implemented by the KateFileTree plugin else if ((match = re_close.match(command)).hasMatch()) { QTimer::singleShot(0, view, [app, view]() { app->closeDocument(view->document()); }); } else if ((match = re_quit.match(command)).hasMatch()) { const bool save = !match.captured(1).isEmpty(); // :[w]q const bool allDocuments = !match.captured(2).isEmpty(); // :q[all] const bool doNotPromptForSave = !match.captured(3).isEmpty(); // :q[!] if (allDocuments) { if (save) { const auto docs = app->documents(); for (KTextEditor::Document *doc : docs) { doc->save(); } } if (doNotPromptForSave) { const auto docs = app->documents(); for (KTextEditor::Document *doc : docs) { if (doc->isModified()) { doc->setModified(false); } } } QTimer::singleShot(0, this, [this, app]() { closeDocuments(app->documents()); }); } else { if (save && view->document()->isModified()) { view->document()->documentSave(); } if (doNotPromptForSave) { view->document()->setModified(false); } if (mainWin->views().size() > 1) { QTimer::singleShot(0, this, &AppCommands::closeCurrentView); } else { Q_ASSERT(app->documents().size() > 0); QTimer::singleShot(0, this, &AppCommands::closeCurrentDocument); } } } else if ((match = re_exit.match(command)).hasMatch()) { if (!match.captured(1).isEmpty()) { // a[ll] const auto docs = app->documents(); for (KTextEditor::Document *doc : docs) { doc->save(); } QTimer::singleShot(0, this, &AppCommands::quit); } else { if (view->document()->isModified()) { view->document()->documentSave(); } if (app->documents().size() > 1) { QTimer::singleShot(0, this, &AppCommands::closeCurrentDocument); } else { QTimer::singleShot(0, this, &AppCommands::quit); } } } else if ((match = re_edit.match(command)).hasMatch()) { QString argument = args.join(QLatin1Char(' ')); if (argument.isEmpty() || argument == QLatin1String("!")) { if ((match = re_tabedit.match(command)).hasMatch()) { if (auto doc = app->openUrl(QUrl())) { QTimer::singleShot(0, [mainWin, doc]() { mainWin->activateView(doc); }); } } else { view->document()->documentReload(); } } else { QUrl base = view->document()->url(); QUrl url; QUrl arg2path(argument); if (base.isValid()) { // first try to use the same path as the current open document has url = QUrl(base.resolved(arg2path)); // resolved handles the case where the args is a relative path, and is the same as using QUrl(args) elsewise } else { // else use the cwd url = QUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDir::currentPath() + QLatin1Char('/')) .resolved(arg2path)); // + "/" is needed because of https://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/qt-interest-old/2011-May/033913.html } // either find existing document or just open it, openUrl will take care of non-existing files, too KTextEditor::Document *doc = app->findUrl(url); if (!doc) { doc = app->openUrl(url); } if (doc) { QTimer::singleShot(0, [mainWin, doc]() { mainWin->activateView(doc); }); } } // splitView() orientations are reversed from the usual editor convention. // 'vsplit' and 'vnew' use Qt::Horizontal to match vi and the Kate UI actions. } else if ((match = re_new.match(command)).hasMatch()) { if (match.captured(1) == QLatin1String("v")) { // vertical split mainWin->splitView(Qt::Horizontal); } else { // horizontal split mainWin->splitView(Qt::Vertical); } mainWin->openUrl(QUrl()); } else if (command == QLatin1String("enew")) { mainWin->openUrl(QUrl()); } else if ((match = re_split.match(command)).hasMatch()) { mainWin->splitView(Qt::Vertical); // see above } else if ((match = re_vsplit.match(command)).hasMatch()) { mainWin->splitView(Qt::Horizontal); } else if ((match = re_vclose.match(command)).hasMatch()) { QTimer::singleShot(0, this, &AppCommands::closeCurrentSplitView); } else if ((match = re_only.match(command)).hasMatch()) { QTimer::singleShot(0, this, &AppCommands::closeOtherSplitViews); } return true; } bool AppCommands::help(KTextEditor::View *view, const QString &cmd, QString &msg) { Q_UNUSED(view); if (re_write.match(cmd).hasMatch()) { msg = i18n( "

w/wa — write document(s) to disk

" "

Usage: w[a]

" "

Writes the current document(s) to disk. " "It can be called in two ways:
" " w — writes the current document to disk
" " wa — writes all documents to disk.

" "

If no file name is associated with the document, " "a file dialog will be shown.

"); return true; } else if (re_quit.match(cmd).hasMatch()) { msg = i18n( "

q/qa/wq/wqa — [write and] quit

" "

Usage: [w]q[a]

" "

Quits the application. If w is prepended, it also writes" " the document(s) to disk. This command " "can be called in several ways:
" " q — closes the current view.
" " qa — closes all views, effectively quitting the application.
" " wq — writes the current document to disk and closes its view.
" " wqa — writes all documents to disk and quits.

" "

In all cases, if the view being closed is the last view, the application quits. " "If no file name is associated with the document and it should be written to disk, " "a file dialog will be shown.

"); return true; } else if (re_exit.match(cmd).hasMatch()) { msg = i18n( "

x/xa — write and quit

" "

Usage: x[a]

" "

Saves document(s) and quits (exits). This command " "can be called in two ways:
" " x — closes the current view.
" " xa — closes all views, effectively quitting the application.

" "

In all cases, if the view being closed is the last view, the application quits. " "If no file name is associated with the document and it should be written to disk, " "a file dialog will be shown.

" "

Unlike the 'w' commands, this command only writes the document if it is modified." "

"); return true; } else if (re_split.match(cmd).hasMatch()) { msg = i18n( "

sp,split— Split horizontally the current view into two

" "

Usage: sp[lit]

" "

The result is two views on the same document.

"); return true; } else if (re_vsplit.match(cmd).hasMatch()) { msg = i18n( "

vs,vsplit— Split vertically the current view into two

" "

Usage: vs[plit]

" "

The result is two views on the same document.

"); return true; } else if (re_vclose.match(cmd).hasMatch()) { msg = i18n( "

clo[se]— Close the current view

" "

Usage: clo[se]

" "

After executing it, the current view will be closed.

"); return true; } else if (re_new.match(cmd).hasMatch()) { msg = i18n( "

[v]new — split view and create new document

" "

Usage: [v]new

" "

Splits the current view and opens a new document in the new view." " This command can be called in two ways:
" " new — splits the view horizontally and opens a new document.
" " vnew — splits the view vertically and opens a new document.
" "

"); return true; } else if (re_edit.match(cmd).hasMatch()) { msg = i18n( "

e[dit] — reload current document

" "

Usage: e[dit]

" "

Starts editing the current document again. This is useful to re-edit" " the current file, when it was modified on disk.

"); return true; } return false; } KTextEditor::View *AppCommands::findViewInDifferentSplitView(KTextEditor::MainWindow *window, KTextEditor::View *view) { const auto views = window->views(); for (auto it : views) { if (!window->viewsInSameSplitView(it, view)) { return it; } } return nullptr; } void AppCommands::closeDocuments(const QList &documents) { auto app = KTextEditor::Editor::instance()->application(); QTimer::singleShot(0, app, [app, documents]() { app->closeDocuments(documents); }); } void AppCommands::closeCurrentDocument() { auto app = KTextEditor::Editor::instance()->application(); auto mw = app->activeMainWindow(); if (auto view = mw->activeView()) { auto doc = view->document(); QTimer::singleShot(0, doc, [app, doc]() { app->closeDocument(doc); }); } } void AppCommands::closeCurrentView() { auto app = KTextEditor::Editor::instance()->application(); auto mw = app->activeMainWindow(); if (auto view = mw->activeView()) { mw->closeView(view); } } void AppCommands::closeCurrentSplitView() { auto app = KTextEditor::Editor::instance()->application(); auto mw = app->activeMainWindow(); if (auto view = mw->activeView()) { mw->closeSplitView(view); } } void AppCommands::closeOtherSplitViews() { auto app = KTextEditor::Editor::instance()->application(); auto mw = app->activeMainWindow(); if (auto view = mw->activeView()) { while (KTextEditor::View *viewToRemove = findViewInDifferentSplitView(mw, view)) { mw->closeSplitView(viewToRemove); } } } void AppCommands::quit() { KTextEditor::Editor::instance()->application()->quit(); } // END AppCommands // BEGIN KateViBufferCommand BufferCommands *BufferCommands::m_instance = nullptr; BufferCommands::BufferCommands() : KTextEditor::Command({QStringLiteral("ls"), QStringLiteral("b"), QStringLiteral("buffer"), QStringLiteral("bn"), QStringLiteral("bnext"), QStringLiteral("bp"), QStringLiteral("bprevious"), QStringLiteral("tabn"), QStringLiteral("tabnext"), QStringLiteral("tabp"), QStringLiteral("tabprevious"), QStringLiteral("bf"), QStringLiteral("bfirst"), QStringLiteral("bl"), QStringLiteral("blast"), QStringLiteral("tabf"), QStringLiteral("tabfirst"), QStringLiteral("tabl"), QStringLiteral("tablast")}) { } BufferCommands::~BufferCommands() { m_instance = nullptr; } bool BufferCommands::exec(KTextEditor::View *view, const QString &cmd, QString &, const KTextEditor::Range &) { // create list of args QStringList args(cmd.split(QLatin1Char(' '), Qt::KeepEmptyParts)); QString command = args.takeFirst(); // same as cmd if split failed QString argument = args.join(QLatin1Char(' ')); if (command == QLatin1String("ls")) { // TODO: open quickview } else if (command == QLatin1String("b") || command == QLatin1String("buffer")) { switchDocument(view, argument); } else if (command == QLatin1String("bp") || command == QLatin1String("bprevious")) { prevBuffer(view); } else if (command == QLatin1String("bn") || command == QLatin1String("bnext")) { nextBuffer(view); } else if (command == QLatin1String("bf") || command == QLatin1String("bfirst")) { firstBuffer(view); } else if (command == QLatin1String("bl") || command == QLatin1String("blast")) { lastBuffer(view); } else if (command == QLatin1String("tabn") || command == QLatin1String("tabnext")) { nextTab(view); } else if (command == QLatin1String("tabp") || command == QLatin1String("tabprevious")) { prevTab(view); } else if (command == QLatin1String("tabf") || command == QLatin1String("tabfirst")) { firstTab(view); } else if (command == QLatin1String("tabl") || command == QLatin1String("tablast")) { lastTab(view); } return true; } void BufferCommands::switchDocument(KTextEditor::View *view, const QString &address) { if (address.isEmpty()) { // no argument: switch to the previous document prevBuffer(view); return; } const int idx = address.toInt(); QList docs = documents(); if (idx > 0 && idx <= docs.size()) { // numerical argument: switch to the nth document activateDocument(view, docs.at(idx - 1)); } else { // string argument: switch to the given file KTextEditor::Document *doc = nullptr; for (KTextEditor::Document *it : docs) { if (it->documentName() == address) { doc = it; break; } } if (doc) { activateDocument(view, doc); } } } void BufferCommands::prevBuffer(KTextEditor::View *view) { const QList docs = documents(); const int idx = docs.indexOf(view->document()); if (idx > 0) { activateDocument(view, docs.at(idx - 1)); } else if (!docs.isEmpty()) { // wrap activateDocument(view, docs.last()); } } void BufferCommands::nextBuffer(KTextEditor::View *view) { QList docs = documents(); const int idx = docs.indexOf(view->document()); if (idx + 1 < docs.size()) { activateDocument(view, docs.at(idx + 1)); } else if (!docs.isEmpty()) { // wrap activateDocument(view, docs.first()); } } void BufferCommands::firstBuffer(KTextEditor::View *view) { auto docs = documents(); if (!docs.isEmpty()) { activateDocument(view, documents().at(0)); } } void BufferCommands::lastBuffer(KTextEditor::View *view) { auto docs = documents(); if (!docs.isEmpty()) { activateDocument(view, documents().last()); } } void BufferCommands::prevTab(KTextEditor::View *view) { prevBuffer(view); // TODO: implement properly, when interface is added } void BufferCommands::nextTab(KTextEditor::View *view) { nextBuffer(view); // TODO: implement properly, when interface is added } void BufferCommands::firstTab(KTextEditor::View *view) { firstBuffer(view); // TODO: implement properly, when interface is added } void BufferCommands::lastTab(KTextEditor::View *view) { lastBuffer(view); // TODO: implement properly, when interface is added } void BufferCommands::activateDocument(KTextEditor::View *view, KTextEditor::Document *doc) { KTextEditor::MainWindow *mainWindow = view->mainWindow(); QTimer::singleShot(0, [mainWindow, doc]() { mainWindow->activateView(doc); }); } QList BufferCommands::documents() { KTextEditor::Application *app = KTextEditor::Editor::instance()->application(); return app->documents(); } bool BufferCommands::help(KTextEditor::View * /*view*/, const QString &cmd, QString &msg) { if (cmd == QLatin1String("b") || cmd == QLatin1String("buffer")) { msg = i18n( "

b,buffer — Edit document N from the document list

" "

Usage: b[uffer] [N]

"); return true; } else if (cmd == QLatin1String("bp") || cmd == QLatin1String("bprevious") || cmd == QLatin1String("tabp") || cmd == QLatin1String("tabprevious")) { msg = i18n( "

bp,bprev — previous buffer

" "

Usage: bp[revious] [N]

" "

Goes to [N]th previous document (\"buffer\") in document list.

" "

[N] defaults to one.

" "

Wraps around the start of the document list.

"); return true; } else if (cmd == QLatin1String("bn") || cmd == QLatin1String("bnext") || cmd == QLatin1String("tabn") || cmd == QLatin1String("tabnext")) { msg = i18n( "

bn,bnext — switch to next document

" "

Usage: bn[ext] [N]

" "

Goes to [N]th next document (\"buffer\") in document list." "[N] defaults to one.

" "

Wraps around the end of the document list.

"); return true; } else if (cmd == QLatin1String("bf") || cmd == QLatin1String("bfirst") || cmd == QLatin1String("tabf") || cmd == QLatin1String("tabfirst")) { msg = i18n( "

bf,bfirst — first document

" "

Usage: bf[irst]

" "

Goes to the first document (\"buffer\") in document list.

"); return true; } else if (cmd == QLatin1String("bl") || cmd == QLatin1String("blast") || cmd == QLatin1String("tabl") || cmd == QLatin1String("tablast")) { msg = i18n( "

bl,blast — last document

" "

Usage: bl[ast]

" "

Goes to the last document (\"buffer\") in document list.

"); return true; } else if (cmd == QLatin1String("ls")) { msg = i18n( "


" "

list current buffers

"); } return false; } // END KateViBufferCommand